8 research outputs found

    Girls with refugee background in Swedish sport associations : A qualitative study of sport coaches’ experiences of working with inclusion

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    Flickor med flyktingbakgrund Ă€r underrepresenterade inom svensk föreningsidrott. Samtidigt uppmĂ€rksammas det hur könsnormer tar sig uttryck inom idrotten. BĂ„de ledare och utövare förklarar att det finns outtalade, men Ă€ndĂ„ nĂ€rvarande förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ hur pojkar och flickor ”ska vara” och hur det kan pĂ„verka en individs idrottsdeltagande. Riksidrottsförbundet hĂ€vdar att idrotten mĂ„ste utvecklas och förnyas för att fler ska kĂ€nna sig vĂ€lkomna och de fokuserar sĂ€rskilt pĂ„ flickor med flyktingbakgrund. Syftet med studien var dĂ€rmed att undersöka idrottsledares upplevelser av att inkludera flickor med flyktingbakgrund i sina föreningar. I undersökningen anvĂ€nds en kvalitativ ansats dĂ€r det genomförts fyra fokusgruppintervjuer. Urvalet bestĂ„r av 21 vĂ€rmlĂ€ndska idrottsledare som arbetat med inkludering. Resultatet visar att ledarna talar om flickor med flyktingbakgrund som en grupp med vĂ€ldigt lite idrottserfarenhet. De menar dĂ€rför att flickorna har sĂ€mre förutsĂ€ttningar för att börja idrotta i Sverige jĂ€mfört med pojkar som har flyktingbakgrund. Ledarna förklarar ocksĂ„ att flickorna sĂ€llan kommer till föreningen pĂ„ egen hand. Det har dĂ€rför varit en förutsĂ€ttning att söka upp flickorna i den miljö de befunnit sig i för att sedan bjuda in dem till föreningen. Ledarna förklarar att majoriteten av flickorna med flyktingbakgrund föredrog att idrotta i sĂ€rskilda tjejgrupper. DĂ€rmed har ledarna fĂ„tt reflektera över hur deras verksamhet kan utvecklas och anpassas efter flickornas önskemĂ„l. Vidare beskriver ledarna hur deras eget bemötande spelat stor roll. Trots att det krĂ€vt ett extra engagemang sĂ„ har mötet mĂ„nga gĂ„nger varit avgörande för att rekrytera flickor med flyktingbakgrund.Girls with refugee backgrounds are underrepresented in Swedish association sports. At the same time, it is noted how gender norms are expressed in sport. Both leaders and active have stated that there are unspoken, yet present expectations of how boys and girls “should be” and how it may affect some individuals’ sport participation. The Swedish Sports Confederation believes that the sport must be developed and renewed so that even more people can feel welcome. They focus particularly on girls with refugee background. The purpose of this study was to examine the leaders’ experiences of including girls with refugee backgrounds in their associations. The study has a qualitative approach in which four focus group interviews were conducted. The selection consists of 21 leaders from the county of VĂ€rmland who has worked with inclusion of refugees in their associations. The result shows that leaders talk about girls with refugee backgrounds as a group with a lack of experience of sport. Therefore, they mean that girls have less prerequisites for start doing sports in Sweden than boys with refugee backgrounds. The leaders also explain that the girls rarely come to the associations on their own. It has therefore been a prerequisite to find the girls in their own environments and then invite them to the association. The leaders explain that most of the girls with refugee background preferred to exercise in special groups for girls. As a result, the leaders have been reflecting on how their sport can be developed and adapted to the girls wishes. Furthermore, the leaders describe how their own way of meeting the girls played a major role. Although it required extra commitment, the meeting has often been crucial for recruiting girls with refugee backgrounds.Idrott och integration i VĂ€rmlan

    Parental support for asylum seeking and newly arrived parents in Sweden : A qualitative study about leaders in a non-profit association and their experiences

