22 research outputs found

    The coverage of vaccination in general practice and pediatrics

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    Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi cijepni obuhvat u ordinacijama opće medicine i pedijatrije na području Slavonskog Broda s pripadajućim općinama te utvrditi postoje li razlike u obuhvatu procjepljenosti gradskih i seoskih ambulanti. Nacrt studije: retrospektivna studija. Ispitanici i metode: Sva djeca koja su proÅ”la ambulantu za cijepljenje od 2010. do 2014 godine na području Slavonskog Broda s pripadajućim općinama. U radu sam koristila izvjeŔća iz ambulanti primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite i pedijatrijskih ambulanti o obuhvatu cijepljenja. IzvjeŔća se odnose na cjepiva protiv tuberkuloze, difterije, tetanusa, pertusisa, polija, morbila, parotitisa, rubeole, haemophilusa influenzae tipa B i hepatitisa B. Rezultati: Cijepni obuhvat na brodskom području u razdoblju od 2010. do 2014. godine protiv difterije, tetanusa, pertusisa, poliomijelitisa, haemophilus influenze tip B, kako u primarnom tako i u docjepljivanju, preÅ”ao je prag od 90% dok je obuhvat primarnog cijepljenja i docjepljivanja protiv hepatitisa B bio preko 97%, a obuhvat cijepljenja protiv tuberkuloze preko 99%. Najveća razlika je u docjepljivanju protiv difterije, tetanusa i pertusisa 2014. godine, u gradu je obuhvat 32,6% dok je u selu 81,3% jer se revakcinacija od siječnja 2015. godine provodi s navrÅ”enih 5 godina. Prilikom procjepljivanja, obuhvat nekih cijepiva je 0 jer nije bilo predviđenih osoba za cijepljenje. Zaključak: Cijepljenjem je pojedinac zaÅ”tićen od bolesti uzrokovane uzročnikom protiv koje se cijepi. U slučajevima visokog cijepnog obuhvata postiže se i indirektna kolektivna zaÅ”tita necijepljenih osoba, Å”to je značajno za djecu koja se nisu mogla cijepiti iz nekog objektivnog razloga.The aim of the research: to determine the vaccination coverage in the offices of the doctors of general medicine and paediatrics in Slavnoski Brod and its municipalities, and determine if there are any differences in the vaccination coverage in urban and rural infirmaries. Study draft: a retrospective study. Examinees and methods: All the children that were vaccinated between 2010 and 2014 in Slavonski Brod and its municipalities. In this paper, reports from primary health care infirmaries are used, as well as reports from paediatric infirmaries which contain information about vaccination coverage. The reports inform about vaccines against tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, parotitis, rubella, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and hepatitis B. Results: Vaccine coverage for the treatment of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type B in the area of Slavonski Brod between 2010 and 2014 was over 90% for primary and booster vaccination. The coverage of primary and booster vaccination against hepatitis B was over 97%, and vaccination coverage for tuberculosis over 99%. The biggest difference was in booster vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis in 2014. Vaccine coverage was 32,6% in town, and 81,3% in rural areas. These results occurred due to children receiving booster vaccination at the age of five since 2015. During thevaccination, thecoverage of some vaccines was 0 because there were no persons for vaccination. Conclusion: Vaccination protects a person from the diseases which are caused by the pathogen against which person is vaccinated. In the case of high vaccination coverage, indirect collective protection of people who are not vaccinated is also achieved, which is important for the children that could not be vaccinated because of an objective reason

    Influence of Cannabis sativa L. on guaiacol peroxidase activity in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

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    Agricultural research is increasingly focused on finding alternative, biological methods of pest control. It is known that many plant species have allelopathic properties and allelopathy may be one of the mechanisms of biological weed control in the future. Allelopathic substances responsible for biochemical interactions between plants are secondary metabolites of plants. Unlike many pesticides on natural bases present on the market, the number of preparations based on allelochemicals with herbicidal action is insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the influence of allelochemicals on weed plant species. Cannabis sativa L., as a type of confirmed allelopathic properties, has a significant impact on cultivated and weed plant species. Finding allelopathic substances that would have negative effect on A. artemisiifolia L. is very important due to its invasiveness. Changes in guaiacol peroxidase activity are one of the indicators of oxidative stress in plants produced by allelochemicals

    Effect of extraction solvent on total polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of Cannabis sativa L.

