10,487 research outputs found

    Correlation amplitude and entanglement entropy in random spin chains

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    Using strong-disorder renormalization group, numerical exact diagonalization, and quantum Monte Carlo methods, we revisit the random antiferromagnetic XXZ spin-1/2 chain focusing on the long-length and ground-state behavior of the average time-independent spin-spin correlation function C(l)=\upsilon l^{-\eta}. In addition to the well-known universal (disorder-independent) power-law exponent \eta=2, we find interesting universal features displayed by the prefactor \upsilon=\upsilon_o/3, if l is odd, and \upsilon=\upsilon_e/3, otherwise. Although \upsilon_o and \upsilon_e are nonuniversal (disorder dependent) and distinct in magnitude, the combination \upsilon_o + \upsilon_e = -1/4 is universal if C is computed along the symmetric (longitudinal) axis. The origin of the nonuniversalities of the prefactors is discussed in the renormalization-group framework where a solvable toy model is considered. Moreover, we relate the average correlation function with the average entanglement entropy, whose amplitude has been recently shown to be universal. The nonuniversalities of the prefactors are shown to contribute only to surface terms of the entropy. Finally, we discuss the experimental relevance of our results by computing the structure factor whose scaling properties, interestingly, depend on the correlation prefactors.Comment: v1: 16 pages, 15 figures; v2: 17 pages, improved discussions and statistics, references added, published versio

    Energy-Aware Cloud Management through Progressive SLA Specification

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    Novel energy-aware cloud management methods dynamically reallocate computation across geographically distributed data centers to leverage regional electricity price and temperature differences. As a result, a managed VM may suffer occasional downtimes. Current cloud providers only offer high availability VMs, without enough flexibility to apply such energy-aware management. In this paper we show how to analyse past traces of dynamic cloud management actions based on electricity prices and temperatures to estimate VM availability and price values. We propose a novel SLA specification approach for offering VMs with different availability and price values guaranteed over multiple SLAs to enable flexible energy-aware cloud management. We determine the optimal number of such SLAs as well as their availability and price guaranteed values. We evaluate our approach in a user SLA selection simulation using Wikipedia and Grid'5000 workloads. The results show higher customer conversion and 39% average energy savings per VM.Comment: 14 pages, conferenc

    Conditions for the onset of the current filamentation instability in the laboratory

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    Current Filamentation Instability (CFI) is capable of generating strong magnetic fields relevant to explain radiation processes in astrophysical objects and lead to the onset of particle acceleration in collisionless shocks. Probing such extreme scenarios in the laboratory is still an open challenge. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using neutral e−e^{-} e+e^{+} beams to explore the CFI with realistic parameters, by performing 2D particle-in-cell simulations. We show that CFI can occur unless the rate at which the beam expands due to finite beam emittance is larger than the CFI growth rate and as long as the role of competing electrostatic two-stream instability (TSI) is negligible. We also show that the longitudinal energy spread, typical of plasma based accelerated electron-positron fireball beams, plays a minor role in the growth of CFI in these scenarios

    Amplification and generation of ultra-intense twisted laser pulses via stimulated Raman scattering

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    Twisted Laguerre-Gaussian lasers, with orbital angular momentum and characterised by doughnut shaped intensity profiles, provide a transformative set of tools and research directions in a growing range of fields and applications, from super-resolution microcopy and ultra-fast optical communications to quantum computing and astrophysics. The impact of twisted light is widening as recent numerical calculations provided solutions to long-standing challenges in plasma-based acceleration by allowing for high gradient positron acceleration. The production of ultrahigh intensity twisted laser pulses could then also have a broad influence on relativistic laser-matter interactions. Here we show theoretically and with ab-initio three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, that stimulated Raman backscattering can generate and amplify twisted lasers to Petawatt intensities in plasmas. This work may open new research directions in non-linear optics and high energy density science, compact plasma based accelerators and light sources.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Electron trapping and acceleration by the plasma wakefield of a self-modulating proton beam

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    It is shown that co-linear injection of electrons or positrons into the wakefield of the self-modulating particle beam is possible and ensures high energy gain. The witness beam must co-propagate with the tail part of the driver, since the plasma wave phase velocity there can exceed the light velocity, which is necessary for efficient acceleration. If the witness beam is many wakefield periods long, then the trapped charge is limited by beam loading effects. The initial trapping is better for positrons, but at the acceleration stage a considerable fraction of positrons is lost from the wave. For efficient trapping of electrons, the plasma boundary must be sharp, with the density transition region shorter than several centimeters. Positrons are not susceptible to the initial plasma density gradient.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, 44 reference

    A simple deterministic self-organized critical system

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    We introduce a new continuous cellular automaton that presents self-organized criticality. It is one-dimensional, totally deterministic, without any kind of embedded randomness, not even in the initial conditions. This system is in the same universality class as the Oslo rice pile system, boundary driven interface depinning and the train model for earthquakes. Although the system is chaotic, in the thermodynamic limit chaos occurs only in a microscopic level.Comment: System slightly modified. New results on Liapunov exponents. Submitted for publication (8 pages

    Critical steps to ensure the successful reintroduction of the Eurasian red squirrel

