26 research outputs found

    Analysis of the presence of phytomorphis in traditional Romanian art

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    The ornamental heritage of a culture denotes the essence of the existence of the people who represent it. The study was directed towards the analysis of the presence of phytomorphic motifs in Romanian traditional art, their identification and valorization, the analysis of their aesthetic presence in the objects resulting from traditional art

    Beneficiile utilizării materialelor autentice în predarea-învăţarea limbii engleze medicale

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    Background. Authentic materials are an essential tool for teaching and learning Medical English, being a stimulus for both teachers and students. Although many studies have proven their effectiveness, few studies have been conducted on the benefits of authentic materials in terms of EMP teaching. Objective of the study. This study was aimed to bring ideas for improving the communication skills of medical students from the perspective of using authentic materials, which show a higher degree of interest and relevance, thus reflecting the student’s specific needs. Material and Methods. The study provided questionnaires, initial and final tests to identify the needs of medical students, as well as effective strategies in teaching-learning EMP via authentic materials. The positive effect of MA on students' motivation was studied, which was particularly based on their professional interests. Results. The obtained results allowed determining the lacks of the current teaching and learning process at the level of EMP curriculum, course or lesson. Moreover, the assessment of the students’ specific needs enabled to improve the teaching strategies, being adapted according to the students' interests. Systematic observations made, during the teaching process, led to an increased active participation among students, as well as a higher level of voluntary attention, motivation and interest, quality of homework assessment, academic success etc. Conclusion. This study might encourage EMP teachers to adopt using authentic materials as a new teaching approach, which is far more effective than the traditional methods, thus being further implemented within the university curriculum. Introducere. Materialele autentice reprezintă o componentă esențială a unui curs de limbă engleză medicală, fiind un impuls nou atât pentru profesori, cât şi pentru studenți. Deși multe studii au dovedit eficienţa acestora, puține studii au examinat utilitatea materialelor autentice în contextul predării LEM. Scopul lucrării. Acest studiu oferă idei pentru îmbunătățirea abilităților de comunicare a studenţilor medicinişti din perspectiva utilizării materialelor autentice, care prezintă un grad înalt de interes şi relevanţă, reflectând nevoile specifice ale studentului. Material și Metode. În cadrul studiului, au fost utilizate chestionare, teste iniţiale şi finale pentru identificarea nevoilor studenţilor medicinişti şi a strategiilor eficiente de predare-învăţare a LEM prin intermediul materialelor autentice. A fost studiat efectul pozitiv al MA asupra motivației cursanţilor, în contextul unei învățări bazate pe domeniul intereselor lor. Rezultate. Rezultatele obţinute au contribuit la determinarea lacunelor procesului actual de predare-învăţare a LEM la nivel de curriculum, curs sau lecţie. De asemenea, evaluarea necesităţilor specifice ale studenţilor, a dus la o îmbunătăţire a strategiilor didactice, adaptate conform intereselor studenţilor. Observările sistematice efectuate în cadrul orelor de studiere a limbii engleze medicale, prin valorificarea şi exploatarea materialelor autentice, au determinat un grad mai înalt de implicare activă a studenţilor, creşterea nivelului atenţiei voluntare, motivaţiei şi a interesului sporit, calitatea pregătirii sarcinilor pentru acasă, reuşita academică etc. Concluzii. Acest studiu poate încuraja profesorii EMP să adopte utilizarea materialelor autentice ca o abordare metodologică mult mai eficientă decât metodele tradiţionale folosite, fapt care va crea premise pentru implementarea MA în cadrul curriculumului universitar

    Enhancing teaching medical English via digital resources

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Necesitatea de a cunoaște limba engleză medicală a crescut exponențial datorită globalizării tot mai accentuate a mobilității profesioniștilor din domeniul medical, precum și a necesității stringente de a îmbunătăți competențele lingvistice ale mediciniștilor și de a le dezvolta abilități de comunicare clinică. Acest articol prezintă un studiu care urmărește îmbunătățirea predării limbii engleze medicale prin utilizarea resurselor digitale. Scopul lucrării. Obiectivele studiului a fost de a investiga eficacitatea încorporării resurselor digitale în predarea limbii engleze medicale și de a explora impactul lor asupra rezultatelor învățării limbii în cadrul Disciplinei de limbă engleză la Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”. Materiale și metodele. Studiul a utilizat o abordare mixtă, incluzând metode de colectare a datelor atât cantitative, cât și calitative care au implicat dezvoltarea și implementarea de aplicații și platforme digitale pentru învățarea vocabularului nou, precum și evaluarea cunoștințelor în timpul lecțiilor. Acestea au inclus exerciții interactive, teste, aplicații și conținut multimedia pentru facilitarea învățării limbajului și îmbunătățirea înțelegerii terminologiei medicale, abilităților de comunicare și a discursului profesional. Rezultate. Prezentul studiu a demonstrat că integrarea resurselor digitale în predarea limbii engleze medicale a îmbunătățit semnificativ competențele lingvistice, încrederea și abilitățile generale de comunicare ale studenților. Participanții au raportat o implicare, motivare și învățare autodirijată sporite la utilizarea instrumentelor digitale. În plus, analiza calitativă a relevat că natura imersivă și interactivă a resurselor digitale a contribuit la o experiență de învățare mai autentică și realistă.Background. The demand for proficient medical English skills has grown exponentially due to increasing globalization and the mobility of medical professionals, as well as a stringent need to improve medical students’ language proficiency and enhance their clinical communication skills. This article presents a study aimed at enhancing the teaching of medical English through the use of digital resources. Objective of the study. Objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of incorporating digital resources in medical English instruction and to explore their impact on the language learning outcomes within English classes at Nicolae Testemiţanu University. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, including both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Materials and Methods. Materials and methods involved the development and implementation of comprehensive digital learning apps and platforms for learning new vocabulary and assessing the knowledge during the lesson. These included interactive exercises, quizzes, apps and multimedia content to facilitate language acquisition and enhance understanding of medical terminology, communication skills, and professional discourse. Results. The results of the study demonstrated that the integration of digital resources in teaching medical English significantly improved students’ language proficiency, confidence, and overall communication skills. The participants reported increased engagement, motivation, and self-directed learning when utilizing the digital tools. Additionally, qualitative analysis revealed that the immersive and interactive nature of the digital resources contributed to a more authentic and realistic learning experience

