12 research outputs found

    Context and Individual Characteristics Modulate the Association between Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Social Behavior in Border Collies

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito, determinar cómo influye la estimulación temprana en el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en los estudiantes de 5 años de la I.E.I N° 250 El Tingo - Huasmín, durante el año 2018. Se trabajó con una muestra de 20 estudiantes de 5 años de educación inicial. El diseño de investigación adoptado es el diseño pre experimental de un sólo grupo con pre y post test, se empleó la observación como técnicas de recolección de datos, los instrumentos fueron la ficha de observación y test y al mismo tiempo se empleó el método inductivo deductivo. En los resultados se mejoró en las dimensiones de enhebrar hilos lográndose una mejora de 75% de nivel de logro esperado; en la dimensión de señala partes de su cuerpo en su imagen y otra persona se logró una ganancia de 90% de nivel de logro esperado, se infiere una mejora significativa, en el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad de los estudiantes de 5 años del nivel inicial. Las actividades de estimulación temprana que se aplica de manera afectiva y formativa mejora de manera significativa el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en los estudiantes de 5 años de edad de educación inicial.Trabajo de Investigació

    Context and Individual Characteristics Modulate the Association between Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Social Behavior in Border Collies

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    Recent studies suggest that the relationship between endogenous oxytocin and social affiliative behavior can be critically moderated by contextual and individual factors in humans. While oxytocin has been shown to influence human-directed affiliative behaviors in dogs, no study investigated yet how such factors moderate these effects. Our study aimed to investigate whether the context and the dogs’ individual characteristics moderate the associations between the social affiliative (greeting) behavior and four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene. We recorded the greeting behavior in three contexts: (1) when the dog first met an unfamiliar experimenter, (2) during a separation from the owner, and (3) after the experimenter approached the dog in a threatening manner. In the latter two contexts (during separation and after threatening), we categorized the dogs into stressed and non-stressed groups based on their behavior in the preceding situations. In line with previous studies, we found that polymorphisms in the OXTR gene are related to the greeting behavior of dogs. However, we also showed that the analyzed SNPs were associated with greeting in different contexts and in different individuals, suggesting that the four SNPs might be related to different functions of the oxytocin system. The -213A/G was associated with greeting only when the dog had no prior negative experience with the experimenter. The rs8679682 was found in association with greeting in all three contexts but these associations were significant only in non-stressed dogs. The -94T/C was associated with greeting only when the dog was stressed and had an interaction with the sex of the dog. The -74C/G SNP was associated with greeting only when the dog was stressed during separation and also had a sex interaction. Taken together, our results suggest that, similarly to humans, the effects of oxytocin on the dogs’ social behavior are not universal, but constrained by features of situations and individuals. Understanding these constraints helps further clarify how oxytocin mediates social behavior which, in the long run, could improve the application of oxytocin in pharmacotherapy

    Közösségekben a szerencsejáték-függőségről

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    Magasabb polipfelfedezési arány szűrő kolonoszkópia során a rutinvizsgálatokhoz képest

