69 research outputs found

    Industrial wastewater reuse in inter-plant water networks / Reúso de águas e efluentes entre plantas industriais

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    This work aims to use a Process Integration method to extend a methodology that involves the selection of water reuse networks among industrial processes. A case study from data representative of an oil refinery and a petrochemical complex was carried out. The results with the inter-plant water networks indicated external sources that can be used for the unidirectional reutilization of the water processes from the refining to the petrochemical. Refining processes with maximum reuse had a 39% reduction in relation to the original consumption, while petrochemicals reduced by around 36%. The scenario involving the integration of both plants, with the incorporation of a distribution central tank and a regenerative process, reached a complementary reduction of about 7% of the water catchment. This integration allows the achievement of new opportunities for reuse, making it an important strategy in environmental decision making in organizations

    Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Power Generation: A Bibliometric Review

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    The use of Hybrid Power Generation Systems through renewable sources has been gaining prominence, since it is a way to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to the reduction of pollutant gas emissions to the environment. Due to the higher operational complexity, the multiplicity of options and constant improvement of these units, how to optimize these systems is still a subject of present studies. Considering the attention that this topic has received from the academic community, the challenges for mapping and identifying the relevant literature, this article provides a macroscopic view of the scientific literature on the Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) for energy generation, through analysis bibliometric. The research was developed using the Web of Science database, obtaining a total of 439 articles between 2010 and 2020, where the results were interpreted through the VOSviewer software. The results showed that the number of related publications is gradually increasing, with India as the leading country. The University of Malaya is the institution with a higher number of registers, with 14 entries. Most publications fit into the “Energy Fuels” category, with the magazines “Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews” and “Renewable Energy” as the most influential in terms of the number of publications, as well as the United States and China are the countries with most research collaboration. Besides, the most cited articles and the recurrence and distribution of keywords indicate the future directions of research. In short, this study contributes valuable information to researchers on the topic

    Catalytic Properties and Recycling of NiFe 2 O 4 Catalyst for Hydrogen Production by Supercritical Water Gasification of Eucalyptus Wood Chips

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    Nickel iron oxide (NiFe2O4) catalyst was prepared by the combustion reaction method and characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption/desorption, thermogravimetric analysis (TG), and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The catalyst presented a mixture of oxides, including the NiFe2O4 spinel and specific surface area of 32.4 m2 g−1. The effect of NiFe2O4 catalyst on the supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of eucalyptus wood chips was studied in a batch reactor at 450 and 500 °C without catalyst and with 1.0 g and 2.0 g of catalyst and 2.0 g of biomass for 60 min. In addition, the recyclability of the catalyst under the operating conditions was also tested using recovered and recalcined catalysts over three reaction cycles. The highest amount of H2 was 25 mol% obtained at 450 °C, using 2 g of NiFe2O4 catalyst. The H2 mol% was enhanced by 45% when compared to the non-catalytic test, showing the catalytic activity of NiFe2O4 catalyst in the WGS and the steam reforming reactions. After the third reaction cycle, the results of XRD demonstrated formation of coke which caused the deactivation of the NiFe2O4 and consequently, a 13.6% reduction in H2 mol% and a 5.6% reduction in biomass conversion

    Fischer-Tropsch diesel and biofuels exergy and energy analysis for low emissions vehicles

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    This research investigates the effects of a synthetic diesel-like fuel (Fischer-Tropsch diesel) and biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) fuel blends on the energy-exergy efficiencies and gaseous exhaust emissions characteristics of a compression ignition engine. Two blends of alternative fuels denoted as E15B35FTD50 (15% ethanol, 35% biodiesel, and 50% Fischer-Tropsch diesel) and E15B35D50 (15% ethanol, 35% biodiesel, and 50% diesel) were experimentally studied on a single-cylinder diesel engine and compared to diesel fuel. The results show that the energetic and the exergetic efficiencies of the alternative fuels are comparable to those of the engine fueled with diesel fuel. The unburnt HC, NO, N2O, and NH3 emissions were reduced for the two alternative fuel blends compared to diesel, while CO emissions increased. The light HC species were found to slightly increase for the alternative fuel blends in comparison with diesel fuel. However, the total HC was considerably reduced by the combustion of E15B35FTD50 not only when compared to the diesel fuel combustion, but also when compared to E15B35D50. Overall, these results may contribute to identifying advantages and limitations in terms of energetic-exergetic analysis and emissions for the new generation of conventional diesel and hybrid electric vehicles that aim to achieve future emissions regulations.The Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001 is also acknowledged for the scholarship (No. 88887.199341/2018-00) to pursue F.A.T. postgraduate studies under the International Cooperation Program with the University of Birmingham and CAPES (Ref. 40/2014)

