168 research outputs found

    Pressure Swing Adsorption Based Air Filtration/Purification Systems for NBC Collective Protection

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    The respiratory protection against chemical warfare agents (CWA) has become a worldwide security concern in light of the many recent international threats utilising CWA. Till date the carbon filtration was adequate to protect the soldiers from the threats of CWA. With the advent of further advancements in the CWA a new threat is looming large that is known as the carbon breakers. pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a well-established gas separation technique in air separation, gas drying, and hydrogen purification separation. Recently, PSA technology has been applied in the area of chem-bio defence by virtue of its unique advantages. This article reviews recent advances and developments in the field of PSA based purification, separation, and its use in defense sector. This emerging and advanced PSA technology can provide regenerative nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) collective protection for ground vehicles, aircraft, ships and shelters. This PSA technology challenges threat scenario developed which includes nerve, blood and blister agents, as well as a ā€œcarbon breakerā€ agent, and proved that this technology will be a viable concept for future NBC collective protection systems. New technological breakthroughs and greater sophistication of PSA technologies will transform the collective protection based PSA technology in real field sense, addressing the escalating threat of CWA. We conclude this review with future prospects and challenges associated with PSA technology

    Study of Liquid Phase Formation during the Sintering of Chromite Pellets and its Effect on the Properties of Pellets

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    For production of ferrochrome in submerged arc furnace (SAF), chromite ore is used in the form of lumps, briquettes and sintered pellets.The sintered pellets are preferred as a feed in SAF as it improves the furnace performance. During sintering of the green chromite pellets, bentonite reacts with silicate gangues in the chromite and forms the liquid phase which acts as a bin-der. The physical and metallurgical properties of the sintered pellets depend on the formation of liquid phase. The properties sintered pellets samples collected from the sintering plant were evaluated in the laboratory. The compressive strength of the samples varied significantly from 5 kg/pellet to 305 kg/pellet. The microstructure of the sintered pellets revealed that the porosity and form-ation of liquid phase affects the compressive strength of the pellets. In addition of this the oxidation of chromite grains during cooling of also influences the strength of the pellets and its metallurgical properties. The results of characterization studies are presented in this research work to relate the liquid phase formation and pellet properties for improved metallurgical applications

    A prospective study to compare the efficacy of vilazodone and escitalopram tablets in the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed major depressive disorder

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    Background: With the availability of large number of anti-depressant drugs, a thorough knowledge of comparative efficacy of the commonly used antidepressants is necessary to prescribe best drug molecule to the patient. This improves the compliance and therapeutic outcome. The aim of the study is to compare the efficacy of vilazodone and escitalopram in the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed major depressive disorder in a prospective study.Methods: 200 patients attending the psychiatry out-patient department diagnosed with major depressive disorder were assessed and enrolled into vilazodone 40 mg and escitalopram 20 mg treatment groups. Hamilton depression rating scale score (HDRS) was used to assess the severity of depression disorder at regular intervals.Results: Maximum cases were in the 21-30 age group and minimum cases in above 60 years age group. Males contributed maximum to number of depression cases with respect to females in both the treatment groups. Both escitalopram and vilazodone therapy group showed onset of improvementĀ Ā  at the end of 1st week. The efficacy of both treatment arms in reducing HDRS is comparable till 2nd week of treatment, but at 6th month vilazodone was more efficacious than escitalopram therapy.Ā Conclusions: Escitalopram tablet given once/twice daily is significantly effective in reducing HDRS score as early as 2nd week. At 6th month vilazodone tablet was more efficacious than escitalopram therapy. Vilazodone is safe with fewer adverse effects as compared to escitalopram.

