161 research outputs found

    Towards a Narrative Understanding of Victimhood : The Perception of Intergroup Conflicts in Light of Past Ingroup Victimization

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    The present study explores the role of linguistic compositional characteristics in transmitting collective victimhood beliefs. Experimentally manipulated excerpts of history textbooks were used to examine the perception of the victim position of national outgroups and its intermediary social psychological processes with Hungarian (N = 415) and Finnish (N = 116) participants. The results reveal that the narrative composition of the victimhood narrative had a significant effect on the perception of the target groups’ victimhood position. The evaluation of the groups changed according to which variant of the story was introduced. The results demonstrate that the perception of a perpetrator group can be changed purely by means of narrative construction and that their actions can acquire a “victim tone”. This effect is present in both the Hungarian and Finnish samples, suggesting that narrating an event of victimhood has certain universal characteristics, although their effect is partially dependent on the national-historical-cultural contexPeer reviewe

    Automatikus morfológiai elemzés a korai Alzheimer-kór felismerésében

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    Cikkünkben Alzheimer-kórral diagnosztizált páciensek és egy egészséges kontrollcsoport beszédátiratának a magyarlanc által automatikus morfológiai elemzésnek alávetett változatait vizsgáljuk azzal a céllal, hogy a betegek nyelvhasználati sajátosságait felmérjük. Bemutatjuk a gépi elemzés kézi annotálással történ korrigálása során talált hibákat és javaslatokat teszünk a lehetséges javítási módokra. Emellett összefüggéseket keresünk a kórban szenvedk és egészséges társaik nyelvi produkciója között acélból, hogy egy, a jöv- ben megvalósuló rendszer keretén belül az esetlegesen érintettek beszédjük alapján felismerhetek legyenek

    Novel tetrakis lanthanide β-diketonate complexes : structural study, luminescent properties and temperature sensing

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    Lanthanide β-diketonate complexes have been extensively investigated in the past, as they are cheap, easy to synthesize and they tend to form highly stable complexes with lanthanide ions. Lanthanide β-diketonate complexes have been used as NMR shift reagents, also they are good precursors for further synthesis in some more complex matrixes (such as sol-gels, polymers…), used as OLEDs and as temperature probes because of their distinct luminescence properties.1 Optical thermometry based on luminescence is an expanding field of research because non-contact temperature sensing can have different applications, such as in bioimaging, anti-counterfeiting or in industry where it is necessary to have good sensing properties in precisely defined temperature ranges.2 Here, we report novel structures of different homonuclear (Ln3+ = Eu, Tb, Sm, Dy, Pr, Nd, Er, and Yb) complexes and four heteronuclear complexes: two Eu-Tb and two Tb-Sm complexes with different ratios of the two ions. The trifluoro-acetylacetone (TFAC) ligand has been chosen for the synthesis because it is well known and widely used in complexation chemistry. Up till now, there have not been any reported structures of tetrakis TFAC complexes with lanthanides. The complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic system with Pna2 space group with four molecules per unit cell. The structure consists of a [Ln(TFAC)4]- salt with a sodium cation, where the Ln ion is coordinated with eight O atoms from the TFAC ligand. The homonuclear complexes show luminescent properties in both the visible and NIR region. The Dy complex shows temperature-dependent luminescence in the 280-380 K region, with a maximum value of Sr = 3.45% K-1 at 280 K. The heteronuclear complexes of Tb-Sm with different ion ratios also show good temperature-dependent luminescent properties in this region with maximum Sr = 2.30 % K-1 at 360 K. For the Eu-Tb complexes, it was also observed that the different ions ratios influence the temperature-dependent luminescence in the way that they can be sensitive in the different temperature regions. For a complex with a higher Tb3+ contents temperature sensing properties were observed in the 10-335 K range, with a maximum Sr value of 1.65 K-1 at 285 K. When more Eu3+ ions are present in the heteronuclear complex, it shows temperature sensing abilities in the physiological region, from 273-373 K, with a maximum Sr value of 2.70 K-1 at 353 K. References 1 K. Binnemmans, Rare-earth beta-diketonates, Handbook of the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, 2005, Chapter 35, pp. 107-272. 2 C. D. S. Brites, A. Millan, L. D. Carlos, Lanthanides in Luminescent Thermometry, Handbook of the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, 2016, Chapter 49, pp. 339-427

    Kynurenic acid protects against ischemia/reperfusion injury by modulating apoptosis in cardiomyocytes.

