380 research outputs found

    La Cultura Organizacional y las Estrategias Competitivas en la industria de celulosa, cartón y papel en México

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the possible relationship between the degree of flexibility or rigidity of the organizational culture and the use of competitive strategies in the industry of paper, cardboard and pulp in Mexico. Currently the volatile and competitive environment in which firms are inserted forces them to explore on the fundamentals that give sustenance to their organizational culture, and to study the competitive strategies that take to respond to the demands of the market, if they want to remain in them. To achieve this, a questionnaire based on Yeung, Ulrich, Nason and Von Glinow (2000) and Gomez (2008) was applied on a sample of 25 companies across the country, obtaining 420 observations. It was used to culture the focus of Cameron and Quinn (2006) and for the strategy the focus of Porter (1982). A Pearson correlation test was applied to test the hypothesis. We found that the dominant culture is the market and the dominant strategy is cost, and the construct rigid culture better associates to strategies, particularly with the differentiation and that there is evidence of the association between the two variables in the studied industry. The results found no doubt will be useful to managers in industry, and then assist them to rethink their strategies and seek to find an appropriate balance of cultural strengths. For the academic research sector found empirical results are important, because they strengthen the findings of the literature.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la posible relación entre el grado de flexibilidad o rigidez de la Cultura Organizacional y el uso de las Estrategias Competitivas en la industria del papel, el cartón y la celulosa en México. En la actualidad, el entorno volátil y competitivo en el que están insertas las empresas les obliga a explorar en los fundamentos que dan sustento a su cultura organizacional y a estudiar las estrategias competitivas que adoptarán para responder a las exigencias del mercado, si es que quieren permanecer en él. Para lograr lo anterior, se aplicó un cuestionario, basado en Yeung, Ulrich, Nason y Von Glinow (2000), y Gómez (2008), a una muestra de 25 empresas en todo el país, logrando obtener 420 observaciones. Se utilizó, para la cultura, el enfoque de Cameron y Quinn (2006) y, para la estrategia, el enfoque de Porter (1982). Se aplicó una prueba de correlación de Pearson para probar la hipótesis. Se encontró que la cultura dominante es la de mercado y la estrategia dominante es la de costos, el constructo “cultura rígida” se asocia de mejor manera con las estrategias, particularmente con la de diferenciación, y que sí existe evidencia de la asociación entre las dos variables en la industria estudiada. Los resultados encontrados, sin duda, serán de utilidad para los directivos del sector industrial, pues les auxiliará a replantear sus estrategias y a buscar cómo encontrar un adecuado equilibrio de fortalezas culturales. Para el sector de investigación académico los resultados empíricos encontrados son importantes, pues fortalecen los hallazgos de la literatura existente

    Ab initio ground state potential energy surfaces for Rg–Br2 (Rg = He, Ne, Ar) complexes

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    6 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables.-- PACS: 31.15.Ar; 31.15.Dv; 33.15.Bh; 33.15.MtHigh-level ab initio molecular electronic structure calculations are performed for Rg–Br2 (Rg = He, Ne, Ar) complexes at CCSD(T) (coupled cluster using single and double excitations with a noniterative perturbation treatment of triple excitations) level of theory. Specific augmented correlation consistent basis sets are used for each noble atom (Rg), supplemented with an additional set of bond functions. Effective-core potentials (ECPs), augmented with diffusion (sp) and polarization (3df ) functions, have been employed for the bromine atoms. For all complexes, the CCSD(T) potential energy surfaces (PESs) show double-minimum topology, with wells at both linear and T-shaped configurations; the linear minimum is found to be deeper than the T-shaped one. Vibrational corrections are taken into account for all the complexes and their effects in the stability of the linear and T-shaped conformers are examined. For each complex and each configuration (linear and T-shaped), Re equilibrium intermolecular distances, De and D0 dissociation energies, are evaluated and compared with previous theoretical and/or experimental results.This work has been supported by DGICYT, Spain, Grant No. BCM 2001-2179 and by a European TMR network, Grant No. HPRN-CT-1999-00005. C.C. is indebted to CNPq, Brazil for supporting his postdoctoral at C.S.I.C, Proc. 200688/ 00-6 and R.P. acknowledges a postdoctoral fellowship by MEC, Spain, Ref. No. SB99 N0714831.Peer reviewe