    Activated Carbon Fabric: An Adsorbent Material for Chemical Protective Clothing

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    Activated carbon fabric or fiber (ACF) is a novel carbonaceous material with exceptionally high adsorption rate and larger adsorption capacity, that has emerged as a rising star in the field of adsorbents. ACF has many advantages over other commercial porous storage materials such as granular activated carbon and powdered activated carbon in terms of adsorption capacity, well defined microporous structure, stability, flexibility and ease of lamination to various substrates. In the last few years, activated carbon fabrics have gained greater choice of interest for use as an adsorbent material in several fields including nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection suit. Viscose rayon, acetate, polyacrylonitrile, pitch, and phenolic based materials are mainly used as precursors for preparation of ACF. ACF or fibres are generally prepared by process comprising stabilisation, carbonisation and activation of precursors. Reviews recent advances and developments in the field of ACF and their utility as an adsorbent material in various fields including NBC scenario. ACF with unmatchable pore structure and surface characteristics at present, with continued innovations and attention to its key challenges, it is expected that ACF will play a pivotal role in diverse environmental, defence, and civil applications

    Influence of shaking table process parameters on concentration of chromite plant tailings

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    Conventional chromite beneficiation plants of India discards large tonnage of chromite values as plant tailing. In the present investigation, a typical chromite beneficiation plant tailing of Sukinda region has investigated by using wet shaking table for the effective utilisation of the natural resource. In this context, the effect of different process variables such as wash water flow rate, deck tilt angle and feed flow rate has analysed. The interactional effects between different process variables has analysed in terms of 3D response surface plots. It was found that the Cr2O3 content has improved to 61.37% from a feed assaying 24.26%. It was envisaged that deck tilt angle has influence major on both grade and recovery of concentrate fraction of shaking table and in case of interactional effects, the interaction between deck tilt angle and feed flow rate has major influence compared to the others. Second order quadratic equations have developed for the prediction of grade and recovery of concentrate fraction of shaking table

    REFU: Redundant Execution with Idle Functional Units, Fault Tolerant GPGPU architecture

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    The General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) with energy efficient execution are increasingly used in wide range of applications due to high performance. These GPGPUs are fabricated with the cutting-edge technologies. Shrinking transistor feature size and aggressive voltage scaling has increased the susceptibility of devices to intrinsic and extrinsic noise leading to major reliability issues in the form of the transient faults. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the reliable operation of the GPGPUs in the presence of the transient faults. GPGPUs are designed for high throughput and execute the multiple threads in parallel, that brings a new challenge for the fault detection with minimum overheads across all threads. This paper proposes a new fault detection method called REFU, an architectural solution to detect the transient faults by temporal redundant re-execution of instructions using the idle functional execution units of the GPGPU. The performance of the REFU is evaluated with standard benchmarks, for fault free run across different workloads REFU shows mean performance overhead of 2%, average power overhead of 6%, and peak power overhead of 10%

    A Non aqueous Formulation for Efficient Detoxification of Chemical Weapons at Sub zero Temperatures

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    An effective decontamination methodology based on nucleophilic non-aqueous decontaminant has been developed against chemical weapons sulfur mustard and soman. This new formulation consists of non-aqueous solution of 2-aminoethanol (60%, w/v), potassium hydroxide (2%, w/v), and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (38 %, w/v) and detoxified more than 99 % of sulfur mustard and soman within a period of 30 min at -35 Ā°C. It was found to be operable over a wide range of temperatures starting from -35 Ā°C to +55 Ā°C without losing its fluidity and detoxicant efficiency at sub-zero temperatures promising hassle-free application against chemical weapons. It degrades sulfur mustard to divinyl sulfide and 2-chloroethyl vinyl sulfide and converted soman into O-pinacolyl Oā€™-(2-amino) ethyl methylphosphonate, which are relatively non toxic to humans. This formulation is environmentally benign, relatively non corrosive and has an improved capability to dissolve and decontaminate chemical weapons within 15 minutes at ambient conditions. This approach paves the way for efficient and rapid decontamination platform for chemical weapons and holds considerable promise for field application in near future


