413 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Seed Quality in Naturally Aged Seed Lots of Coriander

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    Three seed lots of fifteen genotypes of coriander were subjected to study the effect of natural ageing on different seed quality parameters. Results revealed that all the genotypes showed the germination percentage above the Minimum Seed Certification Standards (65%) in Lot-1 (freshly harvested seed) and Lot-2 (1 year old seed). Standard germination (%), seedling length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg), seedling vigor index-I & II and accelerated ageing test (%) revealed that quality of seeds declined with faster rate inLot-3 (2 years old seed). Among all the genotypes, maximum germination was retained by genotype DH-339 (75.5%) followed by Hisar Surbhi (74.5%) and maximum loss of germination was observed in genotype DH 352-1 (61.2%). Hence, the genotypes DH-339 and Hisar Surbhi were found superior in terms of viability, vigor and storability whereas genotype DH 352-1 was found poor under ambient conditions

    Seed Production of \u3cem\u3eBrachiaria ruziziensis\u3c/em\u3e in India--Seed Collection Methods and Feed Opportunities

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    Brachiaria ruziziensis is an important fodder crop suitable for high rainfall areas and soils with low nutrient supply. Though the area under B. ruziziensis cultivation in India is not properly documented, it is widely grown in Kerala (Stür et al. 1996) and in parts of Karnataka and Goa. By virtue of its shade tolerance and adaptability, B. ruziziensis have wide scope for adoption in other parts of India. In India, Brachiaria is mainly planted through root slips as availability of good quality filled seeds is very less. It is known that the proportion of filled to unfilled seeds depends on method of harvest and seed collection method (Hare et al., 2007). Appropriate method of harvest depends on growth habit, synchrony of crop development, standing seeds, fallen seeds, availability of labour and on previous experience. Hence a study was conducted for first time in India to standardise harvesting and seed collection method in B.ruziziensis

    Frequency of polymorphic variants in corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1, glucocorticoid induced 1 and Fc fragment of IgE receptor II genes in healthy and asthmatic Tamilian population

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    Background: Asthma is a chronic airway inflammatory disease characterized by increased hyper-responsiveness and recurrent episodes of reversible obstructions. Asthma pharmacogenomic studies report significant association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1), Fc fragment of IgE receptor II (FCER2) and glucocorticoid induced 1 (GLCCI1) with inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) response. The present study was aimed to establish the allelic and genotypic frequencies of polymorphisms rs242941, rs28364072 & rs37972 in CRHR1, FCER2 and GLCCI1 genes, respectively in Tamilian healthy population and asthma patients and to compare with established frequencies of global populations.Methods: The study groups consisted of healthy volunteers and persistent asthma patients who were drug naïve or without ICS treatment in the last ≥2 months, attending JIPMER hospital (n=111 and 78, respectively). SNP genotyping was done using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) and real time-PCR methods.Results: Allelic and genotypic frequencies for all the studied variants found to be in hardy-weinberg equilibrium with minor allele frequencies (MAF) of rs 242941, rs 28364072 and rs 37972 at 0.51, 0.33 and 0.38, respectively, in healthy population. No significant difference in gene frequencies was obtained between healthy control and asthma patient groups. Significant difference in allele frequencies was observed between Tamilian healthy and specific global populations. West African frequency was found to be significantly different for all 3 SNPs (p<0.0001).Conclusions: MAF of rs 242941, rs 28364072 and rs 37972 were 0.51, 0.33 and 0.38, respectively in Tamilian population which were significantly different from various global populations. The frequency distribution found helps to further with ICS response association studies in larger cohorts of asthma patients

    Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Perennial Fodder Grasses

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    Salinity stress is one of the most damaging stresses in crop plants. It reduces the productivity of the soil and makes it unsuitable for crop cultivation. Fodder crops are considered the best alternative in such uncultivable land. Using salinity-affected land for pasture development is the best alternative to utilize such lands. However, the extent of salinity tolerance varies among different grass species. In this study, Pearl millet Napier hybrids (PMN hybrid) and guinea grass varieties were studied for salinity tolerance in artificially created saline soils in the ratio of 13:7:1:2 (NaCl: Na2SO4: MgCl: CaSO4, respectively) to understand the salinity tolerance mechanisms existing in perennial fodder grasses. Morphologically, the plant height increased in saline-tolerant PMN hybrid varieties, creating more space in nonphotosynthetic tissues to store accumulated salts away from photosynthetic tissues. Whereas in guinea grass tolerant varieties, tiller number increased under salinity. The fresh weight was highest under salinity in the PMN hybrids. In contrast, dry weight was high in control (no salt) plants, implying more water accumulation in PMN hybrids under salinity to dilute the concentration of salts absorbed by the plant. In Guinea grass, varieties like DGG1 had lower leaf succulence than control and high salt excretion through leaf hairs. Tissue tolerance in PMN hybrids was less compared to guinea grass. Membrane stability was maintained in saline-tolerant varieties. The double bond index increased in tolerant PMN hybrid varieties under salinity compared to control, implying fatty acid remodelling for maintaining the stability of membranes under salinity. Fodder grasses adopt various saline tolerance mechanisms based on their growth habit and morphology

    Instruments of RT-2 Experiment onboard CORONAS-PHOTON and their test and evaluation V: Onboard software, Data Structure, Telemetry and Telecommand

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    The onboard software and data communication in the RT-2 Experiment onboard the Coronas-Photon satellite is organized in a hierarchical way to effectively handle and communicate asynchronous data generated by the X-ray detectors. A flexible data handling system is organized in the X-ray detector packages themselves and the processing electronic device, namely RT-2/E, has the necessary intelligence to communicate with the 3 scientific payloads by issuing commands and receiving data. It has direct interfacing with the Satellite systems and issues commands to the detectors and processes the detector data before sending to the satellite systems. The onboard software is configured with several novel features like a) device independent communication scheme, b) loss-less data compression and c) Digital Signal Processor. Functionality of the onboard software along with the data structure, command structure, complex processing scheme etc. are discussed in this paper.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy (in press

    MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Versus Radiofrequency Capsulotomy for Treatment-Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cost-Effectiveness Threshold Analysis

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    Meta-analytic techniques support neuroablation as a promising therapy for treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This technique appears to offer a more favorable complication rate and higher utility than deep brain stimulation. Moreover, these pooled findings suggest that bilateral radiofrequency (RF) capsulotomy has marginally greater efficacy than stereotactic radiosurgery or cingulotomy. MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) capsulotomy is an emerging approach with a potentially more favorable profile than RF ablation and radiosurgery, with preliminary data suggesting safety and efficacy. As a clinical trial is being developed, our study examined the cost and clinical parameters necessary for MRgFUS capsulotomy to be a more cost-effective alternative to RF capsulotomy. A decision analytical model of MRgFUS with RF capsulotomy for OCD was performed using outcome parameters of percent surgical improvement in Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) score, complications, and side effects. The analysis compared measured societal costs, derived from Medicare reimbursement rates, and effectiveness, based on published RF data. Effectiveness was defined as the degree to which MRgFUS lowered Y-BOCS score. Given that MRgFUS is a new therapy for OCD with scant published data, theoretical risks of MRgFUS capsulotomy were derived from published essential tremor outcomes. Sensitivity analysis yielded cost, effectiveness, and complication rates as critical MRgFUS parameters defining the cost-effectiveness threshold. Literature search identified eight publications (162 subjects). The average reduction of preoperative Y-BOCS score was 56.6% after RF capsulotomy with a 22.6% improvement in utility, a measure of quality of life. Complications occurred in 16.2% of RF cases. In 1.42% of cases, complications were considered acute-perioperative and incurred additional hospitalization cost. The adverse events, including neurological and neurobehavioral changes, in the other 14.8% of cases did not incur further costs, although they impacted utility. Rollback analysis of RF capsulotomy yielded an expected effectiveness of 0.212 quality-adjusted life years/year at an average cost of $24,099. Compared to RF capsulotomy, MRgFUS was more cost-effective under a range of possible cost and complication rates. While further study will be required, MRgFUS lacks many of the inherent risks associated with more invasive modalities and has potential as a safe and cost-effective treatment for OCD

