3,118 research outputs found

    Stress-Induced Variations in the Stiffness of Micro- and Nanocantilever Beams

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    The effect of surface stress on the stiffness of cantilever beams remains an outstanding problem in the physical sciences. While numerous experimental studies report significant stiffness change due to surface stress, theoretical predictions are unable to rigorously and quantitatively reconcile these observations. In this Letter, we present the first controlled measurements of stress-induced change in cantilever stiffness with commensurate theoretical quantification. Simultaneous measurements are also performed on equivalent clamped-clamped beams. All experimental results are quantitatively and accurately predicted using elasticity theory. We also present conclusive experimental evidence for invalidity of the longstanding and unphysical axial force model, which has been widely applied to interpret measurements using cantilever beams. Our findings will be of value in the development of micro- and nanoscale resonant mechanical sensors

    The formation heritage of Jupiter Family Comet 10P/Tempel 2 as revealed by infrared spectroscopy

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    We present spectral and spatial information for major volatile species in Comet 10P/Tempel 2, based on high-dispersion infrared spectra acquired on UT 2010 July 26 (heliocentric distance Rh = 1.44 AU) and September 18 (Rh = 1.62 AU), following the comet's perihelion passage on UT 2010 July 04. The total production rate for water on July 26 was (1.90 +/- 0.12) x 10^28 molecules s-1, and abundances of six trace gases (relative to water) were: CH3OH (1.58% +/- 0.23), C2H6 (0.39% +/- 0.04), NH3 (0.83% +/- 0.20), and HCN (0.13% +/- 0.02). A detailed analysis of intensities for water emission lines provided a rotational temperature of 35 +/- 3 K. The mean OPR is consistent with nuclear spin populations in statistical equilibrium (OPR = 3.01 +/- 0.18), and the (1-sigma) lower bound corresponds to a spin temperature > 38 K. Our measurements were contemporaneous with a jet-like feature observed at optical wavelengths. The spatial profiles of four primary volatiles display strong enhancements in the jet direction, which favors release from a localized vent on the nucleus. The measured IR continuum is much more sharply peaked and is consistent with a dominant contribution from the nucleus itself. The peak intensities for H2O, CH3OH, and C2H6 are offset by ~200 km in the jet direction, suggesting the possible existence of a distributed source, such as the release of icy grains that subsequently sublimed in the coma. On UT September 18, no obvious emission lines were present in our spectra, nevertheless we obtained a 3-sigma upper limit Q(H2O) < 2.86 x 10^27 molecules s-1

    A survey of volatile species in Oort cloud comets C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) at millimeter wavelengths

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    The line emission in the coma was measured in the comets C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), that were observed on five consecutive nights, 7-11 May 2004, at heliocentric distances of 1.0 and 0.7 AU, respectively, by means of high-resolution spectroscopy using the 10-m Submillimeter Telescope (SMT). We present a search for six parent- and product-volatile species (HCN, H2CO, CO, CS, CH3OH, and HNC) in both comets. Multiline observations of the CH3OH J = 5-4 series allow us to estimate the rotational temperature using the rotation diagram technique. We derive rotational temperatures of 54(9) K for C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and 119(34) K for C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) that are roughly consistent with observations of other comets at similar distances from the Sun. The gas production rates of material are computed using a spherically symmetric molecular excitation code that includes collisions between neutrals and electrons. We find an HCN production rate of 2.96(5)e26 molec.s-1 for comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), corresponding to a mixing ratio with respect to H2O of 1.12(2)e-3. The mean HCN production rate during the observing period is 4.54(10)e26 molec.s-1 for comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), which gives a Q_HCN/Q_H2O mixing ratio of 1.51(3)e-3. With systematically lower mixing ratios in comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), production rate ratios of the observed species with respect to H2O lie within the typical ranges of dynamically new comets in both objects. We find a relative low abundance of CO in C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) compared to the observed range in other comets based on millimeter/submillimeter observations, and a significant upper limit on the CO production in C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) is derived. Depletion of CO suggests partial evaporation from the surface layers during previous visits to the outer Solar System and agrees with previous measurements of dynamically new comets.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures. Minor changes to match the published versio

    A Passive Phase Noise Cancellation Element

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    We introduce a new method for reducing phase noise in oscillators, thereby improving their frequency precision. The noise reduction device consists of a pair of coupled nonlinear resonating elements that are driven parametrically by the output of a conventional oscillator at a frequency close to the sum of the linear mode frequencies. Above the threshold for parametric response, the coupled resonators exhibit self-oscillation at an inherent frequency. We find operating points of the device for which this periodic signal is immune to frequency noise in the driving oscillator, providing a way to clean its phase noise. We present results for the effect of thermal noise to advance a broader understanding of the overall noise sensitivity and the fundamental operating limits

    Submillimetric spectroscopic observations of volatiles in comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)

