70 research outputs found

    Inside An Energy-Efficient Upgrade for a Historical Army Band Hall

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    This paper discusses the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system designed as part of amajor renovation project to the historical San Antonio building that serves as home to the U.S. Army Band known as “Fort Sam Houston’s Own.” The HVAC system design provides an innovative new heating and cooling system intendedtosaveenergyandgivethefacilityamoresustainablelong-termlife.ThefacilityislocatedinsouthTexas and was originally cooled by multiple two-pipe indoor air-handler units fed by an air-cooled chiller and gas-fired boiler. Outside air was provided to the air handlers from window louvers and roof vents. Such a ventilation approachisnotrecommendedbytheU.S.DepartmentofDefenseUnifiedFacilitiesCriteria(UFCs),theAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE), or industry standards. The new system relies instead on aDedicated OutsideAirSystem (DOAS),Fan CoilUnits(FCUs),and energyrecovery wheelstobring thebuildinguptomodernstandards

    Plants as Biofactories: Postharvest Stress-Induced Accumulation of Phenolic Compounds and Glucosinolates in Broccoli Subjected to Wounding Stress and Exogenous Phytohormones

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    Broccoli contains high levels of bioactive molecules and is considered a functional food. In this study, postharvest treatments to enhance the concentration of glucosinolates and phenolic compounds were evaluated. Broccoli whole heads were wounded to obtain florets and wounded florets (florets cut into four even pieces) and stored for 24 h at 20 ÂșC with or without exogenous ethylene (ET, 1000 ppm) or methyl jasmonate (MeJA, 250 ppm). Whole heads were used as a control for wounding treatments. Regarding glucosinolate accumulation, ET selectively induced the 4-hydroxylation of glucobrassicin in whole heads, resulting in ~223% higher 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin than time 0 h samples. Additionally, glucoraphanin was increased by ~53% in whole heads treated with ET, while neoglucobrassicin was greatly accumulated in wounded florets treated with ET or MeJA, showing increases of ~193% and ~286%, respectively. On the other hand, although only whole heads stored without phytohormones showed higher concentrations of phenolic compounds, which was reflected in ~33%, ~30%, and 46% higher levels of 1,2,2-trisinapoylgentiobose, 1,2-diferulolylgentiobiose, and 1,2-disinapoyl-2-ferulolylgentiobiose, respectively; broccoli florets stored under air control conditions showed enhanced concentrations of 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 1,2-disinapoylgentiobiose, and 1,2-disinapoyl-2-ferulolylgentiobiose (~22%, ~185%, and ~65% more, respectively). However, exogenous ET and MeJA impeded individual phenolics accumulation. Results allowed the elucidation of simple and effective postharvest treatment to enhance the content of individual glucosinolates and phenolic compounds in broccoli. The stressed-broccoli tissue could be subjected to downstream processing in order to extract and purify bioactive molecules with applications in the dietary supplements, agrochemical and cosmetics markets

    Indole Alkaloide, als Potenzielle wirkung in Medizine Entdeckung und Weiter SekundÀr Stoffwechsel von Terrestrisch und Marine Bakterien

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    Mikroorganismen nehmen einen großen Einfluss auf ökologischen und symbiotischen Wechselwirkungen in langfristigen Beziehungen, die von sekundĂ€rstoffwechsel mit oft-einmaliger Struktur und biologischer aktivitĂ€ten gemĂ€ĂŸigt werden. Verschiedene LebensrĂ€ume beeinflussen die Entwicklung des sekundĂ€ren stoffwechsel durch Bakterien. Marinemikroorganismen, besonders Bakterien, haben neue Anreize fĂŒr Untersuchung. Marine naturstoffe ĂŒber den letzten paar Jahren versorgt, und ist auch weiter das Thema der krĂ€ftiger chemischer Untersuchung. Dies markiert ihre Wichtigkeit als eine Quelle von naturstoffe hervor. Also darf die Suche fĂŒr neuen biologisch aktivitĂ€ten von naturstoffwechsel in Bakterien uns, ungewöhnliche MedizinwiderstĂ€nde zu heilen, und ansteckende Krankheiten ermöglichen. Im anwesenden Studium wurden fĂŒnf terrestrisch Streptomycetes und sechs andere Marine-abgeleitete bakterielle StĂ€mme auf Grund einer Chemikalie ausgewĂ€hlt und biologisch schirmt ab. Diese StĂ€mme wurden ausgesetzt, Optimierung zu kultivieren, die auf und Isolierung ihres stoffwechsel arbeitet. Von ihren Extrakten wurden 67 verbindungen isoliert, waren darunter 26 neu. Vom letzten wurden 14 von Marine Streptomyces spp. isoliert, wurden sechs neue verbindungen von terrestrischem Streptomyces. spp erhalten. Der Bleiben sechs verbindungen wurden von Synthesen bekannt, aber wurden hier zum erstem Mal von Natur isoliert. Von einer Serie von 15 indole verbindungen waren 7 neu. Trisindolal, ein indolecarb-aldehyde, hat bewiesen, aktivitĂ€ten mit einer GesamtstĂ€rke von 0,45”g/ml (bedeuten Sie IC50 Wert gegen 11 Tumorzellenlinien). Die indole Strukturen laden innovativ AnnĂ€herungen ein, sie so potenzielle wirkung in Medizin entdeckung als kinase hemmstoff zu erforschen

