133 research outputs found

    Labour market tightness and matching efficiency in different labour market segments ā€“ do differences in education and occupation matter?

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    This paper analyses the existing educational and occupational structures of several EU member countries and their alignment with the needs of the labour market. Such a situation may indicate a structural mismatch in labour market in which the mismatch between the skills taught in schools and universities and the skills needed in the workplace appears. To evaluate this mismatch, the paper investigates the matching needs of employers and unemployed job seekers by disaggregating the registered employment office data by education and occupation groups in selected EU countries separately. More educated workers, as well as workers in more complex and better-paid occupations, might fare better when it comes to the aggregate labour market trends. For example, economic downturns and increases in unemployment might be felt more heavily by workers with lower education and those who work in professions requiring fewer skills. In this paper, we analyse the data for a selected group of countries (Austria, Croatia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Spain) from 2010 till 2022, using the Beveridge curves and estimate the labour market tightness and matching efficiency for different education and occupation groups. Our results show that differences in education levels and occupation result in relatively small deviations from aggregate trends in the labour market. Aggregate labour market trends therefore strongly impact all groups in the labour market, whether the market is segmented by education levels or by occupation. In other words, both the improvements in the labour market conditions and the worsening of labour market conditions have similar effects across different labour market segments

    Labour market tightness and matching efficiency in different labour market segments ā€“ do differences in education and occupation matter?

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    This paper analyses the existing educational and occupational structures of several EU member countries and their alignment with the needs of the labour market. Such a situation may indicate a structural mismatch in labour market in which the mismatch between the skills taught in schools and universities and the skills needed in the workplace appears. To evaluate this mismatch, the paper investigates the matching needs of employers and unemployed job seekers by disaggregating the registered employment office data by education and occupation groups in selected EU countries separately. More educated workers, as well as workers in more complex and better-paid occupations, might fare better when it comes to the aggregate labour market trends. For example, economic downturns and increases in unemployment might be felt more heavily by workers with lower education and those who work in professions requiring fewer skills. In this paper, we analyse the data for a selected group of countries (Austria, Croatia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Spain) from 2010 till 2022, using the Beveridge curves and estimate the labour market tightness and matching efficiency for different education and occupation groups. Our results show that differences in education levels and occupation result in relatively small deviations from aggregate trends in the labour market. Aggregate labour market trends therefore strongly impact all groups in the labour market, whether the market is segmented by education levels or by occupation. In other words, both the improvements in the labour market conditions and the worsening of labour market conditions have similar effects across different labour market segments

    Thirty Years After: Economic Growth in Transition Countries

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    In this paper, we use a dynamic threshold panel model to investigate the impact of classical and transition specific growth factors on the economic growth of transition countries during 1989-2019. Following Durlauf, Johnson and Temple (2004) we use more than 40 potential ā€mainstreamā€ growth factors and we augment the list of factors with transition specific indicators such as privatization methods and various indicators of institutional quality. Given the difficulty in quantifying the economic policies employed in various countries, we explore a wide list of potential threshold variables that can exogenously split the sample into fast and slow-growing countries. We use a range of model specifications and both fixed effects and system GMM estimators as well as Bayesian averaging in order to investigate the robustness of the results. In total more than 16 million estimates are analysed. Preliminary results suggest that the most robust results are for the initial level of development, long term effects of labor market reforms (employment rate), the share of investment, and the importance of the natural resources


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    U radu se istražuje koncept nordijskog kapitalizma i načini funkcioniranja socijalne države u nordijskim zemljama. Takozvani ā€žsrednji putā€œ između kapitalizma i socijalizma u nordijskim zemljama uspjeÅ”no opstaje već desetljećima unatoč pritiscima i izazovima koje je globalizacija stavila na održivost države blagostanja. U radu se analizira razina ekonomske razvijenosti i blagostanje građana mjereno monetarnim i nemonetarnim pokazateljima u Danskoj, Finskoj, NorveÅ”koj i Å vedskoj te se te četiri nordijske zemlje uspoređuju sa zemljama Europske unije. Analiziraju se i temeljne pretpostavke koje leže u pozadini nordijskog kapitalizma, kriza nordijskog kapitalizma i socijalne države u vrijeme uspona globalizacije, ali i njihova ponovna reafirmacija nakon izbijanja Velike recesije. Analiza makroeokonomskih podataka i pregled dosadaÅ”njih radova upućuju na zaključak da je moguće spojiti visok stupanj državne intervencije u tržiÅ”ne ishode s visokim stupnjem razvoja i efikasnim funkcioniranjem slobodnog tržiÅ”ta

