21 research outputs found

    Preschooler’s Cognitive Development in Correlation with Their Parents’ Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Personality

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    This paper is devoted to cognitive development of preschoolers in correlation with implicit theories of their parents. There are four positive mindsets of intelligence and learning motivation: (1) growth intelligence mindset, (2) growth personality mindset, (3) acceptance of learning goals, (4) positive learning self-esteem. We hypothesized that cognitive and intellectual parameters and self-esteem of preschoolers correlatewith parents’ growth mindsets. The study involved 120 subjects-40 preschoolers in age of 6 ± 0.5 years old (20 boys and 20 girls) and their 80 fathers and mothers. The parents ’ sample consisted of subjects aged from 27 to 54 years average age was 37.9 ± 6.7 years old). To investigate the cognitive differences of preschoolers we used: (1) two subtests of WISC (for examining attention and short-term memory); (2) Method of Verbal Thinking of Kern-Yirasek; (3) Method of Express Diagnostics of Intellectual Abilities (MEDIA) I. S. Averina, E. I. Shabanova and E. N. Zadorina. To explore parents’ mindsets Questionnaire of Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Personality (by C. Dweck, in the adaptation of T.V. Kornilova et al, 2008) was used. It was determined that the indicators of cognitive development and intelligence of girls are more related to parental attitudes than boys. In this case, the closest relationship is observed in the dyad ”father – daughter”. Indicators of attention, short-term memory, understanding of quantitative and qualitative relations, logical thinking are associated with mindsets of growth intelligence and adoption of their fathers’ high learning value. Girls ’mathematical abilities are positively related to fathers’ and negative mothers ’ growth mindsets. Keywords: parents’ influence, growth intelligence mindset, growth personality mindset, learning goals, learning self-esteem, cognitive and intellectual development

    Exploring the relationship between the happiness of preschoolers and their mothers

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    The cognitive and emotional development of children largely depends on their subjective well-being, on how the child feels happy or unhappy. Preschool age is crucial for the formation of feelings of happiness. The main influence on this process is exerted by parents, especially by mothers. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the perceptions of happiness in children of middle pre-school age (4-5 years old) in connection with their psychological characteristics, as well as the happiness of their mothers and the specifics of the parental attitude. 70 children (42 girls and 28 boys) and 70 mothers participated in the study. The interview method, the method "Ladder", the Anxiety Test (R. Tample, M. Dorki, V. Amen), the test "Family Drawing" were used during the examination of children,. Research methods for mothers are Oxford Happiness Inventory OHI (Argyle et al.), "Scale of Reactive and Personal Anxiety" C. D. Spielberger - Yu. L. Khanin), "Parental relationship questionnaire" (A. Y. Varga, V. V. Stolin). It was found that happy mothers have happier and less anxious children. The happiness factor of a preschooler is the subjective perception of family relations as favorable. In the process of upbringing, parents of happier children are more likely to use cooperation and acceptance strategies. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    The Relationship Between Happiness and “Deadly Sins” Among Middle-Aged Persons

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    Background. The contradictory results of studies on the relationship of happiness and well-being to norm-prohibitions make further work on this subject urgent. This topic is of particular relevance in connection with the current crisis of the value system. Objective. Our research was devoted to the study of happiness, life satisfaction, and compliance with norm-prohibitions in middle-aged Russians. We hypothesized that happiness is associated not only with life satisfaction but also with the ability to resist temptations (such as what are known as “mortal sins”). The survey used six temptations: wrath, greed, envy, sloth, gluttony, and extra pride. Resistance to these “sins” represented adherence to “norm-prohibitions”. Design. The study involved 1,520 respondents (222 male and 1,298 female). The mean age of the participants was 40.37 ± 6.01 years. The socio-demographic questionnaire included items related to gender, age, marital status, number of children, level of education, and financial situation. Happiness, life satisfaction, and adherence to “norm-prohibitions” were measured on a 10-point scale. Results. Happiness was associated with marital status, the number of children, and income per family member. It also correlated with life satisfaction, mostly in the area of relationships. Both men and women felt equally happy. The happiest people were less likely to manifest the “deadly sins” of wrath, greed, envy, and sloth. At the same time, happiness, calmness, and optimism were positively associated with pronounced gluttony and extra pride. Conclusion. The results indicate that a significant contribution to happiness is made by the ability of a person to adhere to norm-prohibitions. © Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2021.We are grateful to Boris Berzin and Alexey Maltsev for their administrative support in data collection

    Research of interrelation of cognitive styles and their features in young men and women

