166 research outputs found

    An Innovation Culture Assessment Plan for a Department of a Fortune 500 Company

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    This project presents an approach to assess the creative climate of a department of a Fortune 500 organization. This project includes a review of the approaches other organizations have taken to assess innovation climate, an evaluation of the approach the focal company currently uses and finally, a plan to assess the innovation climate for a department of the focal company. The proposed plan incorporates learnings from the reviewed literature, best practices from companies such as ?What If!, and institutions such as International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC), and my perspective on my experience with innovation in Corporate America

    The overall motion sickness incidence applied to catamarans

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    ABSTRACT The Overall Motion Sickness Incidence is applied to the hull form optimization of a wave piercing high-speed catamaran vessel. Parametric hull modelling is applied to generate two families of derived hull forms, the former varying the prismatic coefficient and the position of longitudinal centre of buoyancy, the latter instead the demi-hull separation. Several heading angles are analysed in a seaway, considering all combinations of significant wave height and zero-crossing period under two operating scenarios. The optimum hull is generated and vertical accelerations at some critical points on main deck are compared with the parent ones. Finally a comparative analysis with the results obtained for a similarly sized monohull passenger ship is carried out, in order to quantify, by the OMSI, the relative goodness in terms of wellness onboard of monohulls and catamarans, as a function of sea states and operating scenarios

    Flood propagation modelling with the Local Inertia Approximation: theoretical and numerical analysis of its physical limitations

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    Attention of the researchers has increased towards a simplification of the complete Shallow water Equations called the Local Inertia Approximation (LInA), which is obtained by neglecting the advection term in the momentum conservation equation. In the present paper it is demonstrated that a shock is always developed at moving wetting-drying frontiers, and this justifies the study of the Riemann problem on even and uneven beds. In particular, the general exact solution for the Riemann problem on horizontal frictionless bed is given, together with the exact solution of the non-breaking wave propagating on horizontal bed with friction, while some example solution is given for the Riemann problem on discontinuous bed. From this analysis, it follows that drying of the wet bed is forbidden in the LInA model, and that there are initial conditions for which the Riemann problem has no solution on smoothly varying bed. In addition, propagation of the flood on discontinuous sloping bed is impossible if the bed drops height have the same order of magnitude of the moving-frontier shock height. Finally, it is found that the conservation of the mechanical energy is violated. It is evident that all these findings pose a severe limit to the application of the model. The numerical analysis has proven that LInA numerical models may produce numerical solutions, which are unreliable because of mere algorithmic nature, also in the case that the LInA mathematical solutions do not exist. The applicability limits of the LInA model are discouragingly severe, even if the bed elevation varies continuously. More important, the non-existence of the LInA solution in the case of discontinuous topography and the non-existence of receding fronts radically question the viability of the LInA model in realistic cases. It is evident that classic SWE models should be preferred in the majority of the practical applications

    Hydraulic properties of ignimbrites: matrix and fracture permeabilities in two pyroclastic flow deposits from Cimino‑Vico volcanoes (Italy)

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    Hydrological properties of ignimbrites are known in detail only for some areas, although these rocks cover large areas with considerable thicknesses in many volcanic regions of the world. This study investigates hydrological properties of two ignimbrites of Latium (Central Italy), different in age, composition, and origin. The dual porosity of the ignimbrites was examined through laboratory tests, pumping tests, and outcrop surveys. The degree of welding, composition, and stratigraphy of the two ignimbrites are the main factors determining their hydrological properties. The two ignimbrites share a low matrix permeability, showing a different fracturing degree. The more welded ignimbrite is characterized by lower porosity of the matrix and higher fracturing degree, while the less welded ignimbrite is characterized by higher porosity of the matrix and lower fracturing degree. Hydraulic conductivity and storage capacity of the highly welded ignimbrite mainly depend on the denser network of discontinuities. The hydraulic conductivity of the younger ignimbrite, less welded, mainly depend on the sparser network of discontinuities and on the layer of unconsolidated coarse pyroclastic deposits at its base, while the storage capacity depends on the more porous matrix. Should the pyroclastic rocks be used as aquifer for water supplies, or, in other cases, as substratum of waste disposal sites, the dual porosity of the ignimbrites must necessarily include different scales of analysis in order to evaluate the role of matrix and fractures on the permeability of rock mass. In any case, the results of laboratory and on-site tests are to be interpreted taking into account the stratigraphy of the ignimbrite

    Pumping response and sustainable well yield of some hard-rock aquifers of the mediterranean region

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    Hard-rock aquifer, pumping test, sustainable well yield, Mediterranean Region

    Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)

