19 research outputs found

    Novel adenovirus detected in kowari (Dasyuroides byrnei) with pneumonia

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    A male kowari (Dasyuroides byrnei) originating from a zoo facility was delivered for post mortem evaluation in Hungary. Acute lobar pneumonia with histopathologic changes resembling an adenovirus (AdV) infection was detected by light microscopic examination. The presence of an AdV was confirmed by obtaining partial sequence data from the adenoviral DNA-dependent DNA-polymerase. Although the exact taxonomic position of this novel marsupial origin virus could not be determined, pairwise identity analyses and phylogenetic calculations revealed that it is distantly related to other members in the family Adenoviridae

    Invazív fenotípussal összefüggő genomikai változások malignus melanomában

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    A tumorsejtek inváziója a metasztázis képzés első lépése, melynek során a sejtek képesek a környező szövetek infiltrációjára. Tekintettel arra, hogy a sejtek invazív képességéhez különböző molekuláris eltérések járulhatnak hozzá, célul tűntük ki a daganat progresszióban meghatározó szerepet játszó invazív melanoma sejtek genetikai és epigenetikai eltéréseinek vizsgálatát melanoma sejtvonal modell rendszerekben. A sejtek invazív képességének meghatározásához Matrigel inváziós kamrát használtunk. Az invazív sejtek genetikai eltéréseinek elemzéséhez array komparatív genom hibridizációt alkalmaztunk (CGH). A sejtek metilációs mintázatának elemzéséhez Illumina Infinium array-t használtunk, a génexpressziós változásokat Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST array-vel határoztuk meg. A primer tumor eredetű invazív sejtvonalak szignifikáns eltérései a 7q deléció és a 12q amplifikációja voltak. Továbbá, az invazív sejtvonalakban szignifikánsan magasabb volt a GDNF (5p13.1), GPAA1, PLEC és SHARPIN (8q24.3) gének kópiaszáma a nem invazív sejtvonalakhoz hasonlítva. Ezeknek a géneknek az eltérései a metasztázis eredetű sejtvonalakban is jelen voltak, ami a metasztázis képzésben betöltött lehetséges szerepükre utal. Továbbá megfigyeltük, hogy az invazív sejteket főként hipermetilált mintázat jellemzi. A DNS metiláció eredményeit és a génexpressziós profilt integrálva kimutattuk, hogy a hipermetilált gének egy csoportjára csökkent génexpresszió jellemzi. Számos olyan metilációs eltérést is azonosítottunk, melyek szerepet játszhatnak a melanoma progressziójában, beleértve az ARHGAP22 és NAV2 gének promóter hipermetilációját, melyek eltérést mutattak az invazív tulajdonsággal jellemzett primer melanoma és a metasztázis mintákban is. A dolgozat részletes elemzést ad az invazív melanoma sejtek genetikai és epigenetikai eltéréseiről, továbbá eredményeink hozzájárulhatnak a melanoma sejtek agresszív viselkedésének megértéséhez.Invasion of cells is the first step during metastasis formation, resulting in cell migration through tissue compartments. It is well known that cancer-related genes play a fundamental role during tumorigenesis and lead to cellular plasticity which promotes invasion. Our aim was to identify novel genetic and epigenetic markers on invasive melanoma cells. Matrigel invasion chambers were used to determine the invasive properties of cell lines originated from primary and metastatic melanomas. We applied array comparative genomic hybridisations (CGH) to define the chromosome copy number alterations (CNAs). To explore the DNA methylation landscape of invasive melanoma cells we applied Illumina BeadChip assays, to define the gene expression pattern we used Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 microarrays. Based on our results, we observed that the invasive primary cell lines harbour CNAs with high frequencies, including the loss of 7q and gain of 12q regions. Beside these alterations, gain of the GDNF (5p13.1), GPAA1, PLEC and SHARPIN (8q24.3) genes were significantly more frequent in invasive cells compared to the non-invasive ones. Importantly, copy number gains of these genes were also found in cell lines originated from metastases, suggesting their role in melanoma metastasis formation. On the other hand, our data revealed predominantly hypermethylated genes in the invasive cells. Integrative analysis of the methylation and gene expression profiles resulted in a cohort of hypermethylated genes with decreased expression. We also identified hypermethylation of the promoter regions of the ARHGAP22 and NAV2 genes that are commonly altered in locally invasive primary melanomas as well as during metastasis which might have important role during melanoma progression. In our study we summarized genetic and epigenetic differences related to melanoma invasion and we assume that those alterations may contribute to the aggressive phenotype of human melanoma cells

    Geological deformations in the Pannonian Basin during the neotectonic phase: New insights from the latest regional mapping in Hungary

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    The present paper introduces the new 1:500 000 scale map of young geological deformations in Hungary, including all important deformation structures (faults and folds) related to the neotectonic evolutionary phase (<6–8 Ma) of the Pannonian basin. The new map is based on the interpretation of nearly 2900 2D seismic profiles and 70 3D seismic volumes, as well as on the critical evaluation of the results of published neotectonic studies. An important novelty of the map is that not only the near-surface manifestations of the neotectonic faulting, but also their roots in the underlying pre-Pannonian substratum are displayed, allowing correlation between various reactivated fault segments of longer fault zones and aiding the better understanding of the regional structural context. The new map provides a significantly more accurate definition (actual position, extension and geometry) of the neotectonic structures and provide more details compared to previous regional studies. The prevailing (E)NE–(W)SW striking neotectonic fault pattern clearly reflects the control of identically oriented pre-Pannonian fault systems during the neotectonic deformations. Markedly different orientations in the neotectonic structures indicate important differences in the overall orientation of the underlying fault systems. These observations demonstrate that neotectonic activity is predominantly due to the reactivation of pre-existing (predominantly synrift) structures all over the Pannonian basin, as also indicated by previous studies. Despite experiencing the largest Middle- to Late Miocene extension and the formation of the deepest depocenters in the whole Pannonian basin, SE Hungary practically lacks any observable neotectonic activity, which is a striking, but still poorly understood feature. Detailed 3D seismic analysis of fault segment geometries indicates a consistent regional pattern: sinistral shear along (E)NE–(W)SW oriented, and dextral shear along (W)NW–(E)SE oriented fault zones, respectively. These observations — together with the E–W trending contractional/transpressional structures (folds, reverse faults, imbricates) occurring in western and southern Hungary — indicate a dominantly strike-slip stress regime with a laterally slightly rotating (from N–S to NNE–SSW) maximum horizontal stress axis (σ1) during the neotectonic phase. Lateral displacement along major root zones amounts to a maximum of 2–3 km during the neotectonic phase

    Acute salmonellosis in a young pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) population

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    SUMMARY The authors diagnosed paratyphoid with fibrinous-necrotic lesions in the mucou membrane of caecum, causing high mortality in a young, 1 week old pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) colony kept for hunting. Salmonella Typhimurium was iso lated and identified as the pathogen during the microbiological examination of the affected colony