106 research outputs found

    Influence of the cut intervals on hay quality of Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani in brazilian Cerrado

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    El pasto Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani es una planta forrajera híbrida de alta calidad, de tamaño pequeño y con intensa actividad de macollaje. Este estudio se llevó a cabo para examinar el potencial del pasto Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani en diferentes edades de rebrote (49, 63, 77 y 91 días) para la producción de heno, en el período lluvioso. El experimento se realizó en la Escuela Agrícola de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul-Brasil, entre octubre de 2015 y abril de 2016. Los tratamientos correspondieron a cuatro edades de rebrote, con cuatro repeticiones, distribuidas en parcelas de 9 m2. Las edades de rebrote influyeron en las características morfogenéticas del pasto, excepto por la senescencia de la hoja y la longitud final de la hoja. Los rendimientos de materia verde (9.6-17.6 t ha-1) y seca (2.6-5.9 t ha-1), el rendimiento de heno (3.4-6.9 t ha-1) y las proporciones de tallo (91.6-455.9 g kg-1) y material senescente (34.8-98.4 g kg-1) aumentaron con las edades de rebrote, mientras que la proporción de hojas (837.7-402.1 g kg-1) y la relación hoja:tallo (15.9-0.9) disminuyeron (P<0.05). Los contenidos de materia seca (881.7-852.8 g kg-1) y de proteína (81.2-47.6 g kg-1) del heno disminuyeron con las mayores edades de rebrote; sin embargo, los contenidos de fibra detergente neutro (746.5-759.2 g kg-1), fibra detergente ácido (519.8-567.7 g kg-1) y lignina (74.3-86.4 g kg-1) aumentaron a medida que lo hicieron las edades de rebrote. La digestibilidad de los nutrientes disminuyó con las edades de rebrote (P<0.05). Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani tiene el potencial de producir heno ha-1, mejor valor nutritivo y una alta proporción de hojas en el intervalo de rebrote de 49 a 63 días.The grass Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani is a hybrid high-quality, small-sized forage plant with intense tillering activity. This study was carried out to examine the potential of the grass Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani at different regrowth ages (49, 63, 77, and 91 d) for hay production, in the rainy period. The experiment was conducted at the Farm School of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul-Brazil, between October 2015 and April 2016. The treatments corresponded to four regrowth ages, with four replicates, distributed into 9 m2 plots. Regrowth ages influenced the morphogenetic characteristics of the grass, except for leaf senescence and final leaf length. Green (9.6–17.6 t ha-1) and dry-matter (2.6–5.9 t ha-1) yields, hay yield (3.4-6.9 t ha-1), and proportions of stem (91.6–455.9 g kg-1) and senescent material (34.8–98.4 g kg-1) increased with the regrowth ages, while the proportion of leaves (837.7-402.1 g kg-1) and the leaf: stem ratio (15.9–0.9) decreased (P<0.05). The dry matter (881.7–852.8 g kg-1) and protein contents (81.2–47.6 g kg-1) of the hay decreased with the higher regrowth ages; however, the neutral detergent fibre (746.5–759.2 g kg-1) acid detergent fibre (519.8–567.7 g kg-1) and lignin (74.3–86.4 g kg-1) contents rose as the regrowth ages did. Nutrient digestibility decreased with the regrowth ages (P<0.05). Panicum maximum cv. BRS Tamani has the potential to produce of hay ha-1, better nutritive value and a high proportion of leaves in the regrowth interval of 49 to 63 d

    In vitro gas production kinetics and digestibility in ruminant diets with different levels of cashew nut shell liquid

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) in ruminant diets on in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), gas production kinetics, ruminal fermentation parameters, ammoniacal nitrogen concentration (NH3-N), and pH of the artificial rumen contents. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 5 x 4 + 1 design, with five concentrate levels (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 g kg-1 DM) and four CNSL levels (0, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 g kg-1 DM), as well as a control diet comprising only whole-plant corn silage, totaling 21 treatments. The inclusion of concentrate linearly increased IVDMD, while CNSL levels showed a quadratic effect, with the maximum estimated at 0.5 g kg-1 of CNSL. The total gas production, the disappearance of the substrate, the fraction of slow degradation (fraction VF2), and the respective degradation rate (fraction µ2) linearly increased with increasing levels of concentrate in the diet. Increasing concentrate levels resulted in a linear increase in the concentration of NH3-N and a reduction in the pH of the rumen liquid. Increasing CNSL levels decreased the concentration of NH3-N and increased the ruminal pH. The inclusion of 0.5 g CNSL kg-1 in the ruminant diets improved IVDMD, without altering the kinetic parameters of ruminal fermentation. The addition of CNSL to ruminant diets reduces ammoniacal nitrogen production and can avoid drastic reductions in ruminal pH, favoring better fermentation in the rumen

    Terminação a pasto de novilhas de corte sob efeito de imunocastração / Pasture finishing of beef heifers under the effect of immunocastration

