25 research outputs found

    Scientific investigations and practices associated to osteometabolic disturbes for high schools

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    A ciência é a aquisição de conhecimento sobre a natureza e as atividades humanas. A prática da pesquisa por alunos do ensino médio é um recurso educativo dinâmico e efetivo pautado na investigação. O objetivo do trabalho foi aproximar esses alunos da pesquisa e despertar o espírito investigativo através do conhecimento de metodologias para o estudo de distúrbios osteometabólicos e as aplicações deles na vida da população, compartilhando o conhecimento na forma de atividade de extensão. Escolas de Ribeirão Preto-SP foram convidadas para visitarem o Laboratório de Análises Morfológicas da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto e o Laboratório de Bioengenharia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Quarenta alunos conheceram a infraestrutura desses laboratórios, manusearam equipamentos, aprenderam sobre as etapas das pesquisas e os aspectos éticos associados ao uso de animais. O trabalho foi parabenizado pelo intercâmbio com os alunos e pelas explicações simples e claras, mesmo se tratando de questões técnicas da bioengenharia e das ciências da saúde. Os alunos relataram que gostaram da visita por manusearem os equipamentos e verem como funciona a investigação científica. A visita funcionou como mecanismo de fortalecimento do elo entre a universidade e a sociedade ao mostrar que a investigação científica é agente transformador da realidade social.Science is the acquisition of knowledge about nature and human activities. Research practice for high school students is a dynamic and effective educational resource supported in research. The objective of this work was to bring these students close to research activities and awaken the spirit of investigation through knowledge of methodologies for the study of osteometabolic disorders and their applications for the population, by sharing knowledge, in the form of outreach activity. Schools of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo were invited to visit the Morphological Laboratory of the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto and Bioengineering Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto. Forty students knew the infrastructure of these laboratories, equipment management, learned about the stages of the research and the ethical issues associated to animals’ use. These activities were congratulated regarding to students exchange and the supplied explanations, simple and clear, even when dealing with technical issues of bioengineering and health sciences. Students reported that they enjoyed the visit, mainly by the opportunity to handle the equipment and see how scientific research works. The developed activities represent a mechanism to strengthen the link between the university and society, showing that the scientific research is a transforming agent of social conditions

    Taxa de sobrevivência bacteriana em escovas dentais e sua descontaminação com soluções antimicrobianas

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate bacterial survival rate on toothbrushes after brushing and the efficacy of their decontamination by spraying antimicrobial solutions. Thirty subjects were instructed to spray the solutions on toothbrush bristles after brushing. Each volunteer tested three sprays, one solution per week; the sprays were labeled spray 1 (cetylpyridinium chloride - CPC - and basic formulation), 2 (basic formulation only) and 3 (control - sterile tap water). At the end of each week, the brushes were collected and sonicated in Letheen Broth®; the suspensions were ten-fold diluted and the dilutions were plated on various culture media. Anaerobic bacteria, evaluated by colony count of black pigment producing organisms on Ask medium, were recovered from 83.3% of the samples, Streptococci from 80% and aerobic Gram-negative bacilli from 46.7% of them in the control tests. There was a significant decrease in toothbrush contamination with antimicrobial sprays 1 and 2, the first showing the greatest decrease on bacterial counts.O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a taxa de sobrevivência bacteriana em escovas dentais após a escovação e a eficácia na sua descontaminação pelo borrifamento de soluções antimicrobianas. Trinta indivíduos foram instruídos a borrifar as soluções nas cerdas das escovas após a escovação. Cada voluntário testou três sprays, uma solução por semana; os sprays foram rotulados spray 1 (cloreto de cetilpiridínio - CCP - e formulação básica), 2 (formulação básica apenas) e 3 (controle - água de torneira esterilizada). Ao final de cada semana, as escovas eram recolhidas e introduzidas no caldo Letheen®, submetidas a ultra-som, à diluição decimal seriada e as suspensões semeadas em vários meios de cultura. As bactérias anaeróbias, avaliadas pela contagem de colônias de microrganismos produtores de pigmento negro no meio Ask, foram recuperadas em 83,3% das amostras, estreptococos em 80% e bacilos aeróbios Gram-negativos em 46,7% das amostras nos testes controle. Houve uma significante redução na contaminação das escovas dentais com os sprays antimicrobianos 1 e 2, o primeiro mostrando maior redução nas contagens de bactérias

