47 research outputs found

    Corporate University: An implementation case analysis, in Argentina

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    The corporate training does not have the shape that we knew. The specificity of what modern organizations require and the limited executive time make that it cannot be developed in the traditional places or ways. In this context, it is observed that the Traditional Universities (TU) have other objectives than those that companies require, visualizing Corporate University (CU) as a necessary complement to the known ways of training. Additionally, the CU is presented as an improvement to the Traditional Training Departments (TTD) and feasible for smaller organizations, offering continuous learning assistance, and skills and knowledge development. It also assures the future organizational sustainability and -since the CU is focused on the vision, mission and strategy- it contributes to change management and competitive advantage development. The hypothesis of this investigation –which is corroborated- proposes that the CU is vital in developing the stakeholders’ knowledge and skills and that -through its implementation- it is possible to help in obtaining sustainable competitive advantages. The study objective is referred to analyze the CU and its contribution to knowledge and to business development, and to offer greater foundations for its implementations in Argentina. This work is exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative methodology. It is based on literature review of important specialists, complemented with a case analysis of an Argentinean multinational company

    Distribution channels (dc) in the technological industry - ideas for improvement in Argentina

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    For many years, the DC operation -covering massive sales and value added solutions- have been a reality in the Argentinean technological industry. Manufacturing companies have used them as a central part of their commercial growth/value added strategies to provide greater geographical coverage and adequacy to the products/services offered. As a result, this work shows different DC facets of this environment and possible improvement aspects. Management focus could bring better performance levels for the organizations that configure this complex and exciting industry. The hypothesis of this study –which was corroborated- is that there are aspects that can be improved in the DC operation of the Argentinean technological industry, bringing value added and sustainable growth to the companies’ network. Main findings of this work reveal that long DC and hybrid models are mostly used by manufacturers because they improve commercial reach, final customers’ solutions and purchase experience, providing the highest possible flexibility and profitability. It also requires cost optimization, channel efficiencies and vertical conflicts reduction. In addition, there are challenges connected to: a) the whole DC network value understanding and the optimal channel level mix, b) customer demand generation, c) the technology/cloud-based businesses and the SMB (Small Medium Business) that need more personalization and value added focus, d) remote channels/online platforms versus physical channels, e) the Opportunity Registration process as a way to protect the DC investment in certain key customers, and f) training opportunities, among others. The final objective referrers to get away from imitation and commoditization, proposing a unique value proposition for which strategy and marketing plans should create long term customer value. Finally, best practices are remarked as a way to evolve to new performance levels. The study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative methodology, and it is supported with a bibliographical and an empirical analysis

    Strategic mistakes (AVOIDABLE) The topicality of Michel Porter’s generic strategies

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    This article explores the topicality of Porter’s generic strategies, assessing about their applicability on two specific automotive industry projects: The Smart and the New Beetle.  After performing a documentation analysis on these two projects, it was concluded that both of them may be considered avoidable strategic mistakes as they show the risks of higher differentiation that is not being paid by the customer, no matter how if it is about recognized brands or icon products. Hazards and risks, like big losses and negative margins, are applicable to every firm.   This is a qualitative investigation with a not experimental and transversal research design.

    The growth imperative (TGI): an approach to alleviate/eradicate poverty

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    Poverty has become one of the central issues of our society. For governments and organizations it is much more than a strategic, marketing or philanthropic issue; it is one of the scourges that whip our society. A new logic must emerge in order to lay the foundations for the upcoming world. This should contain a deeper understanding of emerging economies customers’ needs and on consumption differences between the developed and the developing worlds. The hypothesis of this work -which is corroborated as the main conclusion of the study- suggests that the three theories that are presented -if combined and with a deeper comprehension- may help to alleviate/eradicate poverty, through giving dignity and better choices to the people who live at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) and changing the actual dominant logic that inhibits worldwide development. This objective may be achieved through The Growth Imperative Pillars, presented in this work. The study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative methodology. It is based on a bibliographical review of renowned specialists on the subject.

    Strategic analysis tools (SAT) application at small & medium-sized enterprises (SMES) in the north area of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    ABSTRACTThis paper studies the nature and amplitude of Strategic Analysis Tools (SAT) application in SMEs located in emerging countries, specifically the North Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina (NABAA), where there are no formal studies on the subject. It is intended to understand their contribution to strategic options formulation and implementation. A survey to SMEs’ owners/executives /managers in NABAA and interviews with specialists were applied, intending to analyze the use of these tools to facilitate the creation of strategic options, their support in assessing a competitive position and their promotion of superior performance. The results of this investigation developed that SAT and their related KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) should be considered in SMEs in order to improve strategy formulation and find better ways to implement it. Their systematization –not leaving aside intuition- become a key issue as documenting this process appears vital when analyzing strategic options and performing better interrelations among different elements that may be identified. An improvement in strategic analysis may help also to have a better cohesion of company resources and achieve the established objectives. Unconsciousness, and cultural biases and barriers may explain their low usage rates. The final objective is to set aside from competition and build unattainable competitive advantages.This is a qualitative investigation, and the research design is not experimental and transversal.Keywords: Strategic Analysis Tools (SAT); Formulation; SME; Competitiveness; Value