    Theoretical characterization of intermolecular vibrational states through the multi-configuration time dependent Hartree approach: The He 2,3ICl clusters

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    Benchmark, full-dimensional calculations on the ground and excited vibrational states for the tetra-, and penta-atomic weakly bound He 2,3ICl complexes are reported. The representation of the potential energy surfaces includes three-body HeICl potentials parameterized to coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and perturbative triples ab initio data. These terms are important in accurately describing the interactions of such highly floppy systems. The corresponding 6D/9D computations are performed with the multi-configuration time dependent Hartree method, using natural potential fits, and a mode combination scheme to optimize the computational effort in the improved relaxation calculations. For these complexes several low-lying vibrational states are computed, and their binding energies and radial/angular probability density distributions are obtained. We found various isomers which are assigned to different structural models related with combinations of the triatomic isomers, like linear, T-shaped, and antilinear ones. Comparison of these results with recent experimental data is presented, and the quantitative deviations found with respect to the experiment are discussed. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.The authors thank to Centro de Calculo (IFF), CTI (CSIC), and CESGA for allocation of computer time. This work has been supported by DGICYT, Spain, Grant No. FIS2010-18132 and the COST Action CM1002 (CODECS).Peer Reviewe

    Aptitud de los alumnos de pregrado de la carrera de Medicina ante dos modelos de evaluación: El caso de Endocrinología.

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    Antecedentes: La Facultad de Medicina de la UANL inició en agosto del 2006 un nuevo plan de estudios y un modelo educativo basado en el aprendizaje y en la participación más intensa del alumno. Esta modificación en la estrategia de formar a los futuros médicos requiere ser evaluada científicamente con el propósito de medir si los cambios esperados con la implementación del plan de estudios y del modelo educativo, están ocurriendo. Objetivo: Comparar la aptitud de los alumnos del curso de pregrado de endocrinología ante dos métodos de evaluación. Método: Comparación de dos exámenes como proceso de evaluación ante dos planteamientos académicos: el actual (basado en la aplicación del conocimiento, casos clínicos) y el próximo anterior (basado en la memorización de conocimientos). Se contrastó la aptitud de los alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios (n = 74) vs. los alumnos del plan anterior (n = 137), ante el mismo examen. Resultados: Los alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios tuvieron una aptitud casi idéntica al ser evaluados con el examen actual y con el aplicado en ciclos anteriores (73.4 + 7.8 vs. 72.9 + 10.7, respectivamente) p = 0.2553. El porcentaje de aprobación fue de un 71 vs. 67%. Al comparar la aptitud de los alumnos del plan actual y el anterior ante un mismo examen, la aptitud fue muy favorable en el grupo de alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios (74.7 ± 10.7 vs. 56.0 ± 9.3), p< 0.0001. Conclusiones: La combinación de un modelo educativo centrado en el aprendizaje, en una acentuada participación del alumno en la clase, en una forma de evaluación que incentiva el estudiar la clase diaria y en la aplicación de exámenes dirigidos a evaluar la aplicación del conocimiento como en la vida real de un médico, son los aspectos que debemos fortalecer en el proceso de formación de nuestros futuros médicos

    Potential energy surface and spectroscopy of clusters of rare-gas atoms with cyclopropane

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    Analytical empirical potential energy surfaces describing the van der Waals interaction between rare-gas atoms and cyclopropane are presented. The functional form is based on pairwise Lennard-Jones-type potentials which have been widely used to describe rare-gas-benzene complexes, also studied in this work in order to check our theoretical method and for comparison. The parameters have been chosen in order to accurately fit the high resolution microwave spectra recently reported by Xu and Jäger [J. Chem. Phys. 106, 7968 (1997)]. The observed splitting in the microwave spectra of Ne-cyclopropane, associated with rotational tunneling, is well reproduced. Moreover, such tunneling is also important for complexes of Ar and Kr in excited van der Waals states. These phenomena involve a high delocalization of the wave functions and, therefore, intermolecular spectroscopy techniques would provide a good check of the potential energy surface over a broad region of the configuration space. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.This work has been supported by Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias under Grant No. PI 2/95, DGYCIT (Spain) under Grant No. PB95- 0071, and by the European TMR network Contract No. ERBFMRX-CT96-0088.Peer Reviewe

