176 research outputs found

    Dysphagia lusoria in children

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    Spin susceptibility of charge ordered YBa2Cu3Oy across the upper critical field

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    The value of the upper critical field Hc2, a fundamental characteristic of the superconducting state, has been subject to strong controversy in high-Tc copper-oxides. Since the issue has been tackled almost exclusively by macroscopic techniques so far, there is a clear need for local-probe measurements. Here, we use 17O NMR to measure the spin susceptibility χspin\chi_{spin} of the CuO2 planes at low temperature in charge ordered YBa2Cu3Oy. We find that χspin\chi_{spin} increases (most likely linearly) with magnetic field H and saturates above field values ranging from 20 to 40 T. This result is consistent with Hc2 values claimed by G. Grissonnanche et al. [Nat. Commun. 5, 3280 (2014)] and with the interpretation that the charge-density-wave (CDW) reduces Hc2 in underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy. Furthermore, the absence of marked deviation in χspin(H)\chi_{spin}(H) at the onset of long-range CDW order indicates that this Hc2 reduction and the Fermi-surface reconstruction are primarily rooted in the short-range CDW order already present in zero field, not in the field-induced long-range CDWorder. Above Hc2, the relatively low values of χspin\chi_{spin} at T=2 K show that the pseudogap is a ground-state property, independent of the superconducting gap.Comment: To appea

    Thermodynamics of mixing in diopside-jadeite, CaMgSi2O6-NaAlSi2O6, solid solution from staticlattice energy calculations

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    Static lattice energy calculations (SLEC), based on empirical interatomic potentials, have beenperformed for a set of 800 different structures in a 2 2 4 supercell of C2/c diopside with compositionsbetween diopside and jadeite, and with different states of order of the exchangeable Na/Ca and Mg/Al cations. Excess static energies of these structures have been cluster expanded in a basis set of 37 pair-interaction parameters. These parameters have been used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent properties in the range of 273?2,023 K and to calculate a temperature?composition phase diagram. The simulations predict the order?disorder transition in omphacite at1,150 20C in good agreement with the experimental data of Carpenter (Mineral Petrol 78:433?440, 1981). The stronger ordering of Mg/Al within the M1 site than of Ca/Na in the M2 site is attributed to the shorter M1?M1 nearest-neighbor distance, and, consequently, the stronger ordering force. The comparison of the simulated relationship between the order parameters corresponding to M1 and M2 sites with the X-ray refinement data on natural omphacites (Boffa Ballaran et al. in Am Mineral83:419?433, 1998) suggests that the cation ordering becomes kinetically ineffective at about 600C

    Spin-echo and quantum versus classical critical fluctuations in TmVO4_4

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    Using spin-echo Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the model Transverse-Field Ising system TmVO4_4, we show that low frequency quantum fluctuations at the quantum critical point have a very different effect on 51^{51}V nuclear-spins than classical low-frequency noise or fluctuations that arise at a finite temperature critical point. Spin-echos filter out the low frequency classical noise but not the quantum fluctuations. This allows us to directly visualize the quantum critical fan and demonstrate the persistence of quantum fluctuations at the critical coupling strength in TmVO4_4 to high temperatures in an experiment that remains transparent to finite temperature classical phase transitions. These results show that while dynamical decoupling schemes can be quite effective in eliminating classical noise in a qubit, a quantum critical environment may lead to rapid entanglement and decoherence.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Second order Zeeman interaction and ferroquadrupolar order in TmVO4_4

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    TmVO4_{4} exhibits ferroquadrupolar order of the Tm 4f electronic orbitals at low temperatures, and is a model system for Ising nematicity that can be tuned continuously to a quantum phase transition via magnetic fields along the cc-axis. Here we present 51^{51}V nuclear magnetic resonance data in magnetic fields perpendicular to the cc-axis in a single crystal that has been carefully cut by a plasma focused ion beam to an ellipsoidal shape to minimize the inhomogeneity of the internal demagnetization field. The resulting dramatic increase in spectral resolution enabled us to resolve the anisotropy of the electric field gradient and to measure the magnetic and quadrupolar relaxation channels separately. Perpendicular magnetic fields nominally do not couple to the low energy degrees of freedom, but we find a significant nonlinear contribution for sufficiently large fields that give rise to a rich phase diagram. The in-plane magnetic field can act either as an effective transverse or longitudinal field to the Ising nematic order, depending on the orientation relative to the principle axes of the quadrupole order, and leads to a marked in-plane anisotropy in both relaxation channels. We find that the small in-plane transverse fields initially enhance the ferroquadrupolar ordering temperature but eventually suppress the long-range order. We tentatively ascribe this behavior to the competing effects of field-induced mixing of higher energy crystal field states and the destabilizing effects of field-induced quantum fluctuations.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Competition between spin ordering and superconductivity near the pseudogap boundary in La2−xSrxCuO4: Insights from NMR

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    When superconductivity is suppressed by high magnetic fields in La2−xSrxCuO4, striped antiferromagnetic (AFM) order becomes the magnetic ground state of the entire pseudogap regime, up to its end at the doping p∗ [Frachet, Vinograd et al., Nat. Phys. 16, 1064 (2020)]. Glass-like freezing of this state is detected in 139La NMR measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate T−11. Here, we present a quantitative analysis of T−11 data in the hole-doping range p=x=0.12−0.171, based on the Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound (BPP) theory, modified to include statistical distribution of parameters arising from strong spatial inhomogeneity. We observe spin fluctuations to slow down at temperatures T near the onset of static charge order and, overall, the effect of the field B may be seen as equivalent to strengthening stripe order by approaching p=0.12 doping. In details, however, our analysis reveals significant departure from usual field-induced magnetic transitions. The continuous growth of the amplitude of the fluctuating moment with increasing B suggests a nearly-critical state in the B→0 limit, with very weak quasistatic moments possibly confined in small areas like vortex cores. Further, the nucleation of spin order in the vortex cores is shown to account quantitatively for both the value and the p dependence of a field scale characterizing bulk spin freezing. The correlation time of the fluctuating moment appears to depend exponentially on B/T (over the investigated range). This explains the timescale dependence of various experimental manifestations, including why, for transport measurements, the AFM moments may be considered static over a considerable range of B and T. These results make the high-field magnetic ground state up to p∗ an integral part of the discussion on putative quantum criticality

    Unusual interplay between superconductivity and field-induced charge order in YBa2Cu3Oy

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    We present a detailed study of the temperature (T) and magnetic field (H) dependence of the electronic density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level, as deduced from specific heat and Knight shift measurements in underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy. We find that the DOS becomes field-independent above a characteristic field H_{DOS} and that the H_{DOS}(T) line displays an unusual inflection near the onset of the long range 3D charge-density wave order. The unusual S-shape of H_{DOS}(T) is suggestive of two mutually-exclusive orders that eventually establish a form of cooperation in order to coexist at low T. On theoretical grounds, such a collaboration could result from the stabilisation of a pair-density wave state, which calls for further investigations in this region of the phase diagramComment: 6 pages, 4 figure
