93 research outputs found

    Correlación entre el control metabólico y el nivel de actividad física en usuarios adultos con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2

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    Tesis (Licenciatura en Kinesiología)Objetivo: Identificar si existe correlación entre el control metabólico y el nivel de actividad física en usuarios adultos mayor o igual a 40 años con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, del Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriarán. Del mismo modo, relacionar distintas co-variables que puedan afectar el nivel de control metabólico de las personas. Métodos: Esta investigación corresponde a un estudio de tipo observacional transversal. El nivel de HbA1c y presión arterial fueron obtenidos de la ficha clínica de los usuarios; el nivel de actividad física fue obtenido a través del Cuestionario sobre la Actividad Física Global (GPAQ); los antecedentes de talla y peso fueron medidos por los investigadores mediante instrumentos validados a nivel nacional; la dependencia a la nicotina se midió a través del Test de Fagërstrom; el consumo de alcohol se constató mediante el Test de AUDIT; por último, el Nivel Educacional se consultó mediante una pregunta abierta y luego se categorizó. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Resultados: La población muestral de esta investigación contiene 125 personas, de las cuales 83 son mujeres y 42 son hombres con una edad media de 62,5 años. Entre las variables de interés se observa que un 80,8% de la muestra tiene un mal control metabólico, sin embargo al analizar el nivel de actividad física se aprecia que el 60% de las personas incluidas en la muestra se cataloga como activo. Mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, se encontró que no existe correlación entre las variables (valor p= 0,120). Conclusión: Este estudio no encontró correlación entre el control metabólico y el nivel de actividad física, aunque estos resultados no concuerdan con la evidencia actual, pueden explicarse por las características de la muestra y la subjetividad de los instrumentos pese a su validez a nivel nacional.Objective: Identify if there is a correlation between metabolic control and the level of physical activity greater than or equal to 40 years adult users with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, from Clinical Hospital San Borja Arriarán. Similarly, linking different co-variables that can affect the level of metabolic control of people. Methods: This research corresponds to a transverse observational study. HbA1c and blood pressure were obtained from the clinical records of users; the level of physical activity was obtained through the questionnaire on the Global Physical Activity (GPAQ); the background height and weight were measured using validated by researchers nationwide instruments; the Nicotine dependence was measured by the Fagerstrom Test; the alcohol consumption was note by the AUDIT test; Finally, educational level were consulted by an open question and then categorized. For statistical analysis the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software was used Results: Results: The sample population of this research contains 125 people, of which 83 are women and 42 are men with an average age of 62.5 years. Among the variables of interest it is observed that 80.8% of the sample has a poor metabolic control, but to analyze the level of physical activity shows that 60% of people in the sample is classified as active. By Spearman correlation coefficient was found that there is a positive correlation is not statistically significant at p = 0.120 value. Conclusion: This study found a positive correlation without statistical significance (p = 0.120) between metabolic control and the level of physical activity, showing that the better metabolic control in these subjects have a lower level of physical activit

    Iluminación de obras de arte

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    La iluminación de bienes y patrimonios culturales plantea una situación de compromiso entre las necesidades de exhibición y las de conservación. El sistema de alumbrado debe conjugar cualidades perceptivas (visión de detalle, correcta apreciación del color, destaque de la obra) y un mínimo nivel de daño. En el presente trabajo se detalla el estudio de la iluminación artificial a la que se encuentra sometido un ícono bizantino, “Virgen de la Rosa” originario de Constantinopla y datado en el siglo XV, que se expone en la Iglesia de San Francisco (calle 12 entre 68 y 69 - La Plata). El sistema de iluminación actual está formado por una combinación de lámparas incandescentes reflectoras y lámparas fluorescentes. Tomando como referencia las recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional de Alumbrado CIE, se realizaron mediciones de niveles de iluminancia, luminancia y color en el área de exposición. Se detectaron niveles de iluminancias mayores a los permitidos, junto con presencia de radiación UV potencialmente dañina para los barnices de la obra. El trabajo concluye con recomendaciones para un nuevo sistema de iluminación basado en fuentes LEDs, que disminuirían notablemente el nivel de agresión, mejorando las características estéticas del conjunto.Tópico 2: Conservación y restauración de pinturas, cueros, textiles, papel y metales. Técnicas de limpieza y restauración

