28 research outputs found

    Utilidad de un cuestionario postal en el seguimiento de la reparación de la hernia incisional: estudio prospectivo de una cohorte

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    ResumenObjetivoEvaluamos la utilidad de un cuestionario postal en el seguimiento de la cirugía de la eventración.Pacientes y métodoSe analiza prospectivamente una cohorte de 285 pacientes intervenidos por una eventración entre 1998 y 2003 mediante una técnica con malla prefascial y que recibieron un cuestionario de 6 preguntas e ideogramas, con estrategia de reenvíos y llamada telefónica para aumentar la respuesta. Se citaron a examen clínico a los pacientes sin inconveniente a ser visitados. Se revisaron todas las hojas operatorias. Se estudia la respuesta al cuestionario y hallazgos de la visita (test exacto de Fisher y Chi cuadrado), la concordancia con los datos operatorios (índices Kappa de Cohen y de Fleiss) y el valor predictivo del cuestionario.ResultadosUn total de 215 pacientes devolvieron el cuestionario después de tres envíos, con lo que se recogió información de un 75.4% de la cohorte, que aumentó al 94% después de la llamada telefónica. Un total de 168 pacientes (el 78.2%) aceptaron ser visitados, aunque finalmente solo acudieron 62 (el 36.9%). La concordancia entre las respuestas al cuestionario e ideogramas y los datos de las hojas operatorias fue baja (índice Kappa de Cohen de 0.065 e índice Kappa de Fleiss de 0.170).ConclusionesUn cuestionario postal con medidas para aumentar la respuesta puede ser efectivo para recoger información básica sobre la cirugía de la hernia incisional. La utilidad de dicha información resulta cuestionable por falta de cumplimiento de los pacientes en los controles y por dificultades en la comprensión del cuestionario, aunque este sea corto y/o en forma de ideograma.AbstractAimTo assess the usefulness of a short postal questionnaire as a method of follow-up in incisional hernia repair.Patients and methodAll consecutive patients (n=285) undergoing open mesh repair of incisional hernia using an onlay technique between 1998 and 2003 received a six-item self-administered questionnaire complemented with ideograms. Non-responders received two successive new questionnaires and a telephone call. All patients’ operation forms were reviewed. Patients with no objections to physical examination were contacted by phone for an appointment. The Fisher's exact test or the chi-square (χ2) tests were used to compare categorical variables between clinical visits and response to questionnaire. Agreement between response to the questionnaire and data on the operation forms was measured with the Cohen's kappa index and the Fleiss kappa index. The predictive values of the questionnaire were calculated.Results215 patients returned questionnaires after three reminders, allowing us to reach 75.4% of the study cohort, which in turn increased to 94% after the telephone call. A total of 168 (78.2%) patients were willing to come for a physical examination. Finally 62 (36.9%) patients were examined. The overall agreement between response to the questionnaire and data on the operation forms was poor (Cohen's kappa coefficient = 0.065 and Fleiss kappa coefficient = 0.170).ConclusionsA postal questionnaire can be effective to gather information. However, the usefulness of this information in the follow-up was low due to the small percentage of patients examined and difficulties in comprehension despite making the questionnaire short and illustrated by ideograms

    Hospitalización a domicilio para pacientes quirúrgicos ante una pandemia por SARS-CoV-2: nuestra experiencia