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    Bevezetés: A kolorektális tumor (CRC) nemcsak az emésztőtraktus leggyakoribb rosszindulatú daganatfélesége, hanem a fejlett országokban a magas incidencia és mortalitási arány következtében a vezető halálokok között szerepel. Mára felismertük, hogy ezen tumoroknak lassú a karcinogenezisük, így a CRC a jól szűrhető daganattípusok közé sorolható. 2019-ben hazánkban is elindult az országos szintű vastagbélszűrési program. Célkitűzés: Jelen vizsgálattal azt a célt tűztük ki, hogy összehasonlítsuk a CRC-szűrőprogramban részt vevők adatait a hasonló korcsoportú, de a programba nem bevont betegeink adataival. Betegek, módszerek: Retrospektíve vizsgáltuk a 2019. április 1. és december 31. közötti periódusban a CRC-szűrőprogramon keresztül kolonoszkópiára jelentkezők demográfiai adatait és a vastagbéltükrözés során talált polipok, adenomák és tumorok előfordulási gyakoriságát, összehasonlítva az azonos korcsoportba tartozó, a szűrőprogramban részt nem vevő betegek eredményeivel. Eredmények: A vizsgált időszakban 217 személy kolonoszkópos szűrése történt centrumunkban. Ugyanezen periódusban 1611 főnél végeztünk vastagbéltükrözést. Közülük 687-en tartoztak ugyanabba az 50-70 év közötti korcsportba, mint a szűrésbe bevontak. Ezen betegcsoportot tovább bontottuk két részre. Ki tudtunk emelni 71 olyan személyt, akiknél csak székletvér-pozitivitás képezte a vizsgálat indikációját (iFOB+ csoport). A fennmaradt 616 főt tekintettük reguláris csoportnak. A polipdetekciónk a CRC-szűréses csoportban 73,3% volt, szemben az iFOB+-ak 52,1%-os mutatóival. Adenoma tekintetében ezek a százalékok a CRC-szűrésben részt vevőknél 66,4%-ra, az iFOB+-oknál 46,5%-ra módosultak. A tumordetekciós arány a CRC-szűrésben részt vevőknél 5,5%, az iFOB+-oknál 2,8% volt. A reguláris csoportban a polipdetekció 38,8%-nak, a tumordetekció pedig 7,8%-nak bizonyult. Megbeszélés: Szignifikánsan magasabb polip- és adenomadetekciós arányokat találtunk a CRC-szűrésben részt vevőknél, mint az iFOB+ csoportban. Tumordetekció tekintetében nem volt szignifikáns kiugrás egyik csoportnál sem. Ezen eltérés okát keresve csak a vizsgálatokhoz használt endoszkópok felbontóképességében találtunk eltérést a különböző betegcsoportok között, a béltisztaságban, a coecumintubációs arányban, doktoraink teljesítményében szignifikáns különbség nem volt kimutatható. Következtetések: Úgy gondoljuk, hogy már ezen kezdeti eredményeink is rávilágítanak a kolorektális szűrőprogram fontosságára. A program hosszú távú folytatását és az adatok folyamatos nyomon követését feltétlen fontosnak tartjuk

    Magyarországi adatok a gyulladásos bélbetegségről, analitikai adatok a colitis ulcerosáról = Some Data on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in Hungary: Analytical Data on Ulcerative Colistis

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    A gyulladásos bélbetegségben érintett betegek növekvő száma és az új terápiás lehetőségek miatt jelentősen megnőtt az igény a standardizált adatok vizsgálatára. Magyarországon évek óta működik olyan betegregiszter, amelyben lehetőség van a gyulladásos bélbetegek adatainak prospektív gyűjtésére. Cél: Jelen dolgozatban a szerzők colitis ulcerosában szenvedő betegek jellemző adatait ismertetik. Módszerek: A regiszter a Microsoft Access adatbázis-kezelő programján működik. Az adatokat központi szerveren tárolják. Eredmények: Hazánkban is nő a gyulladásos bélbetegség gyakorisága – egyelőre az alacsony előfordulási gyakoriságú országok közé tartozunk. Míg az immunszupprimáló kezelésben nem részesülő betegek aktivitásának megbecslésében szerepe lehet a laboratóriumi paramétereknek és a C-reaktív fehérjének, addig az immunszupprimáló kezelés az aktivitás becslését rontja. Következtetések: 1. Hasznos lenne, ha az ország összes jelentős, gyulladásos bélbeteget gondozó munkahelye csatlakozna az adatközösséghez, és a folyamatos regisztrálással országos képet kaphatnánk. 2. A laboratóriumi paraméterek értékelésekor figyelembe kell venni a beteg aktuális kezelését. Prospective data collection seems to be essential in evidence-based medicine. Because of the new therapeutic options, the need for standard data collection and testing has significantly increased. In Hungary, a registry for patients with inflammatory bowel disease has already been set up, which makes it possible for clinicians to collect prospective data on their patients. Aim: Basic characteristics of the database of patients with ulcerative colitis are presented in this paper. Methods: The inflammatory bowel disease registry uses the programme of Microsoft Access database management system. Data are stored in a central server. Results: The incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases has been permanently increasing in Hungary; however, its overall prevalence is still low among the European countries. The frequent administration of immunosuppressive medications (azathioprine and corticosteroids) and their increased doses worsen the estimation of the activity. Conclusions: 1., It would be very useful to gain prospective data from all national centres. This kind of database would be able to give a complete picture regarding the Hungarian therapeutical practice. 2., Medications of patients may alter the clinical value of the laboratory findings in the process of determining the severity of the disease