    Problemas bucais relacionados ao sistema estomatognático em adolescentes: experiência extensionista

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    Disorders associated with the stomatognathic system are common in adolescents and are often caused by buccal dysfunctions associated with bacteria, acidic foods, poor hygiene, drunkorexia, bigorexia, smoking, piercings, and eating disorders. The aim of this study was to inform students of the University of São Paulo, School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, about these frequent problems in adolescents, considering their biopsychosocial aspects, and encourage interaction between college and high school students. To this end, a lecture on the topic was delivered to 152 public school students in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The students were unaware of the stomatognathic system and its importance in their daily lives. They were curious about the subject and surprised by the accessible language, and even shared experienced situations, making the event more interactive. The university students developed skills and abilities during the preparation of the lecture and during the interaction with the adolescents, such that in addition to the transfer of information, there was also socialization and knowledge exchange. This study showed that buccal problems related to the stomatognathic system can seriously affect the health of adolescents. The findings support the important role of universities in promoting extension activities that benefit both their students and the wider community.Los disturbios asociados al sistema estomatognático son comunes en adolescentes y muchas veces son provocados por disfunciones orales asociadas a bacterias, alimentos ácidos, mala higiene oral, alcohorexia, vigorexia, tabaquismo, uso de piercings y disturbios alimentarios. El objetivo de este trabajo fue alertar a los alumnos de la Universidad de São Paulo, Facultad de Odontología de Ribeirão Preto, respecto a estos problemas frecuentes en los adolescentes, considerando su coyuntura biopsicosocial, además de incitar la relación de los universitarios con los estudiantes de Enseñanza Media. Para esto, fue presentada una ponencia acerca del tema para 152 estudiantes de escuela pública en la ciudad de Ribeirão Preto – SP. Los estudiantes desconocían el sistema estomatognático y su relación con su cotidiano. Se quedaron curiosos acerca del tema y sorprendidos con el lenguaje accesible, además de compartir situaciones vivenciales, convirtiéndose así, en un momento más interactivo. Los alumnos de la Universidad desarrollaron competencias y habilidades durante la elaboración de la ponencia y también durante la interacción con los adolescentes, involucrándolos para que, además de la transferencia de informaciones, hubiera un momento de socialización y cambio de saberes. Este estudio mostró que los problemas bucales relacionados al sistema estomatognático constituyen serios obstáculos a la salud de los adolescentes. Así, se afirma que las universidades tienen roles importantes en la promoción de actividades de extensión que benefician a sus alumnos, bien como la comunidad.Os distúrbios associados ao sistema estomatognático são comuns em adolescentes e muitas vezes são provocados por disfunções bucais associadas a bactérias, alimentos ácidos, má higienização, alcoorexia, vigorexia, tabagismo, uso de piercings e distúrbios alimentares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi alertar alunos da Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto, quanto a esses problemas frequentes nos adolescentes, considerando sua conjuntura biopsicossocial, além de incentivar o relacionamento dos universitários com estudantes de ensino médio. Para tanto, foi ministrada uma palestra sobre o tema para 152 estudantes de escola pública na cidade de Ribeirão Preto – SP. Os estudantes desconheciam o sistema estomatognático e sua relação com seu cotidiano. Ficaram curiosos sobre o assunto bem como surpresos com a linguagem acessível e ainda compartilharam situações vivenciadas, tornando o momento mais interativo. Os alunos da Universidade desenvolveram competências e habilidades durante a elaboração da palestra e também durante a interação com os adolescentes, envolvendo-os para que, além da transferência de informações, houvesse um momento de socialização e troca de saberes. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que os problemas bucais relacionados ao sistema estomatognático constituem sérios entraves à saúde dos adolescentes. Desta forma, assevera-se que as universidades têm importante papel na promoção de atividades de extensão que beneficiem seus alunos, bem como a comunidade

    Buccal problems related to the stomatognatic system in adolescents: an extension experience

