71 research outputs found

    Le conseguenze della legge. Josef K personaggio concettuale del diritto in Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari

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    The paper aims to highlight the figure of Josef K, the protagonist of Kafka's The Trial, as a conceptual character invented by Deleuze and Guattari, whose function is to dismantle the image of the law and to develop some useful elements for the development of an original perspective on law and justice. In doing so, we first proceed with a brief reconnaissance of the relationship between Deleuze and law through a selection of the critical literature; then, we provide the elements useful for understanding the status and functions of conceptual characters in Deleuze and Guattari; finally, the paper focuses on the figure of Josef K as a conceptual character of law in the chapter "Immanence and Desire” of Kafka. For a minor literature. In this focus, we explore the problematics of the transcendence and unknowability of the law as experienced by Josef K, its lying and guilt-inducing character, as well as the concepts of justice, immanence and desire presented by Deleuze and Guattari as an antidote to these characteristics of the law

    Entre o sintoma e o farmakon. A organologia da Moral de Bernard Stiegler

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    Purpose/Context. This article explores Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy of technics, focusing on the moral dimension of the pharmacological perspective. Its purpose is motivated by the bioethical questions arising from the Stieglerian standpoint, particularly the phenomena of addictions to digital technology and the social and cognitive effects of the multimedia context. Method/Approach. The methodological approach is Stiegler’s pharmacological perspective, whereby we can rethink the bases of ethics and morals in the digital realm. Results/Findings. It makes a theoretical contribution to the debate on the adverse effects and benefits of adopting digital technology for all knowledge domains and social relationships, emphasizing attention disorders and symptoms of psychosocial distress. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. It provides useful elements for a methodological rapproachement between the philosophy of technology and bioethics (from pharmacology and organology). Thus, the research and analysis of the Stieglerian corpus clarify the bioethical proposals that coexist from the pharmacological perspective.Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo hace un recorrido por la filosofía de la técnica de Bernard Stiegler, con un enfoque en la dimensión moral de la perspectiva farmacológica. Su propósito está motivado por las cuestiones bioéticas que surgen de la perspectiva stiegleriana, en particular, por lo que concierne a los fenómenos de las adicciones a la tecnología digital y los efectos sociales y cognitivos que el contexto multimedia genera. Metodología/Enfoque. El enfoque metodológico que sustenta la elaboración de este artículo es la perspectiva farmacológica, elaborada por el propio Stiegler, por medio de la cual es posible replantear las bases de la ética y la moral en el contexto digital. Resultados/Hallazgos. El artículo hace una contribución teórica al debate sobre los efectos problemáticos y los beneficios de la adopción de la tecnología digital en todos los campos del saber y de las relaciones sociales, con un énfasis en los trastornos de la atención y los síntomas de malestar psicosocial. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. Su contribución está en los elementos útiles que ofrece para un acercamiento metodológico entre la filosofía de la tecnología y la bioética (desde la farmacología y la organología). En este sentido, el trabajo de investigación y análisis del corpus stiegleriano se presenta como una aclaración de las apuestas bioéticas que conviven en la perspectiva farmacológica.Objetivo/Contexto. Este artigo faz um percorrido pela filosofia da técnica de Bernard Stiegler, com abordagem na dimensão moral da perspectiva farmacológica. Seu propósito é motivado pelas questões bioéticas que surgem da perspectiva stiegleriana, em particular, no que diz respeito aos fenômenos de dependência à tecnologia digital e aos efeitos sociais e cognitivos que o contexto multimídia gera. Metodologia/Abordagem. A abordagem metodológica que mantem a elaboração deste artigo é a perspectiva farmacológica, elaborada pelo próprio Stiegler, por meio da qual é possível repensar os fundamentos da ética e da moral no contexto digital. Resultados/descobertas. O artigo faz uma contribuição teórica ao debate sobre os efeitos problemáticos e os benefícios da adoção da tecnologia digital em todos os campos do conhecimento e das relações sociais, com ênfase nos transtornos de atenção e nos sintomas de sofrimento psicossocial. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições. A sua contribuição está nos elementos úteis que fornece para uma aproximação metodológica entre a filosofia da tecnologia e a bioética (a partir da farmacologia e da organologia). Nesse sentido, a pesquisa e análise do corpus stiegleriano apresenta-se como um esclarecimento dos desafios bioéticos que coexistem na perspectiva farmacológica

