2,731 research outputs found

    Modélisation biogéochimique du lagon de Nouméa : influence de la boucle microbienne

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    Deep Circulation in the Eastern South Pacific Ocean

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    We use an inverse method to compute the deep circulation in the eastern South Pacific Ocean, on isopycnal layers within the depth range of 1,000–3,000 m. The method gives probability density functions of the isopycnal and diapycnal velocities and diffusivities on a grid with a realistic eastern boundary, based on tracer fields. An oxygen consumption rate, assumed spatially constant, controls the solution effectiveness (minimum value of the model cost function) and the magnitude of the diffusivities. The isopycnal circulation is, by contrast, less dependent on the consumption rate. Direct deep float displacement data is used as a check on our solutions rather than a constraint. The model circulation agrees broadly with this independent data. Where the computed circulation does not agree, we argue that it is mainly because of different sampling, model resolution and model assumptions. The isopycnal circulation below 1,000 dbar is dominated by zonal flows and topographically controlled structures. A westward helium plume at 15°S seen on δ3He maps is reproduced by the model but is less intense than expected by the β-plume theory. The model did not find correlations between the diapycnal forcing and the known volcanically active part of the EPR, suggesting that the net large-scale effect of heating along the ridge on the circulation is small over the basin as a whole. Eastern boundary flow along the coast of South America appears as a main exit route for deep water, but the flow shows broader scales than suggested in previous studies, possibly due to the resolution of the model. The deep outflow of the southeastern Pacific is associated in the model with isopycnal PV stretching, rather than a Stommel-Arons (diapycnal) balance

    Practical and regulatory experience in the conduct of bee residue trials

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    To ensure the safe use of agrochemicals, today’s regulatory system requires an assessment of the environmental risk to bees, as well as an assessment of the dietary risk to humans following the consumption of honey and other bee products. Field trials can provide valuable data to assess the potential exposure of foraging honey bees to agrochemical residues and hence the potential for residues to reach honey consumed by humans.To ensure the safe use of agrochemicals, today’s regulatory system requires an assessment of the environmental risk to bees, as well as an assessment of the dietary risk to humans following the consumption of honey and other bee products. Field trials can provide valuable data to assess the potential exposure of foraging honey bees to agrochemical residues and hence the potential for residues to reach honey consumed by humans

    Extreme congestion of microswimmers at a bottleneck constriction

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    When attracted by a stimulus (e. g. light), microswimmers can build up very densely at a constriction and thus cause clogging. The micro-alga \textit{Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii} is used here as a model system to study this phenomenon. Its negative phototaxis makes the algae swim away from a light source and go through a microfabricated bottleneck-shaped constriction. Successive clogging events interspersed with bursts of algae are observed. A power law decrease is found to describe well the distribution of time lapses of blockages. Moreover, the evacuation time is found to increase when increasing the swimming velocity. These results might be related to the phenomenology of crowd dynamics and in particular what has been called the Faster is Slower effect in the dedicated literature. It also raises the question of the presence of tangential solid friction between motile cells densely packed that may accompany arches formation. Using the framework of crowd dynamics we analyze the microswimmers behavior and in particular question the role of hydrodynamics

    Nitrogen hydrides and the H2 ortho-to-para ratio in dark clouds.

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    Accepted for publication in A&A (Astronomy and Astrophysics)Nitrogen bearing species are common tracers of the physical conditions in a wide variety of objects, and most remarkably in dark clouds. The reservoir of gaseous nitrogen is expected to be atomic or molecular, but none of the two species are observable in the dark gas. Their abundances therefore derive indirectly from those of N-bearing species through chemical modelling. The recent years have accumulated data which stress our incomplete understanding of the nitrogen chemistry in dark cloud conditions. To tackle this problem of the nitrogen chemistry in cold gas, we have revised the formation of nitrogen hydrides, which is initiated by the key reaction \ce{N+ + H2 -> NH+ + H}. We propose a new rate for this reaction which depends on the ortho-to-para ratio of H2. This new rate allows to reproduce the abundance ratios of the three nitrogen hydrides, NH, \ce{NH2}, and \ce{NH3}, observed towards IRAS16293-2422, provided that the channel leading to NH from the dissociative recombination of \ce{N2H+} is not closed at low temperature. The ortho-to-para ratio of H2 is constrained to O/P=10−310^{-3} by the abundance ratio NH:NH2, which provides a new method to measure O/P. This work stresses the need for reaction rates at the low temperatures of dark clouds, and for branching ratios of critical dissociative recombination reactions

