7 research outputs found

    Identification of emerging dynamic scene in the course of initial psychodynamic interview: A clinical and research perspective

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    V systematické případové studii jsme zkoumali spolehlivost zachycení vynořující se dynamické scény a spolehlivost stanovení hypotéz a OPD-2 ohnisek. Studie sleduje scénické ztvárnění ústřední konfigurace „(ne)podřídit se diktátorskému trenérovi“. Její pozorovatelné klinické projevy a hypotézy jsou ověřované zpětnou perspektivou samotného pacienta, metodikou OPD-2 a CHAP nezávislými posuzovateli videonahrávek v úvodním a závěrečném interview. Zvolené perspektivy spolehlivě zachycují specifický obsah ústřední konfigurace úvodního interview. Scénická konfigurace měla vliv i na posuzovatele videonahrávek: posuzovatelé, kteří se s pacientem osobně setkali, vykazovali tendenci nadhodnocovat pokroky pacienta, zatímco posuzovatelé videonahrávek hodnotili jeho změny střízlivěji.In a systematic case study we investigated how reliable is to capture an emerging dynamic scene and to determine hypotheses and OPD-2 foci. The study explored scenic enactment of central configuration „(not to) submit to dictatorial coach“. Observable clinical manifestations and hypotheses of dynamic scene were verified by retrospective views by the patient and by independent evaluators via OPD-2 and CHAP methods in the initial and final interviews. Selected perspectives identified reliably specific content of initial interview`s central configuration. Moreover, scenic configuration influenced evaluators of videorecordings: evaluators who saw patient personally tended to overvalue patient`s progress, while evaluators of videorecordings assessed his changes moderately

    The Effects of Daytime Psilocybin Administration on Sleep: Implications for Antidepressant Action

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    Serotonergic agonist psilocybin is a psychedelic with antidepressant potential. Sleep may interact with psilocybin’s antidepressant properties like other antidepressant drugs via induction of neuroplasticity. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of psilocybin on sleep architecture on the night after psilocybin administration. Regarding the potential antidepressant properties, we hypothesized that psilocybin, similar to other classical antidepressants, would reduce rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and prolong REM sleep latency. Moreover, we also hypothesized that psilocybin would promote slow-wave activity (SWA) expression in the first sleep cycle, a marker of sleep-related neuroplasticity. Twenty healthy volunteers (10 women, age 28–53) underwent two drug administration sessions, psilocybin or placebo, in a randomized, double-blinded design. Changes in sleep macrostructure, SWA during the first sleep cycle, whole night EEG spectral power across frequencies in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and REM sleep, and changes in subjective sleep measures were analyzed. The results revealed prolonged REM sleep latency after psilocybin administration and a trend toward a decrease in overall REM sleep duration. No changes in NREM sleep were observed. Psilocybin did not affect EEG power spectra in NREM or REM sleep when examined across the whole night. However, psilocybin suppressed SWA in the first sleep cycle. No evidence was found for sleep-related neuroplasticity, however, a different dosage, timing, effect on homeostatic regulation of sleep, or other mechanisms related to antidepressant effects may play a role. Overall, this study suggests that potential antidepressant properties of psilocybin might be related to changes in sleep

    Executive functions in individuals with autism and possible intervention

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    There have been many psychological theories which tried to unravel the functioning of individuals with autism. This paper perceives autism as an executive function disorder. It focuses mainly on one single component - verbal and nonverbal fluency. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes some of the well-known executive function models. Since at the end the thesis draws conclusions for possible intervention in autism, the knowledge of these models seems to be essential. The methodological aspects of executive function research are tackled as well. The dispute between the supporters of executive dysfunction hypothesis and advocates of its rival theory - Theory of Mind, is still ongoing. Their main arguments are therefore briefly discussed. However, the essence of the theoretical part lies in the executive function profile and the analysis of the main executive components. Conclusions of the theoretical part then lead us to the formulation of empirical hypotheses. In the empirical part 13 individuals with Asperger syndrome and 13 healthy controls were tested. The verbal and nonverbal abilities in both groups were taken into account. Three studies were executed. First of them dealt with the "purity" of fluency tasks and revealed significant influence of intelligence over individuals performance. In the..

    What have you learnt in Arts today?

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    The case study analyses the art education content of selected teachers through the school year in context of actual curriculum. The lesson plans are going to be compared with the actual realizations of students, with respect to the expected (art) competencies of themselves. How do the teachers deal with the curriculum and content in art education? The thesis explores that question per interviews with the teachers, document analyses and gathered reflections. It examines the way of dealing with pedagogical content, its transformation into concrete tasks, teacher's reflection and appreciation of the student works. Inspirational resources of the particular teachers are going to be also covered in this study. The contemporary researches of Art education with emphasis on the pedagogical content are going to be the theoretical basis of processing the case study. KEYWORDS Art education, case study, curriculum, lesson planning, pedagogical content, specific subject area, teaching and learnin

    Psilocybin - mediated attenuation of gamma band auditory steady-state responses (ASSR) is driven by the intensity of cognitive and emotional domains of psychedelic experience

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    Psilocybin is a classical serotoninergic psychedelic that induces cognitive disruptions similar to psychosis. Gamma activity is affected in psychosis and is tightly related to cognitive processing. The 40 Hz auditory steady-state responses (ASSR) are frequently used as indicators to test the ability to generate gamma activity. Based on previous literature, we studied the impact of psilocybin on 40 Hz ASSR in healthy volunteers. The study was double blind and placebo controlled with a crossover design. A sample of 20 healthy subjects (10M/10F) received psilocybin orally 0.26 mg/kg or placebo. Participants were measured four times in total, one time before ingestion of psilocybin/placebo and one time after ingestion, during the peak of intoxication. A series of 500 ms click trains were used for stimulation. Psilocybin induced a psychedelic effect and decreased 40 Hz ASSR phase-locking index compared to placebo. The extent of the attenuation was related to Cognition and Affect on the Hallucinogen Rating Scale. The current study shows that psilocybin lowers the synchronization level and the amplitude of 40 Hz auditory steady-state responses, which yields further support for the role of gamma oscillations in cognitive processing and its disturbance