45 research outputs found

    Study and development of custom “serious games” for patients and users

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    Video games are part of our culture and permeate several segments of society, from casual entertainment to serious purposes. This research work focuses on the latter, more specifically on the use of Serious Games in the healthcare context. In this sense, Serious Games have been researched through clinical studies, implemented to improve several conditions and have already proved to be efficient and valid, especially due to their ability to captivate and motivate the patient. With this in mind, this research explored the use of Serious Games for physical rehabilitation of stroke impaired patients and how this approach could be implemented in the Portuguese healthcare system. The research started with a thorough literature review of the validity and effectiveness of the use of Serious Games for this type of patients. Then, through surveys and interviews with healthcare professionals and game developers, the main barriers to the implementation and development of Serious Games for physical rehabilitation were accessed. Posteriorly, the feasibility of implementing a business model for this specific niche (in Portugal) was evaluated through a market analysis, abridging social, economic, political and technological aspects that culminated in the design of several hypothetical scenarios that envisioned the possibility of making this approach work. This research allowed to achieve an understanding of what needs to be overcome in order for this technique to be successful: Serious Games are still widely unknown among healthcare professionals and there is an underlying stigma against video games that clouds the possible benefits of using Serious Games. Moreover, the social context of future users will also determine their acceptance and compliance. Nevertheless, the research has evidenced that the implementation of this paradigm is economically viable as it would indirectly allow the monetization of rehabilitation therapies by making them available to a larger slice of the disabled population, which is of utmost importance, mainly during the times we currently live in.Os videojogos fazem parte da nossa cultura e permeiam vários segmentos da sociedade, desde entretenimento casual até propósitos mais sérios. Este trabalho de investigação concentra-se na segunda opção – mais especificamente, no uso de Serious Games no contexto da saúde. Neste sentido, os Serious Games têm sido investigados através de estudos clínicos, implementados para melhorar diversas condições e patologias e já provaram ser eficientes e válidos, principalmente graças à sua capacidade de motivar e cativar o paciente. Tendo isto em conta, esta investigação explorou o uso dos Serious Games para reabilitação física de pacientes pós-AVC e de que forma é que esta abordagem poderia ser implementada no Serviço Nacional de Saúde. A investigação começou com uma revisão bibliográfica completa da validade e eficácia do uso de Serious Games para este tipo de pacientes. De seguida, através de questionários e entrevistas a profissionais de saúde e desenvolvedores de videojogos, as principais barreiras para implementação e desenvolvimento de Serious Games para reabilitação física foram levantadas. Posteriormente, a viabilidade de executar um business plan para esse nicho específico (em Portugal) foi avaliada através de uma análise de mercado, abrangendo aspetos sociais, económicos, políticos e tecnológicos, que culminou no desenho de vários cenários hipotéticos que previam a possibilidade de fazer com que este paradigma se tornasse possível e funcional. Este trabalho de investigação permitiu atingir uma compreensão daquilo que necessita de ser ultrapassado para que esta abordagem tenha sucesso: os Serious Games ainda são amplamente desconhecidos entre os profissionais de saúde e existe um estigma subjacente aos videojogos que obscurece os possíveis benefícios do seu uso. Para além disso, o contexto social dos futuros utilizadores também irá determinar a sua aceitação e adesão. No entanto, esta investigação evidenciou que a implementação deste modelo é economicamente viável, pois iria permitir, de uma forma indireta, a rentabilização de terapias de reabilitação ao fazer com que estas fossem acessíveis a uma fatia mais larga da população debilitada, o que é de extrema importância, principalmente nos dias de hoje

    Review: Playing at a Distance - Borderlands of Videogame Aesthetic

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    Sonia Fizek's Playing at Distance: Borderlands of Video Game Aesthetic navigates the intricate intersection of digital technology, aesthetics, and play in the context of video games, challenging conventional ideas of player agency. This critical recension delves into the book's contributions, highlighting its innovative exploration of mediated distance, interactivity, delegation, automation, ambience, spectacle, and the evolving nature of player engagement. While acknowledging its theoretical depth, this review emphasizes the book's significance in reshaping our understanding of video game aesthetics and the complex relationship between humans, machines, and digital play

    Understanding anime - visual iconography as a mirror of Japanese culture

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    Anime is commonly known as a Japanese animation style pervaded with a particular visual language and iconography that is frequently used to convey emotions, thoughts, feelings, moods or needs – in short, subtext. In order to get a full understanding of anime, it is imperative to become familiar with this non-verbal language. This visual language was born from various elements that shaped Japanese culture, as well as etiquette and how one should express one’s emotions or innermost thoughts. We will attempt to understand the cultural aspects behind the emergence of this iconography as well as how the Japanese position themselves when it comes to expression of emotions or feelings, and how these beliefs transfer to the non-verbal language of anime, through the analysis of examples of where this iconography is used. We also aim to explore the meaning behind the most common stylized expressions found in anime characters, analyzing a broad range of examples from anime of different genres and three different decades, exploring the way how they have evolved over the years while to trying to understand why they are still relevant nowadays.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serious games for physical rehabilitation: aesthetic discrepancies between custom-made serious games and commercial titles used for healthcare

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    Serious games are videogames that are used with purposes that go beyond the mere entertainment of the player. Among their many applications, healthcare is one of the most prominent ones, as serious games can have a wide range of applications within this field. One of the core uses of serious games in this area is for physical rehabilitation of patients. For this purpose, both custom-made serious games as well as commercial entertainment titles, such as those for Nintendo Wii, can be used. However, while custom-made serious games appear to be more clinically effective, patients seem to prefer the gaming experience of playing a commercial title. This paper aims to compare the game goals as well as the aesthetics of Wii Sports (a commercial title commonly used in the context of physical rehabilitation) with the visual aesthetic and goals of custom-made serious games that have obtained clinically significant results in upper limb rehabilitation, in order to try and understand what can be done in terms of videogame graphics and aesthetics to bridge the gap between these two approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serious Games for Physical Rehabilitation: Aesthetic discrepancies between custom-made serious games and commercial titles used for healthcare

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    Serious games are videogames that are used with purposes that go beyond the mere entertainment of the player. Among their many applications, healthcare is one of the most prominent ones, as serious games can have a wide range of uses within this field, namely physical rehabilitation of patients. For this purpose, both custom-made serious games and commercial entertainment titles, such as those for Nintendo Wii, can be used. However, while custom-made serious games appear to be more clinically effective, patients seem to prefer the gaming experience of playing a commercial title. This paper aims to compare the game goals and the aesthetics of Wii Sports (a commercial title used in the context of physical rehabilitation) with custom-made serious games that have obtained clinically significant results in upper limb rehabilitation, in order to try and understand what can be done to bridge the gap between these two approaches

    Development and integration of animal-based welfare indicators, including pain, in goat farms in Portugal

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, especialidade de ClínicaThe development of species-specific protocols for on-farm welfare assessment represents a major concern for the European Union agricultural policy. Proper welfare assessment demands for the use of valid, reliable and feasible animal-based welfare indicators. The literature and policy-makers recognise the need for advancing knowledge in this area. This thesis aims at developing and integrating animal-based indicators in on-farm welfare assessment protocols, focusing on dairy goat farms. Specifically, this thesis contributes to literature in three areas. First, it contributes to the identification of animal-based welfare indicators that should be included in welfare assessment protocols. We conducted a literature review that allowed for the recognition of the need for future research in the indicators’ psychometric properties, such as reliability and feasibility. Secondly, this thesis develops tools to assist the measurement of body condition and lameness. For body condition, we developed a visual body condition scoring system (BSC). Our approach requires minimum animal handling without compromising a valid and reliable individual assessment of the goats. With respect to lameness we developed a websurvey that allowed us to collect observer’s ratings of goats lameness condition. Our survey showed that observers were only able to consistently assess severely lame goats, a finding which is important towards the integration of the indicator in assessment protocols. The observers’ ratings also showed that the numerical rating scales should only be used considering their ordinal level of measurement. This directs research towards the development of scoring systems with higher levels of measurement, like the modified visual analogue scales. Third, this thesis contributed to the development of a welfare assessment protocol that integrated and tested the two studied indicators (BCS and lameness). Such protocol was implemented in 30 Portuguese farms and provided insights into the main welfare problems affecting intensively kept dairy goats in our country (claw overgrowth, queuing at feeding, very fat animals), which is paramount to improve dairy goats’ welfare. Research conducted for this thesis has practical implications for both welfare assessment research and to the goat industry in general. Ultimately, through the development of adequate assessment tools, it integrates the welfare issue into the food chain, meeting the consumers’ expectations in the development of a sustainable food production system.RESUMO - Desenvolvimento e integração de indicadores de bem-estar animal, incluindo dor, em explorações de cabras em Portugal - A elaboração de protocolos de avaliação de bem-estar específicos para cada espécie pecuária é uma preocupação da política agrícola europeia. A literatura da área de bem-estar animal identifica a criação de instrumentos de medição como o primeiro passo para a elaboração destes protocolos. Esta tese tem como objetivo desenvolver e integrar indicadores para incluir em protocolos de avaliação para utilizar em explorações de cabras de aptidão leiteira. Esta tese apresenta três contributos para a literatura de bem-estar animal. Em primeiro lugar, contribui para a identificação de indicadores, baseados nos animais, com potencial para integração em protocolos de avaliação. A revisão bibliográfica realizada permitiu reconhecer a necessidade premente de investigação nesta área, dado que a maior parte dos indicadores necessitam de ser testados e validados. Em segundo lugar, esta tese desenvolve ferramentas para apoiar a avaliação da condição corporal e da claudicação. Para a condição corporal foi criado um sistema visual de avaliação considerado válido e repetível, e que apenas necessita de uma breve contenção dos animais para ser utilizado. Relativamente à claudicação foram recolhidas participações de observadores relativamente à observação de vídeos de cabras com diferentes níveis de claudicação. A análise destas observações permitiu concluir que os participantes apenas são consistentes a avaliar os casos mais graves de claudicação, facto importante para a integração do indicador em protocolos de avaliação. As classificações dos observadores mostraram ainda que as escalas numéricas em uso apenas podem ser utilizadas considerando um nível ordinal de medição. Este facto abre o caminho para o desenvolvimento de escalas com níveis mais elevados de medição, como as escalas visuais analógicas modificadas. Em terceiro lugar, esta tese desenvolve um protocolo de avaliação que inclui e testa os indicadores condição corporal e claudicação. Este protocolo permitiu investigar sobre os maiores problemas de bem-estar que afetam as explorações intensivas de leite de cabra em Portugal (sobre crescimento das unhas, filas na manjedoura, animais gordos), sendo esta informação fundamental para analisar como melhorar o bem-estar das cabras de leite. A investigação conduzida no âmbito desta tese apresenta implicações práticas tanto para o estudo do bem-estar animal, como para a exploração de leite de cabra. O desenvolvimento de ferramentas adequadas de avaliação permite a integração da valoração do bem-estar na cadeia de produção, indo ao encontro das expectativas dos consumidores para a concepção de sistemas mais sustentáveis de produção de alimentos

    Uma saúde global : princípios da estratégia global de contenção de resistências a agentes antimicrobianos : sua percepção e implementação pelos produtores de bovinos de carne do Ribatejo Norte

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaA utilização de antimicrobianos na produção animal tem sido motivo de intenso debate, pelas preocupações sobre possibilidade de transferência de bactérias a eles resistentes dos animais para o Homem. Foram desenvolvidos programas de monitorização de resistências e consumo de antimicrobianos, que demonstram que o desenvolvimento de resistências pode ser minimizado pela implementação de estratégias para uma utilização prudente e racional dos antimicrobianos nas explorações pecuárias. O presente estudo constitui uma primeira abordagem para avaliar diversos parâmetros importantes para a utilização prudente e racional dos antimicrobianos, como os conhecimentos, grau de percepção e práticas dos produtores, para o que foram realizados 185 questionários presenciais em explorações de bovinos de carne da DIV Ribatejo Norte. Os resultados alertam para a necessidade de formação nas áreas da Biossegurança/Biocontenção e de manutenção de registos de utilização de antimicrobianos nas explorações. Os médicos veterinários têm um papel importante, por serem a principal fonte de informação dos produtores. A informação obtida não nos permitiu avaliar o consumo de antimicrobianos; apenas 11% dos produtores mantinham registos, na sua maioria incompletos, das intervenções metafiláticas e terapêuticas. A alternativa de análise das informações das receitas/requisições veterinárias, também não foi viável, pois apenas 82% das aquisições era acompanhada de requisição/receita Médico-Veterinária. As últimas questões do questionário elaborado procuravam conhecer a opinião dos responsáveis pelas explorações. Deste total, 94% concordavam que a introdução de boas práticas podia reduzir a utilização de antimicrobianos, tendo 52% considerado importante esta redução, demonstrando que existe espaço para a redução da utilização destes medicamentos. Um total de 18% dos produtores não expressou a opinião sobre antibiorresistências, confirmando a necessidade de aumentar o nível de formação nesta área.ABSTRACT - “One Health: Global Principles for the Containment of antimicrobial resistance – perceived importance and implementation by beef farmers at Ribatejo Norte” - The use of antimicrobial drugs in livestock farms has been at the center of many debates because of the possibility of resistant bacteria transmission from animals to men. Resistance and antimicrobial consumption monitoring programs have been developed, suggesting that the risks of development of resistant bacteria can be minimized through a prudent and rational use of antimicrobials in livestock farms. This study is a first approach to evaluate several parameters important to the prudent and rational use of antimicrobials, such as farmers‘ knowledge, perceived degree of importance and management practices. A total of 185 in-person interviews were conducted in beef farms of the DIV Ribatejo Norte in Portugal. Results alert for the need to further educate farmers in Biosecurity/Biocontainment and to keep registries of antimicrobials in the farms. Veterinarians play an important role, for being the main source of information. The information obtained did not allow for an evaluation of antimicrobial consumption; only 11% of the farmers kept records, largely incomplete, of metaphylactic and therapeutic treatments. The alternative of collecting data on veterinary prescriptions was also not viable, since only 82% of purchased drugs were sanctioned by a veterinarian. The last two questions elicited the farm manager ‗opinions. From this total, 94% agreed that good management practices could reduce the antimicrobial usage in their farms; furthermore, 52% agreed that this reduction was important, showing that such reduction could be achieved. A total of 18% of the farmers did not have an opinion on antimicrobial resistance, confirming the requirements for further education in this area

