361 research outputs found

    An application of Pappus'' Involution Theorem to Cayley–Klein projective models

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    Pappus'' Involution Theorem is useful for proving incidence relations in the hyperbolic and elliptic planes. This fact is exemplified with the proof of a theorem about a family of 4-gons in the hyperbolic and elliptic planes. This non-Euclidean theorem is also re-interpreted in multiple ways, providing some other theorems for different figures in the hyperbolic plane

    La situació de l’ensenyament de la MÚSICA A SECUNDÀRIA

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    Agencias de medios en un nuevo entorno comunicacional. Factor humano

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    Artículo de la sección Tribuna: investigación y profesiónArticle Tribune section: Research and professio

    The sixth Counth of Fernán Núñez neoclassical cemetery: a case of social distinction and appropriation of the funerary space

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    Este trabajo pretende un análisis del cambio en las prácticas funerarias desarrolladas por el VI conde de Fernán Núñez en su villa tras el restablecimiento de los cementerios fuera de poblado. Para ello se estudian las etapas constructivas, las funciones simbólicas y los litigios sociales originados en torno a este novedoso cementerio. Con ello se esperan extraer consecuencias relativas al análisis de las nuevas estrategias de distinción social generadas por las élites nobiliarias durante la Ilustración.This paper tries to analyze the change in burial practices carried out by the sixth Count of Fernán Núñez in his villa after the out-of-town cemeteries reestablishment. To do this, the phases of completion, the symbolic functions and the social disputes resulting from the construction of this new cemetery are described and examined. We claim that this analysis has relevant consequences for the study of the new policies of social distinction of the nobility during the Enlightenment.Ministerio de Economía y Competetividad HAR2012-3675

    Banchoff’s sphere and branched covers over the trefoil

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    A filling Dehn surface in a 3-manifold M is a generically immersed surface in M that induces a cellular decomposition of M. Given a tame link L in M, there is a filling Dehn sphere of M that “trivializes” (diametrically splits) it. This allows to construct filling Dehn surfaces in the coverings of M branched over L. It is shown that one of the simplest filling Dehn spheres of S3 (Banchoff’s sphere) diametrically splits the trefoil knot. Filling Dehn spheres, and their Johansson diagrams, are constructed for the coverings of S3 branched over the trefoil. The construction is explained in detail. Johansson diagrams for generic cyclic coverings and for the simplest locally cyclic and irregular ones are constructed explicitly, providing new proofs of known results about cyclic coverings and the 3-fold irregular covering over the trefoil

    Propuesta de metodología de trabajo para la obtención de cartografía a partir de datos LiDAR registrados en una zona rústica.

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    Tras la llegada de la medición mediante LiDAR, la obtención de cartografía se ha visto facilitada, obteniendo modelos digitales con gran rapidez y precisión. No obstante, para poder tratar la gran cantidad de información registrada, se necesita emplear un conjunto de algoritmos que permita extraer los detalles importantes y necesarios de la zona registrada. Por ello, se presenta este trabajo donde se expondrá una metodología de actuación para obtener cartografía a escala 1/1000 de una zona rústica, basada en el cálculo de mapas de curvas de nivel y ortofotografías, generadas a partir de los MDT y MDS de la zona. Todas las pruebas se han realizado mediante el software MDTopX. Abstract: After the arrival of the LiDAR measurement, mapping has been facilitated, obtaining digital models very quickly and accurately. However, in order to manage the great amount of recorded information, a set of algorithms is required which allows the extracting of important and necessary details of the recorded area. Therefore, a methodology is presented for mapping at 1/1000 scale of a rural area, based on contour maps and orthophotos, generated from the DTM and DSM of the area. All tests were performed using MDTopX software