11 research outputs found

    Genotypic diversity and clonal structure of Erigeron annuus (Asteraceae) in Lithuania

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    This study was conducted to assess the clonal structure and genetic diversity of alien herbaceous plant species Erigeron annuus. The global warming and changes in agriculture practice in the past few decades were favourable for the expansion of this species in Lithuania. We used RAPD and ISSR assays to assess genetic variation within and among 29 populations of E. annuus. A total of 278 molecular markers were revealed. Our study detected reduced level of genetic diversity of invasive populations of E. annuus. Significant differences in DNA polymorphism among populations of E. annuus were also found. Some populations of this species are composed of genetically identical plants, while others were polymorphic. Clonal diversity of study populations ranged from 0.083 to 0.4 for both DNA marker systems. The Simpsons diversity index values ranged from 0.0 to 0.636. The average number of genotypes per population established using both assays was about 1.7. Out of 328 E. annuus individuals only 16 showed unique RAPD and 14 unique ISSR banding patterns. The remaining plants were clones of different size. The most common genotype of E. annuus identified in our study was represented by predominate in nine populations.Keywords: Clonal structure, DNA markers, Erigeron annuus, invasive plants, ISSR, RAPDGenetische Vielfalt und Klonstruktur von Erigeron annuus (Asteraceae) in LitauenZusammenfassungDie Untersuchungen verfolgen das Ziel, die genetische Struktur der nicht-einheimischen Pflanzenart Erigeron annuus auszuwerten. Globale Erwärmung sowie Veränderungen in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis der letzten Jahrzehnte waren bedeutsam für die Verbreitung dieser Art in Litauen. Für die Feststellung der genetischen Verteilungsvielfalt in den 29 E. annuus Populationen haben wir uns der RAPD und ISSR -Methoden bedient. Insgesamt wurden 117 RAPD - und 161 ISSR - Loci festgestellt. Die Untersuchungen haben die verringerte genetische Vielfalt der E. annuus Populationen aufgezeigt. Außerdem wurden bedeutende DNR polymorphe Unterschiede zwischen E. annuus Populationen angetroffen. Einige Populationen dieser Art bestanden aus genetisch identischen Pflanzen, während die anderen polymorphem waren. Die Klonvielfalt der untersuchten Populationen schwankte zwischen 0.083 und 0.4 bei der Verwendung von beiden DNR-Signifikanten. Die durchschnittliche Genotypen Zahl in der Population betrug etwa 1.7 bei der Verwendung von beiden Signifikanten. Nach der Untersuchung der 328 E. annuus Individuen wurden 16 unikale RAPD - und 14 unikale ISSR - Phänotypen festgestellt. Die übriggebliebenen Pflanzen waren Klonen von unterschiedlicher Größe. Der am meisten verbreitete E. annuus Genotyp wurde in neun Populationen ermittelt.Stichwörter: DNS- Marker, Erigeron annuus, ISSR, Klonstruktur, invasive Pflanzen, RAP

    Superoxide dismutase polymorphisms in wild populations of herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae)

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    Polymorphism of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was investigated in leaves of herb Paris (Paris quadrifolia L., Trilliaceae). The plants were collected during the summer and autumn of 2001 from different natural locations in Lithuania and Norway. Crude extracts from leaves were analyzed using electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel for SOD polymorphism detection. By means of analysis of plants from different locations, some differences in the electrophoretic mobility and the phenotypes of SOD bands were detected. Differences appeared between the Lithuanian and Norwegian samples and among the Lithuanian samples from different locations as well as inside them. These findings indicate a polymorphism in plants from Lithuania and Norway. Analysis of the results revealed five types of SOD isozyme spectra in both countries. SOD isozyme spectra also differed in leaves, seeds, roots and rootlets

    The Butterfly Effect: Mild Soil Pollution with Heavy Metals Elicits Major Biological Consequences in Cobalt-Sensitized Broad Bean Model Plants

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    Among the heavy metals (HMs), only cobalt induces a polymorphic response in Vicia faba plants, manifesting as chlorophyll morphoses and a ‘break-through’ effect resulting in the elevated accumulation of other HMs, which makes Co-pretreated broad bean plants an attractive model for investigating soil pollution by HMs. In this study, Co-sensitized V. faba plants were used to evaluate the long-term effect of residual industrial pollution by examining biochemical (H2O2, ascorbic acid, malondialdehyde, free proline, flavonoid, polyphenols, chlorophylls, carotenoids, superoxide dismutase) and molecular (conserved DNA-derived polymorphism and transcript-derived polymorphic fragments) markers after long-term exposure. HM-polluted soil induced a significantly higher frequency of chlorophyll morphoses and lower levels of nonenzymatic antioxidants in Co-pretreated V. faba plants. Both molecular markers effectively differentiated plants from polluted and control soils into distinct clusters, showing that HMs in mildly polluted soil are capable of inducing changes in DNA coding regions. These findings illustrate that strong background abiotic stressors (pretreatment with Co) can aid investigations of mild stressors (slight levels of soil pollution) by complementing each other in antioxidant content reduction and induction of DNA changes

    Genetic variability of bunias orientalis within its native and introduced ranges

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    Warty cabbage (Bunias orientalis) (Brassicaceae) is widely spread across Europe (except the southern part), western Asia, Siberia, Russian Far East, and North America. In some parts of central and northern Europe, this species is considered an invasive species where it penetrates in seminatural ecosystem

    Different Habitats Show Similar Genetic Structure of <i>Bunias orientalis</i> L. (Brassicaceae)in Lithuania

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    We studied genetic diversity within and among populations of warty cabbage (Bunias orientalis L.), which is an alien species in Lithuania and other Baltic countries. In Lithuania, this weed colonises two main types of habitats: railway/roadsides and meadows on riversides. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic structure of invasive populations of B. orientalis in Lithuania and consider the impact of diverse habitats on the partitioning of genetic diversity using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) carried out on the basis of ISSR showed that there is high genetic differentiation (46%) among populations of B. orientalis, which is probably caused by the founder effect and limited gene flow. However, we observed no impact of habitat on the genetic difference among populations. Similar levels of ISSR polymorphic loci were observed in riverside (P = 31.67%) and railway/roadsides (P = 30.51%) populations. UPGMA cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) also did not show grouping of studied populations according to habitat type. High genetic differentiation among populations, as indicated by ISSR markers, confirm multiple independent introductions of this species in Lithuania

    Evaluation and comparison of the genetic structure of Bunias orientalis populations in their native range and two non-native ranges

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    We studied the invasive warty cabbage Bunias orientalis (Brassicaceae) in three geographically distinct areas. Using inter-simple sequence repeat fingerprinting, we analyzed warty cabbages, including non-native populations, from the eastern Baltic and western Siberian regions and native populations from southwestern Russia. The eastern Baltic region and western Siberia represent the two opposite directions of B. orientalis spread in climatically different zones. The genetic structures of the native and non-native B. orientalis populations were assessed through analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the Bayesian clustering method and by determining the main measures of genetic diversity. AMOVA revealed considerable population differentiation in both the native and invasive ranges. Our results did not indicate a decrease in genetic diversity in the non-native populations of B. orientalis. Similar measures of genetic diversity and genetic structure were determined in the invasive populations in two geographically and ecologically distinct, non-native regions located in Europe and Asia. In both of these regions, higher genetic diversity was detected in the non-native populations than in the native region populations, which may be due to multiple introductions. However, Bayesian clustering analysis revealed slightly different sources of invasive populations in the two non-native regions. Genetic diversity patterns revealed the lack of isolation by distance between populations and confirmed the influence of anthropogenic factors on the spread of B. orientalis. The significance of native populations as germplasm resources for breeding is discussed

    Is nitrogen in excess among plant species of Nemunas and other Lithuanian river basins

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    Project sponsored by Lithuania Research Council; SIT-02/2015Nitrogen deposition data together with inland water parameters provide indirect message that nitrogen load might have effects on vegetation of Baltic States. There is much concern about eutrophication of the rivers, although information about riparian plant species, their physiology and genetic parameters is still poor. Reacting to elevated nitrogen in the environment, various macrophyte strategies (abundance-, architecture-related) might be developed. Plant productivity finally depends on processes ongoing in the leaves. Data about plant leaf saturation with nitrogen remains poor. Usually studies refer on Ellenberg indicatory values or other indirect parametrs. Present study is aimed at comparison of nitrogen concentration among populations of some riparian and river plant species of Lithuania (project sponsored by Lithuania Research Council; SIT-02/2015). Around 250 populations of riparian and water macrophytes were sampled along main river basins in Lithuania: Nemunas, Venta, Lielupė, Seafront. Very high levels of nitrogen were determined for the most spread riparian plants of Lithuania. Among the tested species the highest concentration was characteristic for Echinocystis lobata. Comparing populations within each species, in most cases the highest concentrations of nitrogen were documented for sites neighbouring Curonian Spit. Relations between population nitrogen data and genetic diversity also some environmental factos such as river regulation is discussed. Species nitrogen concentrations were related to land cover types of neighbouring areas, empoying 2-level hierarchcial Corine classification system. Based on plant nitrogen concentrations it could be assumed that present quantities of this element, entering riparian ecosystems are big enough to cause the spread of native and invasive nitrophilous speciesBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasGamtos tyrimų centrasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Vandens augalų rūšių azoto koncentracijų sąsajos su žemės dangos tipu ir kitais aplinkos veiksniais

