415 research outputs found

    Will the Sustainable Development Goals address the links between poverty and the natural environment?

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    The relationships between the natural environment and poverty have been a central theme in the sustainability and development literatures. However, they have been less influential in mainstream international development and conservation policies, which often neglect or fail to adequately address these relationships. This paper examines how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may influence the framing of environment-poverty relationships. We argue that the SDGs’ comprehensive nature could provide an opportunity for better environment-poverty integration. To realise this potential, SDG-related activities will need to challenge the institutional status quo; transform how we measure, understand and implement development; design interventions that reflect local visions of development; make trade-offs between SDGs explicit; and address ultimate drivers of environmental degradation and poverty.Cambridge Humanities Research Gran

    Modal Sosial Petani Dan Produktivitas Kelapa Di Desa Sea Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aims to examine the social capital of farmers and coconut productivity in Sea Village, Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency. This research was conducted from July 2021 to April 2022. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through interviews, based on a questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained from the Sea Village office in the form of geographical conditions and socio-economic conditions of the community. The sample of this study were 30 farmers from a total population of 60 coconut farmers who were taken using purposive sampling method. The results showed that the social capital of coconut farmers in Sea Village, Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency was relatively high, based on the results of the study with an index of 75.86% and the tendency of productivity variables in the medium category with a percentage of 43.33% or as many as 13 coconut farmers


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    Character education must be instilled as early as possible when the child has begun to imitate the actions of the child's parents, starting to be directed to positive things that can be useful for him in society. A muslim is obliged to have the character of Islam as an identity to signify that he's a muslim. material character education in Islamic teaching by the family in Kampung Padas covers, religious character, the character of the moral, the character of the Al-Qur’an, and the character of the history of Islam. The implementation of character education has been started since young children with the use of print media such as books and electronics such as mobile phones and television, the methods used, among others, habituation, advice, motivation and punishment, the evaluation is also given by the family in Kampung Padas. The success of character education family teach rated quite well evidenced by children who are already able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their own. This study uses a qualitative method in which data collection using the method of observation, interview and documentation as well as supported by an opinion from the experts

    Analisis Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) untuk Pemodelan Penerimaan Sistem Jaringan Informasi Bersama Antar Sekolah (JIBAS)

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    Sistem Jaringan Informasi Bersama Antar Sekolah (JIBAS) merupakan sistem yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan institusi pendidikan. Dalam prakteknya, evaluasi sistem ini harus dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap teknologi tersebut. Evaluasi menggunakan konsep Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel yang memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap penerimaan aplikasi JIBAS menggunakan metode Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Total sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 51 responden yang meliputi guru maupun staff administrasi yang pernah berinteraksi dengan JIBAS. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari Perceived ease of use (PEOU), Perceived usefulnes (PU), Behavioral intention to use (BI), dan Actual System Use (AC).  Analisis PLS-SEM menghasilkan kesimpulan PEOU memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap variabel BI dan BI memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap AC. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari hasil analisis adalah peningkatan kemudahan aplikasi JIBAS (PEOU) akan berdampak kepada peningkatan perilaku penggunaan (BI) aplikasi JIBAS. Peningkatan perilaku penggunaan aplikasi akan berdampak juga terhadap peningkatan penggunaaan (AC) aplikasi JIBAS dalam pengelolaan institusi pendidikan

    The Conceptual Foundations of Strategic Development of the Bioeconomy in Ukraine

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    On the basis of the existing global problems (exhaustion of fossil resources, provision of food and medicines to constantly growing population, pollution of the environment, etc.), there is a need to search for alternatives to chemical raw materials and chemical technologies, replacing traditional production by using biotechnology, bioproduction and bioprocessing, resulting in the development of the bioeconomy. In this regard, this research is aimed at identifying the global tendencies in the development of bioeconomy and developing the Conception of the State strategy for the development of bioeconomy in Ukraine for the period up to 2030. We believe that development of bioeconomy should be based on the application of model of the State regulation on the principles of social partnership, as it will contribute to the efficient interaction of the main entities of economic system and provide a synergistic effect. On the basis of the carried out research of the world experience it is concluded that for acceleration of development of bioeconomy in Ukraine development of the State strategy of development of bioeconomy is necessary, the conceptual foundations of which are presented in this publication. The development and adoption of this Strategy will allow Ukraine to enter the international system of production of new knowledge and technologies