    Bioacoustic signal analysis through complex network features

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    The paper proposes a graph-theoretical approach to auscultation, bringing out the potential of graph features in classifying the bioacoustics signals. The complex network analysis of the bioacoustics signals - vesicular (VE) and bronchial (BR) breath sound - of 48 healthy persons are carried out for understanding the airflow dynamics during respiration. The VE and BR are classified by the machine learning techniques extracting the graph features – the number of edges (E), graph density (D), transitivity (T), degree centrality (Dcg) and eigenvector centrality (Ecg). The higher value of E, D, and T in BR indicates the temporally correlated airflow through the wider tracheobronchial tract resulting in sustained high-intense low-frequencies. The frequency spread and highfrequencies in VE, arising due to the less correlated airflow through the narrow segmental bronchi and lobar, appears as a lower value for E, D, and T. The lower values of Dcg and Ecg justify the inferences from the spectral and other graph parameters. The study proposes a methodology in remote auscultation that can be employed in the current scenario of COVID-19

    Allotropic transformation instigated thermal diffusivity of soot nanofluid: Thermal lens study

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    This paper employs the sensitive single-beam thermal lens technique for analyzing the thermal behavior of gasoline soot containing allotropes of carbon by preparing its nanofluid (NF). The soot, annealed at different temperatures up to 400 ○C (the samples), used for preparing the NF, is found to enhance the thermal diffusivity (α) up to 95% without changing the solid volume fraction, suggesting its possible use in coolants. The thermal induced modifications are understood from the field emission scanning electron microscopic, X-ray diffraction (XRD),thermogravimetric, and Raman spectroscopic analyses. The variation of α of the sample is found to exhibit similar variations observed in XRD and Raman spectroscopic analyses. The study stresses the significance of the optimum temperature (300 ○C) for the soot NF above which morphological and structural modifications may lead to thermal energy trapping rather than dissipation or cooling

    Criticality of depth of intensity modulation and simulation of refractive index profile in thermal lens technique

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    The present paper intends to unveil the criticality of the depth of intensity modulation (D) in getting correct results in optical experiments employing electromechanical choppers. The study elucidates experimentally using a single beam thermal lens setup with an optical chopper with variable D, designed and constructed cost-effectively, and also by simulating the refractive index profile generated within the medium. The thermal diffusivity of water with a trace amount of chlorophyll is determined by varying D for a given period. It is observed that for a D above 10%, photodissociation and Soret effect significantly affect the thermal lens signal and thereby giving erroneous value to the thermal diffusivity. The UV-visible spectroscopic analysis reveals reduced absorption for the leaf pigments − chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and lutein as a result of photodissociation. Thus the study demonstrates the criticality of D for obtaining error-free measurements

    Hidden periodicity in Stripe 82 with Saraswati supercluster—a fractal analysis

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    The manuscript attempts to explore the periodicity in the distribution of galaxies in the recently reported Saraswati supercluster and the Stripe 82 region containing it as an example. The report of 120 Mpc periodicity in the Abell galaxy clusters by power spectrum analysis is the motivation behind the study. The power spectral analysis across the central part of the Stripe 82 region shows a periodic variation of 3.09° or 71 Mpc in fractal dimension whereas an average angular periodicity of 3.45° or 94 Mpc is observed across the Stripe 82 region. This refers to the periodicity of complexity or cluster density of galaxy distribution. The texture of the distribution pattern understood through lacunarity analysis indicates a near symmetric distribution. Fractal dimensions like box-counting dimension, information dimension and correlation dimension are also found through multifractal analysis. While the information dimension tells about the distribution density of galactic points, the correlation dimension details the distribution of galaxies in the neighbourhoo

    A comparative study on digit ratio and hand patterns of three ethnic races of Malaysia

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    Abstract Background To distinguish the characteristic hand pattern of each of the three different ethnicities in Malaysia and to study the hand pattern correlation between race and gender. Method Individual lengths of the fingers were then measured and tabulated to serve as the basis for analyzing the 2D (second digit):4D (fourth digit) hand ratio. Based on this ration, the hand patterns were classified as A, B, and C types. Results Hand pattern A (2D4D) shows dominance in their right hands with a score of 46% while hand pattern A dominates their left hands. Among the males, all three races show dominance in hand pattern A except in Chinese whereby the C hand pattern was dominant in their right hands (44%). Among the females, the most common trait in Malays and Chinese are the hand pattern A in both their hands. Indian females, however, showed dominance in hand pattern C in their right hands (60%), and hand pattern B (2D = 4D) dominated in their left hands (44%). Results of the statistical analysis revealed that there was a highly significant difference in the hand patterns of both the hands when compared to gender. Conclusion The study suggests that ratio below or equal to 0.90 is suggestive of female sex for both hands, while a ratio of more than 0.91 is suggestive of male sex for both hands. The pattern A (2D<4D) is seen to be the most common trait among the three ethnicities of Malaysia with an exception seen in the right hands of Indians
