12 research outputs found

    I modelli di business vincenti per le imprese italiane nella quarta rivoluzione industriale

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    The manufacturing digital transformation is changing the industry through the introduction of advanced solutions that allow companies to re-interpret their role along the value chain. The industrial revolution opens up great opportunities for Italian companies, in terms of process efficiency, cost reduction and improvement in productivity, but also in the rethinking of products, new services, and the ability of reaction to market needs. This report examines the possible impact of Industry 4.0 on business models considering technological innovation also as a driver of strategic innovation

    Visión de la ciudad de Venecia en los estudios de Egle Renata Trincanato (1910-1998)

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    El Archivio Progetti de Venecia alberga la mayor parte del legado investigativo de la arquitecta-profesora de la IUAV Egle Renata Trincanato. De este material heterogéneo forman parte algunos documentos inéditos planteados como parte de un libro que nunca se llegó a finalizar, que exploraban diversas cuestiones y preocupaciones que desde siempre habían intere-sado a la ciudad lagunar. Trincanato analiza Venecia tanto en su estructura física como en su dinámica social, con el objetivo de identificar caracterís-ticas comunes que posibilitasen establecer su propio análisis urbano. Proporciona una interpretación de la relación entre los elementos de la trama urbana de la ciudad y la antropología, abordando temas de actualidad de la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, que siguen siendo el centro de interés en el debate sobre la conservación y el futuro de Venecia. En su trabajo, la arquitecta plantea el análisis de la ciudad por partes, utilizando un sistema progresivo de atención a la forma análogo al zoom fotográfico: desde un punto de vista global desciende hasta obtener un enfoque particular. Siguiendo este método define puntos de interés urbanos, como el Gran Canal y el Canal de la Giudecca: arterias acuáticas principales; expo-ne una división de la urbe en dos grandes bloques de insulae, llamados de citra y de ultra, divididos por el Gran Canal y progresivamente sigue separando las mencionadas insulae entre sí por canales menores; muestra las vías de comunicación secas como las salidas y llegadas de las zonas de interés de la ciudad y propone un ejemplo de investigación mediante la comparación de estas áreas de influencia. Por último, como eje principal de su trabajo, se identifican cuatro imágenes para-digmáticas: el Bacino de San Marco, la Piazza, el Canal Gran-de y el Arsenal; símbolos emblemáticos de la ciudad. El propósito del presente trabajo de investigación es el de establecer un orden lógico a toda esta información dispersa y poner de relieve su posible actualidad.The Archive Projects of Venice is home to most of the legacy of research of Professor Egle Renata Trincatato and are part of this heterogeneous material and unpublished documents, of a book that was never published and in which we explore the various issues and concerns that have always relate to the lagoon city, but according to her personal observation and scientific method. She analyze Venice in its physical structures, but also in social dynamics, with the aim of identifying common characteristics to establish its urban analysis. It provides its interpretation of the relationship between the elements of the urban fabric and an-thropology of the city, addressing topical issues in the second half of the last century, but which still are the center of interest in the debate on the preservation and future of the lagoon city. It promotes the description for parts, such as a zoom photo that comes from a global view to capture the detail. According to his method defines points of interest such as the Grand Canal and the Giudecca as watery main arteries; exposes a division of the city into two large blocks called insulae citra and ultra, divided by the Grand Canal and in turn continues to separate from each other by minor channels insulae; exposes a division of the city into two large blocks of insulae called de citra and de ultra divided by the Grand Canal, and continues to separate the insulae from each other by minor channels; shows the paths of land intended as departures and arrivals from important areas of the city and suggests an example of investigation by comparing these areas of influence. Eventually, it identifies four paradigmatic images: The Basin of San Marco Square, the Grand Canal and the Arsenal, iconic symbols of the city. The purpose of this research is to establish a logical order to all this scattered information and highlight their possible con-temporaneity

    Business Model 4.0. I modelli di business vincenti per le imprese italiane nella quarta rivoluzione industriale