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    Acute myocardial infarction, often associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury (I/R), is a leading cause of death worldwide. Although the endogenous tryptophan metabolite kynurenic acid (KYNA) has been shown to exert protection against I/R injury, its mechanism of action at the cellular and molecular level is not well understood yet. Therefore, we examined the potential involvement of antiapoptotic mechanisms, as well as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor modulation in the protective effect of KYNA in cardiac cells exposed to simulated I/R (SI/R). KYNA was shown to attenuate cell death induced by SI/R dose-dependently in H9c2 cells or primary rat cardiomyocytes. Analysis of morphological and molecular markers of apoptosis (i.e., membrane blebbing, apoptotic nuclear morphology, DNA double-strand breaks, activation of caspases) revealed considerably increased apoptotic activity in cardiac cells undergoing SI/R. The investigated apoptotic markers were substantially improved by treatment with the cytoprotective dose of KYNA. Although cardiac cells were shown to express NMDA receptors, another NMDA antagonist structurally different from KYNA was unable to protect against SI/R-induced cell death. Our findings provide evidence that the protective effect of KYNA against SI/R-induced cardiac cell injury involves antiapoptotic mechanisms, that seem to evoke independently of NMDA receptor signaling

    Human-in-the-loop error detection in an object organization task with a social robot

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    In human-robot collaboration, failures are bound to occur. A thorough understanding of potential errors is necessary so that robotic system designers can develop systems that remedy failure cases. In this work, we study failures that occur when participants interact with a working system and focus especially on errors in a robotic system’s knowledge base of which the system is not aware. A human interaction partner can be part of the error detection process if they are given insight into the robot’s knowledge and decision-making process. We investigate different communication modalities and the design of shared task representations in a joint human-robot object organization task. We conducted a user study (N = 31) in which the participants showed a Pepper robot how to organize objects, and the robot communicated the learned object configuration to the participants by means of speech, visualization, or a combination of speech and visualization. The multimodal, combined condition was preferred by 23 participants, followed by seven participants preferring the visualization. Based on the interviews, the errors that occurred, and the object configurations generated by the participants, we conclude that participants tend to test the system’s limitations by making the task more complex, which provokes errors. This trial-and-error behavior has a productive purpose and demonstrates that failures occur that arise from the combination of robot capabilities, the user’s understanding and actions, and interaction in the environment. Moreover, it demonstrates that failure can have a productive purpose in establishing better user mental models of the technology

    Co-Administration of Proton Pump Inhibitors May Negatively Affect the Outcome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with Vedolizumab

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    Concomitant medications may alter the effect of biological therapy in inflammatory bowel disease. The aim was to investigate the effect of proton pump inhibitors on remission rates in patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with the gut-selective vedolizumab. Patients from the Hungarian nationwide, multicenter vedolizumab cohort were selected for post hoc analysis. Primary outcomes were the assessment of clinical response and endoscopic and clinical remission at weeks 14 and 54. Secondary outcomes were the evaluation of the combined effect of concomitant steroid therapy and other factors, such as smoking, on remission. A total of 108 patients were identified with proton pump inhibitor data from 240 patients in the original cohort. Patients on steroids without proton pump inhibitors were more likely to have a clinical response at week 14 than patients on concomitant PPI (95% vs. 67%, p = 0.005). Non-smokers with IBD treated with VDZ were more likely to develop a clinical response at week 14 than smokers, particularly those not receiving PPI compared with patients on co-administered PPI therapy (81% vs. 53%, p = 0.041, and 92% vs. 74%, p = 0.029, respectively). We found that the use of PPIs in patients treated with VDZ may impair the achievement of response in certain subgroups. Unnecessary PPI prescriptions should be avoided

    FinUgRevita : nyelvtechnológiai eszközök fejlesztése kisebbségi finnugor nyelvekre

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    A jelenleg is futó nemzetközi FinUgRevita projekt (2013-2017) keretében olyan nyelvtechnológiai eszközöket fejlesztünk, melyek a kis finnugor népek közülük a manysik (vogulok) és udmurtok (votjákok) nyelvének digitális és online jelenlétét teszi lehetővé, és segíti az anyanyelvi beszélőket és a tanulni vágyókat a nyelvi kommunikáció különféle színterein. A kezdeti fázisban a két nyelv jelenkori leíró nyelvtanai alapján nyelvtani kivonatok készülnek, melyek a készülő online morfológiai elemző szabályrendszerét adják, míg az eddig megjelent nyomtatott szótárak szkennelésével, OCR-es elemzésével és manuális javítással az udmurt esetében 13000, míg a manysi esetében előreláthatólag 10-15000 szavas elektronikusan felhasználható szótár készül. A morfológiai elemző futtatásához és további nyelvtechnológiai eszközök fejlesztéséhez az interneten szabadon elérhető udmurt és manysi nyelvű tartalmakból nagy tokenszámú korpuszt építünk. A projekt célja, hogy a készülő eszközök online szabadon hozzáférhetőek legyenek az udmurt és manysi nyelvek beszélőinek és tanulóinak számára, és nem utolsó sorban kutatási célokra is alkalmazhatóak legyenek