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    <p>Variations in human infants' attachment behavior are associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene, suggesting a genetic component to infant-mother attachment. However, due to the genetic relatedness of infants and their mothers, it is difficult to separate the genetic effects of infants' OXTR genotype from the environmental effects of mothers' genotype possibly affecting their parental behavior. The apparent functional analogy between child-parent and dog-owner relationship, however, offers a way to disentangle the effects of these factors because pet dogs are not genetically related to their caregivers. In the present study we investigated whether single nucleotide polymorphisms of pet dogs' OXTR gene (−213AG,−94TC,−74CG) and their owners' OXTR gene (rs53576, rs1042778, rs2254298) are associated with components of dog-owner attachment. In order to investigate whether social-environmental effects modulate the potential genetic influence on attachment, dogs and their owners from two different countries (Austria and Hungary, N = 135 in total) were tested in a modified version of the Ainsworth Strange Situation Test (SST) and questionnaires were also used to collect information about owner personality and attachment style. We coded variables related to three components of attachment behavior in dogs: their sensitivity to the separation from and interaction with the owner (Attachment), stress caused by the unfamiliar environment (Anxiety), and their responsiveness to the stranger (Acceptance). We found that (1) dogs' behavior was significantly associated with polymorphisms in both dogs' and owners' OXTR gene, (2) SNPs in dogs' and owners' OXTR gene interactively influenced dog-human relationship, (3) dogs' attachment behavior was affected by the country of origin, and (4) it was related to their owners' personality as well as attachment style. Thus, the present study provides evidence, for the first time, that both genetic variation in the OXTR gene and various aspects of pet dogs' environmental background are associated with their attachment to their human caregivers.</p


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    <p>Variations in human infants' attachment behavior are associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene, suggesting a genetic component to infant-mother attachment. However, due to the genetic relatedness of infants and their mothers, it is difficult to separate the genetic effects of infants' OXTR genotype from the environmental effects of mothers' genotype possibly affecting their parental behavior. The apparent functional analogy between child-parent and dog-owner relationship, however, offers a way to disentangle the effects of these factors because pet dogs are not genetically related to their caregivers. In the present study we investigated whether single nucleotide polymorphisms of pet dogs' OXTR gene (−213AG,−94TC,−74CG) and their owners' OXTR gene (rs53576, rs1042778, rs2254298) are associated with components of dog-owner attachment. In order to investigate whether social-environmental effects modulate the potential genetic influence on attachment, dogs and their owners from two different countries (Austria and Hungary, N = 135 in total) were tested in a modified version of the Ainsworth Strange Situation Test (SST) and questionnaires were also used to collect information about owner personality and attachment style. We coded variables related to three components of attachment behavior in dogs: their sensitivity to the separation from and interaction with the owner (Attachment), stress caused by the unfamiliar environment (Anxiety), and their responsiveness to the stranger (Acceptance). We found that (1) dogs' behavior was significantly associated with polymorphisms in both dogs' and owners' OXTR gene, (2) SNPs in dogs' and owners' OXTR gene interactively influenced dog-human relationship, (3) dogs' attachment behavior was affected by the country of origin, and (4) it was related to their owners' personality as well as attachment style. Thus, the present study provides evidence, for the first time, that both genetic variation in the OXTR gene and various aspects of pet dogs' environmental background are associated with their attachment to their human caregivers.</p


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    <p>Variations in human infants' attachment behavior are associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene, suggesting a genetic component to infant-mother attachment. However, due to the genetic relatedness of infants and their mothers, it is difficult to separate the genetic effects of infants' OXTR genotype from the environmental effects of mothers' genotype possibly affecting their parental behavior. The apparent functional analogy between child-parent and dog-owner relationship, however, offers a way to disentangle the effects of these factors because pet dogs are not genetically related to their caregivers. In the present study we investigated whether single nucleotide polymorphisms of pet dogs' OXTR gene (−213AG,−94TC,−74CG) and their owners' OXTR gene (rs53576, rs1042778, rs2254298) are associated with components of dog-owner attachment. In order to investigate whether social-environmental effects modulate the potential genetic influence on attachment, dogs and their owners from two different countries (Austria and Hungary, N = 135 in total) were tested in a modified version of the Ainsworth Strange Situation Test (SST) and questionnaires were also used to collect information about owner personality and attachment style. We coded variables related to three components of attachment behavior in dogs: their sensitivity to the separation from and interaction with the owner (Attachment), stress caused by the unfamiliar environment (Anxiety), and their responsiveness to the stranger (Acceptance). We found that (1) dogs' behavior was significantly associated with polymorphisms in both dogs' and owners' OXTR gene, (2) SNPs in dogs' and owners' OXTR gene interactively influenced dog-human relationship, (3) dogs' attachment behavior was affected by the country of origin, and (4) it was related to their owners' personality as well as attachment style. Thus, the present study provides evidence, for the first time, that both genetic variation in the OXTR gene and various aspects of pet dogs' environmental background are associated with their attachment to their human caregivers.</p