    A comparative study of biofuels and Fischer–Tropsch diesel blends on the engine combustion Performance for reducing exhaust gaseous and particulate emissions

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    The worldwide consumption of fossil hydrocarbons in the road transport sector in 2020 corresponded to roughly half of the overall consumption. However, biofuels have been discreetly contributing to mitigate gaseous emissions and participating in sustainable development, and thus leading to the extending of the commercial utilization of internal combustion engines. In this scenario, the present work aims at exploring the effects of alternative fuels containing a blend of 15% ethanol and 35% biodiesel with a 50% fossil diesel (E15D50B35) or 50% Fischer–Tropsch (F-T) diesel (E15FTD50B35) on the engine combustion, exhaust emissions (CO, HC, and NOx), particulate emissions characteristics as well as the performance of an aftertreatment system of a common rail diesel engine. It was found that one of the blends (E15FTD50B35) showed more than 30% reduction in PM concentration number, more than 25% reduction in mean particle size, and more than 85% reduction in total PM mass with respect to conventional diesel fuel. Additionally, it was found that the E15FTD50B35 blend reduces gaseous emissions of total hydrocarbons (THC) by more than 25% and NO by 3.8%. The oxidation catalyst was effective in carbonaceous emissions reduction, despite the catalyst light-off being slightly delayed in comparison to diesel fuel blends.This research received no external fundin

    Comportamento geotécnico de um solo expansivo estabilizado com cinza de casca de arroz e cal hidratada

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    Solos expansivos são solos não-saturados, que contêm argilominerais que na estação chuvosa aumentam de volume e no período seco contraem em sua superfície. A partir de ensaios de laboratório é possível avaliar a tensão de expansão, grau de expansividade e tipo de argilomineral constituinte. Para reduzir ou anular a expansão do solo, utiliza-se métodos de estabilização com o uso de aditivos estabilizantes. Este artigo apresenta a caracterização física e química do solo expansivo localizado no município de Agrestina, no Agreste de Pernambuco, assim como dos percentuais de suas misturas com cal-hidratada e com cinza de casca de arroz (CAA), para combater a expansão deste solo. Foi analisada a expansividade do solo em seu estado natural e após a compactação ótima, e também nos diversos percentuais das misturas do solo com CCA substituição, em peso, de 2%, 4% 6% 8%, 10%, 12% e 14% e com substituição, em peso de cal, nas proporções de 3%, 5%, 7%, 9%, 11% e 13%. Para identificar o argilomineral do solo foi realizado o ensaio de Difração de Raio X. O solo, em estado natural, apresentou expansão livre de 6,58%, com sobrecarga de 10 kPa e tensão de expansão média de 155 kPa. A substituição do solo natural por Cal-Hidratada e CCA reduziu a expansão, influenciando suas características físicas e químicas, mostrando-se eficaz no combate a expansão.

    Evolução da estabilização química em solos expansivos

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    The expansive soils suffer volumetric variations due to moisture variation, and for this reason that its behavior varies throughout the year depending on the climatological conditions, with expansion and shrinkage, which can cause damage to buildings, thus the need to perform its stabilization. There are several methods to perform the stabilization of expansive soils among them, we can mention the chemical stabilization, but to choose the most appropriate method is necessary to know them to make the right choice, regarding a technical and economic approach. For many years these soils have been studied, being a constant theme. This paper presents an analysis of the evolution of the chemical stabilization of expansive soils. A literature review of materials published in the last 70 years on the subject was performed. It was observed a great concern in performing the stabilization of expansive soil, so that it can come to resist all efforts required of it, in addition to some important advances regarding the environmental impact, such as the use of waste from industrial production processes.Os solos expansivos sofrem variações volumétricas em decorrência da variação da umidade, e por esse motivo, o seu comportamento varia ao longo do ano em função dos condicionantes climatológicos, havendo expansão e retração, podendo provocar danos nas construções, havendo assim a necessidade de realizar a sua estabilização. Existem vários métodos para realizar a estabilização dos solos expansivos. A Estabilização química dos solos expansivos é um dos métodos de tratamento utilizados para melhorar as propriedades de engenharia tornando o solo adequado para o uso e ocupação. O objetivo do artigo é fornecer uma revisão da literatura abrangente atual de matérias publicadas nos últimos 70 anos sobre o tema. Foram consultados portais de publicações científicas, periódicos, anais de congressos, biblioteca virtual das associações científicas e Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações com busca das palavras chaves solos expansivos e estabilização química. Foram encontradas 78 publicações, destas 44% foram publicadas na década de 2010, os materiais mais utilizados para a formação dos compósitos são Cal, Cinzas, Cimento e derivados de Sódio. Os compósitos mais utilizados foram com cal hidratada (57%) e com cinzas (32%). A formação dos compósitos com dois ou três materiais reduz a expansividade, a tensão de expansão e a propagação e formação de fissuras nos solos expansivos


