140 research outputs found

    Apport du suivi de flux d'information pour la sécurité des systÚmes

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    Ce document reprend plusieurs années de recherche sur des travaux qui se sont intéressé à contrÎler la dissémination de l'information dans un systÚme d'exploitation

    ContrĂŽle d'accĂšs versus ContrĂŽle de flots

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    National audienceTraditionnellement, une politique de sĂ©curitĂ© est mise en oeuvre par un mĂ©canisme de contrĂŽle des accĂšs des sujets sur les objets du systĂšme: un sujet peut lire l'information contenue dans un objet si la politique autorise ce sujet Ă  accĂ©der Ă  cet objet. Une politique induit des flots d'information: si un sujet s a le droit de lire un objet o, alors toute l'information que peut un jour contenir o est accessible Ă  s. De mĂȘme, si un sujet s a le droit de modifier un objet o, alors toute l'information qui peut ĂȘtre portĂ©e Ă  la connaissance de s peut se propager dans le systĂšme par le biais de o. Alors qu'une politique spĂ©cifie des autorisations sur les contenus, sa mise en oeuvre contrĂŽle les accĂšs aux objets sans connaĂźtre leur contenu courant. Nous nous proposons dans ce travail d'Ă©tudier formellement les politiques de sĂ©curitĂ© sous l'angle des flots d'information qu'elles induisent. Pour les politiques dont on ne peut pas montrer que tous les flots induits sont autorisĂ©s, nous dĂ©finissons un mĂ©canisme permettant de dĂ©tecter les flux illĂ©gaux. Nous prĂ©sentons aussi l'implĂ©mentation de ce mĂ©canisme de dĂ©tection

    Sharing and replaying attack scenarios with Moirai

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    National audienceDatasets are necessary for evaluating and comparing security solutions. Today, the most well-known public dataset is still the oft-decried IDEVAL dataset. Even if we don't take into account all the inherent shortcomings of this dataset, the fact that it dates back to 1999 means its relevance is all but lost. Without a public dataset, new security solutions cannot be compared to existing ones. In this article, we argue for the need of a public and modern dataset for the evaluation of security solutions. Moreover, we argue that traditional datasets are too restrictive in the approaches they allow. Thus, we present Moirai. Instead of sharing datasets, Moirai shares the scenarios used to create datasets. This allows for the creation of complex scenarios which could, for example, represent an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). By sharing the scenarios, Moirai allows solutions based on disparate ideas to be compared

    FingerKey, un cryptosystÚme biométrique pour l'authentification

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    9 pagesNational audienceNous nous intĂ©ressons dans cet article Ă  l'authentification des utilisateurs par le biais de leurs donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques (empreinte digitale, forme de la main, . . . ). Traditionnellement, l'authentification biomĂ©trique d'un utilisateur consiste Ă  vĂ©rifier que sa donnĂ©e biomĂ©trique courante est suffisamment proche d'une donnĂ©e de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Malheureusement, la sĂ©curitĂ© de ce schĂ©ma souffre du fait que les donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques sont des donnĂ©es personnelles non rĂ©vocables. Lorsqu'une donnĂ©e biomĂ©trique est compromise, contrairement Ă  un mot de passe, elle ne peut pas ˆetre changĂ©e. Nous pensons que le point faible des approches traditionnelles rĂ©side dans le stockage des donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Si les donnĂ©es biomĂ©triques n'Ă©taient pas stockĂ©es, elles seraient plus difficiles Ă  voler. Il serait aussi plus difficile d'en compromettre un grand nombre simultanĂ©ment. Pour pallier ce probl`eme, nous proposons un schĂ©ma d'authentification biomĂ©trique ne nĂ©cessitant pas la comparaison Ă  une valeur biomĂ©triqu de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Notre mĂ©thode amĂ©liore la sĂ©curitĂ© de l'authentification biomĂ©trique puisqu'elle ne nĂ©cessite pas de stockage