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    STARBOT (Smart Trash Can Robot) merupakan robot kotak sampah yang dapat bergerak secara otomatis berdasarkan perintah yang diberikan user dan akan bergerak menuju suatu ruangan yang telah ditentukan. Robot ini menggunakan otak pengoperasian Raspberry Pi dan dilengkapi dengan penangkap citra Webcam Logitech 270D yang dapat mengenali objek masing-masing ruangan dengan bentuk dan warna yang berbeda. Citra yang ditangkap oleh Webcam diproses menggunakan metode HSV. Nilai HSV didapatkan melalui proses sampling warna, konversi algoritma transformasi ruang warna secara perhitungan, dan simulasi menggunakan trackbar. Proses pengolahan citra yang ditangkap kamera juga memanfaatkan metode radius untuk menentukan jarak minimum antara tanda yang terdapat pada masing-masing ruangan dengan robot. Penggunaan metode HSV dipilih untuk mempermudah pendeteksian warna dalam berbagai kondisi baik dengan intensitas cahaya yang rendah maupun yang tinggi

    Implementasi Layanan Konseling Individu Terhadap Peningkatan Kepercayaan Diri Pada Siswa

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan agar dapat mengidentifikasi implementasi konseling individual untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa karena merasa insecure dan mengidentifikasi permasalahan apa saja yang terjadi ketika mengimplementasikan konseling individual di Kelas VIII-3 MTS Negeri 2 Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilaksanakan kepada guru BK di MTS Negeri 2 Medan. Dalam mengumpulkan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti, peneliti memakai beberapa metode untuk mengumpulkan informasinya di antaranya menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi, serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi layanan konseling individu sangat berperan penting dalam upaya meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa, karna melalui layanan konseling individu dapat menjadikan siswa lebih percaya diri

    Perencanaan Perlindungan Pantai Tanjung Nipah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Permasalahan yang terjadi pada wilayah pesisir Pantai Tanjung Nipah meliputi mundurnya garis pantai, sedimentasi pada Muara Sungai dan kerusakan konstruksi bangunan pengaman pantai eksisting berupa jetty. Permasalahan tersebut diakibatkan tingginya gelombang. Penyusunan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan dan merencanakan pengaman pantai yang tepat terhadap bahaya erosi dan pengendalian sedimentasi muara sungai di Pantai Tanjung Nipah. Wilayah pantai yang direncanakan yaitu sekitar 1,2 km termasuk area muara Sungai. Hasil analisis dari data angin yang diolah selama 23 tahun didapat angin dominan dari arah selatan dengan prosentase kejadian 29,43%. Tinggi gelombang pecah yang didapat dari gelombang representatif yaitu 0,6 m dan dari gelombang signifikan yaitu 2,1 m. Pengolahan data pasang surut menggunakan metode admiralty. Kemudian dilakukan pemodelan arus pantai dan pasang surut menggunakan aplikasi MIKE 21 Flow Model FM dan pemodelan Perubahan garis pantai menggunakan aplikasi GENESIS (Generalized Model For Simulating Shoreline Change). Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan dan pemodelan disimpulkan bahwa bangunan perlindungan pantai yang dipilih yaitu jetty dan breakwater. Jetty yang direncanakan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu pada sisi timur dengan kedalaman 0,8 m – 1,1 m dan 1,1 m – 1,8 m dan sisi barat dengan kedalaman 0,8 m – 1,1 m. Breakwater direncanakan total 5 buah dengan panjang masing-masing 50 m, jarak antar breakwater 100 m, dan jarak dari garis pantai 100 m

    Theoretical Grounds of Determination of the Essence of the Mechanism of Formation of the Consumption Value of a Commodity

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    The article considers essences of the “category”, “economic category” and “consumption value of a commodity” notions and proves the economic nature of the consumption value and offers authors’ own definition. In order to identify the essence of the “consumption value of a commodity” notion, the article systemises scientific approaches and it is considered from the point of view of the classical political economy, psychology and marketing. The article offers own definition of the consumption value of a commodity and also, on the basis of the specified notions of usefulness, quality and cost, it offers a generalised model of interaction of main factors of formation of the consumption value of a commodity. It develops a mechanism of formation of the consumption value of a commodity based on the value-oriented management and also taking into account differentiators of value and specific features of its components from the point of view of all participants of its creation
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