6 research outputs found

    Istraživanje privatne fotoarhive sovjetskoukrajinskog filmskog snimatelja: pitanja popularizacije i reprezentacije

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    The archive of famous Soviet Ukrainian cinematographer Leonid Burlaka is an example of photography illustrating various spheres of life in Ukraine from the 1960s to the 1990s and has not only historical but also artistic value. In March 2017, the missing part of Leonid Burlaka’s photo archive was discovered in Odessa (Ukraine). Accordingly, the first phase of research was devoted to the analysis of the history of archive discovery, its condition, contents, and the systematization of photographs constituting the archive. In the second stage of the research, another part of the archive was analyzed, which was not lost but preserved by Leonid Burlaka himself and totaled over 300 films. In the process of exploring, the archive raised numerous new issues. How will the further life and preservation of the archive look? What might be the experience of presentation of the archive, its involvement in artistic practices and its influence on collective perception in the post-Soviet period? Currently, the archive forms the basis of the interdisciplinary project Fragile Memory. Therefore, the article touches on several issues: the history of the archive, questions regarding its research, as well as the experience of its popularization, which has been conducted during the past five years within the framework of the Fragile Memory project.Arhiva poznatoga sovjetsko-ukrajinskog snimatelja Leonida Burlake primjer je fotografije koja ilustrira različite sfere života u Ukrajini od 1960-ih do 1990-ih godina, a ima ne samo povijesnu nego i umjetničku vrijednost. U ožujku 2017. godine u Odesi (Ukrajina) otkriven je izgubljeni dio fotoarhive Leonida Burlake. Stoga je prva faza istraživanja bila posvećena analiziranju povijesti otkrivanja arhivske građe, njezinom stanju i sadržaju te sistematizaciji fotografija koje je sačinjavaju. U drugoj fazi istraživanja analiziran je drugi dio arhive koji nije bio izgubljen, nego ga je sačuvao sam Leonid Burlaka, a koji je ukupno sadržavao više od 300 filmova. U procesu istraživanja arhive otvorila su se brojna nova pitanja. Kako će izgledati daljnje postojanje i očuvanje arhive? Kakvo bi moglo biti iskustvo prezentacije arhive, njezine uključenosti u umjetničke prakse i utjecaja na kolektivnu percepciju u postsovjetskom razdoblju? U ovom trenutku arhiva čini temelj interdisciplinarnog projekta Fragile Memory [Krhko sjećanje]. Stoga se članak dotiče nekoliko tema: povijesti arhiva, pitanja u vezi njegova istraživanja, kao i iskustva njegove popularizacije koja se u proteklih pet godina odvijala u sklopu projekta Fragile Memory

