167 research outputs found

    Hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en oli de sansa o de pinyolada d'oliva i altres aliments

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    Aquest article revisa amb la perspectiva d'avui els fets i els arguments que van motivar el 2001 l'alerta alimentària decretada pel Ministeri de Sanitat i Consum, i que va desencadenar la retirada del mercat de l'oli de sansa o de pinyolada, ja que presentava una concentració potencialment perillosa d'hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics (HAPc). Per tal d'entendre la situació creada, es revisen les causes que van portar a l'acumulació d'HAPc, les seves implicacions toxicològiques, les limitacions de les evidències toxicològiques actuals, així com les conseqüències de la mesura adoptada i les actituds de diferents organismes amb competències en l'àmbit de la salut pública

    Hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en oli de sansa o de pinyolada d'oliva i altres aliments

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    Aquest article revisa amb la perspectiva d'avui els fets i els arguments que van motivar el 2001 l'alerta alimentària decretada pel Ministeri de Sanitat i Consum, i que va desencadenar la retirada del mercat de l'oli de sansa o de pinyolada, ja que presentava una concentració potencialment perillosa d'hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics (HAPc). Per tal d'entendre la situació creada, es revisen les causes que van portar a l'acumulació d'HAPc, les seves implicacions toxicològiques, les limitacions de les evidències toxicològiques actuals, així com les conseqüències de la mesura adoptada i les actituds de diferents organismes amb competències en l'àmbit de la salut pública

    Control of Biogenic Amines in Fermented Sausages: Role of Starter Cultures

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    Biogenic amines show biological activity and exert undesirable physiological effects when absorbed at high concentrations. Biogenic amines are mainly formed by microbial decarboxylation of amino acids and thus are usually present in a wide range of foods, fermented sausages being one of the major biogenic amine sources. The use of selected starter cultures is one of the best technological measures to control aminogenesis during meat fermentation. Although with variable effectiveness, several works show the ability of some starters to render biogenic amine-free sausages. In this paper, the effect of different starter culture is reviewed and the factors determining their performance discussed

    Control of biogenic amines in fermented sausages: role of starter cultures

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    Biogenic amines show biological activity and exert undesirable physiological effects when absorbed at high concentrations. Biogenic amines are mainly formed by microbial decarboxylation of amino acids and thus are usually present in a wide range of foods, fermented sausages being one of the major biogenic amine sources. The use of selected starter cultures is one of the best technological measures to control aminogenesis during meat fermentation. Although with variable effectiveness, several works show the ability of some starters to render biogenic amine-free sausages. In this paper, the effect of different starter culture is reviewed and the factors determining their performance discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tyramine and histamine risk assessment related to consumption of dry fermented sausages by the Spanish population

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    Tyramine and histamine are the main dietary bioactive amines related to acute adverse health effects. Dry fermented sausages can easily accumulate high levels of these hazards and are frequently consumed in Spain. The present work aims to assess the exposure to tyramine and histamine from the consumption of dry fermented sausages by the Spanish population and to assess the risk to suffer acute health effects from this exposure. A probabilistic estimation of the exposure to these hazards was derived combining probability distributions of these amines in dry fermented sausages (n = 474) and their consumption by the Spanish population. The mean dietary exposure to tyramine and histamine was 6.2 and 1.39 mg/meal, respectively. The risk of suffering hypertensive crisis or histamine intoxication by healthy population due to tyramine or histamine intake, respectively, exclusively from dry fermented sausages, can be considered negligible. For individuals under treatment with MAOI drugs, the probability to surpass the safe threshold dose (6 mg/meal) was estimated as 34%. For patients with histamine intolerance, even the presence of this amine in food is not tolerable and it could be estimated that 7000 individuals per million could be at risk to suffer the related symptoms after consuming dry fermented sausage

    ¿Podemos saborear un buen café sin remordimientos?

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    El 1 de octubre se conmemora el Día Internacional del Café, una iniciativa de la Organización Internacional del Café que este año se celebra con el lema “La próxima generación del café”. Para 2021, el objetivo es incentivar una mayor participación de los jóvenes en su cultivo y producción

    New approach for the diagnosis of histamine intolerance based on the determination of histamine and methylhistamine in urine.

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    Histamine intolerance is a disorder in the homeostasis of histamine due to a reduced intestinal degradation of this amine, mainly caused by diamine oxidase (DAO) enzyme deficiency, which provokes its accumulation in plasma and the appearance of adverse health affects. A new approach for the diagnosis of this intolerance could be the determination of histamine and its metabolites in urine. The aim of this work was to develop and validate a rapid method to determine histamine and methylhistamine in human urine by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Fluorimetric detection (UHPLC-FL). The proposed method is a consistent procedure to determine histamine and methylhistamine in less than 11 minutes with adequate linearity and sensitivity. Relative standard deviation was always lower than 5.5%, ensuring method precision; and mean recovery was greater than 99% for both analytes. The structure of histamine and methylhistamine conjugated with OPA were confirmed by UHPLC-ITD-FTMS which enabled to unequivocally identify both analytes in standards and also in urine samples. The analysis of histamine and methylhistamine in urine samples could be a potential new approach for the routine diagnosis of histamine intolerance, more patient-friendly and with clear advantages in terms of equipment and personnel demand for sample collection in comparison with current plasmatic DAO activity determination

    Differences in Polyamine Content between Human Milk and Infant Formulas

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    Human milk is the gold standard for nutrition during the first months of life, but when breastfeeding is not possible, it may be replaced by infant formulas, either partially or totally. Polyamines, which play an important role in intestinal maturation and the development of the immune system, are found both in human milk and infant formulas, the first exogenous source of these compounds for the newborn. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and evolution of polyamines in human milk during the first semester of lactation and to compare the polyamine content with that of infant formulas. In total, 30 samples of human milk provided by six mothers during the first five months of lactation as well as 15 different types of infant formulas were analyzed using UHPLC-FL. Polyamines were detected in all human milk samples but with great variation among mothers. Spermidine and spermine levels tended to decrease during the lactation period, while putrescine remained practically unchanged. Considerable differences were observed in the polyamine contents and profiles between human milk and infant formulas, with concentrations being up to 30 times lower in the latter. The predominant polyamines in human milk were spermidine and spermine, and putrescine in infant formulas. Keywords: polyamines, putrescine, spermidine, spermine, human milk, breastfeeding, infant formula

    Lyophilised legume sprouts as a functional ingredient for diamine oxidase enzyme supplementation in histamine intolerance

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    Diamine oxidase (DAO) is one of the key enzymes involved in the degradation of dietary histamine. An imbalance of histamine scavenging systems leads to histamine intolerance, a diet-related disorder that may be tackled by following a low-histamine diet. Recently, the supplementation with exogenous DAO enzyme of animal origin has received the green light as a novel food to enhance intestinal degradation of histamine. This work performed a screening for histamine-degrading capacity of Leguminosae species in order to explore its potential suitability as plant-derived active ingredient of enzymatic supplements. In vitro DAO activity was determined both in raw pulses and lyophilised sprouts by an enzymatic assay coupled to UHPLC-FLD and several germination and storage conditions were assessed. The sprouts of edible legumes showed an in vitro histamine-degrading capacity ranging from 36.0 to 408.3 mU g-1, much higher than that found for the non-germinated seeds (0.14 - 1.95 mU g-1). The germination of legume seeds for 6 days in darkness provided the maximum DAO activity. Only the freezing storage of the lyophilized sprouts kept the enzymatic activity intact for at least 12 months. These results demonstrate that certain edible legumes could be suitable for the formulation of DAO supplements for the treatment of histamine intolerance