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    Introduction: The HaDQ is an alternative to conventional hospitalization for clinically stable surgical patients who require complex nursing procedures due to intensity, frequency or characteristics, and control by a surgical specialist at home. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study of the HADQ activity of our hospital during the first six months of 2020, to analyze the impact of the SARSCov2 pandemic in the unit. Three periods are distinguished: pre-pandemic (Jan-Feb), lockdown (Mar-Apr), post-lockdown (May-Jun). Two groups are differentiated: A (conventional HaD) and B (COVID19 preoperative screening). Various variables were collected: month, type, stay (HaD and hospital), procedures, readmissions, address, type of visits, covid+. A quantitative and qualitative descriptive statistical analysis of the results obtained was carried out. Results: 345 patients were admitted, 225 in group A (phase Pre (34%), Phase C (40%), and phase Post (25%)), and 120 in group B (Phase C (75%), phase Post (25%)). %)). The confinement (phase C) was the most active period of the HADQ, both due to the number of admissions (53%), and the complexity of group A, which required more procedures (71%) and more home visits (52%). There was also an increase in patients from the non-coverage area (42%), which involved medical and nursing visits at the Day Hospital (HD) (21%), and an increase in medical telephone consultations (36%). In the phase Post, the income of group A decreased by 37%. Conclusions: The HaDQ was reorganized due to the pandemic to care for more surgical patients, being an essential care resource, especially during confinement.Introducción: La hospitalización a domicilio para pacientes quirúrgicos (HaDQ) es una alternativa a la hospitalización convencional para pacientes quirúrgicos estables clínicamente, que precisen procedimientos de enfermería complejos por intensidad, frecuencia o características, y control por especialista quirúrgico en el domicilio. Método: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y retrospectivo de la actividad de la HADQ de nuestro hospital durante los primeros seis meses del 2020, para analizar la repercusión de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en la unidad. Se distinguen tres periodos: prepandemia (enero-febreo), confinamiento (marzo-abril), posconfinamiento (mayo-junio). Se diferencian dos grupos: A (HaD convencional) y B (despistaje preoperatorio COVID19). Se recogieron diversas variables: mes, tipo, estancia (HaD y hospital), procedimientos, reingresos, domicilio, tipo visitas, COVID+. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo cuantitativo y cualitativo de los resultados obtenidos Resultados: Ingresaron 345 pacientes, 225 en el grupo A (fase Pre (34%), fase C (40%), y fase Pos (25%)), y 120 en el B (fase C (75%), fase Pos (25%)). El confinamiento (fase C) fue el período más activo de la HADQ, tanto por número de ingresos (53%), como por la complejidad del grupo A que requería más procedimientos (71%) y más visitas domiciliarias (52%). También aumentaron los pacientes de zona de no cobertura (42%), que implicaron visitas médicas y de enfermería en Hospital de Día (HD) (21%), y aumento de consultas telefónicas médicas (36%). En la fase Pos disminuyeron un 37% los ingresos del grupo A. Conclusiones: La HaDQ se reorganizó por la pandemia para atender a más pacientes quirúrgicos, siendo un recurso asistencial esencial, especialmente durante el confinamiento

    Survey Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Parental Engagement Across 23 Countries

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    This data article describes the dataset of the International COVID-19 Impact on Parental Engagement Study (ICIPES). ICIPES is a collaborative effort of more than 20 institutions to investigate the ways in which, parents and caregivers built capacity engaged with children's learning during the period of social distancing arising from global COVID-19 pandemic. A series of data were collected using an online survey conducted in 23 countries and had a total sample of 4,658 parents/caregivers. The description of the data contained in this article is divided into two main parts. The first part is a descriptive analysis of all the items included in the survey and was performed using tables and figures. The second part refers to the construction of scales. Three scales were constructed and included in the dataset: ‘parental acceptance and confidence in the use of technology’, ‘parental engagement in children's learning’ and ‘socioeconomic status’. The scales were created using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multi-Group Confirmatory Analysis (MG-CFA) and were adopted to evaluate their cross-cultural comparability (i.e., measurement invariance) across countries and within sub-groups. This dataset will be relevant for researchers in different fields, particularly for those interested in international comparative education

    Survey data on the impact of COVID-19 on parental engagement across 23 countries

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    This data article describes the dataset of the International COVID-19 Impact on Parental Engagement Study (ICIPES). ICIPES is a collaborative effort of more than 20 institutions to investigate the ways in which, parents and caregivers built capacity engaged with children's learning during the period of social distancing arising from global COVID-19 pandemic. A series of data were collected using an online survey conducted in 23 countries and had a total sample of 4,658 parents/caregivers. The description of the data contained in this article is divided into two main parts. The first part is a descriptive analysis of all the items included in the survey and was performed using tables and figures. The second part refers to the construction of scales. Three scales were constructed and included in the dataset: 'parental acceptance and confidence in the use of technology', 'parental engagement in children's learning' and 'socioeconomic status'. The scales were created using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multi-Group Confirmatory Analysis (MG-CFA) and were adopted to evaluate their cross-cultural comparability (i.e., measurement invariance) across countries and within sub-groups. This dataset will be relevant for researchers in different fields, particularly for those interested in international comparative education