13 research outputs found

    Learning goals and content for wound care education in Finnish nursing education-A Delphi study

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    Background: Caring for patients with wounds requires diverse competences from nursing professionals. However, wound care education in undergraduate nursing education is often fragmented and lacks consistent learning goals and content. Objectives: To create learning goals and content for wound care education in Bachelor's level nursing education in Finland and to assess the consensus relating to these learning goals and content among wound care experts. Design: A consensus-building approach using the Delphi technique. Settings: A Delphi panel of wound care experts built on an online platform. Participants: The participants of the Delphi panel were registered nurses, authorised wound care nurses, nurse educators and physicians. Methods: Learning goals and content for wound care education which had been formulated on the basis of previous focus-group interviews were presented to the Delphi panel. The data were collected in 2021 with two online Delphi rounds: 51 panellists participated in the first round and 36 in the second round. The data were analysed using statistical and qualitative analysis. Results: Learning goals and content were divided into four competence areas: 1) Anatomy and physiology, 2) Care of chronic and acute wounds, 3) Wound management and care of a patient with a wound, 4) Values and atti-tudes. These competence areas comprised 26 learning goals and 29 pieces of content. The consensus between the panellists was high, at >90% in all competence areas. Conclusions: The basis of registered nurses' wound care competence is built during their undergraduate nursing studies. The results of this study can be used to standardise wound care education by implementing consistent learning goals and content in Bachelor's level nursing education.</p

    Congruence between perceived and theoretical knowledge before and after an internet-based continuing education program about venous leg ulcer nursing care

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    Background: Previous research has revealed nurses' knowledge gaps in venous leg ulcer (VLU) nursing care, and continuing education is needed. The closer nurses' perceived knowledge is to their evidence-based theoretical knowledge, the better possibilities they have to conduct evidence-based VLU nursing care. Objectives: To assess the congruence between nurses' perceived and theoretical knowledge about VLU nursing care before and after an internet-based education about VLU nursing care (eVLU). Design: Quasi-experimental study with intervention and comparison groups and pre- and post-measurements. Setting: Home health care in two Finnish municipalities. Participants: Nurses (n = 946) working in home health care were invited to participate. In the intervention group, 239 nurses and 229 nurses in the comparison group met the inclusion criteria, and they were all recruited to the study. Method: Nurses were divided into intervention and comparison groups with lottery between the municipalities. Nurses in both groups took care of patients with VLU according to their organizations' instructions. In addition to this, nurses in the intervention group received a 6-week eVLU while those in the comparison group did not. Data were collected with a questionnaire about perceived and theoretical knowledge before education, at six weeks, and at 10 weeks. The percentages of congruence were calculated at every measurement point, and the McNemar test was used to detect statistical significance of changes between measurements. Results: The increase of congruence was more often statistically significant in the intervention group than in the comparison group. Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that the congruence between perceived and theoretical knowledge will be higher among nurses receiving eVLU. Because of the low participation and drop-outs, the results should be interpreted with caution.Peer reviewe

    A systematic and psychometric review of tests measuring nurses' wound care knowledge

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    Wound care is an important realm of nurses' clinical responsibilities, and a broad knowledge and range of skills are needed to perform efficient and safe patient care. Nurses' knowledge on this matter can be measured using knowledge tests. This study aims to identify, define, and analyse the knowledge tests developed for the measurement of nurses' wound care knowledge, and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the tests. This study was a systematic literature review. A total of 52 studies and 18 instruments were found. Of the 18 instruments, only 5 had been used more than once and were successful in a psychometric evaluation. These five instruments were analysed on the basis of their psychometric properties by using Zwakhalen et al.'s (2006) psychometric testing framework. According to the analysis, the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test (PUKT) and the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Assessment Tool (PUKAT) were the most valid and reliable instruments for measuring nurses' wound care knowledge. Most of the instruments identified and analysed focused on pressure ulcers, indicating that future instruments could focus more on other types of wounds or on wound care in general in order to receive a broader understanding of nurses' wound care knowledge

    Kompressio - vaikuttavaa haavojen hoitoa

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    Vertaisarvioitu. Teema : krooninen haava. English summary.Alaraajaturvotus on kroonisten alaraajahaavojen riskitekijä, ja turvotus estää jo syntyneitä haavoja paranemasta. Kompressiota suositellaan siksi kaikkien alaraajahaavojen hoidoksi, jos raajassa on turvotusta eikä hoidolle ole vasta-aiheita. Jos turvotuksen syytä ei ole mahdollista poistaa, kompressiohoidon tarve on pysyvä. Kompressiohoito jää kuitenkin usein puutteelliseksi tai sitä ei aloiteta lainkaan. Alaraajahaavaa sairastavia potilaita hoitavien on kyettävä tunnistamaan ja ratkaisemaan tavallisimmat kompressiohoitoon liittyvät ongelmat. Tämä onnistuu vain tuntemalla kompressiohoidon ja käytettävien välineiden perusperiaatteet.Peer reviewe

    Jokirapuistutuksilla on tulevaisuutta

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