448 research outputs found


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    The purpose of our study was to describe the clinical characteristics of sporadic (S) cases of partial epilepsy with auditory features (PEAF) and pinpoint clinical, prognostic and genetic differences with respect to previously reported familial (F) cases of autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features (ADPEAF). We analysed 53 patients (24 females and 29 males) with PEAF diagnosed according to the following criteria: partial epilepsy with auditory symptoms, negative family history for epilepsy and absence of cerebral lesions on NMR study. All patients underwent a full clinical, neuroradiological and neurophysiological examination. Forty patients were screened for mutations in LGI1/epitempin, which is involved in ADPEAF. Age at onset ranged from 6 to 39 years (average 19 years). Secondarily generalized seizures were the most common type of seizures at onset (79%). Auditory auras occurred either in isolation (53%) or associated with visual, psychic or aphasic symptoms. Low seizure frequency at onset and good drug responsiveness were common, with 51% of patients seizure-free. Seizures tended to recur after drug withdrawal. Clinically, no major differences were found between S and F patients with respect to age at onset, seizure frequency and response to therapy. Analysis of LGI1/epitempin exons failed to disclose mutations. Our data support the existence of a peculiar form of non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy closely related to ADPEAF but without a positive family history. This syndrome, here named IPEAF, has a benign course in the majority of patients and could be diagnosed by the presence of auditory aura. Although LGI1 mutations have been excluded, genetic factors may play an aetiopathogenetic role in at least some of these S cases

    Epidemiology of status epilepticus in adults: A population-based study on incidence, causes, and outcomes

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    In 2015, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) proposed a new definition of status epilepticus (SE): 5 minutes of ongoing seizure activity to diagnose convulsive SE (CSE, ie, bilateral tonic-clonic SE) and 10 minutes for focal SE and absence SE, rather than the earlier criterion of 30 minutes. Based on semiology, several types of SE with prominent motor phenomena at any time (including CSE) were distinguished from those without (ie, nonconvulsive SE, NCSE). We present the first population-based incidence study applying the new 2015 ILAE definition and classification of SE and report the impact of the evolution of semiology and level of consciousness (LOC) on outcome

    Heart Rate Variability as a Tool for Seizure Prediction: A Scoping Review

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    : The most critical burden for People with Epilepsy (PwE) is represented by seizures, the unpredictability of which severely impacts quality of life. The design of real-time warning systems that can detect or even predict ictal events would enhance seizure management, leading to high benefits for PwE and their caregivers. In the past, various research works highlighted that seizure onset is anticipated by significant changes in autonomic cardiac control, which can be assessed through heart rate variability (HRV). This manuscript conducted a scoping review of the literature analyzing HRV-based methods for detecting or predicting ictal events. An initial search on the PubMed database returned 402 papers, 72 of which met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. These results suggest that seizure detection is more accurate in neonatal and pediatric patients due to more significant autonomic modifications during the ictal transitions. In addition, conventional metrics are often incapable of capturing cardiac autonomic variations and should be replaced with more advanced methodologies, considering non-linear HRV features and machine learning tools for processing them. Finally, studies investigating wearable systems for heart monitoring denoted how HRV constitutes an efficient biomarker for seizure detection in patients presenting significant alterations in autonomic cardiac control during ictal events

    If seizures left speechless: CA-P-S C-A-R-E, a proposal of a new ictal language evaluation protocol

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    Introduction: We aimed to create standardized protocol for language examination in patients who underwent video-EEG recording and assessed its efficacy in the characterization of ictal language impairment, its ability to differentiate this from impaired awareness, and interobserver reliability in clinical practice. Methods: From our database of video-EEG recordings, we selected a representative sample of 63 focal seizures with presumed language impairment. A multidisciplinary team of epileptologists, EEG technicians, and speech therapists analyzed the selected videos to highlight the critical issues of ordinary ictal language evaluation. We subsequently followed a multi-step process to develop the protocol and assess its interobserver reliability. Results: A protocol based on seven tests in hierarchical succession was created, summed up in the acronym CA-P-S C-A-R-E (Closed Answers, Pro-speak question, Simple orders, Common object denomination, Audio repetition, Reading, Evoke). Following its preliminary administration for 5 months, we assessed the inter-observer reliability of 16 healthcare professionals in distinguishing between language impairment and impaired awareness among a sample of 10 seizures, finding a substantial agreement (kappa 0.61). Conclusion: The proposed protocol, made of simple and easy to memorize tests, is an effective tool that evaluates multiple domains beyond language. Its use could help to recognize ictal aphasia effectively and differentiate it from impaired awareness, minimizing inter-examiner variability

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on narcolepsy type 1 management

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    Study Objectives: Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) is a chronic rare hypersomnia of central origin requiring a combination of behavioral and pharmacological treatments. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, in Italy the population was forced into a lockdown. With this study, we aimed to describe the lockdown impact on NT1 symptom management, according to different patients' working schedule. Methods: In the period between 10 April and 15 May 2020, we performed routine follow-up visits by telephone (as recommended during the COVID-19 emergency) to 50 patients >18 years old (40% males) under stable long-term treatment. We divided patients into three groups: unchanged working schedule, forced working/studying at home, and those who lost their job (“lost occupation”). Current sleep–wake habit and symptom severity were compared with prelockdown assessment (six months before) in the three patient groups. Results: At assessment, 20, 22, and eight patients belonged to the unchanged, working/studying at home, and lost occupation groups, respectively. While in the lost occupation group, there were no significant differences compared with prepandemic assessment, the patients with unchanged schedules reported more nocturnal awakenings, and NT1 patients working/studying at home showed an extension of nocturnal sleep time, more frequent daytime napping, improvement of daytime sleepiness, and a significant increase in their body mass index. Sleep-related paralysis/hallucinations, automatic behaviors, cataplexy, and disturbed nocturnal sleep did not differ. Conclusions: Narcolepsy type 1 patients working/studying at home intensified behavioral interventions (increased nocturnal sleep time and daytime napping) and ameliorated daytime sleepiness despite presenting with a slight, but significant, increase of weight

