24,595 research outputs found

    Entanglement in a second order quantum phase transition

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    We consider a system of mutually interacting spin 1/2 embedded in a transverse magnetic field which undergo a second order quantum phase transition. We analyze the entanglement properties and the spin squeezing of the ground state and show that, contrarily to the one-dimensional case, a cusp-like singularity appears at the critical point λc\lambda_c, in the thermodynamic limit. We also show that there exists a value λ0λc\lambda_0 \geq \lambda_c above which the ground state is not spin squeezed despite a nonvanishing concurrence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figures, minor corrections added and title change

    Comment on "High Field Studies of Superconducting Fluctuations in High-Tc Cuprates. Evidence for a Small Gap distinct from the Large Pseudogap"

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    By using high magnetic field data to estimate the background conductivity, Rullier-Albenque and coworkers have recently published [Phys.Rev.B 84, 014522 (2011)] experimental evidence that the in-plane paraconductivity in cuprates is almost independent of doping. In this Comment we also show that, in contrast with their claims, these useful data may be explained at a quantitative level in terms of the Gaussian-Ginzburg-Landau approach for layered superconductors, extended by Carballeira and coworkers to high reduced-temperatures by introducing a total-energy cutoff [Phys.Rev.B 63, 144515 (2001)]. When combined, these two conclusions further suggest that the paraconductivity in cuprates is conventional, i.e., associated with fluctuating superconducting pairs above the mean-field critical temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Simulation of fermionic lattice models in two dimensions with Projected Entangled-Pair States: Next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonians

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    In a recent contribution [Phys. Rev. B 81, 165104 (2010)] fermionic Projected Entangled-Pair States (PEPS) were used to approximate the ground state of free and interacting spinless fermion models, as well as the tt-JJ model. This paper revisits these three models in the presence of an additional next-nearest hopping amplitude in the Hamiltonian. First we explain how to account for next-nearest neighbor Hamiltonian terms in the context of fermionic PEPS algorithms based on simulating time evolution. Then we present benchmark calculations for the three models of fermions, and compare our results against analytical, mean-field, and variational Monte Carlo results, respectively. Consistent with previous computations restricted to nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians, we systematically obtain more accurate (or better converged) results for gapped phases than for gapless ones.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, minor change

    Hydrogen column density evaluations toward Capella: consequences on the interstellar deuterium abundance

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    The deuterium abundance evaluation in the direction of Capella has for a long time been used as a reference for the local interstellar medium (ISM) within our Galaxy. We show here that broad and weak HI components could be present on the Capella line of sight, leading to a large new additional systematic uncertainty on the N(HI) evaluation. The D/H ratio toward Capella is found to be equal to 1.67 (+/-0.3)x10^-5 with almost identical chi^2 for all the fits (this range includes only the systematic error; the 2 sigma statistical one is almost negligible in comparison). It is concluded that D/H evaluations over HI column densities below 10^19 cm^-2 (even perhaps below 10^20 cm^-2 if demonstrated by additional observations) may present larger uncertainties than previously anticipated. It is mentionned that the D/O ratio might be a better tracer for DI variations in the ISM as recently measured by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Classical simulation of infinite-size quantum lattice systems in two spatial dimensions

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    We present an algorithm to simulate two-dimensional quantum lattice systems in the thermodynamic limit. Our approach builds on the {\em projected entangled-pair state} algorithm for finite lattice systems [F. Verstraete and J.I. Cirac, cond-mat/0407066] and the infinite {\em time-evolving block decimation} algorithm for infinite one-dimensional lattice systems [G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 070201 (2007)]. The present algorithm allows for the computation of the ground state and the simulation of time evolution in infinite two-dimensional systems that are invariant under translations. We demonstrate its performance by obtaining the ground state of the quantum Ising model and analysing its second order quantum phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Revised version, with new diagrams and plots. The results on classical systems can now be found at arXiv:0711.396

    Detection of deuterium Balmer lines in the Orion Nebula

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    The detection and first identification of the deuterium Balmer emission lines, D-alpha and D-beta, in the core of the Orion Nebula is reported. Observations were conducted at the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, using the Echelle spectrograph Gecko. These lines are very narrow and have identical 11 km/s velocity shifts with respect to H-alpha and H-beta. They are probably excited by UV continuum fluorescence from the Lyman (DI) lines and arise from the interface between the HII region and the molecular cloud.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Letter

    Entanglement entropy in collective models

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    We discuss the behavior of the entanglement entropy of the ground state in various collective systems. Results for general quadratic two-mode boson models are given, yielding the relation between quantum phase transitions of the system (signaled by a divergence of the entanglement entropy) and the excitation energies. Such systems naturally arise when expanding collective spin Hamiltonians at leading order via the Holstein-Primakoff mapping. In a second step, we analyze several such models (the Dicke model, the two-level BCS model, the Lieb-Mattis model and the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model) and investigate the properties of the entanglement entropy in the whole parameter range. We show that when the system contains gapless excitations the entanglement entropy of the ground state diverges with increasing system size. We derive and classify the scaling behaviors that can be met.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Phase diagram of an extended quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice

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    We introduce a quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice that, in addition to the standard three-dimer kinetic and potential terms, includes a competing potential part counting dimer-free hexagons. The zero-temperature phase diagram is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations, supplemented by variational arguments. It reveals some new crystalline phases and a cascade of transitions with rapidly changing flux (tilt in the height language). We analyze perturbatively the vicinity of the Rokhsar-Kivelson point, showing that this model has the microscopic ingredients needed for the "devil's staircase" scenario [E. Fradkin et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 224415 (2004)], and is therefore expected to produce fractal variations of the ground-state flux.Comment: Published version. 5 pages + 8 (Supplemental Material), 31 references, 10 color figure

    Finite-Size Scaling Exponents in the Dicke Model

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    We consider the finite-size corrections in the Dicke model and determine the scaling exponents at the critical point for several quantities such as the ground state energy or the gap. Therefore, we use the Holstein-Primakoff representation of the angular momentum and introduce a nonlinear transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in the normal phase. As already observed in several systems, these corrections turn out to be singular at the transition point and thus lead to nontrivial exponents. We show that for the atomic observables, these exponents are the same as in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, in agreement with numerical results. We also investigate the behavior of the order parameter related to the radiation mode and show that it is driven by the same scaling variable as the atomic one.Comment: 4 pages, published versio