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    Introduktion: FörÀldrar spelar en viktig roll nÀr det handlar om utvecklingen av barns fysiska och psykiska hÀlsa, deras sociala kompetens, hur de klarar sin skolgÄng och vilka levnadsvanor de sjÀlva fÄr i vuxenlivet. För att stötta förÀldrar i att bli trygga i sitt förÀldraskap sÄ erbjuds förÀldrastöd. Studier visar att asylsökande och nyanlÀnda förÀldrar i Sverige deltar i mycket lÀgre grad Àn vad svenskfödda förÀldrar gör. MÄnga rapporterar psykisk ohÀlsa och upplever svÄrigheter i sitt förÀldraskap efter ankomsten till Sverige. Det finns en ideell förening som lyckats inkludera denna mÄlgrupp och det Àr dÀrför av intresse att undersöka hur de upplever det arbetet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka kursledares erfarenheter av att arbeta med förÀldrastöd till nyanlÀnda och asylsökande förÀldrar. Metod: I studien genomfördes individuella intervjuer med sex ledare frÄn en ideell förening i VÀstra Mellansverige. Resultat: Resultatet visar att föreningen har anpassat verksamheten pÄ en kulturell nivÄ för att kunna inkludera denna mÄlgrupp. MÄnga av ledarna har exempelvis liknande bakgrund som förÀldrarna och kurserna erbjuds pÄ förÀldrarnas modersmÄl. Ledarna har vidare kunnat identifiera vissa behov och utmaningar som nyanlÀnda och asylsökande uttryckt. Det handlar framför allt om hur det upplevs att komma till Sverige som förÀlder och hur man kan hantera förÀldrarollen i det nya landet. Bland annat uttrycks ett behov att fÄ veta mer om normer kring förÀldraskap och barnuppfostran i Sverige eftersom det skiljer sig frÄn hur det sett ut i deras hemlÀnder. Slutsats: FörÀldrastöd kan vara betydelsefullt för mÄlgruppen nyanlÀnda och asylsökande förÀldrar. Genom att de fÄr prata sitt eget modersmÄl kan de uttrycka sig pÄ ett annorlunda sÀtt Àn vad de hade kunnat göra i en svensk kurs. Det Àr en trygghet för förÀldrarna att möta en ledare som har förstÄelse för deras kulturella bakgrund och det gör det möjligt att diskutera kÀnsliga frÄgor som exempelvis barnuppfostran och antiagalagen. Ledarna upplever att mÄnga förÀldrar blivit tryggare i sitt förÀldraskap och tÀnker att förÀldrarna kan vara en enorm resurs för det framtida svenska samhÀllet om de bara fÄr rÀtt förutsÀttningar.Introduction: Parents play an important role when it comes to the development of children's physical and mental health, their social skills, how they manage school and what living conditions they get as adults. To support parents in their parenting, parental support is offered. Studies show that asylum seeking and newly arrived parents in Sweden participate to a much lesser extent than Swedish-born parents do. Many people report mental illness and experience difficulties in their parenting after arriving in Sweden. There is a non-profit association that has managed to include this target group and it is therefore of interest to investigate how they experience this work. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the course leader's experience of working with parental support for newly arrived and asylum seeking parents. Method: Six individual interviews were conducted with leaders from a non-profit association located in the middle west of Sweden. Result: The result shows that the association has adapted the support on a cultural level to be able to include this target group. For example, many of the leaders have similar backgrounds to the parents and the courses are offered in the parents' native language. The leaders have also been able to identify certain needs and challenges expressed by newly arrived and asylum seekers. It is primarily about how it feels to come to Sweden as a parent and how to handle the parent role in a new country. More information is required about norms regarding parenting in Sweden as it differs from their home countries. Conclusion: Parental support can be important for newly arrived and asylum seeking parents in Sweden. By being able to speak their native language, they can express themselves in a different way than they could in a Swedish course. It feels safe for parents to meet a leader who understands their cultural background. It makes it possible to discuss sensitive issues such as parenting and the law of corporal punishment. The leaders mean that many parents have become more secure in their parenting and think that parents can be a huge resource for the future Swedish society if they only get the right conditions

    Idrotter pÄ Kronoparken : En kvalitativ studie om flickors syn pÄ Kronoparkens idrottsutbud

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    Kronoparken is a multicultural area with more than 100 different nationalities. Since we know that girls with a foreign background participate less in sport than girls with Swedish background do, we think it would be interesting to examine what kind of thoughts and experiences young girls on Kronoparken has about sport.  The purpose of this study is to examine what the girls think about the activities that are offered today. We also want to examine their thoughts about sport and gender issues. Since the aim is to identify the girl’s experiences around current activities and find out what ideas they have to improve this, we think a qualitative method is best suited. We have chosen to do interviews with two focus groups. The selection consists of 17 girls from fourth grade at Kronoparken. The results showed that girls now participated in soccer, basketball and so called drop-in sports outside school hours. This was also the only activities they knew that they could participate in at Kronoparken. Several of the girls lacked a place to learn swimming in the area. Other sports that were requested were gymnastics, dance, badminton, tennis and volleyball. The majority of the girls preferred to play sports with other girls and not with boys. They also meant that more girls probably would like to participate in sports if there were better opportunities to play with only girls. Our conclusion is that the girls in fourth grade generally have a very positive attitude to sport and physical activity. They explain that they feel joy, that they are learning new things and do meet a lot of new friends. But the boys do not pass the ball often enough and they are sometimes giving hurtful comments. They also seem to take sport much more seriously, and that is why the girls prefer activities without boys. This is their experiences both during leisure activities and school sports.        ''Ett öppnare Kronoparken'

