27 research outputs found

    Utilisation d'un «indice de réflexion» pour l'analyse rapide des sédiments lacustres

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    L'indice de réflexion ou réflectance donne une mesure de la teinte du sédiment entre le blanc (100 %) et le noir (0 %). Sa valeur est directement liée à la teneur en matières organiques.Les relations entre l'indice de réflexion et les teneurs en carbone organique, en azote Kjeldahl et en carbonates sont données pour les sédiments de dix lacs différents.Une étude particulière de prélèvements superficiels et de prélèvements profonds montre qu'une simple mesure de la réflectance donne une valeur approchée de la composition chimique.Thorough studies on many lakes in Franche-Comté, especially chemical and physical investigations concerning sediments, have been carried out for several years. Seventy-one sediment samples have been extracted at different points and depths of ten lakes in Franche-Comté. The upper stratum between 0 and - 2,5 cm were isolated and studied.A comparison of visual observations and results of chemical analysis have shown that the darkest sediments are those which contain the greatest amount of organic matter. This finds its origin in a particularity of Franche-Comté lake sediments, which are often composed of dark black organic matter in different evolutionary states, and clear mineral compounds such as calcium carbonate and detrital particles.Differences in colouration were particularly difficult to determine, so colours were defined by the reflexion factor of the sediment surfaces, after the sediments had been well dried and homogeneized.The reflectance index was measured with a reftectometer, which is generally used for determinations of dark smokes in air pollution. The reflectance index was defined between the values 0 and 100. The value 0 was obtained with a standard black glass and the value 100 with a white filter paper.Comparing reflectance indices and ignition loss has shown that there is an exponential relationship between these two parameters. These relationships were found to exist between the reflectance index and organic carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen and carbonates.Ignition loss, organic carbon and Kjeldahl nitrogen proportions increase, but, on the contrary, carbonate proportions decrease when the reflexion index increases.The values calculated and observed were then compared and generally the difference does not appear to be too great. Once, relationships have been established, it becomes possible to use them, after measuring reflexion indices, to obtain quickly and easily a good approximation of the composition.Special relationships may also be calculated for an individual lake, as shown for St-Point Lake. If one mineral constituent prevails in the composition, it is possible to obtain a good estimation of this component.For this lake twenty-eight sediment samples were extracted and for each sample three strata were separated. The reflectance index was again defined between the values 0 and 100, but the value 100 was now obtained by using a flat calcium carbonate surface, as the principal mineral part of St-Point Lake consists of calcium carbonate.Recent results obtained from two lake sediments of the Massif Central indicate that such relationships also exist for these lakes and that this method of estimating the chemical composition can be generalised.The calculated composition may often be sufficient to estimate values required for others studies on the same lakes, especially biological studies, thus avoiding laborious and extensive chemical determinations

    Particules organiques et rapport C/N des sédiments des lacs du Jura

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    Les résultats présentés sont issus de l'analyse de 283 échantillons sédimentaires prélevés à 7 profondeurs différentes (- 5 à - 35 m) dans 10 lacs de la Franche-Comté jurassienne. La nature des particules constitutives des sédiments lacustres est examinée dans une première partie consacrée à l'analyse microparticulaire comparée du seston et des sédiments récents ainsi qu'à un bilan des valeurs du rapport C/N des apports organiques aux cuvettes lacustres. La recherche est ensuite centrée sur la dynamique de la transformation de la matière organique. En se fondant sur le phénomène général de l'affinement des particules dans l'espace et dans le temps, les variations de la teneur en matière organique et du rapport C/N sont analysées en fonction de la taille des particules et de la hauteur d'eau. Des interprétations relatives au mode du fonctionnement des systèmes lacustres sont effectuées mais la complexité de l'information contenue dans une valeur globale du rapport C/N conduit à proposer une analyse des formes de la matière organique

    Etude physico-chimique des sédiments du Lac de St-Point (massif du Jura) : cartographie thématique

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    Les analyses physico-chimiques portent sur 180 carottes sédimentaires réparties en 30 stations jalonnant la cuvette lacustre. Les variations, verticales (enfoncement dans le sédiment) et longitudinales, des descripteurs majeurs sont analysées ; puis, six représentations cartographiques (logiciel DIGICART) rendent compte de leurs distributions spatiales et soulignent les principales tendances fonctionnelles du système, plus particulièrement le rôle du Doubs, vecteur de matériaux allochtones et de nutriments

    HPLC and ninhydrin photometric determination of amino acids in CaCO

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    A study has been carried out on the acid soluble fraction (hydrosysis at pH 1.5, 3N HCl, 20 % KCl) of organic matter (OM) in the highly calcareous lacustrine sediments of the Jura region, France. Amino acids (AA's) were quantified and determined ninhydrin photometry and HPLC respectively. There was a high degree of interference by calcium in both procedures. The mechanism of interference is explained and methodology adopted to overcome it, by removal of calcium, are dealt with. The results of both methods are compared

    Effect of ADP-ribosylation and phosphorylation on the interaction of elongation factor 2 with guanylic nucleotides.

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    International audienceSamples of unmodified EF-2, EF-2 ADP-ribosylated with diphtheria toxin and NAD, and/or phosphorylated using ATP and the Ca(2+)-calmodulin dependent kinase III partially purified, were irradiated at 254 nm with 32P-labeled GDP or GTP, and analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. By this method we showed that unmodified EF-2 formed a stable complex with GDP but not with GTP, whereas phosphorylated EF-2 and ADP-ribosylated + phosphorylated EF-2 formed stable complexes even in the absence of irradiation, with GTP but not GDP. ADP-ribosylated EF-2 did not form stable complexes with either GDP or GTP. Prior ADP-ribosylation of EF-2 increased its ability to the phosphorylated. These results show that the structures of the two domains containing diphtamide 715 and the phosphorylatable threonines (between Ala 51 and Arg 60) are interdependent; modifications of these residues induce different conformational changes of EF-2 which alter the interactions of the factor with guanylic nucleotides as well with ribosomes.Samples of unmodified EF-2, EF-2 ADP-ribosylated with diphtheria toxin and NAD, and/or phosphorylated using ATP and the Ca(2+)-calmodulin dependent kinase III partially purified, were irradiated at 254 nm with 32P-labeled GDP or GTP, and analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. By this method we showed that unmodified EF-2 formed a stable complex with GDP but not with GTP, whereas phosphorylated EF-2 and ADP-ribosylated + phosphorylated EF-2 formed stable complexes even in the absence of irradiation, with GTP but not GDP. ADP-ribosylated EF-2 did not form stable complexes with either GDP or GTP. Prior ADP-ribosylation of EF-2 increased its ability to the phosphorylated. These results show that the structures of the two domains containing diphtamide 715 and the phosphorylatable threonines (between Ala 51 and Arg 60) are interdependent; modifications of these residues induce different conformational changes of EF-2 which alter the interactions of the factor with guanylic nucleotides as well with ribosomes