    Geochronological and geochemical characterization of magmatic-hydrothermal events within the Southern Variscan external domain (Ce'vennes area, France)

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    International audienceGeochronological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses have been focussed on the Mont-Loze're- Borne plutonic complex and surrounding rocks (Ce'vennes, French Massif Central) in which B-W-Sn and As-Au-Sb mineralization is encountered. Two main results are highlighted: (1) the existence of a 301-306 Ma magmatohydrothermal event unrelated to the emplacement of the Pont-de-Montvert-Borne plutonic body at 316 Ma; (2) the magmatic and hydrothermal features are strongly associated, both in time and in space, thus demonstrating an intimate connection between mineralizing processes and magmatism in this part of the French Massif Central. We also show that mineralization and associated hydrothermal occurrences do not correspond to a simple and single geochemical signature and that a contamination model must be invoked in order to account for the complexity of isotopic results. This study demonstrates that the application of the O and H isotopic signatures as tracers of the source and nature of fluids in an orogenic context requires some specific care. Finally, a model of the tectonic-magmatic- hydrothermal evolution of the study area is suggested in which we discuss two alternative scenarios. The first one implies the existence of two different hydrothermal/ mineralizing events (Bo-W-Sn and As-Au-Sb ones). The second one suggests the same source for all hydrothermal and mineralized structures

    Efficient eco-friendly inverted quantum dot sensitized solar cells

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    Recent progress in quantum dot (QD) sensitized solar cells has demonstrated the possibility of low-cost and efficient photovoltaics. However, the standard device structure based on n-type materials often suffers from slow hole injection rate, which may lead to unbalanced charge transport. We have fabricated efficient p-type (inverted) QD sensitized cells, which combine the advantages of conventional QD cells with p-type dye sensitized configurations. Moreover, p-type QD sensitized cells can be used in highly promising tandem configurations with n-type ones. QDs without toxic Cd and Pb elements and with improved absorption and stability were successfully deposited onto mesoporous NiO electrode showing good coverage and penetration according to morphological analysis. Detailed photophysical charge transfer studies showed that high hole injection rates (108 s−1) observed in such systems are comparable with electron injection in conventional n-type QD assemblies. Inverted solar cells fabricated with various QDs demonstrate excellent power conversion efficiencies of up to 1.25%, which is 4 times higher than the best values for previous inverted QD sensitized cells. Attempts to passivate the surface of the QDs show that traditional methods of reduction of recombination in the QD sensitized cells are not applicable to the inverted architectures

    On-board indirect measurements of the acoustic quality of railway track: state-of-the art and simulations

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    48th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2019), MADRID, ESPAGNE, 16-/06/2019 - 19/06/2019Noise emission is a major concern for residents living along railway lines. For a large range of conventional speeds, railway noise is dominated by rolling noise. The contribution of the track to rolling noise is mainly driven by the level of rail roughness and the Track Decay Rate (TDR). The MEEQUAI project (on-board measurement of the acoustic quality of the infrastructure) aims to develop a system capable of measuring these characteristics using on-board instrumentation. A state-of-the-art on the subject shows that indirect measurement from vibro-acoustic sensors like axle-box accelerometers or microphones in the bogie area seems possible, but that a number of improvements could be made to the existing methods, especially in estimating the transfer functions between the e_ective roughness and the signals provided by the sensors. The idea is to combine modelling and measurements to optimize the estimation of the transfer functions and the location of sensors while taking into account the variability of circulated tracks. Numerical analyses of transfer functions based on axle/track vibro-acoustic models are performed. Based on the simulations results, several improvements are proposed, with a view to future tests in rolling conditions

    Ta2C precipitation after low pressure carburizing of tantalum

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    Low pressure carburizing cycles were carried out on tantalum samples. A Ta2C precipitates layer is present under the TaC and Ta2C surface layers. As the TaC and Ta2C layers, the Ta2C precipitates layer (TPL) grows by carbon diffusion in tantalum matrix. Specific zones with low precipitates content were observed at the bulk surface and in the tantalum grain boundaries. Other zones with lower precipitates content are also present in carburized and annealed samples. All the zones with low precipitates content are induced by the Ta2C precipitation mechanism described by Dahmen et al. [1,2]. Indeed, Ta2C needs vacancies to precipitate. If vacancy sinks are present at the bulk surface, at a grain boundary or in a dislocation, then Ta2C precipitation is highly reduced. Another effect of the annealing treatment is an increase of the Ta2C precipitates layers growth rate
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