1,535 research outputs found

    The regulation of exosome function in the CNS: implications for neurodegeneration

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    Exosomes are nanovesicles that have been shown to regulate neuronal development and regeneration, and modulate synaptic function

    Towards local forms of sprawl: A brief reflection on mediterranean urbanization

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    Urban sprawl is a complex phenomenon that requires a comprehensive reflection on the most significant patterns and underlying processes. While the "sprawl" notion parallels hegemonic concepts such as economic competitiveness, social cohesion, and polycentric development, an integrated analysis of sprawl patterns and processes in paradigmatic socioeconomic contexts is increasingly required to reconcile dierent disciplinary visions, contributing to a holistic interpretation of metropolitan change. At the same time, sprawl is an increasingly evident product of local socioeconomic contexts all over the world. A comprehensive investigation of multifaceted, form-function relationships underlying sprawl-based on a quali-quantitative analysis of representative cases-is a crucial pre-requisite of both monitoring and policy actions at multiple spatial scales, from urban/regional to national/continental levels. The present contribution proposes a contextualization of the sprawl notion in Southern Europe-a socioeconomic context characterized by compact and continuous urbanization for a long time. An integrated approach based on a visual analysis of urban and peri-urban landscapes-integrated with an extended literature survey-allows for a definition of a specific sprawl model in Southern Europe, sharing some features with the United States ideal type of sprawl and showing peculiarities with respect to common models of urban dispersion typical of Northern and Western Europe. Policies aimed at containing urban dispersion may definitely benefit from a local-based definition of sprawl, considering the specificity of form-function relationships and the underlying socioeconomic context

    Up to 4 × 192 LTE-A radio waveforms transmission in a point to multipoint architecture for massive fronthauling solutions

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    In this work, a novel point-to-multipoint fronthauling architecture based on the use of a Multi-Output Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier (MO-EDFA), to deliver several digital signal processing (DSP) aggregated analogue radio waveforms, is proposed and experimentally analysed. The transmission of 4x192 20 MHz radio waveforms, according to the DSP-aggregated fronthauling (DSP-AF) Frequency Division Multiplexed (FDM) architecture originally proposed in [1]. Using the MO-EDFA, we are able to feed up to 24 remote radio head (RRH) units, experimentally demonstrating successful transmission over a link with up to 25 dB of optical path losses, including 37 km of single mode fibre

    Essays on growth and business cycles

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    This thesis is comprised of two papers contributing research output to the field of Macroeconomics, focusing on the nexus between growth and business cycles. The first paper represents a theoretical contribution to the literature attempting to shed light on the mechanics behind economic recovery after negative shocks, as well as the role played by policy interventions in such context. The work proposes a model to generate V-shaped and L-shaped recoveries, in line with observed economic dynamics, and discusses the crucial importance of monetary policy interventions in determining the shape of the recovery. The second paper comprises an empirical exercise and aims to contribute to the literature focusing on the rise of the intangible economy. The paper answers two research questions relevant to build a better understanding of the consequences of the structural transformation process towards an economy that relies increasingly on intangible assets for production. First, this work includes an analysis of the role played by different categories of intangible investment for firm performance. Second, it investigates weather the rise of intangible intensity was affected by the Great Recession, contributing novel empirical evidence on the medium to long run effects of recessions

    Decaying shock studies of phase transitions in MgOSiO2 systems: implications for the Super-Earths interiors

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    We report an experimental study of the phase diagrams of periclase (MgO), enstatite (MgSiO3) and forsterite (Mg2SiO4) at high pressures. We investigated with laser driven decaying shocks the pressure/temperature curves of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 between 0.2-1.2 TPa, 0.12-0.5 TPa and 0.2-0.85 TPa respectively. A melting signature has been observed in MgO at 0.47 TPa and 9860 K, while no phase changes were observed neither in MgSiO3 nor in Mg2SiO4. An increasing of reflectivity of MgO, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 liquids have been detected at 0.55 TPa -12 760 K, 0.15 TPa - 7540 K, 0.2 TPa - 5800 K, respectively. In contrast to SiO2, melting and metallization of these compounds do not coincide implying the presence of poor electrically conducting liquids close to the melting lines. This has important implications for the generation of dynamos in Super-earths mantles


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    O artigo em questão procurará pensar o tratamento dado por Gilles Deleuze ao Discurso Indireto Livre [DIL] ao longo de sua obra, escrita ou não em parceria com Félix Guattari. Compreendido como uma estratégia discursiva, partimos da hipótese que o DIL possui um papel singular do exercício filosófico de Deleuze em relação à História da Filosofia.; permitindo-lhe escapar da função repressora que essa exerceria sobre o pensamento. Por permitir uma despersonificação do próprio filosofar, ademais, o DIL possibilitaria transmutar a filosofia em atividade criativa e não reflexiva. Em tempos em que Deleuze é cada vez mais lido e comentado, no qual trabalhos de cunho exegético – ou de cunho experimental – surgem em profusão nas áreas de saber as mais diversas, recuperar o uso estratégico do discurso indireto livre por parte do filósofo francês talvez se demonstre uma tarefa profícua

    Cognitive Impairment and Age-Related Vision Disorders: Their Possible Relationship and the Evaluation of the Use of Aspirin and Statins in a 65 Years-and-Over Sardinian Population

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    Neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular and mixed dementia) and visual loss (cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy) are among the most common conditions that afflict people of at least 65 years of age. An increasing body of evidence is emerging, which demonstrates that memory and vision impairment are closely, significantly, and positively linked and that statins and aspirin may lessen the risk of developing age-related visual and neurological problems. However, clinical studies have produced contradictory results. Thus, the intent of the present study was to reliably establish whether a relationship exist between various types of dementia and age-related vision disorders, and to establish whether statins and aspirin may or may not have beneficial effects on these two types of disorders. We found that participants with dementia and/or vision problems were more likely to be depressed and displayed worse functional ability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living than controls. Mini mental state examination scores were significantly lower in patients with vision disorders compared to subjects without vision disorders. A closer association with macular degeneration was found in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease than in subjects without dementia or with vascular dementia, mixed dementia, or other types of age-related vision disorders. When we considered the associations between different types of dementia and vision disorders and the use of statins and aspirin, we found a significant positive association between Alzheimer’s disease and statins on their own or in combination with aspirin, indicating that these two drugs do not appear to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or improve its clinical evolution and may, on the contrary, favor its development. No significant association in statin use alone, aspirin use alone, or the combination of these was found in subjects without vision disorders but with dementia, and, similarly, none in subjects with vision disorders but without dementia. Overall, these results confirm the general impression so far; namely, that macular degeneration may contribute to cognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s disease in particular). In addition, they also suggest that, while statin and aspirin use may undoubtedly have some protective effects, they do not appear to be magic pills against the development of cognitive impairment or vision disorders in the elderly

    Effect of indomethacin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on renal function in man: An experimental model of inappropriate antidiuresis

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    Effect of indomethacin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on renal function in man: An experimental model of inappropriate antidiuresis. The effect of prostaglandin synthesis inhibition on basal and ACTH-stimulated adrenal and renal function was investigated in normai volunteers. Data were collected during control and experimental study periods (13 days each). Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (Cosyntropin, 80 U/day) was administered i.v. on days 8 and 9 of each period. Indomethacin (150 mg/day) was given on days 5 through 13 of the experimental period. The subjects ate a constant diet containing 9 mEq of sodium, 100 mEq of potassium, and 2,500 ml of fluid daily. Indomethacin markedly inhibited urinary PGE excretion and plasma PGE concentration. The effect of ACTH alone as compared to the effect of ACTH and indomethacin showed: plasma sodium concentration, 139 ± 1 vs. 131 ± 3 mEg/liter (P < 0.01, mean ± SEM); plasma osmolality, 287 ± 3 vs. 270 ± 3 mOsm/liter (P < 0.01); free water clearance, 97 ± 66 vs. -1100 ± 380 ml/24hr (P < 0.01); urine volume, 2,000 ± 60 vs. 950 ± 200 ml/day (P < 0.01); and urine osmolality 282 ± 12 vs. 720 ± 144 mOsm/liter (P < 0.01). We conclude that the effects of ACTH and prostaglandin synthesis inhibition interact to result in inappropriate antidiuresis.Effet de l'indométhacine et de l'hormone adrénocorticotrope sur la fonction rénale chez l'homme: Un modèle expérimental d'antidiurèse inappropriée. L'effet de l'inhibition de la synthèse de prostaglandine sur la fonction surrénalienne basale et stimulée par l'ACTH et sur la fonction rénale a été étudié chez des sujets normaux volontaires. Les résultats ont été obtenus au cours de périodes contrôles et expérimentales de 13 jours chacune. De l'hormone adrénocorticotrope (Cosyntropin) a été administrée par voie i.v. les 8ème et 9ème jours de chaque période à raison de 80 U par jour. L'indométhacine, 150 mg/jour, a été donnée du 8ème au 13ème jour de la période expérimentale. Les sujets ont été soumis à un régime constant contenant 9 mEq de sodium, 100 mEq de potassium, et 2,500 ml de liquide par jour. L'indométhacine a fortement inhibé l'excrétion urinaire de PGE et abaissé la concentration plasmatique de PGE. L'effet de l'ACTH seul comparé à l'effet de l'ACTH associé à l'indométhacine a montré: une concentration plasmatique de sodium de 139 ± 1 vs. 131 ± 3 mEq/litre (P < 0,01) moyenne et SEM); une osmolalité plasmatique de 287 ± 3 vs. 270 ± 3 mOsm/litre (P < 0,01); une clearance de l'eau libre de 97 ± 66 vs. - 1100 ± 380 ml/24 hr (P < 0,01); un débit urinaire de 2,000 ± 60 vs. 950 ± 200 ml/jour (P < 0,01); et une osmolalité urinaire de 282 ± 12 vs. 720 ± 144 mOsm/litre (P < 0,01). Nous considérons que les effets de l'ACTH et de l'inhibition de la synthèse de prostaglandine se combinent pour déterminer une antidiurése inappropriée