28 research outputs found

    Una articulaciĂłn metodolĂłgica: desde textos del Socio-analisis, I(A)P, F. Praxis, Evelyn F. Keller, Boaventura S. Santos, etc.

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    This text makes a review, following the contributions of the last decades, from different theoretical currents and practices that make the bases for participative methodologies. It revise texts from socioanalytic, participative investigation action, philosophy of praxis, a debate between constructionisms, aportations from ecofeminism, from ecology of knowledge, etc. and articulate many of this positions in a explicative diagram (of 12 positions) who try to make a differentiation and relation between practice and theory proposition showed in this pages

    Lo comunitario y sus saltos creativos

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    In this text, two schematic outlines are presented which introduce and articulate between the two a series of key concepts to distinguish some advances that we are making in participatory methodologies. In the first table, 12 theoretical-practical currents are presented which have been influencing a network of professionals and with which we have been building some methodologies that we understand as developing some avenues in the participatory processes. Next, some of these practical positions and their concepts are laid out, in order to distinguish in concrete terms where we are moving as far as articulating methodologies. In the second table, the relationship between the time periods in a community process are described and what can be best done at each step, at a minimum which questions we should not be asking from the beginning until the collective construction is gelled. At each step in the process the table seeks to show the articulation between the preconceptions, the methodologies, the techniques and the results that can be expected


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    Quality in action research : reflections for second-order inquiry

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    One of the current debates in action research concerns the quality of these practices.Up to now, many contributions have focused on defining specific criteria based on action research epistemology. This article sustains (1) that prior to dealing with these questions, it is necessary to define for what purpose and for whom we are making the evaluation; (2) that this leads us to make a distinction between different evaluation models; and (3) that the quality strategies and criteria will be different for each model.In particular, the article confronts an academic evaluation model as a form of external control over the quality of action research and an internal, participatory evaluation model as a quality strategy aimed at establishing feedback for the process. Final considerations are given about the implications of both models for academi

    Redes y conjuntos de acción : para aplicaciones estratégicas en los tiempos de la complejidad social

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    En este trabajo se propone una metodología participativa y reflexiva de desarrollo de mapas sociales. Se apuesta por incorporar en el sociograma, de modo flexible, el grado de afinidad de las relaciones junto a otros ejes sociales e ideológicos. Se presenta el concepto de conjuntos de acción, y se discuten las implicaciones de este enfoque, tanto en lo que hace referencia al muestreo como a aspectos teóricos más generales.In this paper we propose a participative and reflexive approach to social maps. Several social and ideological categories may be applied in the design of sociograms. The concept of "action set" is presented, as well as its consequences in theoretical terms and for sampling purposes


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    Se critican los intentos concienciadores desde las vanguardias auto-proclamadas. Se ofrece un esquema de cómo son las relaciones de comunicación actuales y unas posibles estrategias con “conjuntos de acción” que venimos practicando desde las metodologías participativas. La construcción de la conciencia social parte de lo biológico y pre-consciente en los ciclos vitales básicos, y mediante “ritos de paso” construye las conciencias colectivas en las que nos movemos. Se acaba proponiendo trabajar con “grupos motores” en las democracias participativas

    El debate de estratégias urbanas y regionales

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    Cities, as social products, are in permanent change. These changes produce transformacions about ways of acknowledge and intervention in cities. Nowadays, characterized by globalization, construction of significance of cities requires anwsers to questions about what, for who and how we analyse and intervene in cities in order thcy were sustainable. This article goes deeply into these questions and offers cases of urban practices based on social participation.Cities, as social products, are in permanent change. These changes produce transformacions about ways of acknowledge and intervention in cities. Nowadays, characterized by globalization, construction of significance of cities requires anwsers to questions about what, for who and how we analyse and intervene in cities in order thcy were sustainable. This article goes deeply into these questions and offers cases of urban practices based on social participation

    Lo comunitario y sus saltos creativos

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    In this text, two schematic outlines are presented which introduce and articulate between the two a series of key concepts to distinguish some advances that we are making in participatory methodologies. In the first table, 12 theoretical-practical currents are presented which have been influencing a network of professionals and with which we have been building some methodologies that we understand as developing some avenues in the participatory processes. Next, some of these practical positions and their concepts are laid out, in order to distinguish in concrete terms where we are moving as far as articulating methodologies. In the second table, the relationship between the time periods in a community process are described and what can be best done at each step, at a minimum which questions we should not be asking from the beginning until the collective construction is gelled. At each step in the process the table seeks to show the articulation between the preconceptions, the methodologies, the techniques and the results that can be expected

    Medidas para la sustentabilidad, con metodologĂ­as participativas

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    En el artículo se comienza criticando los criterios que adoptan los sistemas de medida en ciencias sociales. Se recurre a la “sociología de las ausencias”, pero se trata de avanzar con una propuesta de “multi-lemas” superadores. En la segunda parte se intenta ir más allá de las “ecologías de saberes”. Se muestra un esquema de las “pirámides” de los poderes frente a los “manglares” de los movimientos, las luchas por los bienes “pro-comunes”, y desde los ecosistemas sustentables. Así se plantean articulaciones entre las redes de apoyo mutuo y sus posibles alianzas estratégicas. La “de-construcción” de los enfoques clásicos se muestra con ejemplos de algunos “multi-lemas”, tanto para las metodologías sociales, como con ejemplos de la cultura universal. La última parte resume 18 pasos para construir unos procesos participativos concretos, que los muestra en forma de una rueda metodológica, para quién intente construir estas practicas como en las experiencias en que se basan. También se añade una tabla con 15 posiciones teórico-practicas, de las principales tendencias y autores, en los que se basan estas metodologías.The article begins by criticizing the criteria adopted by measurement systems in social sciences. It resorts to the “sociology of absences”, but it moves forward with a proposal for superseder “multi-mottos”. The second part is intended to go beyond the “ecologies of knowledge”. It’s displayed an outline of the “pyramids” of powers against the “mangrove” movements, the struggle for the “pro-common” goods based on sustainable ecosystems. Thus links between the networks of mutual support and possible strategic alliances arise. The “deconstruction” of traditional approaches is presented using examples from some “multimottos”, at the levels of social methodologies and of universal culture. The last part of the text summarizes 18 steps to building concrete participatory processes, shown as a methodological wheel, which can help those who try to build these participatory practices similarly to the way it was employed in the experiences where they emerged. It’s also added in an annex a table with 15 theoretical and practical positions, on the major trends and authors in which these methodologies are based.L’article commence par critiquer les critères adoptés par les systèmes de mesure en sciences sociales. Il recourt à la «sociologie des absences», en avançant la proposition de «multi-devises» dépassantes. La deuxième partie vise à aller audelà des «écologies de la connaissance». Nous présentons un aperçu des «pyramides» de pouvoirs contre les mouvements de «ramification», la lutte pour les biens «pro-communs» basée sur les écosystèmes durables. Ainsi les liens entre les réseaux de soutien mutuel et de possibles alliances stratégiques se posent. La «déconstruction» des approches traditionnelles est présentée à l›aide d›exemples de quelques «multi-devises», aux niveaux de méthodes sociales et de la culture universelle. La dernière partie du texte résume 18 étapes pour créer des processus participatifs concrets, présentés comme une roue méthodologique, qui peut aider ceux qui essaient de construire ces pratiques participatives de manière similaire à la façon dont il a été utilisé dans les expériences où ils sont apparus. Il est également ajouté en annexe un tableau avec 15 positions théorico-pratiques, sur les grandes tendances et les auteurs dans lesquelles ces méthodes sont fondées