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    In this study, water and various concentrations of ethanol in water (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, and 90 %) were used as a solvent in the extraction of two different samples of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The extraction yield, total phenols content, total flavonoids content, antioxidant activity, and reductive capacity were determined in the obtained extracts. The extraction yield was from 8.16 to 19.56 %, the content of total phenols was in the range from 5.85 to 17.05 mg GAE/g dw, and content of total flavonoids was in the range from 5.85 to 9.25 mg CE/g dw. Antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH assay and EC50 values were from 0.1331 to 0.7563 mg/mL, while EC50 values obtained by reducing power test ranged from 0.4450 to 1.1980 mg/mL. Ethanol/water mixture (50 %) was determined to be the best solvent for the extraction of phenolic compounds from both hemp samples. Total phenols content in 50 % ethanolic extracts were 17.05 mg/g dw and 9.25 mg/g dw for young and mature hemp, respectively

    Microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidants from the areal parts of cannabis and process modelling

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    Nowadays, cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) is one of the most controversial medicinal plants. The usage of cannabis and its derived products is based on the biological activity of the present pharmacologically active compounds; firstly cannabinoids and then many others: phenols, terpenoids, fatty acids, tocopherols. Today, cannabinoids are in the focus of scientific and medical research. That is why this research was focused on phenols and other bioactives in cannabis. Microwave-assisted extraction was applied for the extraction of phenolic compounds from areal parts of cannabis, sort Helena. The effects of different extraction parameters (ethanol concentration (30-70 %), extraction time (10-30 min), and liquid/solid ratio (5-15 mL/mg)) on the extraction yield, total phenols, total flavonoid content, antioxidant activity, and reductive capacity were investigated as part of the analysis of the extraction process. Box-Behnken's design was chosen as the experimental design. The content of total phenols in extracts was from 10.34 to 15.79 mg EGK/g of the drug and the content of total flavonoids was from 4.97 to 9.68 mg CE/g of the drug. The experimental results were described by the second order polynomial model. The model was estimated using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimization process was carried out for all parameters simultaneously, to obtain the maximum yields of polyphenol compounds, antioxidant activity, and reductive capacity

    Microwave-assisted extraction of cannabidiol and

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    Cannabis contains 66 cannabinoids which are divided into 10 subclasses: cannabigerol (CBG) type, cannabichromene (CBC) type, cannabidiol (CBD) type, Ī”9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) type, Ī”8 -THC type, cannabicyclol (CBL) type, cannabielsoin (CBE) type, cannabinol (CBN) and cannabinodiol (CBND) types, cannabitriol (CBT) type, and miscellaneous types subclass. In industrial cannabis, the allowed content of THC, which is the carrier of psychoactive activity, is different in different countries. According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction in the European Union countries, THC is allowed to be 0.2% expressed on dry matter, while in Serbia it is allowed to contain 0.3%. In most countries of the European Union, cannabis is legalized for medical purposes. Some contries allow its use only in the form of ready-made preparations containing isolated or chemically synthesized certain cannabinoids, while others allow the use of the extract. The extraction of CBD and THC of industrial cannabis was carried out by a microwaveassisted technique, an emerging environmentally-friendly technology. The effects of different extraction parameters (ethanol concentration (30-70%), extraction time (10-30 min), and liquid/solid ration (5-15 mL/mg)) on the extraction of CBD and THC were investigated using a response surface methodology. In obtained extracts content of CBD was in the range from 0.034 to 0.064 mg/mL, and content of THC was in the range from 0.224 to 1.842 mg/mL. Experimental results were described by the second order polynomial model. Model was estimated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimization process carried out in order to obtain the most optimal content of desired types of cannabinoids

    Prikaz slučaja kronične Bellove pareze: koje su mogućnosti rehabilitacije?

