146 research outputs found

    Introduction of the special edition

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    The Master in environment holds annually the Environment Forum of the State of Maranhão. In 2019, the third edition of the event was held with the theme: Water Resources Management in Maranhão - Potentialities and Weaknesses for a Participatory and Decentralized Management, which presented 149 scientific papers divided into two distinct areas 82 works in the area of planning and environmental quality and 67 works in the área of health and environment. Due to the importance that the event has been showing to the State and the high scientific quality of the presented works, it was considered pertinent a wider dissemination, where all the scientific community would have access to the accomplished works, hence the idea of a Special Edition in a renowned Scientific Journal. Thus, to compose the special edition of the III Forum on the Environment, 15 articles were selected, which later underwent an “ad hoc” peer review to ensure quality. The articles have varied themes and range from environmental monitoring using georeferencing technologies, going through proposals of intervention methodology for environment recovery to articles focused on the influence of anthropic and environmental factors on human health

    Defect detection in nano-scale transistors based on radio-frequency reflectometry

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    Radio-frequency reflectometry in silicon single-electron transistors (SETs) is presented. At low temperatures (<4 K), in addition to the expected Coulomb blockade features associated with charging of the SET dot, quasi-periodic oscillations are observed that persist in the fully depleted regime where the SET dot is completely empty. A model, confirmed by simulations, indicates that these oscillations originate from charging of an unintended floating gate located in the heavily doped polycrystalline silicon gate stack. The technique used in this experiment can be applied for detailed spectroscopy of various charge defects in nanoscale SETs and field effect transistorsComment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Karl Polanyi in Budapest: On his political and intellectual formation

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    Copyright © Archives Européennes de Sociologie 2009.A major thinker and inspiring teacher, Karl Polanyi's contributions have long been influential in a variety of disciplines, notably economic sociology and economic history. Two of his innovations, substantivist economic anthropology and the “double movement thesis,” are recognized as seminal. All of the works for which he is known, however, were written late in life, when in exile, and very little is known of his Hungarian writings, virtually none of which had, until now, been translated. Despite his fame, the biographical literature on Polanyi remains modest: some studies provide invaluable insights, yet all are brief. This article attempts to make some headway in remedying these lacunae. It sketches the contours of that extraordinary historical-geographical conjuncture in which he was formed, and explores his intellectual and political engagements in the Galilei Circle and the Radical Bourgeois Party. It seeks in particular to elucidate the complex roles played by questions of nation, ethnicity and class in the life of the young Karl Polanyi

    Dopant effects on the photoluminescence of interstitial-related centers in ion implanted silicon

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    The dopant dependence of photoluminescence(PL) from interstitial-related centers formed by ion implantation and a subsequent anneal in the range 175–525 °C is presented. The evolution of these centers is strongly effected by interstitial-dopant clustering even in the low temperature regime. There is a significant decrease in the W line (1018.2 meV) PL intensity with increasing B concentration. However, an enhancement is also observed in a narrow fabrication window in samples implanted with either P or Ga. The annealtemperature at which the W line intensity is optimized is sensitive to the dopant concentration and type. Furthermore, dopants which are implanted but not activated prior to low temperature thermal processing are found to have a more detrimental effect on the resulting PL. Splitting of the X line (1039.8 meV) arising from implantation damage induced strain is also observed.This work is supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council. B.C.J. is partially supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research, 22.00802)

    Spray drying of the buriti pulp at different maltodextrin concentrations and temperature

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    In this work, the formulations prepared with buriti pulp and different maltodextrin concentrations (5, 10 and 15%) were dried in spray dryer and the chemical, physical and physical-chemical characteristics of the formulations and powder samples were evaluated. In this drying process two kinds of powder samples were collected: one into drying chamber and another in the cyclone. Using a factorial experimental planning, the experiments were conducted, in order to assess the moisture and ash contents, total acidity and density of both samples. The formulations dried in the spray dryer presented be feasible for the production of buriti pulp powder; however, powder samples collected into drying chamber and cyclone were different. Among the parameters analysed, it was found that only for density the samples collected into drying chamber, that the first-order empirical model obtained was statistically significant and predictive

    2D-3D crossover in a dense electron liquid in silicon

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    Doping of silicon via phosphene exposures alternating with molecular beam epitaxy overgrowth is a path to Si:P substrates for conventional microelectronics and quantum information technologies. The technique also provides a new and well-controlled material for systematic studies of two-dimensional lattices with a half-filled band. We show here that for a dense (ns=2.8×1014n_s=2.8\times 10^{14}\,cm2^{-2}) disordered two-dimensional array of P atoms, the full field angle-dependent magnetostransport is remarkably well described by classic weak localization theory with no corrections due to interaction effects. The two- to three-dimensional cross-over seen upon warming can also be interpreted using scaling concepts, developed for anistropic three-dimensional materials, which work remarkably except when the applied fields are nearly parallel to the conducting planes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, supplementary informatio

    Detecting spatiotemporal variability in the physicochemical properties of water in the Lower Mearim using remote sensing data

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    Natural or anthropogenic chemical compounds of different origins often accumulate in estuarine regions. These compounds may alter the water quality. Therefore, It is important to constantly monitor the quality of estuarine regions. A combination of remote sensing and traditional sampling can lead to a better monitoring program for water quality parameters. The objective of this work is to assess the spatiotemporal variability of the physicochemical properties of water in the lower region of the Mearim River and estimate water quality parameters via remote sensing. Samples were collected at 16 points, from Baixo Arari to the mouth of the watershed, using a multiparameter meter and Landsat 8 satellite images. The physicochemical parameters of the water had high salinity levels, between 2.30 and 20.10 parts per trillion; a high total dissolved solids content, between 2.77 and 19.70 g/L; and minimum dissolved oxygen values. Estimating the physicochemical properties of the water via remote sensing proved feasible, particularly in the dry season when there is less cloud cover

    Form III-like conformation and Form I-like packing in a chloroform channel solvate of the diuretic drug chlortalidone

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    Chlortalidone (CTD) is an antihypertensive drug for which only two solid state phases have been structurally elucidated thus far. Here, we have prepared a chloroform solvate thereof, namely, CTD Form IV, and its structure was compared to those of Form I and Form III. Its two conformers exhibit a dual structural feature in relation to the antecedent polymorphs. Both CTD molecules of Form IV adopt a Form III-like conformation, which is featured, if the conformation of CTD Form I is used as a reference, by a rotation of about 90 degrees on the axis of the C-C bond bridging the substituted benzene and isoindolinyl rings. However, CTD Form IV assembles as in the Form I crystal packing despite the different stacking fashion of their centrosymmetric dimers. In contrast to Form I, there is no offset stacking in Form IV, which forces a bend of ca. 24 degrees between the planes passing through the isoindolinyl moieties of two [100]-stacked dimers. Chloroform molecules at a maximum stoichiometry of 0.25 mol per mol of the drug play a stabilizing role in the assembly of Form IV by filling the channels formed on the crystals.FAPEMIG [APQ-02685-09, APQ-01093-10]FAPEMIGFINEPFINEP [134/08]CAPESCAPES [AUXPE-PNPD 1865/2008]CNPqCNPq [472623/2011-7, 476870/2011-9