8 research outputs found

    Оптимизация конструкции захвата для детали «Барабан»

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    Грузозахватные приспособления обычно применяются при производстве работ по подъему и перемещению грузов с применением грузоподъемных машин. Использование приспособлений позволяет реализовать максимальное удобство и безопасность производственного процесса. Грузозахватные приспособления конструируются для определенного этапа технологического процесса, для конкретного изделия. При проектировании таких приспособлений необходимо учитывать основные показатели оптимальности конструкции: прочность, надежность, простота, удобство и безопасность при эксплуатации, эргономичность. Кроме того, нужно стремиться к наименьшей массе и, соответственно, металлоемкости захвата. Конструкция грузозахватного приспособления, в основном, будет зависеть от назначенных технологом поверхностей, за которые можно крепиться и от максимальной высоты подъема крюка крана. В статье описана задача по конструированию захвата для детали «Барабан¬ в новом технологическом процессе. Рассмотрена конструкция существующего захвата, взятого за прототип. Приведен анализ различных вариантов конструктивных решений, созданных в процессе проектирования. Выбран вариант конструкции захвата, который в наибольшей степени соответствует требованиям технического задания. Конструкция этого модернизированного приспособления представляет собой захват с тремя лапами, удерживающими деталь, и подвес в виде траверсы. Разработанная конструкторская документация утверждена производством и отделом промышленной безопасности

    Forest policy networks in changing political systems: Case study of the Baltic States

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    The shift from the Soviet system to market economies has induced a wide range of changes in the forest sectors of the three Baltic states. The majority of these changes are the result of compromises made between stakeholders participating in forest policymaking and implementation. In this article it is argued that the relative success of the increasingly complex and dynamic environment of forest policy action arenas is ensured by interconnecting policy networks instead of hierarchical governance by the state. We map and characterize forest policy networks in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, while identifying the actors participating in forest policy formation and implementation. The forest policy networks of the Baltic states are compared against each other and with the situation during the last years of the Soviet system

    Formation continue, conseil et transfert de connaissances en forêt privée : Un aperçu de la diversité et des évolutions en Europe

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    International audienceChange in forest management is facilitated through communication between stakeholders who encourage, advise, inform, warn, guide, exhort, and educate each other. Traditionally in many countries government extension officers have advised and instructed forest owners. ‘Advice’ in these cases is the link between policy (government and others’ desired outcomes) and (land managers’) practice. While there are some parallels with agricultural extension, the situation with forestry is more diverse and complex, partly because a majority of forest owners have no formal background or education in forestry. We propose that the term ‘forest advisory system’ can be applied to a concept which takes a systemic approach to analysing the stakeholders and their interactions, in forestry advice. The ‘forest advisory system’ (FAS) is more than the conventional extension model, and involves a range of private, public and NGO stakeholders who may or may not be collaborating with each other. Our paper is descriptive and analytical, based on a development of three organising ideas: (1) knowledge and information as a system; (2) the distinction between knowledge transfer and knowledge exchange; (3) choice of instruments in environmental policy (Böcher, 2012). The paper addresses three questions: How FAS are evolving and what affects that? Will FAS be more similar in future between regions and if so why? Will the need for type of advice change in future

    How private are Europe\u2019s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis

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    Private forests are widespread in Europe providing a range of ecosystem services of significant value to society, and there are calls for novel policies to enhance their provision and to face the challenges of environmental changes. Such policies need to acknowledge the importance of private forests, and importantly they need to be based on a deep understanding of how property rights held by private forest owners vary across Europe. We collected and analysed data on the content of property rights based on formal legal requirements existing in 31 European jurisdictions. To allow a comparison across jurisdictions, we constructed an original Property Rights Index for Forestry encompassing five rights domains (access, withdrawal, management, exclusion and alienation). We documented substantial variation of the private forest owners\u2019 rights, and notably to i) make decisions in operational management and the formulation of management goals, ii) withdraw timber resources from their forest, and iii) exclude others from the use of forest resources. We identified broad relations between the scope for decision making of private forest owners and jurisdictions\u2019 former socio-political background and geographical distribution. The variation in the content of property rights has implications for the implementation of international environmental policies, and stresses the need for tailored policy instruments, when addressing European society\u2019s rural development, the bioeconomy, climate change mitigation measures and nature protection strategies