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    Disorders associated with the stomatognathic system are common in adolescents and are often caused by buccal dysfunctions associated with bacteria, acidic foods, poor hygiene, drunkorexia, bigorexia, smoking, piercings, and eating disorders. The aim of this study was to inform students of the University of São Paulo, School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, about these frequent problems in adolescents, considering their biopsychosocial aspects, and encourage interaction between college and high school students. To this end, a lecture on the topic was delivered to 152 public school students in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The students were unaware of the stomatognathic system and its importance in their daily lives. They were curious about the subject and surprised by the accessible language, and even shared experienced situations, making the event more interactive. The university students developed skills and abilities during the preparation of the lecture and during the interaction with the adolescents, such that in addition to the transfer of information, there was also socialization and knowledge exchange. This study showed that buccal problems related to the stomatognathic system can seriously affect the health of adolescents. The findings support the important role of universities in promoting extension activities that benefit both their students and the wider community.<br /

    Analgesia Evaluation of 2 NSAID Drugs as Adjuvant in Management of Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders

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    The aim of this triple-blind full-randomized clinical trial was to quantify analgesia in masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints after occlusal splint therapy associated with the adjuvant administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) isolated or associated with other therapeutic agents. Pain relief was also recorded. Eighteen volunteers who had been suffering from chronic pain in masticatory muscles due to temporomandibular disorders were selected after anamnesis and assessment using RDC/TMD translated to Portuguese. The 3 proposed treatments were NSAID (sodium diclofenac), panacea (sodium diclofenac + carisoprodol + acetaminophen + caffeine), and a placebo. The total treatment duration was 10 days, preceded and succeeded by patients’ pain assessment. A washout interval of 11 days was established between each therapy. All participants received all treatments in different moments, in a full randomized crossover methodology. The assessment of drug therapies was performed using visual analogue scale for pain on palpation followed by 11-point numerical scale to quantify pain during treatment. Statistical analysis has shown that, after 10 days of treatment, all therapies were effective for pain relief. NSAID therapy promoted analgesia on the third day, while placebo only promoted analgesia in the eighth day. It has been concluded that sodium diclofenac used as splint adjuvant therapy, promotes significant analgesia in a shorter time

    Clinical Study Analgesia Evaluation of 2 NSAID Drugs as Adjuvant in Management of Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders

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    The aim of this triple-blind full-randomized clinical trial was to quantify analgesia in masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints after occlusal splint therapy associated with the adjuvant administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) isolated or associated with other therapeutic agents. Pain relief was also recorded. Eighteen volunteers who had been suffering from chronic pain in masticatory muscles due to temporomandibular disorders were selected after anamnesis and assessment using RDC/TMD translated to Portuguese. The 3 proposed treatments were NSAID (sodium diclofenac), panacea (sodium diclofenac + carisoprodol + acetaminophen + caffeine), and a placebo. The total treatment duration was 10 days, preceded and succeeded by patients&apos; pain assessment. A washout interval of 11 days was established between each therapy. All participants received all treatments in different moments, in a full randomized crossover methodology. The assessment of drug therapies was performed using visual analogue scale for pain on palpation followed by 11-point numerical scale to quantify pain during treatment. Statistical analysis has shown that, after 10 days of treatment, all therapies were effective for pain relief. NSAID therapy promoted analgesia on the third day, while placebo only promoted analgesia in the eighth day. It has been concluded that sodium diclofenac used as splint adjuvant therapy, promotes significant analgesia in a shorter time

    Herbal Mouthwash Containing Extracts of Baccharis dracunculifolia

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    Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae), popularly known as “alecrim-do-campo,” is largely distributed in South America, is shown to exhibit protective actions against gastric ulcers, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is hepatoprotective. Several essential oils obtained from Baccharis species possess biological activities, such as antimicrobial and antivirus activities. This randomized controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of B. dracunculifolia in the reduction of dental biofilm, comparing this natural product with other mouthwashes already known in the dental market. In measuring the time after use of mouthwash (t=1), there was no difference between products (P=0.602); that is, subjects in the study had a similar PI after the first use. After one week (t=2), there was no difference between the four products evaluated (P=0.674), so, all research individuals completed the study with a similar reduction in dental biofilm between themselves but it was different from initial state (Friedman test). It is possible to conclude that B. dracunculifolia had the same efficiency of the materials used to oral hygiene in reduction of dental plaque and, consequently, prevention of dental caries. Thus, we can consider B. dracunculifolia as a good candidate for new material to be implemented in dental care