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    Bellā€™s palsy, or idiopathic peripheral facial nerve palsy is a neurologic condition characterized by unilateral weakness of facial muscles. The evidence-based guidelines mostly consider the acute treatment of Bellā€™s palsy. However, chronic cases of Bellā€™s palsy are not supported by strong evidence regarding treatment options, except for a weak recommendation to utilize physical therapy. This case report has presented an application of a combination of physical therapy modalities (Mirror Book Therapy, High Intensity Laser Therapy, and Acupuncture) within 10 weeks, to treat a patient with long-term sequelae. This combination of therapies has resulted in a significant improvement in the level of recovery measured by facial grading scales. However, further research is necessary to provide stronger evidence regarding the benefits of this treatment option.Bellova pareza ili periferna idiopatska pareza facijalisa, neuroloÅ”ko je stanje koju karakterizira jednostrana slabost miÅ”ića lica. Smjernice za liječenje su uglavnom utemeljene na dokazima o preporukama za liječenje akutnih stadija Bellove pareze. Međutim, kronični slučajevi Bellove pareze nisu potkrijepljeni dovoljno snažnim dokazima o mogućnostima liječenja, osim slabe preporuke u smjeru primjene terapijskih vježbi. Ovaj prikaz slučaja predstavlja primjenu kombinacije modaliteta fizikalne terapije (akupunktura, laser visokog intenziteta i terapija zrcalom) unutar 10 tjedana, za liječenje bolesnika s dugotrajnim posljedicama Bellove pareze. Ova kombinacija terapija rezultirala je značajnim poboljÅ”anjem razine oporavka mjerenog kliničkim ljestvicama. Međutim, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se pružili snažniji dokazi o prednostima ove kombinacije terapija

    Application of conventional and high-pressure extraction techniques for the isolation of bioactive compounds from the aerial part of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) assortment Helena

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    In this work, different extraction techniques (soxhlet extraction, hydrodistillation, subcritical water extraction and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction followed by conventional extraction) were employed for the isolation of bioactive compounds from the areal parts of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The extraction process parameters, time and temperature for subcritical water extraction and pressure, temperature and time for supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, on the extraction yield and the content of bioactive compounds from hemp were examined. As the plant material after supercritical carbon dioxide still contains hydrophilic compounds, conventional extraction was used for isolation of these. The content of cannabidiol, the main cannabinoid present in hemp, in supercritical carbon dioxide extracts was between 71.84ā€“163.11 mg/g, while in soxhlet extract it was much lower (64.40 mg/g). In comparison to these the significantly lower cannabidiol content was detected in subcritical water extracts, ranging from 0.0039 to 0.0183 mg/mL. Comparing all applied extraction techniques, supercritical carbon dioxide followed by conventional extraction was selected as the most valuable process for bioactive compounds isolation for hemp

    Uticaj ekstrakta Cannabis sativa na aktivnost gvajakol-peroksidaze u listovima Echinochloa crus-galli

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    Ispitivanje alelopatskih odnosa različitih biljnih ekstrakata na korovske vrste dobija sve veći značaj. Dobijeni rezultati se mogu koristiti za dalja istraživanja i dobijanje novih herbicidnih preparata. Utvrđeni alelopatski odnosi mogu biti značajni i za organizovanje plodoreda ili za zeleniÅ”no đubrenje- zaoravanjem useva sa izraženim alelopatskim dejstvom. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi alelopatsko dejstvo ekstrakta Cannabis sativa L. (industrijske konoplje) na Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. (proso korovsko), praćenjem aktivnosti gvajakol peroksidaze u listovima tretiranih biljaka. Rezultati ogleda su ukazali da su tretirane biljke E. crus-galli pretrpele stres nakon tretmana ekstraktom. Ekstrakt C. sativa dobijen procesom klasične ekstrakcije primenjen je u koncentracijama od 100%, 50%, 25% i 10%. Za kontrolnu varijantu su koriŔćene netretirane biljke. Biljke E. crus-galli su tretirane u početnim fazama rasta u poljskim uslovima

    Fiber hemp response to foliar application of growth regulators

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    The aim of this paper was to test the effect of three plant growth regulators (PGR) on fiber content of hemp cultivar Helena. Applied PGRs, CycocelĀ® , RegalisĀ® and ModdusĀ® had impact on fiber content in hemp cultivar Helena in medium concentrations: 1-2, 1.25-2.5 and 0.4-0.5 kg/ha, respectively. Further analysis of fiber quality, after application of various PGRs concentrations, should explain which PGR should be used in hemp fiber production