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    Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile are two shallow (4-5 m) lakes located in the Rieti Basin, central Italy, that have been described previously as surface outcroppings of the groundwater table. In this work, the two lakes as well as springs and rivers that represent their potential source waters are characterized physio-chemically and isotopically, using a combination of environmental tracers. Temperature and pH were measured and water samples were analyzed for alkalinity, major ion concentration, and stable isotope (δ2H, δ18O, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and δ34S and δ18O of sulfate) composition. Chemical data were also investigated in terms of local meteorological data (air temperature, precipitation) to determine the sensitivity of lake parameters to changes in the surrounding environment. Groundwater represented by samples taken from Santa Susanna Spring was shown to be distinct with SO4 2- and Mg2+ content of 270 and 29 mg/L, respectively, and heavy sulfate isotopic composition (δ34S=15.2‰ and δ18O=10‰). Outflow from the Santa Susanna Spring enters Lake Ripasottile via a canal and both spring and lake water exhibits the same chemical distinctions and comparatively low seasonal variability. Major ion concentrations in Lake Lungo are similar to the Vicenna Riara Spring and are interpreted to represent the groundwater locally recharged within the plain. The δ13CDIC exhibit the same groupings as the other chemical parameters, providing supporting evidence of the source relationships. Lake Lungo exhibited exceptional ranges of δ13CDIC (±5‰) and δ2H, δ18O (±5 ‰ and ±7 ‰, respectively), attributed to sensitivity to seasonal changes. The hydrochemistry results, particularly major ion data, highlight how the two lakes, though geographically and morphologically similar, represent distinct hydrochemical facies. These data also show a different response in each lake to temperature and precipitation patterns in the basin that may be attributed to lake water retention time. The sensitivity of each lake to meteorological patterns can be used to understand the potential effects from long-term climate variability

    Measurement of Sea Waves

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    Sea waves constitute a natural phenomenon with a great impact on human activities, and their monitoring is essential for meteorology, coastal safety, navigation, and renewable energy from the sea. Therefore, the main measurement techniques for their monitoring are here reviewed, including buoys, satellite observation, coastal radars, shipboard observation, and microseism analysis. For each technique, the measurement principle is briefly recalled, the degree of development is outlined, and trends are prospected. The complementarity of such techniques is also highlighted, and the need for further integration in local and global networks is stressed

    Le acque sotterranee: uso sostenibile di una risorsa invisibile

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    Le risorse idriche sotterranee assicurano in Italia circa l’84% delle acque potabili, originano acque minerali e termali, e contribuiscono all’approvvigionamento dei fabbisogni irrigui e industriali. La ricchezza quantitativa e qualitativa delle acque sotterranee del nostro Paese è funzione del suo assetto geologico. Questa risorsa generalmente invisibile, ma resa visibile da studi ed indagini idrogeologiche, è strategica per la vita del pianeta e quindi per assicurare il futuro dell’umanità e degli ecosistemi. In questa nota viene fornita una panoramica sulla disponibilità delle risorse idriche sotterranee in Italia, confrontandola con il fabbisogno idrico per gli usi antropici e discutendo la sostenibilità dei prelievi di acque sotterranee

    Yield, quality, antioxidants and elemental composition of peanut as affected by plant density and harvest time

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    With the perspective of reintroducing peanut cultivation in southern Italy about six decades after its dismissal, research was carried out with the aim to identify the best performing farming management in terms of yield and quality. In this respect, the effect of the factorial combination between four plant densities (6.1, 7.8, 10.3, and 12.1 plants m-2) and two harvest times (100 and 110 days after planting) was assessed on pod and seed yield, as well as on seed quality, antioxidant activity, and elemental composition. The later harvest time determined a 26.9% dry weight increase, but a 14.3% decrease in the number of seeds per pod. Plant density significantly influenced all the yield and growth indices except for mean seed weight. Yield and growth of each plant were best affected by the lowest plant density, whereas the opposite trend was recorded for the same parameters referred to the surface area unit. The density of 12.1 plants m-2 resulted in a 32% reduction in pods per plant compared to 6.1 plants m-2, but had the greatest effect on seed production per m2 . The leaf area index was the highest with the density of 12.1 plants m-2. The total dry weight increased by 1.7-fold from 6.1 to 12.1 plants m-2. Compared to the first harvest time, in the second one the protein content decreased by 6.8%, and total polyphenols and antioxidant activity decreased by 11.2% and 7.6%, respectively. The second harvest time led to a depletion of N, P, and Mg, by 6.8%, 6.2%, and 6.8%, respectively, and a 7.1% Ca increase. The reintroduction of peanut cultivation in southern Italy is a realistic goal, though further studies regarding the crop system management are needed

    Efficacy and Safety of Neem Oil for the Topical Treatment of Bloodsucking Lice Linognathus stenopsis in Goats under Field Conditions

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    : The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of neem oil on caprine pediculosis and on kids' growth performances. The neem (Azadirachta indica) belongs to the Meliaceae family, and in Eastern countries it is mainly considered for the insecticidal activities of the kernel oil. The neem seeds contain bioactive principles, such as azadirachtin A, salannin, nimbin, and nimbolide. The trial was carried out on 24 kids, 120 days old, maintained in open yards. Animals were divided in 4 homogeneous groups (n = 6 animals/group) based on age, louse count, body condition score (BCS) and live body weight: Control Group (C, saline NaCl, 0.9%), Neem Group 1 (NO-100, 100 mL of neem oil per 10 kg), Neem Group 2 (NO-200, 200 mL/10 kg), Neem Group 3 (NO-300, 300 mL/10 kg). The treatments were performed by spraying the insecticide on the goat's body. The study lasted 56 days, and weekly, the kids underwent louse count, BCS and body weight determination, and FAMACHA score. Data were analyzed by ANOVA for repeated measures. The species of lice identified was Linognathus stenopsis. Kids belonging to NO-200 and NO-300 showed a stronger reduction of louse count throughout the study (>95%). The daily weight gain recorded was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in NO-300 than C. No differences were found for BCS and FAMACHA scores. The results of this trial showed that the administration of neem oil to control caprine pediculosis caused by sucking lice represents an alternative to synthetic compounds
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