192 research outputs found

    Metabolism in a macrophyte-rich stream exposed to flooding

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of floods on the metabolic autotrophic rates of a Pampean stream. We hypothesized that there would be high productivity because of the macrophyte-rich community and the high nutrient levels but that this productivity would be reduced by flooding. Net community production (NCP) and community respiration (CR) were measured using clear and opaque acrylic chambers in the same reach of the stream. Community metabolism was analyzed in relation to biomass and the colonized streambed surface. Prior to the flood, epiphyton was the most productive compartment of the stream, whereas after the flood, the bottom algae compartment was the most productive one. Therefore, the relative contribution of each compartment to the entire ecosystem was influenced by the varying flow conditions. The primary gross production values of the Las Flores stream communities before the flood were higher than most of those reported in other streams worldwide and sustain the complex trophic web associated to the stream. Consequently, production decrease due to the lower relative contribution of macrophytes and epiphyton would lead to a more simplified trophic network.Fil: Vilches, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Giorgi, Adonis David Nazareno. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Los museos etnológicos como instrumentos de formación ciudadana para la sostenibilidad

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    Los museos etnológicos y antropológicos persiguen fundamentalmente mostrar los variados aspectos de la vida de los grupos humanos y las relaciones que entre ellos se establecen; constituyen, pues, una ocasión idónea para poner de manifiesto la vinculación de los problemas locales que afectan a un grupo humano concreto con los globales a los que ha de hacer frente la humanidad en su conjunto. La investigación que presentamos ha estado orientada a analizar en qué medida estos museos están prestando atención a los problemas que amenazan la conservación de nuestro planeta y a las medidas a adoptar para que una determinada región contribuya a lograr un desarrollo sostenible

    As productive and slow as a stream can be-the metabolism of a Pampean stream

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    Stream metabolism at both ecosystem and functional-compartment scales was measured in a low-order Pampean stream (La Choza) over a 3-wk period to characterize metabolic rates and discern the contribution of each functional compartment (submerged macrophytes, benthos, floating macroalgae, water column, and hyporheic zone) to ecosystem metabolism. La Choza stream is an autotrophic ecosystem during low flows and has gross primary production rates of up to 22 g O2 m-2d-1, which are among the highest reported in the literature and set an upper bound on how productive streams can be in the absence of light and nutrient limitations. Floating macroalgae provided most of the primary production (30-90%), whereas the hyporheic zone provided most of the ecosystem respiration (40-80%). The differential effects of high flows on the different functional compartments depressed the production:respiration ratio, suggesting a strong relationship between flow and metabolism. Thus, low flows enhanced primary production and led to diel dissolved O2 concentration oscillations between 0 and 25 g O2/m3. In contrast, high flow depressed primary production by an order of magnitude and increased ecosystem respiration. High production rates during the low-flow period and extreme physicochemical conditions (anoxia for 7-8 h on a daily basis) may be typical in this type of ecosystem during extended low-flow periods.Fil: Acuña, V.. Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology; Suiza. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Vilches, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Giorgi, Adonis David Nazareno. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentin

    Anonymous letter to count of Floridablanca about mr. Miguel Cortés de la Rocha, Alcántara’s friar and born in Don Benito, and what happened in this last village at the beginning of the Independence War. Transcription

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    Este artículo es una transcripción literal de una de las cartas remitidas a la Junta Central Suprema Gubernativa del Reino manifestando descontento y quejas sobre individuos (en la mayoría de los casos, mandos de los ejércitos) o instituciones, acusándolos de deslealtad, incompetencia, cobardía, delitos,... En pocos casos el autor firma con su nombre, siendo lo más frecuente los anónimos y la utilización de pseudónimos de corte patriótico. Destacan en cantidad las alusiones al general Francisco Javier Castaños, atribuyéndole la derrota de Logroño. La que aquí se transcribe pertenece al dombenitense Miguel Cortés de la Rocha.This article is a literal transcription of one of the letters sent to the Junta Central Suprema Gubernativa of the Kingdom expressing the dissatisfaction and complaints on citizens or institutions (in most cases, commanders of army), accusing them of disloyalty, incompetence, cowardice, crimes ... In a few cases the author signs with his name, being more frequent the use of anonymous and pseudonyms in a patriotic way. There are a lot of allusions to General Francisco Javier Castaños, attributing to him the defeat in the Logroño war. The letter we reproduce here belongs to Miguel Cortes de la Rocha

    «Monstruosos» patriarcados. Los Patriarcados de Lisboa e Indias frente a la revolución liberal en Portugal y España