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    The present invention relates to a portable mini distillation apparatus for the production of essential oils arid hydrosols. This apparatus is useful to distill essential oils and hydrosols such as rose water, ajowain water from fresh and dried plant material like leaves, flowers, roots and rhizomes by water distillation, water & steam distillations and as an optional, steam distillation can also be performed at atmospheric pressure as well as slightly higher and lower than atmospheric pressure. This unit can be heated on brick-clay furnace with small agro-waste, LPG cooking gas, electrically heated stove or kerosene/diesel burner etc., and requires minimum attention during handling. Since the apparatus is made of stainless steel and glass, the essential oil distilled is of better quality than the oil distilled by glass Clevenger type apparatus used in the laboratory. A laboratory equipment used for distillation of essential oils is called Clevenger type apparatus as shown in Fig. 1 of the drawings accompanying this specification. Reference may be made to Clevenger type, J.F., Apparatus for the determination of volatile oil. J. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., 17, pp. 346(1928), wherein the apparatus (I) is attached to the spherical glass vessel (a) having charged with the plant material along with water in 1:2 ratio through opening (b) which is also used for discharging the mixture after process is complete. The whole system is put on a heating mantle (c), which has an energy regulator (d) for controlling the temperature. After few minutes, the material inside starts boiling. The vapours so formed are passed through a vertical condenser (e) through a long vertical glass tube (f). The cold water around the condenser tube is circulated through inlet (g) and outlet (h). The condensed distillate gets collected in a measuring tube (i) connected to the outlet of the condenser where an air outlet (j) open to atmosphere is placed. The volatile oil separates as an upper layer, from the distillate because of its density difference, as the oil is lighter than the water. A return tube (k), for recycling of aqueous part of the distillate, connects the bottom of the measuring tube (i) and vertical tube (f). The oil is collected at the outlet by opening the stop-cock valve (1). The major drawback of the apparatus is that it was designed to distillate the plant material by water distillation at normal atmospheric pressure only. There are some aromatic plant materials exclusively distilled by steam distillation method rather than water distillation, reason being that some of volatile constituents get hydrolysed due to the presence of excessive water in the vessel. The apparatus works neither on the principle of steam distillation nor on water & steam distillation technique. Clevenger type apparatus is generally restricted to laboratories for the essential oil estimation but cannot be used to produce the essential oil in higher quantities. Since the system is heated up with the help of electric mantle (c) only, with very small batch capacity of material charging vessel (a), long vertical glass tube (f) and condenser (e) are made up of glass which requires careful handling and can not be heated without electricity which is difficult for a marginal farmer with small land holdings in remote areas. The recovery and quality of the essential oil distilled in this glass Clevenger type apparatus is of inferior quality. The colour of the oil is generally lighter than the commercially distilled oil which is not recommended in the market. There are distillation units which are operated by Water & Steam distillation method. Water & Steam distillation method involves a distillation tank with a false bottom and with or without Calendria at the bottom, cohobation column at the top which is connected to the condenser and a distillate receiver. The plant material is charged from the charging hole and closed tightly. Prior to charging of plant material some fresh water is added to the tank and the precautions are to be taken to control the water level which should not touch the false bottom. The water level is maintained by recycling the distillate collected in the receiver to the tank or a continuous or batch-wise fresh water is supplied to the tank. The tank is heated by direct firing of the agro-waste from the hearth bellow. The purpose of this method is to reduce the effect of hydrolysis of essential oil which are get hydrolysed when they came in to continuous contact with excess water. After few minutes the water vapours starts .forming and extracts the essential oil from the plant material and carries it over to condenser where they are condensed to liquid distillate. The distillate is collected in a receiver where it is separated in to two fractions; one as an essential oil and other as a saturated water layer. The essential oil is separated, cleaned and then stored as per the recommended methods. The major drawbacks of the unit are that it can jiqt distill thejpj.ant material by Steam distillation. Some parts of the aromatic herbs such as cedar wood, sandel wood are preferably distilled by Steam distillation method to obtain better recoveries and quality. Also these units can not distill the plant material neither at reduced pressure nor at higher pressure since the system is opened to the atmospheric