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    Pasos fundamentales para garantizar la eficacia de la reintroducción de la ardilla roja El objetivo de las estrategias de reintroducción de fauna silvestre es establecer poblaciones viables a largo plazo, fomentar la concienciación con respecto a la conservación y aportar beneficios económicos para las comunidades locales. La ardilla roja (Sciurus vulgaris), que estaba extinta en Portugal desde el s. XVI, fue reintroducida en varios parques urbanos en la década de los años 90, principalmente con fines estéticos y recreativos. Evaluamos la eficacia de esta reintroducción en dos parques urbanos y describimos los pasos fundamentales de la misma. Se evaluaron la utilización del hábitat, la densidad y abundancia de la población y las medidas de gestión adoptadas durante los proyectos de reintroducción. Las reintroducciones fueron relativamente eficaces dado a que las ardillas seguían presentes 20 años después de la liberación. No obstante, las poblaciones en ambos parques están disminuyendo debido a la falta de una gestión activa y a la mala calidad del hábitat. La reintroducción eficaz de la ardilla roja en zonas donde no hay ardillas arborícolas exóticas conlleva tres etapas fundamentales. La etapa previa al proyecto comprende estudios sobre la calidad del hábitat; la proximidad genética entre los donantes y la población silvestre más cercana, y la salud de las poblaciones donantes. En la etapa de liberación, el número de individuos liberados dependerá de la variabilidad de los recursos disponibles; asimismo, se ha observado que la técnica de liberación dura es un método eficaz y viable desde el punto de vista económico. Las actividades posteriores a la liberación deberían analizar la adaptación, mitigar la mortalidad, hacer un seguimiento de la necesidad de aportar alimentación complementaria, prestar apoyo veterinario y fomentar la sensibilización pública y la educación.Wildlife reintroduction strategies aim to establish viable long–term populations, promote conservation awareness and provide economic benefits for local communities. In Portugal, the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) became extinct in the 16th century and was reintroduced in urban parks in the 1990s, mainly for aesthetic and leisure purposes. We evaluated the success of this reintroduction in two urban parks and here described the critical steps. We assessed habitat use, population density and abundance, and management steps carried out during reintroduction projects. Reintroductions have been successful to some extent given squirrels are present 20 years after release. However, populations in both parks are declining due to the lack of active management and poor quality habitat. Successful reintroduction of Eurasian red squirrel in areas without competition of alien tree squirrels involves three critical main stages. The pre–project stage includes studies on habitat quality, genetic proximity between donors and closest wild population, and health of donor stocks. In the release stage, the number of individuals released will depend on resource variability, and the hard release technique is an effective and economically viable method. Post–release activities should evaluate adaptation, mitigate mortality, monitor the need for supplementary feeding, provide veterinary support, and promote public awareness and education.Pasos fundamentales para garantizar la eficacia de la reintroducción de la ardilla roja El objetivo de las estrategias de reintroducción de fauna silvestre es establecer poblaciones viables a largo plazo, fomentar la concienciación con respecto a la conservación y aportar beneficios económicos para las comunidades locales. La ardilla roja (Sciurus vulgaris), que estaba extinta en Portugal desde el s. XVI, fue reintroducida en varios parques urbanos en la década de los años 90, principalmente con fines estéticos y recreativos. Evaluamos la eficacia de esta reintroducción en dos parques urbanos y describimos los pasos fundamentales de la misma. Se evaluaron la utilización del hábitat, la densidad y abundancia de la población y las medidas de gestión adoptadas durante los proyectos de reintroducción. Las reintroducciones fueron relativamente eficaces dado a que las ardillas seguían presentes 20 años después de la liberación. No obstante, las poblaciones en ambos parques están disminuyendo debido a la falta de una gestión activa y a la mala calidad del hábitat. La reintroducción eficaz de la ardilla roja en zonas donde no hay ardillas arborícolas exóticas conlleva tres etapas fundamentales. La etapa previa al proyecto comprende estudios sobre la calidad del hábitat; la proximidad genética entre los donantes y la población silvestre más cercana, y la salud de las poblaciones donantes. En la etapa de liberación, el número de individuos liberados dependerá de la variabilidad de los recursos disponibles; asimismo, se ha observado que la técnica de liberación dura es un método eficaz y viable desde el punto de vista económico. Las actividades posteriores a la liberación deberían analizar la adaptación, mitigar la mortalidad, hacer un seguimiento de la necesidad de aportar alimentación complementaria, prestar apoyo veterinario y fomentar la sensibilización pública y la educación

    Exponential Distributions in a Mechanical Model for Earthquakes

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    We study statistical distributions in a mechanical model for an earthquake fault introduced by Burridge and Knopoff [R. Burridge and L. Knopoff, {\sl Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.} {\bf 57}, 341 (1967)]. Our investigations on the size (moment), time duration and number of blocks involved in an event show that exponential distributions are found in a given range of the paramenter space. This occurs when the two kinds of springs present in the model have the same, or approximately the same, value for the elastic constants. Exponential distributions have also been seen recently in an experimental system to model earthquake-like dynamics [M. A. Rubio and J. Galeano, {\sl Phys. Rev. E} {\bf 50}, 1000 (1994)].Comment: 11 pages, uuencoded (submitted to Phys. Rev. E

    Uso da técnica de mínimos quadrados ponderados para ajuste de modelos ao semivariograma.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar o método de estimação dos mínimos quadrados ponderados para ajuste de modelos ao semivariograma com o método de tentativa e erro, muito usado na prática, pela técnica de auto-validação "jack- knifing".bitstream/CNPTIA/10487/1/bp11.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008
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