    Sex roles and competitive anxiety

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos spolnih uloga i natjecateljske anksioznosti. Sudionici su bili taekwondo sportaÅ”i s iskustvom sudjelovanja na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Bem inventar spolnih uloga primijenjen je na 113 sportaÅ”a koji su, s obzirom na rezultate, klasificirani u jednu od četiri kategorije spolne uloge (maskulinost, femininost, androginost, nediferenciranost). Svaki sudionik je popunio i Upitnik stanja natjecateljske anksioznosti. S obzirom na postavljenu hipotezu, iz daljnje obrade izbačeni su nediferencirani sportaÅ”i te je ukupan uzorak činilo 88 sportaÅ”a. Predviđeno je da će feminini sportaÅ”i imati značajno veće razine natjecateljske anksioznosti nego maskulini sportaÅ”i, dok se androgini neće značajno razlikovati od femininih i maskulinih sportaÅ”a. Rezultati analize varijance djelomično su potvrdili hipotezu. Dobivena je statistički značajna razlika u natjecateljskoj anksioznosti između sve tri skupine sportaÅ”a. Feminini sportaÅ”i doživljavaju najveće razine stanja anksioznosti, zatim slijede androgini sportaÅ”i, dok najniže razine anksioznosti nalazimo kod maskulinih sportaÅ”a.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sex roles and competitive anxiety. Subjects were taekwondo athletes who had national and international competition experience. 113 athletes completed Bem Sex-Role Inventory and were classified into one of four categories of sex roles (masculinity, femininity, androgyny, undifferentiated). Each subject then completed Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2. In line with the hypothesis, undifferentiated athletes were excluded from further analysis and the total sample consisted of 88 athletes. It was hypothesised that feminine athletes will have significantly higher levels of competitive anxiety than masculine athletes, while androgynous athletes will not differ significantly from the feminine and masculine ones. The ANOVA results partially confirmed the hypothesis. There was a significant difference in the competitive anxiety between the three groups of athletes. Feminine athletes experienced the highest levels of anxiety, followed by androgynous athletes, while the lowest levels of anxiety were found in masculine athletes

    Biochemical changes in ears of wheat genotypes subjected to Fusarium spp. attack

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    In wheat, Fusarium fungus promotes the appearance of destructive disease named as Fusarium head blight (FHB) that can cause grain yield reduction and mycotoxin accumulation. The focus of this research was to verify the influence of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum on wheat genotypes with different susceptibility to FHB: ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€ (susceptible), ā€œLucijaā€ (moderately resistant) and ā€œApacheā€ (resistant). The experiment was performed under field conditions by artificial spore inoculation of ears at the flowering stage. The effectiveness of antioxidative enzymes, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were observed at several sampling points after Fusarium inoculation (3, 15 and 24 hours). ā€œLucijaā€ responded to pathogen by increase of guaiacol peroxidase (POD) activity, high H2O2> and MDA content in the early post-inoculation times (3 and 15 hours), compared to control. ā€œSuper Žitarkaā€ displayed inhibition of catalase (CAT) activity throughout the whole time course of the experiment. Infected plants of ā€œApacheā€ showed notable decline in MDA content over time. Moreover, in ā€œApacheā€ increased H2O2 accumulation was observed immediately after Fusarium exposure (3 and 15 hours), compared to 24 hours. Rapid overproduction of H2O2 under Fusarium stress marked ā€œApacheā€ as FHB-resistant

    Hegel's concept of the ethos

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    U ovome radu obradila sam Hegelov pojam običajnosti kronoloÅ”kim slijedom od utemeljenja filozofske misli na religiji do uspostave konačnog filozofskog sustava. Teza rada kreće od pretpostavke da se izgradnja sustava (a time i pojma običajnosti) može ostvariti jedino pretpostavkom o postojanju apsolutnog u kojemu je sadržana sva zbilja, kako materijalna, tako i duhovna. Prvi pokuÅ”aj izgradnje cjelovitog sustava običajnosti Hegel izlaže u Sustavu ćudorednosti, detaljnije pojaÅ”njava u Fenomenologiji duha, a do kraja razmatra u Enciklopediji filozofskih znanosti te Osnovnim crtama filozofije prava