    Unlimited, Blurred limits in a borderless world

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    ABSTRACTThis study explores the difficulties of the unlimited, a world which everyday is more connected to imprecise limits, instability and unclear visibility. The unlimited is the realm of the vague and blurred.The objective of this paper is to analyze the driving forces that are dramatically transforming the business environment and proposing consequences on how value is created, and show their huge impact on actual firm’s industrial sectors, business models, and products/services. It is made a reference to the disrupting technologies that are known today and are abruptly changing the future and the executive’s role.It states that traditional strategic and analytical tools are diminishing their impact and effectiveness, and that old paradigms must be revised. New factors as money, global cities and speed are having tremendous consequences on businesses and society. Technology and digitalization propose instant interactions, data analysis and hyper scaling, and also new optimized lives, complex tasks resolution and decision-making improvements through opening and interconnecting new fields. Innovation creates new wealth, advancement and growth, and it is the basis for new generation products which referrer to modularity, platforms, global resources and one-consumer-experience-at-a-time for interactive and collaborative experiences, services, processes and business models.The study was exploratory and descriptive, and a qualitative methodology was used. Its design was not experimental and transversal, as the information was collected at a given moment in time

    UNLIMITED I, On the corporate training revolution

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    The unlimited is a borderless territory where the whole world is inmerse. In this study, it is shown that the unlimited is present in education and, specifically, in the corporate educational arena. Helped by technology and automation, disruptive leaders are challenging the way things are done, the way we think and, in addtion, what we are. After performing a documentation analysis, conclusions are that big problems –as education- need cheap and scaled technology; leadership and organizations must evolve to less human intervention; education and training need a rethought; Eduaction-2-Employment (E2E) is key for unemployment; and that new educational structures, delivery methods, pedagogical approaches and advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS) are observed proposing huge transformations in the corporate educational arena.This is a qualitative investigation with a not experimental and transversal research design

    Developing an innovative culture in Argentinean SME

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    Innovation has become a game changer in the competitive and social arenas, capable of boosting and maintaining the highest competitive levels. In this sense, the innovative business culture -a particular intangible asset- is shown as a sufficient condition to develop difficult-to-imitate and sustainable competitive advantages, and a key challenge that companies’ executives have today. In addition, SME are scattered all over the planet and represent a fundamental driver for economic growth and social development, especially in Argentina. The hypothesis of this work –which was corroborated- is that if an adequate innovative business culture is developed, it is feasible to promote an innovative performance improvement. As a result, one of the main findings of this study –a follow on of some previous ones- is that an innovative culture provides identity, generates commitment and facilitates control, stimulating innovative performance and proposing competitive advantages. Specifically, the studied Argentinean SME environment has shown some difficulty in order to exploit novel ideas and promote this kind of culture. It has been verified that the managerial role could be improved as it was limited due to different inhibitors that are pointed out in this work, and that novel avenues should be found to benefit more people of our society. The study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative methodology. It is supported with a bibliographical and an empirical analysis

    Corporate Culture: a key to stimulate innovation

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    The continual and increasingly accelerated changes in the market -boosted by structural processes such as globalization, the opening of markets and the growing customers’ demand- constantly raises the competitive requirements that companies must face. Likewise, the uncertainties, risks and threats that this context poses urge firms to seek new strategies in order to survive and succeed. In this search, innovation emerges as a key tool, capable of boosting and maintaining levels of competitiveness. The main hypothesis of this work is that the development of an appropriate business culture is a valid alternative to stimulate innovative performance within companies. One of the fundamental conclusions of this study is that those companies which have not yet found a way to develop innovation have a disadvantage compared to others in the world. That is why it is necessary to develop entrepreneurial cultures that favor the creation and commercial exploitation of novel ideas capable of generating sustainable competitive advantages. As a result, leaders must take the responsibility of setting new behaviors and managerial practices. The study is exploratory-descriptive, with a qualitative methodology. It was based on the bibliographical revision of specialists on the subject

    Simple tools for hr performance evaluation in Argentinean sme

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    In Argentina SME turn out to be a major player in the economic and social environment, representing more than 90% of the total registered companies, and being the country's largest employer, surpassing the 60% of formal registered employees. However, a comparative analysis between the last two national censuses -2004 and 2014- shows an industrial decline with respect to large companies, highlighting a substantial deterioration in its economic growth and envisaging the need to work on their structural competitiveness. Consequently, SME require a special focus of attention in order to sustain their activity, working on competitive aspects in order to enhance employees’ performance levels, for example, by implementing simple Performance Evaluation (PE) tools that can be used to professionalize their organization and, ultimately, help to sustain their structural competitiveness. The hypothesis of this study -which was corroborated- suggests that a simple PE tool, based on Administration By Objectives (ABO) can provide with significant benefits in terms of HR management while improving Argentinean SME structural competitiveness. It was used a quali-quantitative methodology, with a qualitative predominance. The study was exploratory and descriptive, with a not experimental and transversal design