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    This article analyses the projects and realities of change experienced by the Patriarchate of Lisbon and the Patriarchate of the Indies in Portugal and Spain, respectively, during the Liberal Revolution. This comparative perspective leads us to consider, in addition to the complicated accommodation of an institution of the Ancien Regime to the new system imposed by liberalism, the difficulty of establishing clear boundaries between the spheres of action of the liberal State and the Church at a time characterised by the confrontation between both instances. Nevertheless, paradoxically, it also reveals how these institutions which generated suspicion among the liberals could be accommodated, not without contradictions, to the new context, as in both Iberian countries the passage from Monarchy to nation was developed, keeping religion as a defining element to ensure that the old loyalties reversed in the new liberal system.Este artículo analiza los proyectos y las realidades de cambio que protagonizaron el Patriarcado de Lisboa y el Patriarcado de Indias en Portugal y España, respectivamente, durante la Revolución liberal. Esta óptica comparativa nos lleva a considerar, además del complicado acomodo de una institución propia del Antiguo Régimen al nuevo sistema impuesto por el liberalismo, la dificultad de establecer límites nítidos entre las esferas de actuación del Estado liberal y la Iglesia en un momento caracterizado por la confrontación entre ambas instancias. Pero también, paradójicamente, cómo estas instituciones que tantos recelos suscitaban podían acomodarse, no sin contradicciones, al nuevo contexto, en el que en ambos países ibéricos se planteaba el paso de Monarquía a nación conservando la religión como elemento definitorio para asegurar que las antiguas lealtades revertían en el nuevo sistema liberal

    Reflections on history archaeological heritage and education: For example, Medellín

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    Este artículo es fruto de una reflexión muy personal en torno al papel de la historia y la gestión y difusión del patrimonio en la sociedad y en la educación en la actualidad. El punto de partida (pero también de llegada) de esta reflexión es Medellín, que se ha venido consolidando en los últimos años como un importante sitio arqueológico, con vestigios de distintas épocas que conforman un amplio espectro cronológico de la historia de la región. El objetivo final de las siguientes líneas es presentar Medellín como un ejemplo a seguir en lo que se refiere a la divulgación del pasado de manera científica.This article is the product of a very personal reflection about the role of History and Heritage management and diffusion in society and education nowadays. The starting point (but also arrival) of this reflection is Medellín, which has become an important archaeological site in the last years, with remains of different periods which define a wide chronological spectrum of the region history. The aim of the next lines is to present Medellín as a good example of scientific spread of the past

    Muy breves notas en torno al término arahucano «cacique»

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el uso de la palabra arahuaca «cacique» desde su introducción en el léxico castellano a fines del siglo XV, y observar los cambios de significado que ha atravesado. Para ello, partimos desde su contexto originario antillano en las comunidades taínas precolombinas, hasta llegar a la Restauración monárquica del último tercio del siglo XIX, donde el «caciquismo» será la máxima expresión de la corrupción sustentadora del sistema turnista. En síntesis, hemos observado cuatro significados del término «cacique», en distintos ámbitos geográficos y cronológicos: en las Antillas precolombinas; en toda América tras la conquista española; ya desde el siglo XVIII, el término no se hace exclusivo de América; desde mediados del XIX, en España.The aim of this article is to analyze the use of the Arawak word «cacique» since its introduction in the Spanish vocabulary at the end of the 15th century, and to observe the changes of meaning that this word has undergone. In order to do this, we go from its original context in Taíno communities, to the monarchic Restoration in the last third of the 19th century, when «caciquismo» was the maximum expression of the politic fraud which supported the turnista system. To sum up, we have detected four meanings of the term «cacique», which vary geographically and chronologically: in the pre-Columbian Antilles; in the rest of America after the Spanish conquest; since the 18th century the term is not exclusive of America; since the mid 19th century, in Spain

    A Comparative Examination of Vocational Education Teacher Qualifications and Preparation Between Finland and the State of Ohio in the United States

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    Working between the formal education system and workplace, vocational education teachers contribute to the growth and development of a country’s future workforce. Using interviews of university professors, examination of legislation and administrative rules and information obtained from applicable websites, this article compares two different teacher education systems for the preparation of vocational teachers in the country of Finland and the state of Ohio in the United States. Findings indicate both systems have commonalities as well as significant differences. This comparison will contribute to a better understanding of vocational teacher education from an international perspective and examines such aspects as qualification requirements for vocational education teachers, the institutions providing teacher preparation and the content of the teacher training programs. A discussion of the vocational education systems in both settings is also provided for background and context
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