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    Objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo e a viabilidade econômica de novilhas imunocastradas terminadas a pasto. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Conquista, município de São Gabriel do Oeste - MS. Foram utilizadas 40 novilhas Nelore, divididas em dois grupos de condições sexuais (imunocastradas e não castradas) de 20 animais cada, sendo um grupo condicionado à imunocastração  (Bopriva®) com peso médio 343,90±26,28 e grupo controle (não castradas) com peso médio 344,71±18,78. Os animais foram alojados em um piquete com áreas de 45 ha-1, em sistema de pastejo continuo, com capim Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, com fornecimento de água e suplemento mineral ad libitum. As avaliações de desempenho produtivo no período experimental totalizaram 186 dias, onde demonstrou que não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos para as variáveis avaliadas (P&gt;0,05). O ganho de peso das novilhas não foi influenciado pela condição sexual, onde os grupos de novilhas imunocastradas e controle apresentaram ganhos médios de 52,99 Kg durante o período experimental. Observou-se uma redução da margem bruta em R18,64paraasnovilhasimunocastradas.Afetandoamargemliquidacomumadiminuic\ca~ode10,5 18,64 para as novilhas imunocastradas. Afetando a margem liquida com uma diminuição de 10,5% nos valores auferidos, quando comparados aos valores apresentados pelo grupo controle (R 348,97). Corroborando para não recomendação da utilização da imunocastração de novilhas em sistema de terminação a pasto

    Aspects related to the importance of using predictive models in sheep production. Review

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    Los sistemas de producción ovina se enfrentan a numerosos desafíos, que hacen de la toma de decisiones un proceso lleno de riesgos e incertidumbres. En este sentido, la modelación es una herramienta útil, ya que permite a los tomadores de decisiones evaluar el comportamiento de las variables y sus interrelaciones, además de utilizar información previa o relacionada para predecir resultados y simular diferentes escenarios. El advenimiento de los modelos de predicción ha permitido monitorear el peso de un animal y determinar el mejor momento para su venta. Además, permite a los productores estimar los pesos de la canal y los principales cortes comercializables antes del sacrificio. Toda esta información está directamente asociada a la rentabilidad y el éxito de la actividad productiva. Por lo tanto, en vista de las diferentes aplicaciones de los modelos matemáticos en los sistemas de producción, esta revisión de la literatura examina los conceptos en los estudios de modelación y la importancia de utilizar modelos de predicción en la producción de ovinos de carne. Además, aborda la aplicación práctica de los estudios de modelación en la predicción de la ingesta de materia seca y los rasgos de la canal de ovinos de carne a través de variables correlacionadas.Sheep production systems face numerous challenges, which make decision-making a process fraught with risks and uncertainties. Modelling is a helpful tool in this respect, as it allows decision-makers to evaluate the behaviour of variables and their interrelationships, in addition to using previous or related information to predict results and simulate different scenarios. The advent of prediction models has made it possible to monitor the weight of an animal and determine the best time for its sale. Additionally, it allows producers to estimate the weights of the carcass and major marketable cuts before slaughter. All this information is directly associated with the profitability and success of the production activity. Therefore, in view of the different applications of mathematical models in production systems, this literature review examines concepts in modelling studies and the importance of using prediction models in meat sheep production. Furthermore, it addresses the practical application of modelling studies in predicting dry matter intake and carcass traits of meat sheep through correlated variables

    Relationships between body mass index, ultrasound measurements and, internal body fat depots in pelibuey sheep

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI), ultrasound measurements (USM), and internal fat (IF) in hair sheep. The BMI and USM were determined 24 hours before laughter in 35 animals finished in intensive fattening. At slaughter, the IF (inner adipose tissue) was dissected, weighed, and grouped as mesenteric, omental, or perirenal fat; these three depots were summed to obtain their total weight. The relationship of the variables was evaluated through Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) using the CORR procedure and by regression models using the REG procedure of SAS ver. 9.3. The IF and BMI presented r= 0.75 (P 0.05). The regression equation between IF and BMI had a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.67 (P <.0001). The inclusion of the subcutaneous fat thickness together with the BMI improved the r2 with a range of 0.77. The BMI and the subcutaneous fat thickness could be used to predict the weight of the internal fat in hair sheep

    Productive and economic performance of feedlot young Nellore bulls fed whole oilseeds

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    ABSTRACT The effects of diets containing oilseeds were measured to evaluate the productive and economic parameters in the finishing of young, feedlot Nellore bulls. Twenty-four young Nellore bulls were used, with an initial body weight (BW) of 311.46±0.37 kg and 24 months of age, distributed into individual stalls ( 4 × 20 m) in a completely randomized design, totaling four treatments with six repetitions per treatment. Four diets (control, based on corn and soybean meal, and three diets containing cottonseed, soybean, and sunflower) were evaluated. Feed and orts were measured daily to calculate intake and costs. The dry matter intake of the control group was higher than soybean (10.64 kg/day), cotton (9.88 kg/day), and sunflower (9.30 kg/day) treatments, respectively. The cottonseed treatment showed the highest average neutral detergent fiber intake. There was a dietary effect of diets on average daily gain, total weight gain, and final weight. The soybean treatment showed the highest performance, total gain (232.55 kg), and final weight (544.38 kg). Oilseed intake can modify the fatty acids profile in the meat, decreasing its saturated fatty acid content. Whole soybean seed favors performance, improves feed efficiency, fatty acid profile, and fat distribution in the carcass, and can reduce production costs