    Information and Network Economy and the State of its Development in Ukraine

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    У статті проаналізовано становлення поняття мережевої економіки, виокремлено два основних напрями формування та розвитку мережевої економіки, а саме: науково-технологічний та інформаційно-комунікаційний. Досліджено сучасний стан розвитку інформаційно-мережевої економіки в Україні на основі показників глобальних індексів розвитку мережевої економіки. Виділено, що найважливішими серед них є індекс мережевої готовності (NRI), глобальний індекс мережевої взаємодії (GCI), глобальний інноваційний індекс (GII), глобальний індекс розвитку ІКТ (ICT Development Index), індекс цифрової економіки і суспільства (Digital Economy and Society Index – DESI), індекс цифрової еволюції (Digital Evolution Index – DEI), індекс світової цифрової конкурентоспроможності (IMD World Digital Competiveness Index – WDCI), індекс цифровізації економіки (BCG) та ін. Аналіз було проведено за 2020–2021 рр., взято до розглядуіндекс мережевої готовності (NRI), глобальний індекс мережевої взаємодії (Global Connectivity Index), глобальний інноваційний індекс (Global Innovation Index). Розкрито державну політику щодо формування мережевої економіки. Наведено етапи становлення інформаційно-мережевої моделі економіки в Україні.The article analyzes the formation of the concept of the network economy, identifies two main directions of formation and development of the network economy, namely: scientific and technological and information and communication. The scientific and technological direction is aimed at: research, development and practical use of information technologies based on the use of modern computer technology; formation and further development of information systems and their support infrastructure; development of information networks, development of resource provision of the network economy. The information and communication direction is aimed at creating prerequisites for the transition of the state to an information society, namely: large-scale use of information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life, transformation of information into a public resource for development, increasing the efficiency of information use and knowledge for management, satisfaction of information and communication needs of citizens, organizations and the state, etc. The current state of the development of the information and network economy in Ukraine was studied based on the indicators of the global indices of the development of the network economy. It is highlighted that the most important among them are the Network Readiness Index, the Global Network Interaction Index, the Global Innovation Index, the Global ICT Development Index, the Digital Economy and Society Index, Digital Evolution Index, World Digital Competitiveness Index, Economy Digitalization Index, etc. The analysis was conducted for 2020–2021, the Network Readiness Index, the Global Connectivity Index, and the Global Innovation Index were taken into consideration. The results of the analysis made it possible to state that positive changes are taking place in Ukraine in the field of information and network economy formation. At the same time, despite the progress achieved, our state still needs to create appropriate scientific and technical, organizational, financial, and legal support for the development of digital infrastructure, which is the basis for the formation of a digital economy, as well as ensuring the population's access to the use of digital technologies in all spheres of life. The state policy on the formation of the network economy is disclosed. The stages of formation of the information and network model of the economy in Ukraine are given. It was determined that Ukraine, like most countries, has some signs of a networked economy and has a high potential for using information, information resources and accumulated knowledge to achieve high economic indicators and full and effective participation in the modern global space

    Improvement of fatty systems biotechnological interesterification with immobilized enzyme preparation usage

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    This work research object was fat systems interesterification biotechnology using the Lipozyme TL IM immobilized enzyme preparation. The problem of enzyme preparation activation by moistening with sodium bicarbonate aqueous solution with 7.4 ... 7.7 (3 % wt.) pH was solved in the work. The obtained results made it possible to minimize the interesterification process duration with high-quality product obtaining. The proposed enzyme preparation processing made it possible to reduce the duration of the biointeresterification process in a model fat mixture (palm stearin, coconut and soybean oils in a ratio of 1:1:1, respectively) to 3.5...3.7 hours. The product with high quality indicators, namely up to 0.26 mg KOH/g acid number, up to 0.60 mmol ½ O/kg peroxide number and 1.70 c.u. anisidine number, was obtained as a result. The obtained data can be explained by a fact that effective biocatalysis with lipolytic enzymes as the protein molecules requires the existence of two phases – lipid and water. This fact was provided by the activation parameters justified in the study. The obtained results feature was possibility of enzyme preparation activation, which is not provided under industrial conditions due to the threat of raw materials and finished products hydrolytic processes, which leads to the finished product quality deterioration. The research results made it possible to minimize hydrolytic processes in fat system during interesterification with simultaneous process efficiency increase. From a practical point of view, the discovered activation mechanism made it possible to adjust the enzyme preparation processing conditions in fat systems interesterification technology. The applied aspect of scientific result using was the possibility of improving the typical technological process of fat interesterificatio

    Удосконалення технології одержання жирних кислот з відходів олієжирового виробництва

