215 research outputs found

    The gravity of light

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    A solution of the old problem raised by Tolman, Ehrenfest, Podolsky and Wheeler, concerning the lack of attraction of two light pencils "moving parallel", is proposed, considering that the light can be source of nonlinear gravitational waves corresponding (in the would be quantum theory of gravity) to spin-1 massless particles.Comment: Style is changed in standard latex, abstract has been reduced and the order of sections has been change

    Liouville Integrability of the Schroedinger Equation

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    Canonical coordinates for both the Schroedinger and the nonlinear Schroedinger equations are introduced, making more transparent their Hamiltonian structures. It is shown that the Schroedinger equation, considered as a classical field theory, shares with the nonlinear Schroedinger, and more generally with Liouville completely integrable field theories, the existence of a "recursion operator" which allows for the construction of infinitely many conserved functionals pairwise commuting with respect to the corresponding Poisson bracket. The approach may provide a good starting point to get a clear interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in the general setting, provided by Stone-von Neumann theorem, of Symplectic Mechanics. It may give new tools to solve in the general case the inverse problem of Quantum Mechanics.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, no figure

    Noncommutative integrability and recursion operators

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    Geometric structures underlying commutative and non commutative integrable dynamics are analyzed. They lead to a new characterization of noncommutative integrability in terms of spectral properties and of Nijenhuis torsion of an invariant (1,1) tensor field. The construction of compatible symplectic structures is also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Symplectic Structures and Quantum Mechanics

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    Canonical coordinates for the Schr\"odinger equation are introduced, making more transparent its Hamiltonian structure. It is shown that the Schr\"odinger equation, considered as a classical field theory, shares with Liouville completely integrable field theories the existence of a {\sl recursion operator} which allows for the infinitely many conserved functionals pairwise commuting with respect to the corresponding Poisson bracket. The approach may provide a good starting point to get a clear interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in the general setting, provided by Stone-von Neumann theorem, of Symplectic Mechanics. It may give new tools to solve in the general case the inverse problem of quantum mechanics whose solution is given up to now only for one-dimensional systems by the Gel'fand-Levitan-Marchenko formula.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex fil

    Vacuum Einstein metrics with bidimensional Killing leaves. I-Local aspects

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    The solutions of vacuum Einstein's field equations, for the class of Riemannian metrics admitting a non Abelian bidimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields, are explicitly described. They are parametrized either by solutions of a transcendental equation (the tortoise equation), or by solutions of a linear second order differential equation in two independent variables. Metrics, corresponding to solutions of the tortoise equation, are characterized as those that admit a 3-dimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields with bidimensional leaves.Comment: LateX file, 33 pages, 2 figure

    Spin-1 gravitational waves. Theoretical and experimental aspects

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    Exact solutions of Einstein field equations invariant for a non-Abelian 2-dimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields are described. Physical properties of these gravitational fields are studied, their wave character is checked by making use of covariant criteria and the observable effects of such waves are outlined. The possibility of detection of these waves with modern detectors, spherical resonant antennas in particular, is sketched

    Superintegrability in the Manev Problem and its Real Form Dynamics

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    We report here the existence of Ermanno-Bernoulli type invariants for the Manev model dynamics which may be viewed upon as remnants of Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector whose conservation is characteristic of the Kepler model. If the orbits are bounded these invariants exist only when a certain rationality condition is met and thus we have superintegrability only on a subset of initial values. We analyze real form dynamics of the Manev model and derive that it is always superintegrable. We also discuss the symmetry algebras of the Manev model and its real Hamiltonian form.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, In: Prof. G. Manev's Legacy in Contemporary Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics, V. Gerdjikov, M. Tsvetkov (Eds), Heron Press, Sofia 2005, pp. 155-16

    Real Hamiltonian forms of Hamiltonian systems

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    We introduce the notion of a real form of a Hamiltonian dynamical system in analogy with the notion of real forms for simple Lie algebras. This is done by restricting the complexified initial dynamical system to the fixed point set of a given involution. The resulting subspace is isomorphic (but not symplectomorphic) to the initial phase space. Thus to each real Hamiltonian system we are able to associate another nonequivalent (real) ones. A crucial role in this construction is played by the assumed analyticity and the invariance of the Hamiltonian under the involution. We show that if the initial system is Liouville integrable, then its complexification and its real forms will be integrable again and this provides a method of finding new integrable systems starting from known ones. We demonstrate our construction by finding real forms of dynamics for the Toda chain and a family of Calogero--Moser models. For these models we also show that the involution of the complexified phase space induces a Cartan-like involution of their Lax representations.Comment: 15 pages, No figures, EPJ-style (svjour.cls

    Recursion Operators for CBC system with reductions. Geometric theory

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    We discuss some recent developments of the geometric theory of the Recursion Operators (Generating Operators) for Caudrey-Beals-Coifman systems(CBC systems) on semisimple Lie algebras. As is well known the essence of this interpretation is that the Recursion Operators could be considered as adjoint to Nijenhuis tensors on certain infinite-dimensional manifolds. In particular, we discuss the case when there are Zp reductions of Mikhailov type
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