pressure and can not operated as a closed system. Being an industrial size these units can not be a portable systems and thus difficult to take them to the fields where the plant material is available in remote areas and distilling the fresh raw material is not possible in such a system which is one of the major parameter in affecting the quality of an essential oil. Being commercial scale units they requires more man power, operational costs etc., and the marginal farmers can not afford to purchase these industrial scale distillation units. The widely used hydrodistillation method in the essential oil industry is Steam distillation. The units used to perform the Steam distillation method merely consists of a distillation tank with a false bottom fixed at a certain height from the bottom of the tank. A spurger is provided below the false bottom which is connected to the industrial size boilers. The plant material is placed above the false bottom and then the lid is closed tightly by nut-bolts. Steam generated from the boiler is fed to the tank through the fixed steam spurger to commence the distillation. After few minutes the vapours starts forming which are taken to the vapour inlet of a shell and tube condenser which is connected to the vapour out let of the distillation tank at the top. The condensed liquid is collected in a receiver where the essential oil and distillate are separated. The major drawbacks of the unit are that it can not distill the plant material neither by Water distillation nor by Water & Steam distillation. Some parts of the aromatic herbs are preferably distilled by Water distillation method to obtain better recoveries and quality. Also these units can not distill the plant material neither at reduced pressure nor at higher pressure since the system is opened to the atmospheric pressure and can not operated as a closed system. Being an industrial size these units can not be a portable systems and thus difficult to take them to the fields wnere the plant material is available in remote areas and distilling the fresh raw material is not possible in such a system which is one of the major parameter in affecting the consistency in the quality of an essential oil. Being commercial scale units they requires more man power, operational costs etc., and the marginal farmers can not afford to purchase these industrial scale distillation units. Thus, apparatus, industrial scale units and the process mentioned above has one or the other major drawbacks like inferior oil quality, low oil recovery, low batch capacity, lack of Water distillation, Steam distillation and Water & Steam distillation facility, restricted mode of heating, unable to distill the plant material under vacuum and at higher pressures, difficulty in charging and discharging of plant materials because of narrow mouth and requires more attention during processing, more capital investment, operational cost. The main object of the present invention is to provide a simple, convenient, portable mini distillation apparatus for the production of essential oils and hydrosols, which obviates the drawbacks as detailed above. Another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the distillation of essential oils having capacity little higher than the laboratory scale apparatus to meet the needs of marginal farmers. Still another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the distillation of essential oils, if required, slightly at higher and lower pressures than atmospheric pressure. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the distillation of essential oil by water distillation, water & steam distillation and steam distillation on small scale. Another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the production of perfumed water from aromatic plant material at small scale. Still another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the production of distilled water from the tap water or natural sources for lab use or for other purpose. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide portable and convenient apparatus for effecting distillation even in the fields or remote farming areas. Another object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for the production of quality grade essential oils at house hold scale as a cottage industry to suit the marginal farmers/entrepreneurs who can not afford to install bigger capacity units. In fig. 2 of the drawings accompanying this specification, a schematic diagram of an embodiment of the apparatus of the present invention is shown. The present invention essentially consists of main parts such as a distillation vessel (1); a cohobation column (8), condenser (11) and oil retention column (13) with recycle line (16) connected to the cohobation column (8). Accordingly, the present invention provides a A portable mini distillation apparatus for the production of essential oils and hydrosols comprising one or more vessel(s)(l) having conventional means for heating internally/externally, the said vessel characterized in that a threaded rod (6) being fixed concentrically inside bottom of the said vessel(s) so as to allow vertical movement of a sieved false bottom(5,7), one or more steam spurger(s)(24) being provided between the said vessel bottom (2) and the said movable false bottom, the said vessel(s) being provided with removable fixed lid(s)(3) having a safety valve(s)(21), housing(20) for