555 research outputs found

    Relaxation and thermalization in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model: A case study for the interaction quantum quench from the atomic limit

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we study the relaxation dynamics and thermalization in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model induced by a global interaction quench. Specifically, we start from an initial state that has exactly one boson per site and is the ground state of a system with infinitely strong repulsive interactions at unit filling. Using exact diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group method, we compute the time dependence of such observables as the multiple occupancy and the momentum distribution function. Typically, the relaxation to stationary values occurs over just a few tunneling times. The stationary values are identical to the so-called diagonal ensemble on the system sizes accessible to our numerical methods and we further observe that the micro-canonical ensemble describes the steady state of many observables reasonably well for small and intermediate interaction strength. The expectation values of observables in the canonical ensemble agree quantitatively with the time averages obtained from the quench at small interaction strengths, and qualitatively provide a good description of steady-state values even in parameter regimes where the micro-canonical ensemble is not applicable due to finite-size effects. We discuss our numerical results in the framework of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Moreover, we also observe that the diagonal and the canonical ensemble are practically identical for our initial conditions already on the level of their respective energy distributions for small interaction strengths. Finally, we discuss implications of our results for the interpretation of a recent sudden expansion experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 205301 (2013)], in which the same interaction quench was realized.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    The Psychology of Trial Judging

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    Trial court judges play a crucial role in the administration of justice for both criminal and civil matters. Although psychologists have studied juries for many decades, they have paid relatively little attention to judges. Recent writings, however, suggest that there is increasing interest in the psychology of judicial decision making. In this article, I review several selected areas of judicial behavior in which decisions appear to be influenced by psychological dispositions, but I caution that a mature psychology of judging field will need to consider the influence of the bureaucratic court setting in which judges are embedded, judges’ legal training, and the constraints of legal precedent

    Optical conductivity in the t-J-Holstein Model

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    Using recently developed numerical method we compute charge stiffness and optical conductivity of the t-J model coupled to optical phonons. Coherent hole motion is most strongly influenced by the electron-phonon coupling within the physically relevant regime of the exchange interaction. We find unusual non-monotonous dependence of the charge stiffness as a function of the exchange coupling near the crossover to the strong electron-phonon coupling regime. Optical conductivity in this regime shows a two-peak structure. The low-frequency peak represents local magnetic excitation, attached to the hole, while the higher-frequency peak corresponds to the mid infrared band that originates from coupling to spin-wave excitations, broadened and renormalized by phonon excitations. We observe no separate peak at or slightly above the phonon frequency. This finding suggests that the two peak structure seen in recent optical measurements is due to magnetic excitations coupled to lattice degrees of freedom via doped charge carriers.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Dynamical Quasicondensation of Hard-Core Bosons at Finite Momenta

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    Long-range order in quantum many-body systems is usually associated with equilibrium situations. Here, we experimentally investigate the quasicondensation of strongly-interacting bosons at finite momenta in a far-from-equilibrium case. We prepare an inhomogeneous initial state consisting of one-dimensional Mott insulators in the center of otherwise empty one-dimensional chains in an optical lattice with a lattice constant dd. After suddenly quenching the trapping potential to zero, we observe the onset of coherence in spontaneously forming quasicondensates in the lattice. Remarkably, the emerging phase order differs from the ground-state order and is characterized by peaks at finite momenta ±(π/2)(ℏ/d)\pm (\pi/2) (\hbar / d) in the momentum distribution function.Comment: See also Viewpoint: Emerging Quantum Order in an Expanding Gas, Physics 8, 99 (2015

    Dynamical tunneling in mushroom billiards

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    We study the fundamental question of dynamical tunneling in generic two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems by considering regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates. Experimentally, we use microwave spectra to investigate a mushroom billiard with adjustable foot height. Numerically, we obtain tunneling rates from high precision eigenvalues using the improved method of particular solutions. Analytically, a prediction is given by extending an approach using a fictitious integrable system to billiards. In contrast to previous approaches for billiards, we find agreement with experimental and numerical data without any free parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental validation of corrections factors for gamma-gamma and gamma-X coincidence summing of Ba-133, Eu-152, and Sb-125 in volume sources

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    True coincidence summing correction factors for Ba-133, Eu-152 and Sb-125 were determined experimentally for a small volume source and compared with correction factors obtained with three softwares (EFFTRAN-X, GESPECOR and VGSL). The radionuclides investigated have a relatively challenging decay scheme and their spectra are known to suffer from losses due to summation (gamma-gamma, gamma-X and X-X) when measured at close distances on a HPGe detector sensitive to low energy photons. This study shows that the softwares were in good agreement with each other and the experimental data and the calculated activity was consistent with the activity in the volume source

    Sudden expansion of Mott insulators in one dimension

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    We investigate the expansion of bosons and fermions in a homogeneous lattice after a sudden removal of the trapping potential using exact numerical methods. As a main result, we show that in one dimension, both bosonic and fermionic Mott insulators expand with the same velocity, irrespective of the interaction strength, provided the expansion starts from the ground state of the trapped gas. Furthermore, their density profiles become identical during the expansion; the asymptotic density dynamics is identical to that of initially localized, noninteracting particles, and the asymptotic velocity distribution is flat. The expansion velocity for initial correlated Mott insulating states is therefore independent of the interaction strength and particle statistics. Interestingly, this nonequilibrium dynamics is sensitive to the interaction driven quantum phase transition in the Bose-Hubbard model; while being constant in the Mott phase, the expansion velocity decreases in the superfluid phase and vanishes for large systems in the noninteracting limit. These results are compared to the setup of a recent experiment [Ronzheimer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 205301 (2013)], where the trap opening was combined with an interaction quench from infinitely strong interactions to finite values. In the latter case, the interaction quench breaks the universal dynamics in the asymptotic regime and the expansion depends on the interaction strength. We carry out an analogous analysis for a two-component Fermi gas, with similar observations. In addition, we study the effect of breaking the integrability of hard-core bosons in different ways; while the fast ballistic expansion from the ground state of Mott insulators in one dimension remains unchanged for finite interactions, we observe strong deviations from this behavior on a two-leg ladder even in the hard-core case. This change in dynamics bares similarities with the dynamics in the dimensional crossover from one to two dimensions observed in the aformentioned experimental study

    Complex paths for regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates

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    In generic Hamiltonian systems tori of regular motion are dynamically separated from regions of chaotic motion in phase space. Quantum mechanically these phase-space regions are coupled by dynamical tunneling. We introduce a semiclassical approach based on complex paths for the prediction of dynamical tunneling rates from regular tori to the chaotic region. This approach is demonstrated for the standard map giving excellent agreement with numerically determined tunneling rates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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