    Colour appearance in led lighting

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    The paper shows a comparative study of colour comparison between white LED lamps and conventional ones (incandescent and compact fluorescent). The LED lamps used were a model designed by the direct replaces of halogen incandescent lamps. The technology used for white light generation was based on short waves emitter chips and secondary emission. As result of the experience, significant object colour coordinates displacements in LEDs lighting were observed. As it was predictable from LEDs spectral distribution, orange – red colours were poorly reproduced. However, the subjective experience did not show a remarkable preference to the conventional light sources. Furthermore, several observers qualified the objects under LEDs light as “more naturals”

    Colour appearance in led lighting

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    The paper shows a comparative study of colour comparison between white LED lamps and conventional ones (incandescent and compact fluorescent). The LED lamps used were a model designed by the direct replaces of halogen incandescent lamps. The technology used for white light generation was based on short waves emitter chips and secondary emission. As result of the experience, significant object colour coordinates displacements in LEDs lighting were observed. As it was predictable from LEDs spectral distribution, orange – red colours were poorly reproduced. However, the subjective experience did not show a remarkable preference to the conventional light sources. Furthermore, several observers qualified the objects under LEDs light as “more naturals”.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Egg perivitelline fluid of the invasive snail Pomacea canaliculata affects mice gastrointestinal function and morphology

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    Background. Species beloging to the genus Pomacea (Ampullariidae), often referred as apple snails are freshwater, amphibious snails native to South, Central and North America. Some species such as P. canaliculata have become a driver of ecosystem changes in wetlands and an important rice and taro pest after its introduction to Asia and other parts of the world. Females deposit colored egg clutches above the waterline, a reproductive strategy that exposes the eggs to harsh conditions and terrestrial predation. However, eggs have no reported predators in their native range, probably because of the acquisition of unparalleled biochemical defenses provided by a set of proteins (perivitellins) that nourish embryos and protect them from predators and abiotic factors. Notably, ingestion of egg perivitelline fluid (PVF) decreases rat growth rate and alters their gastrointestinal morphology. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of apple snail egg PVF on mice gut digestive activity, morphology and nutrient absorption.Methods. Carbohydrate digestion by intestinal disaccharidases (sucrase-isomaltase and maltase-glucoamylase) was evaluated ex vivo in mice gavaged with 1 or 4 doses of PVF. Changes in gut morphological and absorptive surface were measured. In addition, alteration on nutrient absorption rates, transport pathways and intestinal permeability was evaluated by luminal perfusions of small intestine with radiolabeled L-proline (absorbed by paracellular and transcellular pathways) and L-arabinose (absorbed exclusively by paracellular pathway).Results. Perivitelline fluid affected mice displayed significant morphological changes in the small intestine epithelium inducing the appearance of shorter and wider villi as well as fused villi. This resulted in a diminished absorptive surface, notably in the proximal portion. Likewise, the activity of disaccharidases diminished in the proximal portion of the intestine. Total absorption of L-proline increased in treated mice in a dose-dependent manner. There were no differences neither in the ratio of paracellular-to-transcellular absorption of L-proline nor in gut permeability as revealed by the clearance of L-arabinose.Discussion. Oral administration of apple snail PVF to mice adversely alters gut morphophysiology by reducing the intestinal absorptive surface, affecting enzymes of sugar metabolism and increasing the absorption rate of nutrients without affecting the relative contribution of the absorption pathways or gut permeability. These results further support the role of PVF in passive anti-predator defenses in Pomacea snail eggs that target the digestive system.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Percepción directiva del impacto de los vuelos de bajo coste en la gestión hotelera: su influencia en la innovación.