fixing pressure/vacuum/temperature guage and a vapour outlet(s)(9), the said vapour outlet(s) being connected to the inlet of one or more vertical cohobation column(s)(8), the outlet(s) of the said cohobation column(s) being fixed to the inlet(lO) of a conventional condenser(ll) provided with closeable vent(15), outlet(12) of the said condenser being detachably fixed by clamp(14) to a vertical receiver-cum-separator column(13) having a valve(18) controlled outlet(23), the bottom and middle of the said receiver-cum-separator column being provided with a plurality of valve(17,19) controlled recycling pipes (16) connected to the upper portion of the said L nation column (s). In an embodiment of the present invention, the vessel is heated internally by means of known electrical heating system and externally by any conventional/non-conventional beatings means. In another embodiment of the present invention, the vessel has a height to diameter ratio in the range of 0.5 to 1.5. In yet another embodiment of the present invention the vessel, cohobation column, condenser and recycling pipes are made up of metal such as stainless steel, copper, tin. In still another embodiment of the present invention the receiver-cum-separator column is made of glass, coated with transparent plastic or covered with an aluminum casing. In yet another embodiment of the present invention the closeable vent (15) of the condenser is optionally connected through a valve to a vacuum pump. The present portable mini distillation unit provides a simple, convenient, portable apparatus for the distillation of essential oils which comprises charging of aromatic plant material along with water in the ratio in the range of 1:0 to 1:2 in the vessel (1) through the charging hole, as described above and depicted in fig. 2, depending upon the type of the distillation process to be used. Place the gasket properly above the flange of the still, tighten the lid by quickfit joint (4) and attach the cohobation column (8), condenser (11) and glass tube (13) with the lid by tightening the union (9) after ensuring the proper setting of the gasket, place the whole system above the direct fired furnace/LPG burner/Kerosene or Diesel stove for heating the vessel (1). Fill the shell side of the condenser with water and the optimum water flow rate, for the total condensation, was maintained. Fill the oil retention glass tube (13) with water through air vent (15) at rear end of the condenser (11) until water starts flowing in to the cohobation column (8) through recycling line (16). The air vent (15) on the condenser (11) is opened throughout the process, if the plant material is to be distilled at atmospheric pressure and remain closed if the plant material is to be extracted under pressure. The valve (19) on the recycle line is kept opened throughout the process if essential oil only is to be distilled and remain closed if only perfumed distillate required. Now start heating the vessel (1) with any heating means mentioned above. Vapours start forming/ a few minutes later and enter to the condenser (11) through cohobation column (8) where they are condensed and collected in the glass tube. The essential oil in the distillate settles as an upper layer over the lower layer of water as the case may be. The aqueous part of the distillate is recycled, to the cohobation column (8) through the recycling line (16) if the essential oil is lighter than the water otherwise, it is recycled through the other pipe line shown in the fig. 2 as a dotted line. In order to recover the dissolved oil, the process is continued for 3 to 5 hr depending upon the type of plant material and distillation performed. After the completion of process, the essential oil is collected from the outlet (23) of glass tube (13) by opening the valve (18). The collected oil is measured and dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 filtered and then can be stored in aluminium bottles. The constructional features of an embodiment of the apparatusof the present invention are given below : A stainless steal (SS) - 304 vessel (1) having internal diameter (ID) = 325 mm, height = 325 mm with slightly curved bottom (2) and wide mouth ID = 325 mm for easier charging and discharging plant material is to be distilled, above which a conical lid (3) with base diameter =325 mm, vertical height = 150 mm, slant height = 210 mm to which a flange ID = 325 mm, outer diameter (OD) = 350 mm, is welded. The lid is attached to the vessel by a quick-fit joint (4). The material of construction (MOC) of lid (3) is stainless steel (SS) -304. A false bottom (5), 320 Ī¦, 2 mm thickness (thk.), with 2 Ī¦ holes in Ī”le pitch and 10 Ī¦ hole in the center to fit in the threaded SS rod (6) with 10 Ī¦ for adjusting up and down according to the plant material charged. A circular strip (7) ID = 315 mm, OD = 325 mm welded to the vessel at a height of 35 mm from the bottom end to hold the false bottom. At the top of conical lid (3), a stainless steel cohobation column (8) is fixed with the help of union (9). The cohobation column (8) ID = 50 mm up to at a height of 780 mm which is reduced to ID = 40 mm upto a length of 215 mm and slant height of the reducer is 40 mm. The outlet of the column, ID = 40 mm, is welded to a bend (10) having same ID. The bend is again welded to a stainless steel horizontal shell and tube 1-1 heat exchanger (condenser) (11) with ten number of SS