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    We aim to determine the production rates of several parent and product volatiles and the 12C/13C isotopic carbon ratio in the long-period comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), which is likely to originate from the Oort Cloud. The line emission from several molecules in the coma was measured with high signal-to-noise ratio in January 2005 at heliocentric distance of 1.2 AU by means of high-resolution spectroscopic observations using the Submillimeter Telescope (SMT). We have obtained production rates of several volatiles (CH3OH, HCN, H13CN, HNC, H2CO, CO and CS) by comparing the observed and simulated line-integrated intensities. Furthermore, multiline observations of the CH3OH (7-6) series allow us to estimate the rotational temperature using the rotation diagram technique. We find that the CH3OH population distribution of the levels sampled by these lines can be described by a rotational temperature of 40 \pm 3 K. Derived mixing ratios relative to hydrogen cyanide are CO/CH3OH/H2CO/CS/HNC/H13CN/HCN = 30.9/24.6/4.8/0.57/0.031/0.013/1 assuming a pointing offset of 8" due to the uncertain ephemeris at the time of the observations and the telescope pointing error. The measured relative molecular abundances in C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) are between low- to typical values of those obtained in Oort Cloud comets, suggesting that it has visited the inner solar system previously and undergone thermal processing. The HNC/HCN abundance ratio of ~3.1% is comparable to that found in other comets, accounting for the dependence on the heliocentric distance, and could possibly be explained by ion-molecule chemical processes in the low-temperature atmosphere. From a tentative H13CN detection, the measured value of 97 \pm 30 for the H12CN/H13CN isotopologue pair is consistent with a telluric value.Comment: 14 pages with 11 figures, abridged abstrac

    Fast on-wafer electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical characterization of piezoresistive cantilever force sensors

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    Validation of a technological process requires an intensive characterization of the performance of the resulting devices, circuits or systems. The technology for the fabrication of Micro and Nanoelectromechanical systems is evolving rapidly, with new kind of device concepts for applications like sensing or harvesting are being proposed and demonstrated. However, the characterization tools and methods for these new devices are still nor fully developed. Here, we present an on-wafer, highly precise and rapid characterization method to measure the mechanical, electrical and electromechanical properties of piezoresistive cantilevers. The set-up is based on a combination of probe-card and atomic force microscopy (AFM) technology, it allows accessing many devices across a wafer and it can be applied to a broad range of MEMS and NEMS. Using this set-up we have characterized the performance of multiple submicron thick piezoresistive cantilever force sensors. For the best design we have obtained a force sensitivity RF=158 uV/nN, a noise of 5.8 uV (1Hz-1kHz) and a minimum detectable force (MDF) of 37 pN with a relative standard deviation of sigma=8%. This small value of sigma, together with a high fabrication yield >95%, validates our fabrication technology. The devices are intended to be used as bio-molecular detectors for the measurement of intermolecular forces between ligand and receptor molecule pairs.This work has been supported by MICINN through projects TEC2011-23600 and NANOSELECT-CSD2007- 00041 (Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme).Peer reviewe

    Highly Depleted Ethane and Mildly Depleted Methanol in Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner: Application of a New Empirical nu(sub 2) Band Model for CH30H Near 50 K

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    Infrared spectra of Comet 2lP/Giacobini-Zinner (hereafter 2IP/GZ) were obtained using NIRSPEC at Keck II on UT 2005 June 03, approximately one month before perihelion, that simultaneously measured H2O, C2H6, and CH3OH. For H2O, the production rate of 3.8 x 10(exp 28) molecules / S was consistent with that measured during other apparitions of 21P/GZ retrieved from optical, infrared, and mm-wavelength observations. The water analysis also provided values for rotational temperature (T(sub rot) = 55(epx +3) /-.2 K) and the abundance ratio of ortho- and para-water (3.00 +/-0.15, implying a spin temperature exceeding 50 K). Six Q-branches in the V7 band of C2H6 provided a production rate (5.27 +/- 0.90 x 10(exp 25)/S) that corresponded to an abundance ratio of 0.139 +/- 0.024 % relative to H2O, confirming the previously reported strong depletion of C2H6 from IR observations during the 1998 apparition, and in qualitative agreement with the depletion in C2 known from optical studies. For CH30H, we applied our recently published ab initia model for the v3 band to obtain a rotational temperature (48(exp + 10) / -7 K) consistent with that obtained for H2O. In addition we applied a newly developed empirical model for the CH30H v2 band, and obtained a production rate consistent with that obtained from the v3 band. Combining results from both v2 and v3 bands provided a production rate (47.5 +/- 4.4 x 10(exp 25) / S) that corresponded to an abundance ratio of 1.25 +/- 0.12 % relative to H2O in 21P/GZ. Our study provides the first measure of primary volatile production rates for any Jupiter family comet over multiple apparitions using high resolution IR spectroscopy