    CVE representation to build attack positions graphs

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    In cybersecurity, CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) are publicly disclosed hardware or software vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are documented and listed in the NVD database maintained by the NIST. Knowledge of the CVEs impacting an information system provides a measure of its level of security. This article points out that these vulnerabilities should be described in greater detail to understand how they could be chained together in a complete attack scenario. This article presents the first proposal for the CAPG format, which is a method for representing a CVE vulnerability, a corresponding exploit, and associated attack positions

    A Privacy Preserving Distributed Reputation Mechanism

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    International audienceReputation systems allow to estimate the trustworthiness of entities based on their past behavior. Electronic commerce, peer-to-peer routing and collaborative environments, just to cite a few, highly benefit from using reputation systems. To guarantee an accurate estimation, reputation systems typically rely on a central authority, on the identification and authentication of all the participants, or both. In this paper, we go a step further by presenting a distributed reputation mechanism which is robust against malicious behaviors and that preserves the privacy of its clients. Guaranteed error bounds on the estimation are provided

    Preventing Serialization Vulnerabilities through Transient Field Detection

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    International audienceVerifying Android applications' source code is essential to ensure users' security. Due to its complex architecture, Android has specific attack surfaces which the community has to investigate in order to discover new vulnerabilities and prevent as much as possible malicious exploitations. Communication mechanisms are one of the Android components that should be carefully checked and analyzed to avoid data leakage or code injections. Android software components can communicate together using serialization processes. Developers need thereby to indicate manually the transient keyword whenever an object field should not be part of the serialization. In particular, field values encoding memory addresses can leave severe vulnerabilities inside applications if they are not explicitly declared transient. In this study, we propose a novel methodology for automatically detecting, at compilation time, all missing transient keywords directly from Android applications' source code. Our method is based on taint analysis and its implementation provides developers with a useful tool which they might use to improve their code bases. Furthermore, we evaluate our method on a cryptography library as well as on the Telegram application for real world validation. Our approach is able to retrieve previously found vulnerabilities, and, in addition, we find non-exploitable flows hidden within Telegram's code base

    DroneJack: Kiss your drones goodbye!

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    National audienceThe commercial drone market has significantly taken off for a few years. In 2016, sales of drones used for commercial and enterprise purposes was worth 3.4 billion dollars [3]. This fast-growing field raises many questions regarding security since damages caused by such drones could be disastrous. Knowing that in some cases, transmission range is so wide (7 kilometers for a DJI Phantom 4 Pro) and that some drones can lift off more than 30 kg worth of equipment, we cannot deny that there will be (and already are) unexpected and unwanted uses of such a technology. In this article, we introduce DroneJack, an automatic anti-drone solution that can protect an area from being flown over. Using DroneJack, you can conduct a predefined defense over foreign drones as shutting them down, pilot them instead of the true user, direct them towards some GPS coordinates. You can also exploit data owned by the drone to recover photos, videos or flight logs. Even better, you can configure your own attacks on foreign drones and deploy them on DroneJack. Let's play

    DaViz: Visualization for Android Malware Datasets

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    National audienceWith millions of Android malware samples available, researchers have a large amount of data to perform malware detection and classification, specially with the help of machine learning. Thus far, visualization tools focus on single samples or one-to-many comparison, but not a many-to-many approach. In order to exploit the quantity of data from various datasets to obtain meaningful information, we propose DaViz, a visualization tool for Android malware datasets. With the aid of multiple chart types and interactive sample filtering, users can explore different application datasets and compare them. This new tool allows to get a better understanding of the datasets at hand, and help to continue research by narrowing the samples to those of interest based on selected characteristics

    A Privacy Preserving Distributed Reputation Mechanism

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    International audienceReputation systems allow to estimate the trustworthiness of entities based on their past behavior. Electronic commerce, peer-to-peer routing and collaborative environments, just to cite a few, highly benefit from using reputation systems. To guarantee an accurate estimation, reputation systems typically rely on a central authority, on the identification and authentication of all the participants, or both. In this paper, we go a step further by presenting a distributed reputation mechanism which is robust against malicious behaviors and that preserves the privacy of its clients. Guaranteed error bounds on the estimation are provided