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    Complete Specification The present invention relates to a process for the extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth. The present invention relates to an essential oil with citronellol and rose oxides in high yield and other perfumery compounds obtained from a cold desert plant source Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth. The present invention also relates to a process for the extraction of essential oil from the plant source. BACKGROUND ART The generic name Dracocephalum Linn is derived from Greek words Drakon meaning dragon and Kephale meaning head referring to the appearance of the heads of the flowers. The genus Dracocephalum comprises about 50 species distributed in Northern Hemisphere i.e. Southern Europe, North America, North Africa and temperate Asia. Reference may be made to Hooker, J.D. Flora of British India, 1872-97 vol-4, 666, London. Another reference may be made to Bailey, L.H. 1976. Hortus Third (revised edition), MacMillan Co. NY. 398 D. heterophyllum is a native to western Himalaya and Tibet. Reference may be made to Hay, T. 1937. Gard. Chron. 101:203. It is one of the 8 species known so far from Indian subcontinent. D. heterophyllum has been reported from different parts of India including J & K, H.P., Uttaranchal and Sikkim Himalaya between the elevation of 3000-5200m. Reference may be made to Hooker, J.D. Flora of British India, 1872-97 vol-4, 666, London, another reference may be made to Anon., 1952, vol.-III, PID, New Delhi, yet another reference may be made to Hajra, P.K. and Balodi, Vipin 1995, Plant Wealth of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve BSI, Dehra Dun. pp.. 277. This plant has not yet been explained for any commercial utility. But on the basis of recent field studies it has been revealed that the crude extract of the plant is used in treating eye ailments like redness of eye, irritation and conjunctivitis of the native people of Spiti valley, HP. The same use has been reported earlier from Ladakh region of J&K reference may be made to Srivastava, T.N. and Gupta, O.P. 1982 in C.K. Atal and B.N. Kapur (eds.): Cultivation and utilization of medicinal plants PP-519. RRL Jammu. A literature survey on Dracocephalum shows that the essential oil of many species have been reported. Reference may be made to Ahmedi, L., Mirza, M. (2001). Volatile constituents of Dracocephallum aucheri Boiss.J. Essent. Oil Res., 13, 202. The result shows that there are remarkable differences in the major constituents. On the basis of major chemical constituents of Dracocephalum species, it can be divided into 5 major chemotypes 1) citral, geraniol type 2) p-mentha-1,8-diene-1 -ol, limonene type 3) 1,8-cineole, limonene, p-cymene type 4) Sabinene, germacene type and 5) Pinocamphone, b-pinene type. Reference may be made to Misra, L.N., Shawl, A.S. Raina, and V.K. (1988) Volatile constituents of Dracocephalum nutans. Planta Med. 53, 165. Keeping in view the significant chemical diversities in essential oil this genus, a detail study of the essential oil of D.heterophyllum is undertaken. However, some of the chemical constituents of the essential oils of this plant have been reported recently. Reference may be made to Lu-Man, Tian-Xuan, Lu-M, Tian-X, (1999), Analysis of essential oil of D. heterophyllum 34, 925. Recently, the plant material (whole plant) of D. heterophyllum has been collected from nature i.e. Shagtal-Gete (4400-4500m) and Kibber (4100-4200m) of Lahul-Spiti region in Himachal Pradesh in the month of August 2001. The study has been carried out to analyze its essential oil constituents and it is revealed that D. heterophyllum has an interesting chemo-rype containing highest content of citronellol and rose oxides. These yields are substantially higher than any other reported species of Dracocephalum and is designated 6th type of chemo-type and named it as citronellol, rose oxide type. Acclimatization process of this plant in ex-situ conditions i.e. in the experimental farm (under controlled condition) of the Institute at Palampur (1300m) has also been carried out to perform comparative studies of the essential oil this plant. In order to collect ethnobotanical, ecological and floristic field data from higher altitudes of western Himalaya, a field survey was conducted in Spiti valley of Lahul- Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, India in the month of August 2001. While conducting field surveys in the said area, some patches of D. heterophyllum Benth. were located near by Gete (4400-4500m) and Kibber (4100-4200m) Villages in Spiti valley. Population sampling of the same was carried out and simultaneously plant material (whole plant) was collected for chemical examination. The voucher The authenticity of the species was confirmed by way of matching with the specimens documented in the herbarium of Northern Circle, Botanical Survey of India (BSD) Dehra Dun. OBJECTS OF THE PRESENT INVENTION The main object of present invention is to discover a cold desert plant as a new source of essential oil. Another object of present invention is to identify/select D. heterophyllum as a new source of perfumery compounds of commercial significance. Still another object of present invention is the domestication and cultivation of this plant for essential oil production. Further object of present invention is to conduct the comparative studies of the essential oils of both wild and cultivated populations of D. heterophyllum so as to select the elite clones. Still another object of present invention is to discover a high yielding natural source of citronellol and rose oxides. Yet another object of present invention is to harness the potential of this natural plant resource for the economic benefits of the native people living in high mountains. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides an essential oil with citronellol and rose oxides in high yield and other perfumery compounds obtained from a cold desert plant source Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth. The present invention also relates to a process for the extraction of essential oil from the plant source. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, the present invention provides process for the extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth, wherein the said process comprising the steps of: [a] charging the said plant material with water in a preferable ratio of 1:2 in a round bottom flask attached to Clevenger type apparatus; [b] heating the plant material as obtained from step (a) to boiling temperature; [c] condensing the vapor to separate out the volatile oil from the upper layer of distillate to obtain the desired essential oil composition followed by measuring the quantity of the constituents thereof. An embodiment of the present invention, wherein the constituents of said essential oil are identified by Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectra (GCMS). Another embodiment of the present invention, wherein said oil content is a new commercial source for citronellol. Yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein said oil content is a new commercial source for cis and trans rose oxides. Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein said oil content is a new commercial source for citronellyl acetate, geranyl acetate and citronellyl iso-butyrate. Yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the yields of citronellol and rose oxide thus obtained are substantially higher than from any other Dracocephalum species. Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the chemo-type containing highest content of citronellol and rose oxides is designated as 6th type of chemo-type and named as citronellol, rose oxide type. Further embodiment of the present invention, wherein the essential oil yield from D. heterophyllum is about 0.45% on fresh wt. basis. The present invention also provides a process for the extraction of essential from a new plant source, Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth, said process comprising the steps of: (a) charging plant material with water in a round bottom flask attached to Clevenger type apparatus; (b) heating the plant material to a boiling temperature; (c) condensing the vapor to separate the volatile oil from the upper layer of distillate to obtain the essential oil; An embodiment of the present invention, a process wherein the essential oil yield from D. heterophyllum is about 0.45% on fresh wt. basis. Yet another embodiment of the present invention, a process wherein the plant material is selected from the whole plant. material is selected from the whole plant. Still another embodiment of the present invention, a process wherein the plant material is used obtained both from high altitude natural plants and from low altitude cultivated plants. Further embodiment of the present invention, wherein D. heterophyllum is cultivated in the experimental farm (under controlled condition) of the Institute at Palampur (13300m) and essential oil is distilled on Clevenger apparatus by hydrodistillation yield 0.4% on fresh wt. basis. Yet another embodiment of present invention, wherein the GCMS of the essential oils was carried out on Shimadzu instrument using CP Sil 8CB, non-polar column (5% phenyl polysiloxane), column length 30 mts (i.d. 0.25 mm) carrier gas helium, temperature programmed from 100Ā°C-250Ā°at the rate of 6Ā°C/min. EXAMPLE Method of extraction of essential oil 1kg of fresh plant material was charged along with water in 1:2 ratio in a 5 litre round bottom flash. This flash is attached to a Clevenger type apparatus and the whole system is put on heating mental and heated. After few minutes the material inside start boiling. The vapour so formed is condensed through condenser in Clevenger type apparatus. The condensed distillate get collected in a measuring tube, this process is continued for 3h and the volatile oil is separated from upper layer from the distillate because of its density difference, as oil is lighter than water and the quantity of oil is measured. ADVANTAGES The present invention will open new vistas in R&D leading to harness the potential of D. heterophyllum at commercial level by identifying an alternate promising source of two isomers cis and trans- rose oxides, the highly significant perfumery compounds in addition to rose and geranium oils. This plant contains highest percentage of citronellol among the known sources of Dracocephalum species and can be utilized as an alternate source of this compound. We claim; 1. A process for the extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth, wherein the said process comprising the steps of: [a] charging the said plant material with water in a preferable ratio of 1:2 in a round bottom flask attached to Clevenger type apparatus; [b] heating the plant material as obtained from step (a) to boiling temperature; [c] condensing the vapor to separate out the volatile oil from the upper layer of distillate to obtain the desired essential oil composition followed by measuring the quantity of the constituents thereof. 2. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the constituents of the essential oil are identified by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography Mass Spectra. 3. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the yield of the essential oil obtained is at least up to 0.45% on fresh weight basis. 4. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the plant material used is whole plant and obtained from both high altitude natural plant and low altitude new chemotype named as 6th type of citronellol-rose oxide type chemotype. 5. A process as claimed in claim 1, wherein the mixture of the isolated essential oil comprises in wt%: [a] cis-rose oxide (0.6-1.6 %), [b] trans-rose oxide (0.3-0.5%), [c] citronellal (2.5-6.7%), [d] citronellol (54.3-74.9%), [e] geranial (1.5-2.4%), [fj citronellyl acetate (6.7-21.6%), [g] neryl acetate (0.4-0.7%), [h] geranyl acetate (1.3-11.7%), [i] spathulenol (0.2-1.5%), [j] citronellyl-isobutyrate (0.3-0.8%), [k] citronellol formate (0-0.2%), [1] alpha-bourbonene (0-0.4%), [m] benzaldehyde (0-0.2%), [n] 6-methylheptanone (0-0.2%), [o] neral (0-1.2%), [p] alpha-pinene (0-0.5%), [q] beta-pinene (0-0.2%), [r] linalool (0-0.8%), [s] beta-farnesene (0-0.1%) and [t] delta-elemene (0-0.5%). 6. A process for the extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum heterophyllum benth substantially as herein described in the specification