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    Baltijos šalių azoto (N) iškritų duomenys kartu su sausumos vandenų rodikliais rodo, kad azoto apkrova gali lemti augmenijos pokyčius. Nors upių eutrofikacija yra plačiai analizuojama, vis dar trūksta informacijos apie pakrantės augalų rūšių fiziologinius rodiklius. Tyrimo tikslas – palyginti Lietuvos vandens pakrančių augalų rūšių populiacijų lapų azoto koncentracijų duomenis, juos susiejant su tyrimo vietoms pagal gretimų žemių dangos tipu ir naudojimo paskirtimi, taikant aplinkos informacijos koordinuotos sistemą (CORINE), upių būkle bei dydžiu, žemės ūkio intensyvumu 1991–1996 metais ir upių vagų keitimu. Tyrimo medžiagą surinkus per 2015 m. rugpjūčio mėn. pirmąjį dešimtadienį iš pagrindinių Lietuvos upių 241 vietos, buvo įvertintos plačiai paplitusių penkių pakrančių ir dviejų vandens augalų (natūralių ir invazinių) azoto koncentracijos. Analizėms naudoti augalų lapai, kurių azoto koncentracijos buvo nustatytos Kjeldalio metodu. Didžiausi (1,7 karto, p < 0,05) lapų azoto koncentracijos skirtumai tarp populiacijų nustatyti Lythrum salicaria. Pagal populiacijų lapų azoto koncentracijų (N % sausos masės, SM) vidutines vertes, tirtų rūšių augalai išdėstė taip: Lythrum salicaria (3,0) < Stuckenia pectinata (3,1) < Phalaris arundinacea (3,5) < Bidens frondosa (3,8) < Phragmites australis (4,0) < Nuphar lutea (4,1) < Echinocystis lobata (4,2). Iš esmės didesnės (p < 0,05) lapų azoto koncentracijos buvo nustatytos Lythrum salicaria populiacijų, augančių šalia mažų upių (3,4 % N SM) nei augančių šalia didelių upių (2,8 % N SM). Skirtingomis savybėmis pasižyminčiose upių vietose rinkti vandens augalai reikšmingai nesiskyrė pagal lapų azoto koncentracijas. [...]Nitrogen (N) deposition data, together with inland water parameters, provide evidence that N load may affect the vegetation of Baltic States. There is much concern about eutrophication of the rivers, although information about physiological parameters of riparian plant species is still poor. The present study is aimed at comparison of leaf N concentration among populations of aquatic plant species of Lithuania, relating N concentration data to the type of land cover (classification system of COoRdinate Information on the Environment, CORINE) in the neighbouring areas, river state and size, intensity of agriculture in 1991–1996, and natural vice versa regulated fragments of the riverbed. The leaf N concentrations of widely spread native and invasive species (5 riparian and 2 water plants) were estimated for 241 sites (collection time 1st ten-day period of August, 2015) of the main river catchments of Lithuania. Only leaf blades were used for analyses and N concentrations were determined by the Kjeldahl method. The biggest (1.7 times) variation (p < 0.05) in leaf N concentration among populations was documented for Lythrum salicaria. According to the mean values (N % of dry mass, DM) of the leaf N concentration, species could be arranged into following order: Lythrum salicaria (3.0) < Stuckenia pectinata (3.1) < Phalaris arundinacea(3.5) < Bidens frondosa (3.8) < Phragmites australis (4.0) < Nuphar lutea (4.1) < Echinocystis lobata (4.2). Significantly higher (p < 0.05) concentrations of leaf N were found for L. salicaria populations growing near the small rivers (3.4% N DM) compared to the large ones (2.8% N DM). Other selected river and its environment parameters in most cases did not have significant effect on leaf N concentrations of aquatic plants of Lithuania. [...]Aplinkos tyrimų centrasBiologijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasGamtos tyrimų centrasMatematikos ir statistikos katedraVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta