112 research outputs found

    O cuidado de enfermagem aos homens com hipertensão arterial participantes de um grupo da estratégia saúde da família no município de Ouvidor/GO

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Linhas de Cuidado em Doenças Crônicas Não TransmissíveisAtualmente a maioria das causas de morte no mundo se dão por doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e no Brasil trazem onerosos gastos ao Sistema Único de Saúde. A atenção primária tem como desafio assistir com qualidade à saúde do homem. A Política Nacional De Atenção Integral à Saúde do Homem vem para fortalecer a garantia da promoção da saúde e a prevenção de agravos evitáveis contribuindo para que se comprometam com sua própria saúde. A Estratégia Saúde da Família torna-se privilegiada para cuidados de atenção primária, respaldada na capacidade de gerar vínculos e no seu potencial de integração à rede de vigilância em saúde. Este estudo trata da dificuldade no acesso a saúde dos homens participantes do grupo HIPERDIA no município de Ouvidor, os privando de ouvir orientações de uma equipe multidisciplinar e ainda de trocar experiências sobre hábitos de vida saudável, mudanças no estilo de vida e adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão arterial. O estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um plano de ações para saúde de homens inseridos no Programa HIPERDIA no município de Ouvidor com o intuito de interferir em fatores de risco modificáveis fortalecendo o enfrentamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e direcionar profissionais e gestão a desenvolver ações facilitadoras que garantam o acesso dos homens hipertensos em atividade de promoção à saúde

    Aspectos comportamentais e ambientais associados às dificuldades alimentares na infância: Estudo com grupo controle

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    Objectives: To investigate factors associated with the presence of feeding difficulties (FD) in childhood, among dynamics of meals and parenting practices. Methods: This is an observational case-control study. For the group of children with FD, the information was taken from the the medical records of the patients. For the group of children without FD, a convenience sampling was used (approaching families in emergency care units). The interviews were based on a structured questionnaire and was applied in the same version for the case and control groups. Results: The case group was composed mainly of male individuals, while the control group was divided equally between genders. The mean age was lower in the case group when compared with the control group. There was a lower frequency of sharing meals in the families of children with FD, especially for reasons of stress, such as a higher occurrence of longer meals. There was even greater risk of developing FD in children who performed meals in inappropriate environments, with less autonomy, and caregivers in the case group showed a greater chance of not respecting the hunger signs of the child, using coercion and distraction strategies during meals. Conclusion: The authoritarian style was associated with the presence of FD. Parenting practices and all factors that affect meals should be considered and followed-up. The family dynamic and meals shown are modified in the group with FD. Such behaviors must be evaluated and guided during the monitoring of the food complaint, as they make up the scenario of the complaint

    How to monitor children with feeding diffi culties in a multidisciplinary scope? Multidisciplinary care protocol for children and adolescents – pilot study

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    Objectives: To present the results of the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach to feeding difficulties in childhood and adolescence in a reference service. Method: The protocol was designed for outpatient patients aged from zero to 19 years old, with complaints of feeding difficulties and without psychiatric diagnoses, with signed parental consent. The protocol consists of paediatrician, speech therapist and nutritionist assessment in the same appointment, with common observation of evaluations and following multidisciplinary discussion. Diagnoses were categorized according Kerzner et al (2015), and parenting styles according to Hughes (2005). Statistical analysis was conducted via SPSS v21 through frequency distribution (%), mean ± standard deviation, Chi-square test and ANOVA. Significance level was considered at 5%. Results: Sample consisted of 56 children, 67.9% of males, most (75%) younger than 5 years old. The most frequent diagnosis was selectivity (30%). There was association between diagnoses and organic diseases in 30%. Start of complaints occurred at 18 months old. Speech-therapy alterations were detected mostly in speech (29%) and oral-motor skills (32%). Anthropometric assessment showed average normal growth patterns and average dietary assessment of protein intake derived from dairy products was above recommendations (18g/day). Conclusions: Results herein justify the presence of the multidisciplinary team in monitoring feeding difficulties in childhood and adolescence, and highlight the importance of longitudinal research nationwide

    Do neural-network question answering systems have a role to play in the deployment of information systems?

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    As Internet users become more numerous, experienced and skillful, and the number of companies doing ecommerce increases worldwide, so does the demand for online information about products and services. To satisfy this increasing demand for on-line information many companies have resorted to providing customer support services over a variety of on-line means of communication such as e.mail, chat services, voice on internet protocol (VOIP), etc. This article presents a stepwise approach to the construction of hybrid question answering systems based upon neural network technologies and natural language processing. These special kind of information systems not only provides high speed answers to questions posed by customers, but they also allow customers to receive answers to their questions on a 24/7 basis, provide well conceived standard answers to those questions, allow for a precise recording of customer communication, and make the management of customer support services easier. All of this is made clear by a case study about the development of an automatic question answering systems to the “SEBRAE Challenge”, a business game involving university students in seven different countries in South America

    RFM analysis optimized

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    In the classic recency, frequency and monetary approach to market segmentation, i.e. RFM analysis, given a time frame, customers are clustered together into an arbitrary number of segments according to their most recent day of purchase, the number of purchases and the monetary value of their purchases. In this work we show how the choice of the number of segments and the time frame used in the RFM segmentation process can be optimized to maximize the result of direct marketing campaigns. We also indicate how RFM analysis can be extended to accommodate new dimensions of customer behavior and how the extended RFM analysis can be optimized. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of the optimized and extended RFM approach to market segmentation for direct marketing and business strategies

    Children with Feeding Difficulties Present Changes in the Development of Feeding Skills: A Study with a Control Group

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    Introduction: Feeding skills (FS) are important to child development, as the delay in their presence could suggest feeding difficulties (FD) symptoms. The aim of the present study was to compare the development of three types of FS (autonomy to eat, posture at meals, and adequate use of cutleries) among children with FD and without FD. Methods: This was a case-control retrospective observational study. The sample consisted of 316 children from case and control groups in accordance with the presence (or not) of FD. The control group was recruited by convenience (verbal approaching at the emergency care unit), and the case group was based on the medical records collected at the reference center. A same-structured questionnaire was used for both groups. Results: Children with FD (63.2%) used baby-bottles in an inadequate way with a higher frequency after 24 months of age. Inadequate posture at meals was observed with higher frequency in children with FD (78.1%). Children without FD (89.1%) had more autonomy to eat. In children > 18 months old, this frequency was higher (90.6%). Conclusion: Children with FD showed changes on the development of FS. Inadequate posture at meals was associated with a 36-fold higher risk of having FD. Not eating alone after the age of 18 months was associated with a 6-fold higher risk of having FD, while not using baby bottles was associated with a lower risk (52%) of FD complaints. Delays in FS can be predictors of FD during childhood


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    Muitas organizações não governamentais, cientistas, docentes, dentistas, médicos, ativistas e advogados têm trabalhado incansavelmente para legislar sobre o fim do amálgama como material restaurador odontológico, cujos artigos e opiniões contribuem para incentivar a “Terceira Guerra” contra o amálgama. Porém, nenhuma pesquisa científica de alta confiabilidade foi publicada comprovando que o uso do amálgama na cavidade oral possa levar a qualquer doença sistêmica. O propósito deste trabalho foi promover uma revisão crítica sobre: 1) a contribuição do amálgama dentário na contaminação dos cirurgiões-dentistas, pacientes e do meio ambiente por meio de vapores do mercúrio; 2) a ampla utilização do amalgama na saúde pública; 3) a repercussão mundial da proibição do mercúrio; e 4) o uso desse material em instituições de ensino em cursos de Odontologia no Brasil. Palavras-chave: Amálgama dentário. Mercúrio. Odontologia. Contaminação      

    Cluster analysis with deolistic graphs

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    This work introduces a particular family of acyclic graphs referred to as Deolistic graphs. The formal definition of a Deolistic graph is presented together with a new clustering algorithm that uses logical sentences to reveal hidden structures in data. The sentences yielded by the algorithm can be generated by automatic means, considerably reducing the complexity of data analysis and time spent on the clustering process, not to mention the usefulness of its results. Furthermore, these sentences are rules that can be easily understood, interpreted and disclosed to all interested parties, thereby improving communication and reducing misunderstandings


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    INTRODUÇÃO: As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina (Resolução CNE nº 314/2014) preconizam a formação geral, humanista, crítica, reflexiva e ética do graduado, visando a concretizar a comunicação com pessoas, familiares, comunidades e membros das equipes profissionais com empatia, sensibilidade e interesse. Por sua vez, a Conferência Internacional de Ensino de Comunicação em Medicina, realizada em Oxford, em 1996, recomenda, entre itens básicos necessários à formação (graduação) e ao desenvolvimento (educação continuada) do profissional médico, que o ensino deverá orientar e ajudar o estudante no esforço da comunicação centrada no paciente;  que o ensino e a avaliação da comunicação deverão proporcionar o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional; e que as habilidades estudadas deverão ser avaliadas diretamente na prática. A disciplina “Habilidades em Comunicação” busca desenvolver a relação entre alunos e pacientes drogaditos por meio de metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem, com componente reflexivo, a fim de superar as dificuldades de comunicação. OBJETIVO: Analisar processo de aprendizagem de estudantes do curso de medicina em atividades práticas de comunicação com internos e egressos de uma comunidade terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Relato das experiências de 56 alunos do quarto período do curso de medicina da UniEVANGÉLICA, frente ao desenvolvimento de três intervenções: discussão de filme sobre drogadição, visita a uma comunidade terapêutica e entrevistas com usuários e ex-usuários de substâncias psicoativas e seus familiares. Utilizou-se metodologia qualitativa, por meio da técnica hermenêutico-dialética proposta por Habermas e objetivada por Minayo (2014), para análise dos relatos das vivências dos estudantes nas três atividades propostas. RESULTADOS: Foram evidenciados impactos das três estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem na reflexão e, consequentemente, desconstrução e reconstrução de valores do discente frente à condição da pessoa em drogadição. CONCLUSÃO: Resultados reforçam relevância do ensino de habilidades em comunicação na educação médica e a utilização de práticas reflexivas que contribuem com o desenvolvimento do cuidado integral e empático à pessoa, à família e à comunidade