9 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Pengetahuan Anemia dan Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) Sebelum dan Sesudah Pendidikan Kesehatan Melalui Media Video dan Aplikasi Quizlet

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    The problem of anemia in adolescent girls will have a negative impact on decreased learning concentration and later pregnancy. Based on data of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) in 2017, only 8% of young women answered correctly about the meaning of anemia and 23.4% answered they did not know about the cause of anemia. This study aims to determine differences in students knowledge about anemia and Tablets Added Blood (TTD) before and after health education through video media and Quizlet Applications. This research uses Quasi Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. The sampling technique used Stratified Random Sampling for the experimental group of 30 respondents and the control group of 30 respondents. The results of the T-Dependent and T-Independent tests showed that there were differences in students knowledge about anemia and Tablets Added Blood (TTD) before and after health education through video media and Quizlet Applications, with a Pvalue 0,000. It is expected that Health Center and Schools can work together in providing health education through video media and the Quizlet Application by holding a Healthy Friday Program and the Health Center can employ specialized human resources educated in Information Technology (IT) to develop video media and online-based applications


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    Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tinggi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah komplikasi pada saat kehamilan. Komplikasi tersebut dapat dideteksi pada kunjungan Antenatal Care (ANC). Berdasarkan data sekunder terdapat 98 orang ibu hamil trimester III melakukan kunjungan ANC. Sebanyak 76,53% (75 orang) tidak patuh kunjungan Antenatal Care K1-K3, dengan cakupan kunjungan ANC K2 sebesar 24%, K1 sebanyak 33,33% dan K3 sebanyak 42,66%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran ketidakpatuhan kunjungan Antenatal Care K1-K3 pada ibu hamil trimester III berdasarkan karakteristik individu. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain studi Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di BPS Siti Hawa,Amk,Am.Keb. Populasi dan sampel adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III yang tidak patuh kunjungan ANC K1-K3 sebanyak 75 ibu hamil. Teknik Pengambilan sampel menggunakan Total Sampling. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari buku KIA dan google maps. Hasil analisis menunjukkan proporsi tertinggi ketidakpatuhan kunjungan ANC pada ibu hamil umur < 20 tahun sebanyak 35 orang (46,67%), pendidikan rendah sebanyak 39 orang (52%), tidak bekerja sebanyak 51 orang (68%), multipara sebanyak 41 orang (56,67%) dan jarak dekat sebanyak 52 orang (69,33%). Jadi, ibu hamil yang berumur <20 tahun, pendidikan rendah, IRT, paritas multipara dan jarak rumah dekat kemungkinan lebih besar tidak patuh dalam melakukan kunjungan ANC K1-K3 di trimester III

    Relationship between Health Belief Model constructs and smoking behavior among school-age adolescents in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Programs aimed at altering health risk behavior in adolescents have frequently been a priority for the health department in Indonesia. However, these efforts have not yielded optimal results thus far. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is considered a dependable indicator for predicting health-risk behavior. Objective: This study sought to establish the relationship between the constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) – namely, perceived susceptibility to health-related issues due to smoking, perceived barriers to non-smoking, perceived benefits of non-smoking, perceived self-efficacy to non-smoking, and cues to action for non-smoking – and smoking behavior among adolescents of school age. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional design, examining smoking behavior in 171 school-age adolescents in Indonesia. This was done using an online Indonesian Smoking Behavior Questionnaire and a validated Indonesia Health Belief Model Questionnaire that measures the five domains of HBM. The Chi-square test was utilized to explore associations among different variables. Results: Adolescents with an average age of 16.04 years (ranging from 12 to 17 years) reported a 5.8% incidence of smoking in the past 30 days. Significantly, there was a relationship between perceived susceptibility (p = 0.002), barriers to quitting smoking (p <0.001), cues to action (p = 0.019), and smoking behavior in adolescents. Conclusion: The study provides valuable insights into how the Health Belief Model is linked to the involvement of adolescents in health risk behavior, particularly smoking. This information is crucial for the development of health education tailored to adolescents of school age

    Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment of Household Food Waste Management in Urban Areas

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    Background: Food waste is a severe problem, and Indonesia is the world’s second-largest producer of food waste. A limited waste management system will decrease environmental quality, such as air, water, and soil pollution. So far, the waste management system is limited to reducing waste generation. The life cycle assessment is a method to analyze environmental aspects or environmental impacts at all stages in a resource’s life cycle, from the initial process of raw materials to disposal. This study aims to analyze the environmental impact and provide waste management policies to obtain sustainable household waste management and environmental sustainability.  Methods: The study design used in this research is cross-sectional by conducting direct observations and interviews at the Waste Bank. Interviews were conducted to identify more in-depth findings about waste management problems and the characteristics of respondents and waste characteristics. Observations were made to calculate waste generation that refers to Indonesian national standard methods of sample collection and measurement of urban waste generation and composition (SNI 19-3694-1994.) The sampling technique was carried out by the total sampling method, resulting in 100 households.  Results: The research results with organic waste processing with the black soldier fly method. This method impacts global warming, acidification, eutrophication, and ozone depletion. Of the four elements that produce the most negligible impact is the impact of global warming of 0.281 kg CO2 eq compared to the other effects. Conclusion: BSF processing can reduce environmental impacts, especially global warming. Meanwhile, education affects people’s behavior in generating food waste; therefore, there are policy recommendations for Waste Bank stakeholders in processing food waste