    Prevalence and Genotypes of Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis in Large Ruminants of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, North India

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    Uttar Pradesh is the fourth largest, most populous and leading milk and meat producing state in India. Despite the huge livestock population, information on the status of paratuberculosis homogeneity and heterogeneity of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) isolates of eastern Uttar Pradesh is non-existent. Present study was aimed to estimate the presence of MAP in large ruminants (Cattle and Buffaloes) of eastern Uttar Pradesh. A total 108 fecal samples were collected from farmer's herds of large ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) from different geographical regions (Chandauli, Mughalsarai, Gazipur, and Naugarh) of eastern Uttar Pradesh and screened for the presence of MAP infection using microscopic examination, direct IS900 PCR and culture on Herrold egg yolk (HEY) medium. The isolates recovered on HEY medium were subjected to molecular identification and genotyping using IS900 PCR and IS1311 PCR-REA method, respectively. Of the 108 fecal samples, 25 (23.14%) and 11 (10.18%) samples were positive for the presence of acid-fast bacilli and growth on HEY medium, respectively. Species-wise, 17.5, 7.5% and 26.5, 11.7% fecal samples from cattle and buffaloes were found positive for the presence of acid-fast bacilli and growth on HEY medium, respectively. Isolates recovered on HEY medium with mycobactin J were positive for IS900 sequence and genotyped as Bison Type using IS1311 PCR-REA method. Present study is the first report on the presence of MAP infection and ā€˜Bison Type' genotype of MAP in eastern Uttar Pradesh. These findings will be useful for the intervention of effective control measures in order to reduce the prevalence of MAP infection in domestic livestock species and prevent its spread to the human population in the regions
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