    Frequency domain description of Kohlrausch response through a pair of Havriliak-Negami-type functions: An analysis of functional proximity

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    An approximation to the Fourier transform (FT) of the Kohlrausch function (stretched exponential) with shape parameter 0<β≤1 is presented by using Havriliak-Negami-like functions. Mathematical expressions to fit their parameters α, γ, and τ, as functions of β (0<β≤1 and 1<β<2) are given, which allows a quick identification in the frequency domain of the corresponding shape factor β. Reconstruction via fast Fourier transform of frequency approximants to time domain are shown as good substitutes in short times though biased in long ones (increasing discrepancies as β→1). The method is proposed as a template to commute time and frequency domains when analyzing complex data. Such a strategy facilitates intensive algorithmic search of parameters while adjusting the data of one or several Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts relaxations. © 2011 American Physical Society.This work has been supported by DGICYT, Spain, Grant No. FIS2010-18132.Peer Reviewe

    An optimized full-configuration-interaction nuclear orbital approach to a “hard-core” interaction problem: Application to (3He)N–Cl2(B) clusters (N<4)

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    13 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, 3 appendix.An efficient full-configuration-interaction nuclear orbital treatment has been recently developed as a benchmark quantum-chemistry-like method to calculate ground and excited “solvent” energies and wave functions in small doped AEest clusters (N<4) [M. P. de Lara-Castells, G. Delgado-Barrio, P. Villarreal, and A. O. Mitrushchenkov, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 221101 (2006)]. Additional methodological and computational details of the implementation, which uses an iterative Jacobi–Davidson diagonalization algorithm to properly address the inherent “hard-core” He–He interaction problem, are described here. The convergence of total energies, average pair He–He interaction energies, and relevant one- and two-body properties upon increasing the angular part of the one-particle basis set (expanded in spherical harmonics) has been analyzed, considering Cl2 as the dopant and a semiempirical model (T-shaped) He–Cl2(B) potential. Converged results are used to analyze global energetic and structural aspects as well as the configuration makeup of the wave functions, associated with the ground and low-lying “solvent” excited states. Our study reveals that besides the fermionic nature of 3He atoms, key roles in determining total binding energies and wave-function structures are played by the strong repulsive core of the He–He potential as well as its very weak attractive region, the most stable arrangement somehow departing from the one of N He atoms equally spaced on equatorial “ring” around the dopant. The present results for N=4 fermions indicates the structural “pairing” of two 3He atoms at opposite sides on a broad “belt” around the dopant, executing a sort of asymmetric umbrella motion. This pairing is a compromise between maximizing the 3He–3He and the He-dopant attractions, and suppressing at the same time the “hard-core” repulsion. Although the He–He attractive interaction is rather weak, its contribution to the total energy is found to scale as a power of three and it thus increasingly affects the pair density distributions as the cluster grows in size.This work has been partially supported by the CSICCAM, CICYT, and MICINN-CSIC Spanish Grants Nos. CCG08-CSIC/ESP-3680, FIS2007-62006, and 2007501004.Peer reviewe

    Competitive internal transfers in metastable decay of cluster ions

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    In a previous study of fragmentation patterns of (Ar)3 + clusters [G. Delgado-Barrio, S. Miret-Artés, P. Villarreal, and F. A. Gianturco, Z. Phys. D 27, 354 (1993)] it was found that overall rotations control the lifetimes of the occupied metastable states of the cluster and that a spherical, effective interaction was sufficient to describe the dynamical process. In the present study, the strong anisotropy of a more realistic three-particle interaction is introduced and its effects on metastable decay are examined. By separating internal rotations from internal vibrations of the diatomic ion, it is possible to show that internal predissociation pathways are very efficient and lead to very short lifetimes. The latter can be lengthened only when overall rotational states are directly included, thus confirming the physical picture of the earlier work. © 1994 American Institute of Physics.The financial funding of the computing time by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) is also acknowledged.Peer Reviewe