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    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL), conceptualized as the patient’s evaluations of their health status, is an essential indicator in evaluating health and health care and treating individual patients. The KID-KINDL questionnaire includes four main components: psychological well-being, social relationships, physical functions, and daily activities. This study aims to validate the KID-KINDL questionnaire in the Malay language and measure the HRQOL of Year One students from the children’s perspective. Forward and the Language Centre Universiti Sains Malaysia supervised the backward translation of the KID-KINDL questionnaire. The questionnaire's validation and reliability were assessed with Winstep™ software, using Rasch model statistics. KID-KINDL was applied to 90 Year One students in SK Zainab 2, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Minor changes were made to the questionnaire after being translated.  From the misfit item of those questions, the range to infit and outfit is beyond the acceptable scope for the Likert scale (0.6-1.4), and four questions were deleted in the validated version. Following validation, analysis with Rasch model statistics was carried out. This questionnaire will be used for further in-depth studies on children's health-related quality of lif

    Implementation of Universal Precautions for Health Workers in the City Health Services in Indonesia

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    Background: The most health problem in Indonesia for health services is infectious diseases. So the need to implement Universal Precautions is one of the efforts to prevent infection in health facilities. Aim : This study aims to implementation of universal precautions for health workers in the city health services. This study uses a quantitative design that is observational, with a cross-sectional study design. Methods: The sample in this study was the total number of health personnel in health services as many as 108 people consisting of a hospital as many as 89 nurses, a public health center with 9 nurses, and a clinic as many as 10 nurses. The instrument used in the application of universal precautions is through observation, using a monitoring sheet. Results: The result proportion of the not application of universal precautions at the level of hospital health services is 83.3%. The results showed that the higher the level of health care, the higher the average application of universal precautions. The application of universal precautions at the health service level has the same level of service in handling patients, and there are still nurses who do not use APD aprons. Conclusion: The health service conducts training and the head of the room directs the nurse about universal vigilance when the shift changes, so that the nurse can apply universal precautions according to the standard operating procedures (SOP)

    Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Mengenai Sanitasi Lingkungan Sekolah Pada Siswa-Siswi SD N Pegadungan 02 Pagi Jakarta Barat

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    Berdasarkan data WHO tahun 2017, penyakit diare merupakan penyebab kedua kematian anak sebanyak 526.000 anak tiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan Kementerian Kesehatan (2016), di Indonesia penyakit diare merupakan penyakit berpontensial KLB yang dosertai dengan kematian. Kebersihan anak maupun kebersihan lingkungan memegang peranan penting pada tumbuh kembang anak baik fisik maupun psikisnya. Kebersihan anak yang kurang, akan memudahkan terjadinya penyakit cacingan dan diare pada anak. SD N Pegadungan 02 Pagi Jakarta Barat merupakan sekolah dasar yang memiliki tingkat ekonomi bervariasi, dari tingkat atas, sedang atau kebawah. Sekolah ini terletak dipinggir jalan raya dan memiliki jumlah perkiraan kasus diare terbesar di wilayah Jakarta Barat. Sekitar lingkungan sekolah banyak penjual jajanan dan minuman. Dengan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat menurukan prevalensi kejadia diare dan meningkatkan pemahaman siswa-siswi akan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah.


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    Accidents that often occur in health care are used needle puncture wounds used to inject patients. Nurses are the main category of healthcare professionals who are vulnerable to NSI. Needle Stick Injury (NSI) is an accident caused by needling that is contaminated with blood or body fluids of the patient. Impacts that can be caused by needle sticking include contracting the disease from an infected patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the characteristics of individuals in nurses who experienced the incidence of needling in the inpatient room of the hospital in Bekasi district in 2017-2018. The research design used is a case series research design or case study, where all the observed variables are the variables that experienced a case of needling in the Inpatient Room of X Hospital in Bekasi district in 2017-2018. The results showed that the highest proportion of sex characteristics of nurses who experienced the incidence of needling in the highest inpatient room were female sex as many as 13 nurses (92.9%). The highest proportion of age characteristics is <30 years as many as 10 nurses (71.4%). The highest proportion of education characteristics of nurses who experienced the incidence of needling with S1 education was 8 people (57.1%). The highest proportion of the characteristics of the length of service of nurses who experienced the incidence of needling with a work period of <3 years is as many as 7 people (50%). The highest proportion of nurse respondents who experienced a pin prick was 9 nurses (65%) had not been trained on NSI

    Optimalisasi Keberlanjutan Water, Sanitation and Hygiene In School (WINs) dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Yang Bersih di Sekolah

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    Permasalahan sanitasi yang ada di negara berkembang disebabkan adanya beberapa faktor yaitu minimnya perhatian yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pada sektor sanitasi, minimnya ketersediaan air bersih, minimnya perilaku bersih, serta sanitasi yang tidak memadai di tempat-tempat umum seperti sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan water, sanitatin and hygiene in school (WinS) dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kesehatan anak di lingkungan sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memprioritas kan permasalah pada WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) yaitu rendahnya pengetahuan murid mengenai sanitasi dan higiene, kurangnya sabun cuci tangan dan terbatasnya akses air bersih. Metode pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu tahap perencanaa, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata pengetahuan siswa-siswa mengenai WASH sebesar 0,26. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu dengan selalu memberikan reminder kepada siswa-siswa akan perilaku hidup bersih sehat, peningkatan edukasi melalui media poster, leaflet dan video