    Green spaces are not all the same for the provision of air purification and climate regulationservices: the case of urban parks

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    The growing human population concentrated in urban areas lead to the increase of road traffic and artificial areas, consequently enhancing air pollution and urban heat island effects, among others. These environmental changes affect citizen's health, causing a high number of premature deaths, with considerable social and economic costs. Nature-based solutions are essential to ameliorate those impacts in urban areas. While the mere presence of urban green spaces is pointed as an overarching solution, the relative importance of specific vegetation structure, composition and management to improve the ecosystem services of air purification and climate regulation are overlooked. This avoids the establishment of optimized planning and management procedures for urban green spaces with high spatial resolution and detail. Our aim was to understand the relative contribution of vegetation structure, composition and management for the provision of ecosystem services of air purification and climate regulation in urban green spaces, in particular the case of urban parks. This work was done in a large urban park with different types of vegetation surrounded by urban areas. As indicators of microclimatic effects and of air pollution levels we selected different metrics: lichen diversity and pollutants accumulation in lichens. Among lichen diversity, functional traits related to nutrient and water requirements were used as surrogates of the capacity of vegetation to filter air pollution and to regulate climate, and provide air purification and climate regulation ecosystem services, respectively. This was also obtained with very high spatial resolution which allows detailed spatial planning for optimization of ecosystem services. We found that vegetation type characterized by a more complex structure (trees, shrubs and herbaceous layers) and by the absence of management (pruning, irrigation and fertilization) had a higher capacity to provide the ecosystems services of air purification and climate regulation. By contrast, lawns, which have a less complex structure and are highly managed, were associated to a lower capacity to provide these services. Tree plantations showed an intermediate effect between the other two types of vegetation. Thus, vegetation structure, composition and management are important to optimize green spaces capacity to purify air and regulate climate. Taking this into account green spaces can be managed at high spatial resolutions to optimize these ecosystem services in urban areas and contribute to improve human well-beinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3-bromopyruvate boosts the effect of chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia by reducing cell antioxidant defense

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    Single Cause Single Cure Foundation. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the PhD grant (SFR/BD/146065/2019)NewG Lab Pharm

    Síndrome da secreção inapropriada do hormônio antidiurético secundário à adenocarcinoma de próstata - relato de caso

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    Introdução: A síndrome da secreção inapropriada do hormônio antidiurético (SIADH) pode ser causada por tumores malignos ou benignos, doenças neurológicas e medicações. A hiponatremia é o distúrbio hidroeletrolítico mais comum no paciente internado, e a SIADH uma das causas mais comuns. A hiponatremia está associada à internação prolongada e aumento da morbidade e mortalidade dos pacientes. Portanto, seu tratamento correto é essencial. O tumor maligno mais comum causador de SIADH é o tumor de pulmão de pequenas células; o câncer de próstata é uma causa rara dessa síndrome. Relato de caso: Trata-se de paciente, do sexo masculino, de 75 anos, com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de próstata acinar usual, sem inicio de tratamento. Deu entrada no pronto socorro com quadro de rebaixamento do nível de consciência, sendo evidenciado hiponatremia grave em exame laboratorial. Após descartadas outras causas, foi feito diagnóstico de SIADH paraneoplásica. Conclusão: A associação de SIADH e carcinoma de próstata é pouco frequente e há poucas publicações, porém é uma condição de alta morbimortalidade. Um diagnóstico precoce, fornece possibilidade terapêutica correta, diminuindo tempo de internação do paciente, morbidade e mortalidade