12 research outputs found


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    Since integration and globalization processes are accelerating in the world, the demand to internationalize education and studies increases as well as parameters of the activities of higher education institutions change. International competitive ability of European higher education area, international mobility and high level of university graduates’ employment as well as successful integration into international labour market are the main aims of Bologna process. Bologna declaration, various documents of conventions (European convention of higher education institutions, Salamanca) and communiqué documents (of Prague; Berlin; Bergen) related to the declaration devoted to the creation of common European Higher Education Area raise the necessity of higher education policy emphasizing internationalization, the conception of lifelong learning. The documents mentioned above emphasize the development of European dimensions and content internationalization in study programmes, training of a flexible, mobile, constantly improving and public active specialist who will integrate into the competitive labour market, mobility of the academic community and international cooperation. The development of intercultural competence becomes a more topical subject of the research taking globalization processes into consideration. That is why it is important to understand the influence of internationalization processes in the institution on the development of Master’s degree (MA) students’ intercultural competence through their experience gained in the study process. The aim of the research presented in this article is to discuss the influence of internationalization processes in the institution on the development of MA students’ intercultural competence. A scientific problem question raised in the research is how MA students telling their life story reveal the experience gained in the process of higher education internationalization which influenced the development of their intercultural competence

    Educational aspects of development of intercultural competence at higher education institutions in Lithuania and foreign countries in the context of master students experience

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    Successful teaching / learning process is related to favourable educational environment, motivation system and selected suitable teaching and assessment methods and strategies. It is necessary to provide favourable educational environment and different teaching and assessment methods and fonus for development of intercultural competence of master level students, taking into consideration the internationalization of higher education institutions (students mobility, internationalization at home strategies, internationalized study programmes). Developing of intercultural competence must involve experiential learning, problem based learning, cooperation based learning, reflexive learning, and cognitive learning strategies. In this article the educational peculiarities of development of intercultural competence are assessed and analysed with reference to master students' experiences of studies at Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions. The participants of the research reflected on different educational aspects which helped to develop their intercultural competence. The main aim of the research presented in this article is to analyze educational aspects of development of intercultural competence in Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions

    Competence Based Teaching and Evaluation Methods/Strategies Online

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    The theme of intercultural competence and its assessment is becoming more and more important because of globalisation processes. Globalisation links mean worldwide contacts among companies organisations therefore people need the ability to communicate in a successful way. In the article the possibilities of the measuring and assessment of the intercultural competence using ICT and the problem of it are discussed. Article analyses possible variations of competence based assessment strategies, techniques and educational tools. The importance of the competence based teaching and learning online in educational context is underlined. The structure, the assessment strategies and tools, methods of the intercultural competence are analyzed (direct and indirect tools of assessment, the competence files (portfolio), inventories, the reflective journals, interview, scenarios, simulation games etc.) that are orientated into the social, metacognitive competences, communication skills of the students, interactive communication, reflection, research, professional skill, creativity development and the evaluation at the same timeSocialinio darbo katedraVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta

    Tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos matavimo ir vertinimo patirtis edukologijoje

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    Pirmajame straipsnio skyriuje "Tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos modelis ir struktūra" pagrindžiamas tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos modelis, struktūra ir raida ugdymo bei mokymosi procese. Straipsnio autorės analizuoja kompetencijos ir tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos sampratas, struktūras, modelius bei siūlo papildyti tradiciškai pristatomą trinarę kompetencijos struktūrą (žinios, gebėjimai/įgūdžiai, nuostatos) Byram (1997), pasiūlyta tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos 4 dimensijų samprata ir Sercu (2004), Birenbaum (1996), išskiriamais metakognityviniais gebėjimais. Straipsnyje sudaromas apibendrintas tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos modelis, apimantis 5 elementus: (1) žinios, (2) nuostatos, (3) įgūdžiai interpretuoti ir susieti, įgūdžiai atrasti ir sąveikauti (4) kutūrinis sąmoningumas ir (5) metakognityviniai gebėjimai.[...]. Straipsnio išvadose pabrėžiama būtinybė ugdant ir vertinant tarpkultūrinę kompetenciją orientuotis į straipsnyje išskirtą tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos modelį, struktūrą ir dinamiką. Siūloma vertinime sukonstruoti kuo daugiau realių arba imituotų (dirbtinai sukonstruotų) tarpkultūrinių sąveikų ir susidūrimų, kad galėtų išryškėti ir būti įvertinta nuostatų ir asmenybės savybės raiška, refleksyvumo ir kultūrinio sąmoningumo lygiai, gebėjimai būtų taikymi realiose situacijose. Siekiant atlikti holistinį, visus kompetencijos komponentus aprėpiantį vertinimą pabrėžiamas tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos vertinimo metodų ir technikų derinimo ir trianguliacijos poreikis, kad būtų galima aprėpti kelis, o kartais ir daugumą tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos komponentų (pavyzdžiui, patirtinio mokymosi užsienyje derinimas su refleksyviais metodais – aplanku, refleksyviais dienoraščiais ir su inventarijais). [...]In the article the possibilities of measuring and assessment of intercultural competence, competence assessment strategies, techniques and educational tools are discussed. The importance of intercultural competence in an organizational and educational context is emphasized. The structure of intercultural competence, the expression means and the development models are discussed. Assessment strategies and methods of intercultural competence are analyzed (questionnaires, competence files (portfolio), inventories, reflective journals, interview, scenarios, analysis of critical incidents, simulation games etc.) that are orientated to developing students' communication professional skills and creativity at the same timeŠiaulių universiteta

    Complexity of means seeking for effective education of information skills in higher education

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    Information competence is becoming a core one seeking to develop other competences in a knowledge society. Higher education institutions, training specialists for work in a changing society, seek for effective education of students' information competence. The paper introduces a complex of institutional means, which were integrated in different programmes and in one year a pozitive change in the growth of students' information competence was noticed. This paper was written relying on Western researchers' scientific paper works analyzing the development of information competence, education of information skills in higher education, and the results of the research made under the project BIBLIONOVA on students' information skills

    Competence Based Teaching and Evaluation Methods/ Strategines Online : Analysis of Intercultural Communication course

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    In the article the possibilities of the measuring and assessment of the intercultural competence online and the problem of it are discussed. Article analyses possible variations of competence based assessment strategines, techniques and educational tools. The importance of the competence based teaching and learning online in education context is underlined.[...]Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta

    Tarptautiniam bendradarbiavimui reikalinga tyrimų kompetencija aukštojo mokslo ir rinkos internalizacijos sąlygomis

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    The article analyses the structure and expression of the research competence required for postgraduates for international cooperation as well as the features of this competence in the conditions of higher education, research and internationalisation of market. The article raises the following challenging question: what is the newly defined content of the research competence to be developed in higher education and the expression of its constituent elements with respect to the trends of the globalising labour market and higher education undergoing internationalisation? This aspect forms the essence of the scientific problem being solved in the article. The objective of the study is to identify and assess the structure and expression of the research competence required for postgraduates for international cooperation as well as the features of this competence in the conditions of higher education, research and internationalisation of market. The methods used during the study include literature analysis; data collection was carried out using a semi-standardised written survey; the data were processed using multivariate statistical techniques: factor analysis, cluster analysis, and correlation analysis. It was found during the study that postgraduates hardly differentiate components of the research competence required for international cooperation and consider underdeveloped the required for academic competencies international activities, while evaluating especially low active foreign language level. The theoretical and empirical analysis of the research competence required for international cooperation revealed different traditions of the interpretation of the research competence structure: the narrow and the broad concepts of competence