146 research outputs found

    Update on the recent development of allosteric modulators for adenosine receptors and their therapeutic applications

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    Adenosine receptors (ARs) have been identified as promising therapeutic targets for countless pathological conditions, spanning from inflammatory diseases to central nervous system disorders, from cancer to metabolic diseases, from cardiovascular pathologies to respiratory diseases, and beyond. This extraordinary therapeutic potential is mainly due to the plurality of pathophysiological actions of adenosine and the ubiquitous expression of its receptors. This is, however, a double-edged sword that makes the clinical development of effective ligands with tolerable side effects difficult. Evidence of this is the low number of AR agonists or antagonists that have reached the market. An alternative approach is to target allosteric sites via allosteric modulators, compounds endowed with several advantages over orthosteric ligands. In addition to the typical advantages of allosteric modulators, those acting on ARs could benefit from the fact that adenosine levels are elevated in pathological tissues, thus potentially having negligible effects on normal tissues where adenosine levels are maintained low. Several A(1) and various A(3)AR allosteric modulators have been identified so far, and some of them have been validated in different preclinical settings, achieving promising results. Less fruitful, instead, has been the discovery of A(2A) and A(2B)AR allosteric modulators, although the results obtained up to now are encouraging. Collectively, data in the literature suggests that allosteric modulators of ARs could represent valuable pharmacological tools, potentially able to overcome the limitations of orthosteric ligands

    Knowledge and use of e-cigarettes among nursing students: results from a cross-sectional survey in north-eastern Italy

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    Data on electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use among health professional students, who can play a central role in promoting healthy habits and smoking cessation, are sparse. Moreover, the association between e-cigarettes and smoking habits is still debated. The present study aimed to investigate the diffusion of e-cigarette use among nursing students in north-eastern Italy and explore its association with tobacco smoking

    Are Two Riboses Better Than One? The Case of the Recognition and Activation of Adenosine Receptors

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    Traditionally, molecular recognition between the orthosteric site of adenosine receptors and their endogenous ligand occurs with a 1 : 1 stoichiometry. Inspired by previous mechanistic insights derived from supervised molecular dynamics (SuMD) simulations, which suggested an alternative 2 : 1 binding stoichiometry, we synthesized BRA1, a bis-ribosyl adenosine derivative, tested its ability to bind to and activate members of the adenosine receptor family, and rationalized its activity through molecular modeling

    The effects of enzalutamide and abiraterone on skeletal related events and bone radiological progression free survival in castration resistant prostate cancer patients: An indirect comparison of randomized controlled trials

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    Two new drugs, the CYP17 inhibitor abiraterone acetate and the androgen receptor (AR) antagonist enzalutamide, have recently shown to prolong OS prior chemotherapy or in docetaxel treated mCRPC patients, using steroidal therapy or placebo as control group. Updated analyses underlined the role of these new agents on two prostate-specific endpoints as radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS) and time to first skeletal-related event (tSRE). On the basis of these reports, we made an indirect comparison between abiraterone and enzalutamide. We obtained a clinically but not significant difference favouring enzalutamide over abiraterone in terms of rPFS (HR 0.48, 95% CI 0.22â1.02). No significant difference was shown in term of tSRE (HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.83â1.17). In conclusion, abiraterone and enzalutamide have both demonstrated to significantly delay the bone progression resulting in similar improvements in bone-related endpoints in patients with mCRPC

    A Heat Pump-Based Multi-source Renewable Energy System for the Building Air Conditioning: The IDEAS Project Experience

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    The current paper presents the state-of-the-art of the ongoing IDEAS research project, funded under the Horizon 2020 EU framework programme. The project involves fourteen partners from six European countries and proposes a multi-source cost-effective renewable energy system for the decarbonisation of the building envelope. The system features a radiant floor fed by a heat pump for the building thermal management. The heat pump can exploit sun, air, and/or ground as thermal sources through the use of photovoltaic/thermal solar panels, air heat exchangers, and shallow ground flat-panel heat exchangers. Thermal energy storage is achieved by means of phase change materials spread along several system components, such as: radiant floor to increase its thermal inertia, solar panels for cooling purposes, ground to enhance soil thermal capacity. Within the project framework, a small- scale building, featuring a plethora of sensors for test purposes, and two large-scale buildings are meant to be equipped with the renewable energy system proposed. The small- scale building is currently in operation, and the first results are discussed in the present work. Preliminary data suggest that while multi-source systems coupled with heat pumps are particularly effective, it is complex to obtain suitable thermal energy storages on urban scale

    Ingeniería de software dirigida por modelos aplicada a sistemas robóticos usando los estándares de la OMG

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación es contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo de software de los sistemas robóticos, a través del análisis del paradigma de desarrollo MDD aplicando los estándares definidos por la OMG para el modelado de estos sistemas y complementado con componentes (CBD) y la arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA).Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ingeniería de software dirigida por modelos aplicada a sistemas robóticos usando los estándares de la OMG

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación es contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo de software de los sistemas robóticos, a través del análisis del paradigma de desarrollo MDD aplicando los estándares definidos por la OMG para el modelado de estos sistemas y complementado con componentes (CBD) y la arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA).Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ingeniería de software dirigida por modelos aplicada a sistemas robóticos usando los estándares de la OMG

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación es contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo de software de los sistemas robóticos, a través del análisis del paradigma de desarrollo MDD aplicando los estándares definidos por la OMG para el modelado de estos sistemas y complementado con componentes (CBD) y la arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA).Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ingeniería de software dirigida por modelos aplicada a sistemas robóticos usando los estándares de la OMG

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    El Desarrollo de software Dirigido por Modelos (MDD, Model Driven software Development) aparece como una alternativa viable para aplicar técnicas de ingeniería de software en el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos. Su uso logra un nivel de abstracción superior, permitiendo utilizar los estándares propuestos para robótica, y así obtener ventajas como generalidad, reutilización, claridad, expresividad. Estas son todas cualidades inherentes a un proceso de creación de software eficiente y eficaz. El objetivo general de esta investigación es contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo de software de los sistemas robóticos, a través del análisis del paradigma de desarrollo MDD aplicando los estándares definidos por la OMG.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Ingeniería de software dirigida por modelos aplicada a sistemas robóticos usando los estándares de la OMG

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    El Desarrollo de software Dirigido por Modelos (MDD, Model Driven software Development) aparece como una alternativa viable para aplicar técnicas de ingeniería de software en el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos. Su uso logra un nivel de abstracción superior, permitiendo utilizar los estándares propuestos para robótica, y así obtener ventajas como generalidad, reutilización, claridad, expresividad. Estas son todas cualidades inherentes a un proceso de creación de software eficiente y eficaz. El objetivo general de esta investigación es contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo de software de los sistemas robóticos, a través del análisis del paradigma de desarrollo MDD aplicando los estándares definidos por la OMG.Eje: Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic