25 research outputs found

    Collective rotational motion of freely expanding T84 epithelial cell colonies

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    Coordinated rotational motion is an intriguing, yet still elusive mode of collective cell migration, which is relevant in pathological and morphogenetic processes. Most of the studies on this topic have been carried out on epithelial cells plated on micropatterned substrates, where cell motion is confined in regions of well-defined shapes coated with extracellular matrix adhesive proteins. The driver of collective rotation in such conditions has not been clearly elucidated, although it has been speculated that spatial confinement can play an essential role in triggering cell rotation. Here, we study the growth of epithelial cell colonies freely expanding (i.e. with no physical constraints) on the surface of cell culture plates and focus on collective cell rotation in such conditions, a case which has received scarce attention in the literature. One of the main findings of our work is that coordinated cell rotation spontaneously occurs in cell clusters in the free growth regime, thus implying that cell confinement is not necessary to elicit collective rotation as previously suggested. The extent of collective rotation was size and shape dependent: a highly coordinated disc-like rotation was found in small cell clusters with a round shape, while collective rotation was suppressed in large irregular cell clusters generated by merging of different clusters in the course of their growth. The angular motion was persistent in the same direction, although clockwise and anticlockwise rotations were equally likely to occur among different cell clusters. Radial cell velocity was quite low as compared to the angular velocity, in agreement with the free expansion regime where cluster growth is essentially governed by cell proliferation. A clear difference in morphology was observed between cells at the periphery and the ones in the core of the clusters, the former being more elongated and spread out as compared to the latter. Overall, our results, to our knowledge, provide the first quantitative and systematic evidence that coordinated cell rotation does not require a spatial confinement and occurs spontaneously in freely expanding epithelial cell colonies, possibly as a mechanism for the system

    Organic Electrochemical Transistor Immuno-Sensors for Spike Protein Early Detection

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic has had severe consequences from the social and economic perspectives, compelling the scientific community to focus on the development of effective diagnostics that can combine a fast response and accurate sensitivity/specificity performance. Presently available commercial antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDTs) are very fast, but still face significant criticisms, mainly related to their inability to amplify the protein signal. This translates to a limited sensitive outcome and, hence, a reduced ability to hamper the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection. To answer the urgent need for novel platforms for the early, specific and highly sensitive detection of the virus, this paper deals with the use of organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) as very efficient ion-electron converters and amplifiers for the detection of spike proteins and their femtomolar concentration. The electrical response of the investigated OECTs was carefully analyzed, and the changes in the parameters associated with the transconductance (i.e., the slope of the transfer curves) in the gate voltage range between 0 and 0.3 V were found to be more clearly correlated with the spike protein concentration. Moreover, the functionalization of OECT-based biosensors with anti-spike and anti-nucleocapside proteins, the major proteins involved in the disease, demonstrated the specificity of these devices, whose potentialities should also be considered in light of the recent upsurge of the so-called "long COVID" syndrome

    IL-9 and Mast Cells Are Key Players of Candida albicans Commensalism and Pathogenesis in the Gut

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    Summary: Candida albicans is implicated in intestinal diseases. Identifying host signatures that discriminate between the pathogenic versus commensal nature of this human commensal is clinically relevant. In the present study, we identify IL-9 and mast cells (MCs) as key players of Candida commensalism and pathogenicity. By inducing TGF-β in stromal MCs, IL-9 pivotally contributes to mucosal immune tolerance via the indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase enzyme. However, Candida-driven IL-9 and mucosal MCs also contribute to barrier function loss, dissemination, and inflammation in experimental leaky gut models and are upregulated in patients with celiac disease. Inflammatory dysbiosis occurs with IL-9 and MC deficiency, indicating that the activity of IL-9 and MCs may go beyond host immunity to include regulation of the microbiota. Thus, the output of the IL-9/MC axis is highly contextual during Candida colonization and reveals how host immunity and the microbiota finely tune Candida behavior in the gut. : Deciphering the mechanisms by which Candida albicans promotes either pathology or protective tolerance in the gut could be clinically relevant. Renga et al. show a key role for IL-9 and mast cells in promoting either inflammatory dysbiosis and pathology or tolerance in leaky gut models and human celiac disease. Keywords: IL-9, mast cells, Candida albicans, intestinal inflammation, IDO1, celiac diseas

    The STING/TBK1/IRF3/IFN type I pathway is defective in cystic fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The most common mutation is F508del-CFTR (ΔF) which leads the encoded ion channel towards misfolding and premature degradation. The disease is characterized by chronic bronchopulmonary obstruction, inflammation and airways colonization by bacteria, which are the major cause of morbidity and mortality. The STING pathway is the main signaling route activated in the presence of both self and pathogen DNA, leading to Type I Interferon (IFN I) production and the innate immune response. In this study, we show for the first time the relationship existing in CF between resistant and recurrent opportunistic infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the innate immunity impairment. We demonstrate through ex vivo and in vivo experiments that the pathway is inadequately activated in ΔF condition and the use of direct STING agonists, as 2′,3′-cyclic GMP-AMP (2’, 3’ cGAMP), is able to restore the immune response against bacterial colonization. Indeed, upon treatment with the STING pathway agonists, we found a reduction of colony forming units (CFUs) consequent to IFN-β enhanced production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa infected bone marrow derived macrophages and lung tissues from mice affected by Cystic Fibrosis. Importantly, we also verified that the impairment detected in the primary PBMCs obtained from ΔF patients can be corrected by 2’, 3’ cGAMP. Our work indicates that the cGAS/STING pathway integrity is crucial in the Cystic Fibrosis response against pathogens and that the restoration of the pathway by 2’, 3’ cGAMP could be exploited as a possible new target for the symptomatic treatment of the disease

    In silico analysis and theratyping of an ultra-rare CFTR genotype (W57G/A234D) in primary human rectal and nasal epithelial cells

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    Mutation targeted therapy in cystic fibrosis (CF) is still not eligible for all CF subjects, especially for cases carrying rare variants such as the CFTR genotype W57G/A234D (c.169T>G/c.701C>A). We performed in silico analysis of the effects of these variants on protein stability, which we functionally characterized using colonoids and reprogrammed nasal epithelial cells. The effect of mutations on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein was analyzed by western blotting, forskolin-induced swelling (FIS), and Ussing chamber analysis. We detected a residual CFTR function that increases following treatment with the CFTR modulators VX661±VX445±VX770, correlates among models, and is associated with increased CFTR protein levels following treatment with CFTR correctors. In vivo treatment with VX770 reduced sweat chloride concentration to non-CF levels, increased the number of CFTR-dependent sweat droplets, and induced a 6% absolute increase in predicted FEV1% after 27 weeks of treatment indicating the relevance of theratyping with patient-derived cells in CF

    Development of a cell motility characterization system for industrial biotechnological applications

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    Cell migration is a very complex mechanism linked to the inflammatory response as well as to several processes of cell biology and development. The movement of cells in response to a chemokine gradient is the most popular form of interaction between cell environment and surface and specific surface receptor triggers an intracellular signaling pathway. This phenomenon is known as chemotaxis and is characteristic of neutrophil movements in response to the chemokine Interleuchin-8 (IL8) in a 3D space. Another paradigm of dynamic interaction between cells is the mechanism underlying the confluency of cells cultured in a Petri dish. This process is particularly studied in growing epithelial cell lines, and is influenced by still undefined external stimuli as well as by cell proliferation and cytoskeleton reorganization, that allow the contact and interaction between cells in 2D space. Chronic inflammation is an ideal condition for the study of cell migration and its de-regulation; understanding the mechanisms involved in cell motility and their putative modulation, is the first step in setting new appropriate models of study. During PhD project, different cellular models have been used: IB3 cell lines belonging to patients with Cystic Fibrosis (caused by mutations of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR)), and T84 cell lines, a popular model of study of Coeliac Disease, a common intolerance to proteins of wheat. Both disease are characterized by a pro-inflammatory milieu with high level of tissue Transglutaminase (TG2), a multi-functions enzyme with a defined role in several human pathologies. Cystic Fibrosis is the prototype of diseases in which an uncontrolled production of IL8 leads to a dysregulated neutrophil recruitment. The IB3 cell lines have been used to understand a molecular mechanisms of enhanced IL8 production and their modulation. The results evidence i) the role of TG2 as a new pathogenic factor in Cystic Fibrosis; ii) the role of post-translational modifications of TG2 as a link between genetic defect of CFTR ad inflammation iii) the mechanisms of autophagy inhibition via ROS-TG2 axis, in epithelial airway cell line and mice model of CF. The consequence is a fine modulation of IL8 production. The system allows the design of a 3D model to study cell migration under IL8 diffusive flux in qualitative and quantitative ways. Another important pathological system with chronic inflammation is celiac disease and the analysis of interactions of alimentary peptides with the frontline gut epithelium is a useful model of study. The epithelial cells are pivot in the innate immune activation in CD and cytoskeleton rearrangement is the earliest event in such a response to gliadin peptides. The data in T84 cell model show a gliadin peptide-driven pro-inflammatory environment as a consequence of its impaired lysosomal degradation. Moreover, alterations of motility and cytoskeletal reorganization emphasize the “toxic” effect of peptide. Therefore, CD offers an ideal opportunity to set up a 2D model of study of cell motility. Understanding the mechanisms of migration and the identification of appropriate target of modulation of cell recruitment could allow wide industrial applications in biotechnology and will be successful to provide a useful tool to test potential therapeuthic molecules

    Towards a rational combination therapy of cystic fibrosis: How cystamine restores the stability of mutant CFTR

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is most frequently due to homozygous ΔF508-CFTR mutation. The ΔF508-CFTR protein is unstable in the plasma membrane (PM), even if it is rescued by pharmacological agents that prevent its intracellular retention and degradation. Restoring defective autophagy in CF airways by proteostasis regulators (such as cystamine and its reduced form, cysteamine) can rescue and stabilize ΔF508-CFTR at the PM, thus enabling the action of CFTR potentiators, which are pharmacological agents that stimulate the function of CFTR as an ion channel. The effects of cystamine extend for days (in vitro) and weeks (in vivo) beyond washout, suggesting that once peripheral proteostasis has been re-established, PM-resident ΔF508-CFTR sustains its own stability. We demonstrated that the pharmacological inhibition of wild-type CFTR [cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (ATP-binding cassette subfamily C, member 7)], in bronchial epithelial cells decreases the stability of the CFTR protein by inhibiting autophagy, elevating the abundance of SQSTM1/p62 and its interaction with CFTR at the PM, increasing the ubiqutination of CFTR, stimulating the lysosomal degradation of CFTR and avoiding its recycling. All these effects could be inhibited by cystamine. Moreover, CFTR-sufficient epithelia generate permissive conditions for incorporating ΔF508-CFTR into the PM and stabilizing it at this location. These results provide the rationale for a combination therapy of CF in which pretreatment with cystamine or cysteamine enables the later action of CFTR potentiators

    Targeting the Intracellular Environment in Cystic Fibrosis: Restoring Autophagy as a Novel Strategy to Circumvent the CFTR Defect

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    International audienceCystic fibrosis (CF) patients harboring the most common deletion mutation of the CF trans-membrane conductance regulator (CFTR), F508del, are poor responders to potentiators of CFTR channel activity which can be used to treat a small subset of CF patients who genetically carry plasma membrane (PM)-resident CFTR mutants. The misfolded F508del-CFTR protein is unstable in the PM even if rescued by pharmacological agents that prevent its intracellular retention and degradation. CF is a conformational disease in which defective CFTR induces an impressive derangement of general proteostasis resulting from disabled autophagy. In this review, we discuss how rescuing Beclin 1 (BECN1), a major player of autophagosome formation, either by means of direct gene transfer or indirectly by administration of proteostasis regulators, could stabilize F508del-CFTR at the PM. We focus on the relationship between the improvement of peripheral proteostasis and CFTR PM stability in F508del-CFTR homozygous bronchial epithelia or mouse lungs. Moreover, this article reviews recent pre-clinical evidence indicating that targeting the intracellular environment surrounding the misfolded mutant CFTR instead of protein itself could constitute an attractive therapeutic option to sensitize patients carrying the F508del-CFTR mutation to the beneficial action of CFTR potentiators on lung inflammation

    Impaired cholesterol metabolism in the mouse model of cystic fibrosis. A preliminary study.

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    This study aims to investigate cholesterol metabolism in a mouse model with cystic fibrosis (CF) by the comparison of affected homozygous versus wild type (WT) mice. In particular, we evaluated the effects of a diet enriched with cholesterol in both mice groups in comparison with the normal diet. To this purpose, beyond serum and liver cholesterol, we analyzed serum phytosterols as indirect markers of intestinal absorption of cholesterol, liver lathosterol as indirect marker of de novo cholesterol synthesis, liver cholestanol (a catabolite of bile salts synthesis) and the liver mRNA levels of LDL receptor (LDLR), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoAR), acyl CoA:cholesterol acyl transferase 2 (ACAT2), cytochrome P450 7A1 (CYP7A1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). CF mice showed lower intestinal absorption and higher liver synthesis of cholesterol than WT mice. In WT mice, the cholesterol supplementation inhibits the synthesis of liver cholesterol and enhances its catabolism, while in CF mice we did not observe a reduction of LDLR and HMG-CoAR expression (probably due to an altered feed-back), causing an increase of intracellular cholesterol. In addition, we observed a further increase (5-fold) in TNFα mRNA levels. This preliminary study suggests that in CF mice there is a vicious circle in which the altered synthesis/secretion of bile salts may reduce the digestion/absorption of cholesterol. As a result, the liver increases the biosynthesis of cholesterol that accumulates in the cells, triggering inflammation and further compromising the metabolism of bile salts

    Probiotics Supplements Reduce ER Stress and Gut Inflammation Associated with Gliadin Intake in a Mouse Model of Gluten Sensitivity

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    Exposure to gluten, a protein present in wheat rye and barley, is the major inducer for human Celiac Disease (CD), a chronic autoimmune enteropathy. CD occurs in about 1% worldwide population, in genetically predisposed individuals bearing human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ2/DQ8. Gut epithelial cell stress and the innate immune activation are responsible for the breaking oral tolerance to gliadin, a gluten component. To date, the only treatment available for CD is a long-term gluten-free diet. Several studies have shown that an altered composition of the intestinal microbiota (dysbiosis) could play a key role in the pathogenesis of CD through the modulation of intestinal permeability and the regulation of the immune system. Here, we show that gliadin induces a chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress condition in the small intestine of a gluten-sensitive mouse model and that the coadministration of probiotics efficiently attenuates both the unfolded protein response (UPR) and gut inflammation. Moreover, the composition of probiotics formulations might differ in their activity at molecular level, especially toward the three axes of the UPR. Therefore, probiotics administration might potentially represent a new valuable strategy to treat gluten-sensitive patients, such as those affected by CD