    Public Key Infrastructure

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    U ovom radu bavili smo se infrastrukturom javnog ključa u oznaci PKI. Pogledali smo neke bitnije dijelove od kojih se PKI sastoji i ukratko ih opisali. Nakon toga, pogledali smo jedan protokol koji se koristi u praksi, a to je SSL protokol kojega smo ilustrirali na primjeru. Objasnili smo pojam certifikata koji je građevna jedinica PKI-ja i uz to dali primjer ceritfikata. Opisali smo model koji daje jasna pravila koja određuju način na koji će se graditi put certifikata, a to je model povjerenja. Naveli smo neke primjere modela povjerenja i opisali ih na primjerima. U poglavlju nakon toga rekli smo neÅ”to o budućnosti PKI-a i na kraju smo objasnili kriptografiju baziranu na identitetu, tj. obradili smo Cocksovu enkripcijsku shemu baziranu na identitetu, kao jedan oblik ove kriptografije.This paper aims to discuss the Public-key Infrastructure in the PKI label, which includes and describes some of the more important parts of the PKI. One of the more used protocols, SSL, was presented along with an example. In this paper certificates as the founding blocks of PKI were also more thoroughly explained, as well as a model that provides clear rules which define the certificates path si built, the trust model for which more examples are provided. The chapter after that discusses the future of PKI and identity-based cryptography, such as the Cocks Identity-based Encryption Scheme

    Congruences of the Higher Degree

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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu objasnit ćemo Å”to su to kongruencije viÅ”eg reda. Objasnit ćemo Å”to su polinomijalne kongruencije, te kako se rjeÅ”avaju. Nadalje obradit ćemo kvadratne kongruencije i primitivne korjene, te ćemo pokazati kako se pronalaze primitivni korijeni i navesti ćemo njihova svojstva.This work will explain the congruences of the higher degree. It will also explain and clarify the polynomial congruences, as well as show ways of solving them. Along with an analysis of quadratic congruences and primitive roots, ways of discovering primitive roots and their properties will also be explained

    Sex roles and competitive anxiety

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos spolnih uloga i natjecateljske anksioznosti. Sudionici su bili taekwondo sportaÅ”i s iskustvom sudjelovanja na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Bem inventar spolnih uloga primijenjen je na 113 sportaÅ”a koji su, s obzirom na rezultate, klasificirani u jednu od četiri kategorije spolne uloge (maskulinost, femininost, androginost, nediferenciranost). Svaki sudionik je popunio i Upitnik stanja natjecateljske anksioznosti. S obzirom na postavljenu hipotezu, iz daljnje obrade izbačeni su nediferencirani sportaÅ”i te je ukupan uzorak činilo 88 sportaÅ”a. Predviđeno je da će feminini sportaÅ”i imati značajno veće razine natjecateljske anksioznosti nego maskulini sportaÅ”i, dok se androgini neće značajno razlikovati od femininih i maskulinih sportaÅ”a. Rezultati analize varijance djelomično su potvrdili hipotezu. Dobivena je statistički značajna razlika u natjecateljskoj anksioznosti između sve tri skupine sportaÅ”a. Feminini sportaÅ”i doživljavaju najveće razine stanja anksioznosti, zatim slijede androgini sportaÅ”i, dok najniže razine anksioznosti nalazimo kod maskulinih sportaÅ”a.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sex roles and competitive anxiety. Subjects were taekwondo athletes who had national and international competition experience. 113 athletes completed Bem Sex-Role Inventory and were classified into one of four categories of sex roles (masculinity, femininity, androgyny, undifferentiated). Each subject then completed Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2. In line with the hypothesis, undifferentiated athletes were excluded from further analysis and the total sample consisted of 88 athletes. It was hypothesised that feminine athletes will have significantly higher levels of competitive anxiety than masculine athletes, while androgynous athletes will not differ significantly from the feminine and masculine ones. The ANOVA results partially confirmed the hypothesis. There was a significant difference in the competitive anxiety between the three groups of athletes. Feminine athletes experienced the highest levels of anxiety, followed by androgynous athletes, while the lowest levels of anxiety were found in masculine athletes
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