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    Fatty acids are an important component in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical industries. The production of various types of products requires a certain purity and quality of fatty acids. To obtain these compounds, it is promising to use soapstocks, which are waste products of alkaline refining of oils. The peculiarity of the work lies in determining the effect of the process parameters of soapstock decomposition with sulfuric acid on the saponification number, which is an important production characteristic of fatty acids. The study used sunflower soapstock according to DSTU 5033 (CAS 68952-95-4) with a mass fraction of total fat of 69.5 %, fatty acids – 64.5 %. The soapstock was treated with a sulfuric acid solution at a temperature of 90 °C, the process duration was 40 min. Rational parameters of soapstock treatment were determined: concentration of sulfuric acid in the reaction mass is 80 %, concentration of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid – 50 %. In the experiment interval, the settling duration of the reaction mass does not affect the saponification number of fatty acids. The settling time of 1 hour is effective for the isolation of fatty acids. Under these conditions, the saponification number of fatty acids was 186.4 mg KOH/g. The acids correspond to fatty acids of the first grade according to DSTU 4860 (CAS 61788-66-7): mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances – 1.2 %, mass fraction of total fat – 97.5 %, cleavage depth – 95.0 % oleic acid. The obtained data allow rational and most efficient use of the reagent – sulfuric acid. The results of the work make it possible to reduce the duration of fatty acids obtaining from soapstocks, since the efficiency of the process with the minimum duration of mass settling has been confirmed. The improved technology of soapstock decomposition makes it possible to obtain a valuable product – high-quality fatty acids under rational conditionsЖирні кислоти є важливою складовою у фармацевтичній, харчовій, хімічній галузях промисловості. Виробництво різних видів продукції вимагає певної чистоти та якості жирних кислот. Для одержання цих сполук перспективним є використання соапстоків, які є відходами лужної рафінації олій. Особливість роботи полягає у встановленні впливу технологічних параметрів розкладання соапстоку сірчаною кислотою на число омилення, яке є важливою виробничою характеристикою жирних кислот. У дослідженні використано соняшниковий соапсток за ДСТУ 5033 (CAS 68952-95-4) з масовою часткою загального жиру 69,5 %, жирних кислот – 64,5 %. Соапсток піддавали обробці розчином сірчаної кислоти за температури 90 °С, тривалість процесу – 40 хв. Визначено раціональні параметри обробки соапстоку: концентрація сірчаної кислоти в реакційній масі – 80 %, концентрація водного розчину сірчаної кислоти – 50 %. В дослідному інтервалі тривалість відстоювання реакційної маси не впливає на число омилення жирних кислот. Тривалість відстоювання 1 год. є ефективною для процесу вилучення жирних кислот. За цих умов число омилення жирних кислот склало 186,4 мг КОН/г. Кислоти відповідають жирним кислотам першого ґатунку згідно ДСТУ 4860 (CAS 61788-66-7): масова частка вологи та летких речовин – 1,2 %, масова частка загального жиру – 97,5 %, глибина розщеплення – 95,0 % олеїнової кислоти. Одержані дані дозволять раціонально та з максимальною ефективністю використовувати реактив – сірчану кислоту. Результати роботи дають можливість скоротити тривалість процесу одержання жирних кислот з соапстоків, оскільки підтверджено ефективність процесу за мінімальної тривалості відстоювання маси. Удосконалена технологія розкладання соапстоків дозволить за раціональних умов отримувати цінний продукт – жирні кислоти високої якост

    Looking at Zagreb: The Italian State as a Popularizer of Contemporary Art

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    In 1965, at the 12th International Conference of Critics, Artists and Art Scholars, held in Rimini, Verucchio and San Marino and devoted to the theme Art and Technology, Italian art critic Giulio Carlo Argan declared that Yugoslavia had overcome the problem of the relationship between art and technology. His statement concerned to the cultural milieu of Zagreb that Argan had known from the early Sixties. In the same year, Palma Bucarelli, the chief curator of the Rome National Gallery, attended the Brezovica conference held for Nova tendencija 3, to present a project in which the museum had a significant role as a state institution that had to encourage contemporary art in order to free artists from the pressures of the art market and private art galleries. In 1963, another art scholar, Umbro Apollonio, the curator of the Venice Biennale Archive for Contemporary Arts who had directly participated in the Venice exhibition Nuova tendenza 2, claimed that Italian Public Art School needed a new relationship between teaching and industries. My presentation aims to highlight how Argan, Bucarelli, Apollonio and other Italian scholars hoped for the state to intervene in the Italian art system and also how their ideas were inspired by the Croatian political and cultural situation of the 1960s