660 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the calibrated strain signal in the Advanced LIGO detectors

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    Advanced LIGO's raw detector output needs to be calibrated to compute dimensionless strain h(t). Calibrated strain data is produced in the time domain using both a low-latency, online procedure and a high-latency, offline procedure. The low-latency h(t) data stream is produced in two stages, the first of which is performed on the same computers that operate the detector's feedback control system. This stage, referred to as the front-end calibration, uses infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering and performs all operations at a 16384 Hz digital sampling rate. Due to several limitations, this procedure currently introduces certain systematic errors in the calibrated strain data, motivating the second stage of the low-latency procedure, known as the low-latency gstlal calibration pipeline. The gstlal calibration pipeline uses finite impulse response (FIR) filtering to apply corrections to the output of the front-end calibration. It applies time-dependent correction factors to the sensing and actuation components of the calibrated strain to reduce systematic errors. The gstlal calibration pipeline is also used in high latency to recalibrate the data, which is necessary due mainly to online dropouts in the calibrated data and identified improvements to the calibration models or filters.Comment: 20 pages including appendices and bibliography. 11 Figures. 3 Table

    Calibration Uncertainty for Advanced LIGO's First and Second Observing Runs

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    Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors is the quantification of the detectors' response to gravitational waves. Gravitational waves incident on the detectors cause phase shifts in the interferometer laser light which are read out as intensity fluctuations at the detector output. Understanding this detector response to gravitational waves is crucial to producing accurate and precise gravitational wave strain data. Estimates of binary black hole and neutron star parameters and tests of general relativity require well-calibrated data, as miscalibrations will lead to biased results. We describe the method of producing calibration uncertainty estimates for both LIGO detectors in the first and second observing runs.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figures, LIGO DCC P160013

    Metric Assisted Stochastic Sampling (MASS) search for gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers

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    We present a novel gravitational wave detection algorithm that conducts amatched filter search stochastically across the compact binary parameter spacerather than relying on a fixed bank of template waveforms. This technique iscompetitive with standard template-bank-driven pipelines in both computationalcost and sensitivity. However, the complexity of the analysis is simplerallowing for easy configuration and horizontal scaling across heterogeneousgrids of computers. To demonstrate the method we analyze approximately onemonth of public LIGO data from July 27 00:00 2017 UTC - Aug 25 22:00 2017 UTCand recover eight known confident gravitational wave candidates. We also injectsimulated binary black hole (BBH) signals to demonstrate the sensitivity.<br

    First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

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    Spinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signalto- noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, narrow-band analysis methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known pulsars over a fraction of a hertz and several spin-down values. In this paper we describe a narrow-band search of 11 pulsars using data from Advanced LIGO’s first observing run. Although we have found several initial outliers, further studies show no significant evidence for the presence of a gravitational wave signal. Finally, we have placed upper limits on the signal strain amplitude lower than the spin-down limit for 5 of the 11 targets over the bands searched; in the case of J1813-1749 the spin-down limit has been beaten for the first time. For an additional 3 targets, the median upper limit across the search bands is below the spin-down limit. This is the most sensitive narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves carried out so far

    Point absorbers in Advanced LIGO

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    Small, highly absorbing points are randomly present on the surfaces of the main interferometer optics in Advanced LIGO. The resulting nano-meter scale thermo-elastic deformations and substrate lenses from these micron-scale absorbers significantly reduces the sensitivity of the interferometer directly though a reduction in the power-recycling gain and indirect interactions with the feedback control system. We review the expected surface deformation from point absorbers and provide a pedagogical description of the impact on power build-up in second generation gravitational wave detectors (dual-recycled Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers). This analysis predicts that the power-dependent reduction in interferometer performance will significantly degrade maximum stored power by up to 50% and hence, limit GW sensitivity, but suggests system wide corrections that can be implemented in current and future GW detectors. This is particularly pressing given that future GW detectors call for an order of magnitude more stored power than currently used in Advanced LIGO in Observing Run 3. We briefly review strategies to mitigate the effects of point absorbers in current and future GW wave detectors to maximize the success of these enterprises

    Approaching the motional ground state of a 10 kg object

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    The motion of a mechanical object -- even a human-sized object -- should be governed by the rules of quantum mechanics. Coaxing them into a quantum state is, however, difficult: the thermal environment masks any quantum signature of the object's motion. Indeed, the thermal environment also masks effects of proposed modifications of quantum mechanics at large mass scales. We prepare the center-of-mass motion of a 10 kg mechanical oscillator in a state with an average phonon occupation of 10.8. The reduction in temperature, from room temperature to 77 nK, is commensurate with an 11 orders-of-magnitude suppression of quantum back-action by feedback -- and a 13 orders-of-magnitude increase in the mass of an object prepared close to its motional ground state. This begets the possibility of probing gravity on massive quantum systems.Comment: published version containing minor change

    Point absorbers in Advanced LIGO

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    Small, highly absorbing points are randomly present on the surfaces of the main interferometer optics in Advanced LIGO. The resulting nanometer scale thermo-elastic deformations and substrate lenses from these micron-scale absorbers significantly reduce the sensitivity of the interferometer directly though a reduction in the power-recycling gain and indirect interactions with the feedback control system. We review the expected surface deformation from point absorbers and provide a pedagogical description of the impact on power buildup in second generation gravitational wave detectors (dual-recycled Fabry–Perot Michelson interferometers). This analysis predicts that the power-dependent reduction in interferometer performance will significantly degrade maximum stored power by up to 50% and, hence, limit GW sensitivity, but it suggests system wide corrections that can be implemented in current and future GW detectors. This is particularly pressing given that future GW detectors call for an order of magnitude more stored power than currently used in Advanced LIGO in Observing Run 3. We briefly review strategies to mitigate the effects of point absorbers in current and future GW wave detectors to maximize the success of these enterprises

    Environmental Noise in Advanced LIGO Detectors

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    The sensitivity of the Advanced LIGO detectors to gravitational waves can be affected by environmental disturbances external to the detectors themselves. Since the transition from the former initial LIGO phase, many improvements have been made to the equipment and techniques used to investigate these environmental effects. These methods have aided in tracking down and mitigating noise sources throughout the first three observing runs of the advanced detector era, keeping the ambient contribution of environmental noise below the background noise levels of the detectors. In this paper we describe the methods used and how they have led to the mitigation of noise sources, the role that environmental monitoring has played in the validation of gravitational wave events, and plans for future observing runs

    Quantum correlations between the light and kilogram-mass mirrors of LIGO

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    Measurement of minuscule forces and displacements with ever greater precision encounters a limit imposed by a pillar of quantum mechanics: the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. A limit to the precision with which the position of an object can be measured continuously is known as the standard quantum limit (SQL). When light is used as the probe, the SQL arises from the balance between the uncertainties of photon radiation pressure imposed on the object and of the photon number in the photoelectric detection. The only possibility surpassing the SQL is via correlations within the position/momentum uncertainty of the object and the photon number/phase uncertainty of the light it reflects. Here, we experimentally prove the theoretical prediction that this type of quantum correlation is naturally produced in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). Our measurements show that the quantum mechanical uncertainties in the phases of the 200 kW laser beams and in the positions of the 40 kg mirrors of the Advanced LIGO detectors yield a joint quantum uncertainty a factor of 1.4 (3dB) below the SQL. We anticipate that quantum correlations will not only improve gravitational wave (GW) observatories but all types of measurements in future