    Obfuscated Malware Detection in IoT Android Applications Using Markov Images and CNN

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkThe threat of malware in the Internet of Things (IoT) is ever-present given that many IoT systems today rely on the Android operating system. There has been a consistent rise in Android malware recently, with new variants adopting sophisticated detection avoidance techniques, including various forms of obfuscation. Hence, there is a need to improve the effectiveness of Android malware detection as obfuscation becomes more prevalent in the wild. In this article, we present a novel approach for obfuscated malware detection in IoT Android applications based on the visualization of app executables with Markov images. The app images are trained using a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect obfuscated malware and for the identification of the obfuscation type. We evaluate the performance of the proposed system by experimenting with four different classification models using 12000 Android applications. The CNN model created to distinguish between malware and benign apps obtained an accuracy of 99.41%. The model for identifying obfuscated malware from benign applications obtained 99.65% accuracy while the model created to identify obfuscated malware from non-obfuscated malware yielded an accuracy of 99.81%. The model for classifying obfuscated malware into 14 different obfuscation categories obtained an accuracy of 99.67%. These results show that CNN models trained from Markov images generated using application byte code can be highly effective for obfuscated malware detection and classification. Moreover, our proposed system provides a more sustainable and cost-effective method for obfuscated malware detection compared to the manual feature-engineering-based approaches that are more prevalent in the current literature

    Transgenic plants as green factories for vaccine production

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    Edible vaccine technology represents an alternative to fermentation based vaccine production system. Transgenic plants are used for the production of plant derived specific vaccines with native immunogenic properties stimulating both humoral and mucosal immune responses. Keeping in view the practical need of new technology for production and delivery of inexpensive vaccines, especially in developing world, plant derived edible vaccines is the best option in hand to combat infectious diseases. Plant derived vaccine is easy to administer, cost effective, readily acceptable, have increased safety, stability, versatility and efficacy. Several plant derived vaccines are under research, some are under clinical trials for commercial use. Like most  biotechnology products, the IP situation for edible vaccines is complex as IP rights influence every stage of vaccine development.Keywords: Transgenic plants, edible vaccines, chimeric viruses, bacterial diseases, viral diseases

    Analytic Calculation of Neutrino Mass Eigenvalues

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    Implicaion of the neutrino oscillation search for the neutrino mass square difference and mixing are discussed. We have considered the effective majorana mass m_{ee}, related for \beta\beta_{0\nu}decay. We find limits for neutrino mass eigen value m_{i} in the different neutrino mass spectrum,which explain the different neutrino data.Comment: 10 page

    Breeding tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important vegetable crop cultivated in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Low productivity in India is due to occurrence of both biotic and abiotic stresses. Among the biotic stresses, tomato leaf curl disease, bacterial wilt, early blight and Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus disease have become serious production constraints causing considerable yield loss in the major tomato growing areas of the country. Adoption of multiple disease resistant varieties or F1 hybrids would be the most appropriate way to address these diseases. At ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru systematic breeding strategies were employed to pyramid genes for resistance to early blight, bacterial wilt and tomato leaf curl diseases and to develop advanced breeding lines&amp; F1 hybrids with triple disease resistance. Stable source of resistance to early blight and bi-partite begomo-virus (Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus) has been identified in Solanum habrochaites LA-1777. Validation with molecular markers linked to tomato leaf curl virus resistance revealed that LA-1777 carryTy2 and other putative resistant genes. Several high yielding dual purpose hybrids were also developed for fresh market and processing with high level of resistance to multiple diseases. Cherry tomato lines have also been bred for high TSS, total carotenoids, total phenols, flavonoids, vitamin C, acidity and lycopene content. IIHR-249-1, IIHR-2101 (Solanum habrochaites LA-1777), IIHR- 2866 and IIHR-2864 recorded high values for quality parameters like total carotenoids, lycopene, vitamin C, total phenols, flavonoids and TSS. Drought tolerant root stock has been developed by an interspecific cross between S. habrochaites LA-1777 and S. lycopersicum (15 SB SB). Resistant sources have also been identified against Tuta absoluta, a serious insect pest reported from major tomato growing areas in the country in recent time. High temperature tolerant breeding lines are in pipe line