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    The relevance of the study is due to the high intellectual and information loads, which are exposed to young people aged 16.18 years. The aim of the study is to determine the specifics of the manifestation of cognitive styles in young men and women in the period of study, which falls on the end of school and the beginning of education at the university. The study involved 90 people (63 female and 27 male), the average age of the subjects: Xcp = 17.4, σ = 0.58. Methods corresponding to three levels of manifestation of «analyticity/holistic» cognitive style (perception, thinking and worldview) were used for the research: «Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure», «Benziger Thinking Styles Assessment» and «Analytic.Holistic Scale». Mathematical data processing was carried out by means of φ∗-criterion, Fisher's variance analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis. It has been established that the differences between young men and girls are related to the level of perception (young men are more analytic, and young women - holistic style), and do not appear at the level of thinking and worldview. Regardless of gender, the closest relationships are observed in the parameters of «analyticity-holistic» and «impulsivity-reflexivity». Field dependency and visualization as cognitive styles are also associated with holistic, but in young men and women this manifests itself in different ways. The results of the study confirm the data on the three-level structural organization of cognitive styles, and the allocation of analyticity/holistic as the basic structure that determines the stylistic characteristics of the personality. The obtained data can be useful in the educational process and will allow teachers to organize the learning process most effectively in accordance with the specifics of the manifestation of cognitive styles in young men and women. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Achievement Motivation in the Context of the Existential Approach of Irvin Yalom

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    Анализируется феномен мотивации достижения в контексте экзистенциальной психологии Ирвина Ялома. Рассматриваются экзистенциальные данности как факторы, оказывающие влияние на качественные характеристики мотивации достижения.The phenomenon of achievement motivation is analyzed in the context of existential psychology of Irvin Yalom. Existential facts are considered as factors influencing the qualitative characteristics of achievement motivation

    Influence of Tolerance for Ambiguity on Educational Success within the Existential Approach

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    В статье рассматриваются теоретические аспекты изучения толерантности к неопределенности в контексте экзистенциального подхода. Выдвигается гипотеза о взаимосвязи толерантности к неопределенности и образовательной успешности студентов.The article examines the theoretical aspects of tolerance for ambiguity within the existential approach. A hypothesis is about the corre­lation of tolerance for ambiguity with the educational success of students.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-29-07016.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-29-07016

    Оптимизм и страх заражения как предикторы следования рекомендациям оставаться дома во время пандемии Covid-19

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    According to COVID-19 research, the introduction of a self-isolation and quarantine regime is an effective measure to contain the pandemic. The article examines the problem of psychological factors of observing stay-at-home recommendations, among which the main attention is paid to two types of optimism in a pandemic situation: constructive optimism and defensive optimism. It was assumed that they would have the opposite effect on adherence to the self-isolation regime, and the negative effect of defensive optimism would be mediated by a decrease in illness anxiety or fear of infection. To test this hypothesis, a longitudinal study (with an interval of six weeks) was carried out in a sample of 306 students (89% of women) using a life orientation test, the scales of constructive and defensive optimism by Gordeeva et al., and anxiety in a pandemic situation questionnaire by Tkhostov and Rasskazova. The results confirm our hypotheses: people who adhere to the stay-at-home recommendations are characterized by a higher level of constructive optimism, i.e. they believe that their efforts will help prevent infection and spread of the virus. In contrast, people who demonstrate unrealistic or defensive optimism, that is, who believe that the issue of coronavirus is exaggerated, fear infection less and admit that they do not strictly adhere to the requirements of self-isolation. These results indicate that, in addition to dispositional optimism, situation specific constructive and defensive optimism are essential in explaining health behavior, with the latter type of optimism serving as a response to anxiety associated with fear of the disease and its consequences. © 2021 Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. All Rights Reserved.Funding. The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 20-04-60174

    Hardiness of adolescents and thier academic achievements

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    Hardiness of adolescents and thier academic achievement

    Intrapersonal determinants of achievement motivation

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    Излагаются основные результаты проведенного исследования, посвященного поиску детерминант мотивации достижения. Опираясь на диспозиционный подход Д. Макклелланда, в качестве таких детерминант автор называет совокупность устойчивых психологических черт личности. Описываются внутренние (личностные особенности) и внешние (академическая успеваемость) корреляты мотивации достижения. Анализируется изменчивость параметров мотивации достижения во времени и под влиянием направленных тренинговых воздействий.The given paper is devoted search a determinant of achievement motivation. McClelland's motivational needs theory approach served as a framework for the study. The intercorrelation between achievement motivation and various internal (personal features) and external (the academic progress) parameters is revealed. Variability of achievement motivation's parametres in time is analyzed