    Inkludering av unga med flyktingbakgrund i vÀrmlÀndsk idrott

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    Mot bakgrund av den ökade invandringen till Sverige under 2015 beslutade regeringen samma Ă„r att stötta Riksidrottsförbundet (RF) med extra medel pĂ„ 64 miljoner kronor per Ă„r mellan 2015 - 2018. Syftet var att ge möjligheter till att skapa fysiska aktiviteter och arbeta med grundlĂ€ggande introducering av nyanlĂ€nda flickor och pojkar i det svenska föreningslivet. I föreliggande studie presenteras resultat om hur idrottens inkluderingsarbete genomförts i vĂ€rmlĂ€ndska idrottsföreningar. Resultatet analyseras och diskuteras utifrĂ„n ledarnas idĂ©er och övertygelser om inkluderingsarbete samt vilka möjligheter unga med flyktingbakgrund har att börja och fortsĂ€tta idrotta i svensk föreningsidrott. Rapportens syfte Ă€r att öka kunskapen om och fördjupa förstĂ„elsen för idrottens arbete med inkludering av unga med flyktingbakgrund. Utmaningen i framtida arbete med inkludering Àr att idrottens aktörer diskuterar och ser över organiseringen av idrotten och vad som Ă€r ”ordinarie” verksamhet

    Let the right one in. Sports leaders\u27 shared experiences of including refugee girls and boys in sports clubs

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    This study investigated how gender and sports capital are expressed in sports leaders\u27 talk about sports for young people with a refugee background. Empirical data were derived from four focus group interviews representing 21 sports club leaders in Sweden. The leaders defined boys and girls as distinct groups but also as groups within which there are differences. Compared with the boys, the girls were presented with lesser possibilities to participate in sports. According to the leaders, the differences in the group of girls rested on that the sports culture in the girls\u27 country of origin, which may be more or less permissive for girls to be engaged in sports, whereas differences within the group of boys were understood in terms of bodies and mentalities. (DIPF/Orig.

    Colistin Dependence in Extensively Drug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Strain Is Associated with ISAjo2 and ISAba13 Insertions and Multiple Cellular Responses

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    The nosocomial opportunistic Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii is resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents and an emerging global health problem. The polymyxin antibiotic colistin, targeting the negatively charged lipid A component of the lipopolysaccharide on the bacterial cell surface, is often considered as the last-resort treatment, but resistance to colistin is unfortunately increasing worldwide. Notably, colistin-susceptible A. baumannii can also develop a colistin dependence after exposure to this drug in vitro. Colistin dependence might represent a stepping stone to resistance also in vivo. However, the mechanisms are far from clear. To address this issue, we combined proteogenomics, high-resolution microscopy, and lipid profiling to characterize and compare A. baumannii colistin-susceptible clinical isolate (Ab-S) of to its colistin-dependent subpopulation (Ab-D) obtained after subsequent passages in moderate colistin concentrations. Incidentally, in the colistin-dependent subpopulation the lpxA gene was disrupted by insertion of ISAjo2, the lipid A biosynthesis terminated, and Ab-D cells displayed a lipooligosaccharide (LOS)-deficient phenotype. Moreover, both mlaD and pldA genes were perturbed by insertions of ISAjo2 and ISAba13, and LOS-deficient bacteria displayed a capsule with decreased thickness as well as other surface imperfections. The major changes in relative protein abundance levels were detected in type 6 secretion system (T6SS) components, the resistance-nodulation-division (RND)-type efflux pumps, and in proteins involved in maintenance of outer membrane asymmetry. These findings suggest that colistin dependence in A. baumannii involves an ensemble of mechanisms seen in resistance development and accompanied by complex cellular events related to insertional sequences (ISs)-triggered LOS-deficiency. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the involvement of ISAjo2 and ISAba13 IS elements in the modulation of the lipid A biosynthesis and associated development of dependence on colistin.Funding Agencies|Medical Research Council of Southeast SwedenUK Research &amp; Innovation (UKRI)Medical Research Council UK (MRC) [FORSS-911551]</p

    Functional Adaptation of BabA, the H. pylori ABO Blood Group Antigen Binding Adhesin

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    Adherence by Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of gastric disease. Here, we report that more than 95% of strains that bind fucosylated blood group antigen bind A, B, and O antigens (generalists), whereas 60% of adherent South American Amerindian strains bind blood group O antigens best (specialists). This specialization coincides with the unique predominance of blood group O in these Amerindians. Strains differed about 1500-fold in binding affinities, and diversifying selection was evident in babA sequences. We propose that cycles of selection for increased and decreased bacterial adherence contribute to babA diversity and that these cycles have led to gradual replacement of generalist binding by specialist binding in blood group O–dominant human populations