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    The act of dominating energy resources undoubtedly permeates the conquest of territories and their respective societies. Energy and geopolitics have always walked conjointly in the process of economic and social development in which societies have been based over the time. The multiplicity of issues that geopolitics gathered helped broaden the spectrum of analysis of geopolitical turning it more complex. This paper has the main objective to contribute for a discussion about the transition from the geopolitics based on the physical space to the geopolitics based on sustainability in which renewable energy has consolidated in the international scenario.  The final considerations highlight the quest for energy security requires more than the quest for energy self-sufficiency itself. In addition, the sustainable paradigm introduced in the geopolitics of energy new challenges as the insertion of renewable energy in a context dominated by traditional sources of energy that provokes a reflection on how the challenges related to geopolitics will be dealt with. In that way, China and India appears as a global players. The choice of cooperative dialogues appears as an essential element in the balance of the energy system.O ato de dominar os recursos energéticos indubitavelmente permeia a conquista dosterritórios e suas respectivas sociedades. A energia e a geopolítica sempre caminharamconjuntamente no processo de desenvolvimento econômico e social em que associedades se basearam ao longo do tempo. A multiplicidade de questões que a geopolíticareuniu ajudou a ampliar o espectro de análise da geopolítica tornando-a maiscomplexa. Este artigo tem o principal objetivo de contribuir para uma discussão sobrea transição da geopolítica baseada no espaço físico para a geopolítica com base nasustentabilidade em que as energias renováveis se consolidaram no cenário internacional.As considerações finais destacam que a busca pela segurança energéticaexige mais do que a busca pela própria auto-suficiência energética. Além disso, oparadigma sustentável introduziu na geopolítica da energia novos desafios como ainserção de energia renovável em um contexto dominado por fontes tradicionais deenergia que provocam uma reflexão sobre como os desafios relacionados à geopolíticaserão tratados. Dessa forma, a China e a Índia aparecem como jogadores globais. Aescolha dos diálogos cooperativos aparece como um elemento essencial no equilíbriodo sistema energético

    Correlações das classes pedológicas com características geotécnicas aplicadas ao uso e ocupação do solo

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    A avaliação do comportamento hidromecânico dos solos é de suma importância para o uso e ocupação dos solos em suas múltiplas aplicações. Os levantamentos pedológicos permitem indicar a ocorrência do lençol d’água, o grau de saturação, a atividade do solo, a presença de minerais expansivos, as características de drenagem, erodibilidade e de plasticidade, a ocorrência de solos porosos, permeáveis e impermeáveis, além de trazer informações acerca dos solos de jazidas que sejam de interesse em projetos geotécnicos. O estudo objetiva indicar o uso de solos para construção de barragens no município de São Bento do Una, Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando um ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), considerando as características dos solos com base na Geotecnia com as propriedades dos solos das Classes Pedológicas. São apresentados mapas com indicação de áreas de susceptibilidades de solos problemáticos quanto ao colapso, a expansão, a erosão, a dispersão, de ser mole e indicação de áreas com materiais de empréstimo (jazidas) para construção dos elementos de barragens. Os mapeamentos auxiliam na localização de áreas com potencial de jazidas de materiais para o uso em aplicações na engenharia, e permite identificar a susceptibilidade dos solos Problemáticos para uso na Engenharia Civil. Estas verificações possibilitam eficiência e economia de materiais, assim como segurança da obra

    Provoking Energy Cooperation in the South Countries: Renewable Energy in Brazil and India

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    In the current global context where developing countries try to articulate actions to deal with the energy crisis the dialogue appears as a fundamental element. The objective of this paper, through a convergent methodology based mainly on the literature review, is to provoke a reflection about the renewable energy cooperation between emerging countries bringing for that purpose the example of Brazil and India. The results show through a careful analysis that there are more elements in common to promote renewable energy between Brazil and India than suggested the hypothesis. The conclusion brings renewable energy cooperation as a way to be traced by developing countries, in this particularly case, Brazil and India, in search for a sustainable society. Keywords: Renewable Energy Cooperation, Brazil, India JEL Classifications: F59, P28, Q4