    Evaluation of the Keys from the Traditional Romanian Costume

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    The paper presents the result of the study focused on the analysis of the structural elements of the traditional Romanian costume - the join points called keys that ensure the processing of the edges of the components of the pieces of the traditional costume their combination and the increase of the artistic value The diversity aesthetic and technical complexity of the keys denotes the creativity and aesthetic taste of the creators In addition to the structural diversity of the keys the functional characteristics are equally representative of them Thus the last part of the study is directed to the evaluation of the durability of the keys demonstrating high strength and a long service life The study was done within the State Project 20 80009 0807 17 Education for the revitalization of the national cultural heritage through traditional processing technologies used in the Republic of Moldova in the context of multiculturalism diversity and European integration running at Technical University of Moldov

    Rhombus-meanings and interpretations

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    The Rhombus represents an ornamental element noted as a genesis with the Paleolithic period. It is a geometric motif with an archaic symbolistic charge, characterized by perenniality and cosmic sacredness, it was capitalized and integrated in all the elements of the environment of man. In this context, the objective of the study was directed towards presenting the multicriterial interpretation of this reason. On the one hand, the Rhombus has a special semantic value, varied in terms of chromatic diversity and of the forms it takes/ generates, and on the other hand, it is aimed at recording and fixing some valuable images of the objects bearing this decorative element. Distinguished by its wide use, The rhombus is found in its geometric sense as a singular element, in assemblies of motifs and geometric compositions integrated with other inscribed motifs, but also in free rendering that implies contour changes, proportions. Thus, the knowledge of the multiple values of the rhombus allows the revitalization of some compositions from the national folk art and the preservation of this old primary ornamental motif

    Traditional textile art from the Republic of Moldova in the context of the design of contemporary products

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    The paper presents the result of the study with reference to the analysis of the possibilities of aesthetic diversification of products through the prism of traditional textile art in the Republic of Moldova and ensuring the continuity of traditional values. Moldovan carpets are a source of inspiration for the visual arts, including major European fashion houses, furniture manufacturers, textile designers, interior designers, but also for private clients fascinated by their beauty. Elements taken from traditional carpets and transposed into tapestries that decorate interiors diversify and provide aesthetics: refinement, warmth, vibration, connection with eternity while ensuring the continuity of traditional values

    Applying UX/UI design in website creation

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    The paper presents the results of the study on the application of the principles of UX/UI design in ensuring the functionality of the website of interior decorations and household accessories. The layout of the site and the responsive design of an online store and the evaluation of the results using web analysis tools were made. The current principles in the field of UX/UI design and their use for the process of developing and promoting websites have been studied

    Communication with typographic products through satire and humor

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    Humor and satire are formidable tools in capturing interest in various printing products and promoting them: advertising products, book editions, leaflets, labels, packaging, etc. in correlation with their predestination. The humorous approach to the graphic solution of typographic products can be diversified using various style figures and techniques: allegory, metaphor, zoomorphy, exaggeration of human physical features, anachronism, etc. In order to identify their effectiveness, a case study was conducted

    Traditional Preparation of Baba Neagra, a Moldovan Culinary Treasure

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    It is known that food itself reflects the identity and culture of a region becoming an important component of local heritage Baba Neagra is an iconic dessert for Republic of Moldova which has been passed down from generation to generation to Moldovan housewives but forgotten by many especially restaurants In this sense the aim of the current study is to emphasize some technological and cultural aspects attached to Baba Neagra in Republic of Moldova The paper presents the full preparation of the Baba Neagra as it is traditionally carried out in north of Moldova and lists the main ingredient

    Analysis of the Identity Peculiarities of the Traditional Romanian Shirts from the Republic of Moldova

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    The traditional shirt blouse submitted in the traditional costume patrimony is one of the most important elements that is valued by artistic and symbolic valences attributed to the creators that told and still tell with the help of a single needle and thread their life stories aspirations explaining the connection between people and nature the divine Several terms are used concerning this garment identified as 8 Romanian shirt old shirt shirt Carpathian shirt The traditional costume is an expression of popular art which as Nicolae Iorga claims 8 is of the political and social substrate and is the most precious source of identity of the psychology of the Romanian peopl