    Clinical practice guidelines on the management of status epilepticus in adults: A systematic review

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    Objective: Status epilepticus (SE) is the second most common neurological emergency in adults. Despite improvements in the management of acute neurological conditions over the last decade, mortality is still durably high. Because a gap has emerged between SE management based on clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and actual clinical practice, we conducted a systematic review of CPGs, assessing their quality, outlining commonalities and discrepancies in recommendations, and highlighting research gaps. Methods: We searched the PubMed and EMBASE databases and other gray literature sources (nine among guideline registries, evidence-based medicine databases, point-of-care tools; seven websites of governmental organizations and international neurologic societies) in December 2021 (updated in November 2023). The units of analysis were CPGs that included recommendations on the diagnostic and/or therapeutic management of SE in adults. The quality of the CPGs was assessed using the AGREE II tool. Results: Fifteen CPGs were included. The “Applicability” domain was assigned the lowest median score of 10%. The domains “Stakeholder Involvement”, “Rigor of Development,” and “Editorial Independence” were as well generally underrated. Recommendations on general and diagnostic management and on organizational interventions were fragmented and scattered. Recommendations on pre-hospital and hospital treatment of early-onset and refractory SE were broadly agreed, whereas there was less agreement on the treatment model and medications for established SE and super-refractory SE. Significance: The CPGs for the management of SE developed in recent years are flawed by several methodological issues and discrepancies in the coverage of important topics. The gap between CPG-based management of SE and actual clinical practice may be due in part to the inherent limitations of the CPGs produced so far

    New ILAE versus previous clinical status epilepticus semiologic classification: Analysis of a hospital-based cohort.

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    OBJECTIVES: In 2015, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) issued a new status epilepticus (SE) classification, including a detailed semiologic axis. This study assesses frequencies of SE forms in a cohort of adult patients, and explores differences and practical implications as compared to a seizure-type-bound classification. METHODS: The prospective adult SE registry of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) was considered over 5 years (2011-2015); each SE episode was retrospectively reclassified for its semiology according to the new ILAE scheme. Mortality rates were retrieved for each subgroup of SE. RESULTS: Among 488 SE episodes, according to the seizure-type-bound classification, 230 (47%) had a generalized convulsive, and 29 (6%) had a nonconvulsive SE in coma; both categories overlapped almost perfectly between the two classifications. However, the 84 episodes with focal SE without consciousness impairment and the 141 episodes with consciousness impairment were each translated into two major (and five sub-) categories of the new ILAE classification, having markedly different mortality rates. In addition, of 140 episodes labeled as focal motor SE according to the new classification, 54% had concomitant consciousness impairment, whereas 46% did not; again, mortality rates were heterogeneous. SIGNIFICANCE: Although generalized convulsive and nonconvulsive SE in coma show an almost perfect correspondence across SE semiologic classifications, focal SE is markedly heterogeneous and appears to be better reflected in the new classification, offering more clinically relevant subdivisions, also differing in mortality rates. This refined knowledge may allow the development of clinical prognostic scores that are more precise than existing tools, and should be taken into account for epidemiologic studies

    Risk of hospitalization and death for COVID-19 in persons with epilepsy over a 20-month period: The EpiLink Bologna cohort, Italy

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    Objective: Data on COVID-19 outcomes in persons with epilepsy (PWE) are scarce and inconclusive. We aimed to study the risk of hospitalization and death for COVID-19 in a large cohort of PWE from March 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021. Methods: The historical cohort design (EpiLink Bologna) compared adult PWE grouped into people with focal epilepsy (PFE), idiopathic generalized epilepsy (PIGE), and developmental and/or epileptic encephalopathy (PDEE), and a population cohort matched (ratio 1:10) for age, sex, residence, and comorbidity (assessed with the multisource comorbidity score), living in the local health trust of Bologna (approximately 800 000 residents). Clinical data were linked to health administrative data. Results: In both cohorts (EpiLink: n = 1575 subjects, 1128 PFE, 267 PIGE, 148 PDEE, 32 other; controls: n = 15 326 subjects), 52% were females, and the mean age was 50 years (SD = 18). Hospital admissions for COVID-19 in the whole period were 49 (3.1%) in PWE and 225 (1.5%) in controls. The adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) in PWE was 1.9 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4–2.7). The subgroups at higher risk were PFE (aHR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.3–2.8) and PDEE (aHR = 3.9, 95% CI = 1.7–8.7), whereas PIGE had a risk comparable to the controls (aHR = 1.1, 95% CI =.3–3.5). Stratified analyses of the two main epidemic waves (March–May 2020, October 2020–May 2021) disclosed a higher risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization during the first epidemic wave (March–May 2020; aHR = 3.8, 95% CI = 2.2–6.7). Polytherapy with antiseizure medications contributed to a higher risk of hospital admission. Thirty-day risk of death after hospitalization was 14% in both PWE and controls. Significance: During the first 20 months since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Bologna, PWE had a doubled risk of COVID-19 hospital admission compared to a matched control population. Conversely, epilepsy did not represent a risk factor for COVID-19-related death