    La stupida genesi del pensiero. Trascendentale e sintomatologia in G. Deleuze

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    In this paper I address the issue of the transcendental in Deleuze's thought, with particular emphasis on his reading of Nietzsche, Proust, and Artaud. Deleuze's core argument is that the practice of genealogy allows for a reconsideration of violence, power, décadence, geniality, foolishness, and even stupidity as transcendental components of thought. Indeed, from Deleuze's perspective of transcendental empiricism, thought is generated by the violence of signs, namely those forces which may determine its creative strength or its weakness. Notably, in Deleuze's reading of Nietzsche there emerges how stupidity is in a position of deconstructing the logical locks of the metaphysical conception of truth.In this paper I address the issue of the transcendental in Deleuze's thought, with particular emphasis on his reading of Nietzsche, Proust, and Artaud. Deleuze's core argument is that the practice of genealogy allows for a reconsideration of violence, power, décadence, geniality, foolishness, and even stupidity as transcendental components of thought. Indeed, from Deleuze's perspective of transcendental empiricism, thought is generated by the violence of signs, namely those forces which may determine its creative strength or its weakness. Notably, in Deleuze's reading of Nietzsche there emerges how stupidity is in a position of deconstructing the logical locks of the metaphysical conception of truth


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    Commissioning of the DAΦNE beam test facility

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    Abstract The DAΦNE Beam Test Facility (BTF) is a beam transfer line optimized for the production of electron or positron bunches, in a wide range of multiplicities and down to single-electron mode, in the energy range between 50 and 800 MeV . The typical pulse duration is 10 ns and the maximum repetition rate is 50 Hz . The facility design has been optimized for detector calibration purposes. The BTF has been successfully commissioned in February 2002 and started operation in the same year in November. The schemes of operation, the commissioning results, as well as the first users' experience are reported here

    Vecchie e nuove discriminazioni prendono corpo. Teratologie della società senza il lavoro

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    Lo strappo rispetto al paradigma fordista, retto dal nesso di capitale e lavoro, si palesa già all'inizio degli anni Novanta, quando l'affermazione del Neoliberismo produce due trasformazioni destinate a rivoluzionare (stravolgere) il mercato del lavoro: la finanziarizzazione dell'economia; la diffusione di una precarietà strutturata e sistemica della manodopera che scardina le tutele lavoristiche concepite su base collettiva. Come ricorda Cristina Morini, i cantori della flessibilità spinta,..

    Characterisation of analogue Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor test structures implemented in a 65 nm CMOS imaging process

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    Analogue test structures were fabricated using the Tower Partners Semiconductor Co. CMOS 65 nm ISC process. The purpose was to characterise and qualify this process and to optimise the sensor for the next generation of Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors for high-energy physics. The technology was explored in several variants which differed by: doping levels, pixel geometries and pixel pitches (10-25 μ\mum). These variants have been tested following exposure to varying levels of irradiation up to 3 MGy and 101610^{16} 1 MeV neq_\text{eq} cm2^{-2}. Here the results from prototypes that feature direct analogue output of a 4×\times4 pixel matrix are reported, allowing the systematic and detailed study of charge collection properties. Measurements were taken both using 55^{55}Fe X-ray sources and in beam tests using minimum ionizing particles. The results not only demonstrate the feasibility of using this technology for particle detection but also serve as a reference for future applications and optimisations

    Alice au-delà du selfie. Pour être digne de ce qui lui arrive

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    Alice’s becoming, as becoming simultaneously larger and smaller, provides the oppor-­‐‑ tunity to diagnose the present through a phenomenon more “current” than ever: Tiqqun’s “Jeune-­‐‑Fille” (young girl), which today is amplified by social networks. At the same time, Alice’s becoming indicates a political strategy that is rigorously untimely, which means inclined to find singular virtualities that escape the chronology of the commodification of the time of existence. Following Deleuze’s Logic of Sense, but also projecting it onto the present (hence in-­‐‑actualizing it), the commodification of existence occurs first in chronological time, which is why one says, “time is money”. This is the time of consumption, time that literally consumes itself, but it is also the time in which we consume and consume ourselves