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    La trasformazione digitale della produzione sta cambiando l’industria attraverso l’introduzione di soluzioni avanzate che consentono alle aziende di reinterpretare il loro ruolo lungo la catena del valore. La rivoluzione industriale offre grandi opportunità alle aziende italiane, in termini di efficienza dei processi, riduzione dei costi e miglioramento della produttività, ma anche per ripensare i prodotti, i nuovi servizi e le capacità di reazione alle esigenze del mercato. Questo rapporto esamina il possibile impatto di Industria 4.0 sui modelli di business considerando l’innovazione tecnologica anche come motore di innovazione strategica.The manufacturing digital transformation is changing the industry through the introduction of advanced solutions that allow companies to re-interpret their role along the value chain. The industrial revolution opens up great opportunities for Italian companies, in terms of process efficiency, cost reduction and improvement in productivity, but also in the rethinking of products, new services, and the ability of reaction to market needs. This report examines the possible impact of Industry 4.0 on business models considering technological innovation also as a driver of strategic innovation

    Business Model 4.0 I modelli di business vincenti per le imprese italiane nella quarta rivoluzione industriale

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    The manufacturing digital transformation is changing the way of doing industry through the introduction of advanced solutions that allow companies to re-interpret their role along the value system: from product design to production processes as cyber-physical spaces, from logistics and warehousing systems to physical and digital contact with the customer. This industrial revolution, therefore, opens up great opportunities for Italian companies, both in terms of process efficiency, cost reduction and improvement in productivity, but also in the rethinking of products, new services, and the ability of reaction to market needs. However, the revolution will allow a radical competitive repositioning of the Italian production system only if the opportunities offered by the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 will be exploited to design new business models. The aim of this report is to investigate the possible impact of Industry 4.0 on business models considering technological innovation also as a driver of strategic innovation. The method used was a structured literature review that allowed to quantify the importance attributed by the literature to the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and their possible impact on the single building block of the business model leading finally to identify 12 business models 4.0 grouped into 4 macro-categories: smart factory, servitization, data-driven and platform. The research was validated by the results of the questionnaire given to Italian companies to grasp their perception on how the challenge of Industry 4.0 is addressed at the level of the country, industry and organization. The divergences between the theoretical and practical results make it possible to deepen the theme of Made in Italy 4.0 what could be business models for Italian companies in the fourth industrial revolution. The individual companies and the systems they belong must however concentrate not only on the technological process and product innovation enabled by Industry 4.0, but above all on the strategic innovation of the business mode

    Effects of pre‐operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study

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    We aimed to determine the impact of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery during the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We performed an international prospective cohort study including patients undergoing elective surgery in October 2020. Isolation was defined as the period before surgery during which patients did not leave their house or receive visitors from outside their household. The primary outcome was postoperative pulmonary complications, adjusted in multivariable models for measured confounders. Pre-defined sub-group analyses were performed for the primary outcome. A total of 96,454 patients from 114 countries were included and overall, 26,948 (27.9%) patients isolated before surgery. Postoperative pulmonary complications were recorded in 1947 (2.0%) patients of which 227 (11.7%) were associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients who isolated pre-operatively were older, had more respiratory comorbidities and were more commonly from areas of high SARS-CoV-2 incidence and high-income countries. Although the overall rates of postoperative pulmonary complications were similar in those that isolated and those that did not (2.1% vs 2.0%, respectively), isolation was associated with higher rates of postoperative pulmonary complications after adjustment (adjusted OR 1.20, 95%CI 1.05-1.36, p = 0.005). Sensitivity analyses revealed no further differences when patients were categorised by: pre-operative testing; use of COVID-19-free pathways; or community SARS-CoV-2 prevalence. The rate of postoperative pulmonary complications increased with periods of isolation longer than 3 days, with an OR (95%CI) at 4-7 days or >= 8 days of 1.25 (1.04-1.48), p = 0.015 and 1.31 (1.11-1.55), p = 0.001, respectively. Isolation before elective surgery might be associated with a small but clinically important increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Longer periods of isolation showed no reduction in the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. These findings have significant implications for global provision of elective surgical care