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    La amplia competitividad actual del sector turístico internacional hace necesario analizar aquellos factores que inciden directamente en la productividad de la industria turística. En esta línea, el presente artículo pretende analizar los efectos en los hoteles andaluces del incremento de afluencia de turistas internacionales que llegan al territorio en los vuelos de bajo coste y estudiar si la influencia de esta tipología de turistas se refleja en el desarrollo de mejoras aplicadas a la gestión hotelera. Sobre todo, se pretende analizar si la percepción de los directores de esta nueva tendencia turística promueve la innovación y la introducción de las TICs en sus organizaciones y si estas mejoras logran un mayor desempeño de su actividad, vía una mayor atracción de turistas extranjeros. Para ello, este estudio analiza los resultados obtenidos de un total 205 encuestas recibidas, realizadas por directores de hoteles de todas las categorías situados en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza. Los resultados obtenidos establecen que la percepción de los directivos de los hoteles sobre la afluencia de turistas en vuelos de bajo coste está asociada de forma positiva y muy significativa con el uso de Internet y de forma significativa con el porcentaje de ocupación con turistas extranjeros y no muestra relación alguna con la existencia en la empresa de innovativeness o cultura organizativa que apoye la generación de innovaciones.Due to the growing current competitiveness of international tourism it has becomes necessary to analyze the factors that directly influence the productivity of the tourism industry. This article aims to analyze the effects on Andalusia hotels caused by the increase of international tourists arriving in the territory on low-cost flights. Also, we will consider whether the influence of this tourist typology is reflected in the development of enhancements in hotel management. Above all, it aims to analyze whether the perception of directors regarding this new tourist trend promotes innovation and the introduction of TICs in their organizations. For this reason, the study analyzes the results of a total of 205 surveys received by managers from every hotel category in the Autonomous Community. The results show that the perception of managers of the hotels on the influx of tourists in cheap air travel is associated positively and significantly with the use of the Internet and significantly with the percentage of occupation. However, there is no relationship with the existence in the company of innovation or organizational culture that supports the generation of innovations

    Griffon vultures, livestock and farmers: Unraveling a complex socio-economic ecological conflict from a conservation perspective

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    An unexpected human-wildlife conflict between vultures and livestock has emerged in Europe during the last two decades. Farmers attributed changes in vulture behavior, due to food shortages caused by sanitary regulations, to increasing livestock interactions (‘vulture attacks’). To disentangle this conflict, we analyzed 683 farmer complaints between 1996 and 2020 in Catalonia (northeastern Spain) and investigated the eco-anthropological factors driving their frequency. We also assessed farmers' perception through 127 interviews. Most complaints (80 %) occurred during the birthing season, mainly involving cattle (76.5 %), followed by horses (14.9 %) and sheep/goats (8.6 %). From 2008 to 2020, vulture-livestock conflicts cost the government €192,000 (~22 % of claims compensated). The frequency of complaints was positively associated with extensive livestock density, griffon vulture Gyps fulvus abundance (breeding and non-breeding), shorter distances to landfill sites and, to a lesser extent, to supplementary feeding stations. In contrast, there was a negative relationship between complaints and the number of griffon vulture breeding pairs, suggesting that long-distance foraging movements by both breeding and non-breeding individuals may play a major role in determining the occurrence of conflicts. Farmers (88 %) said that vultures attack livestock and that attacks had increased in recent years because of significant vulture population increases and food shortages due to sanitary regulations. They considered government policies and compensation ineffective. We highlight the critical need for mitigation in areas with high extensive livestock numbers, particularly during birthing times. Scientific assessments and interdisciplinary awareness campaigns on the coexistence of vultures and livestock are necessary to harmonize biodiversity conservation and agro-pastoral practices in rural economies.We thank Ferran Miralles, Ricard Casanovas and Olga Lao (Generalitat de Catalunya), Gabriel Lampreave (Cos d'Agents Rurals), Roser Costa (Unió de Pagesos) for logistical support and all farmers interviewed for accepted to be interviewed and generously sharing their knowledge. R. Baraut, M. Comas, L. Pelayo and J. Subiron helped with the survey.The comments of B. Fisher, I. Zuberogoitia and an anonymous reviewer improved an earlier draft of the manuscript. This study was partially funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya and by the projects RTI2018-099609-B-C22 and PID2020-117909RB-I00 from the I+D+I National Plan funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities . POV and AM were funded within the framework of the project RTI2018-099609-B-C22

    Reconstrucción de la geología del Sector Dumbo, Mina Guanaco (Chile) mediante modelado tridimensional con Leapfrog Geo 3D

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    Fil: López, Luciano. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); ArgentinaFil: Galina, Matías. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); ArgentinaFil: Páez, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); ArgentinaFil: Jovic, Sebastián Miguel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); ArgentinaFil: Permuy Vidal, Conrado. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); ArgentinaFil: Guido, Diego Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Insituto de Recursos Minerales (INREMI); Argentin

    Iluminación de obras de arte : Icono de la "Virgen de la Rosa"

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    La iluminación de bienes y patrimonios culturales plantea una situación de compromiso entre las necesidades de exhibición y las de conservación. El sistema de alumbrado debe conjugar cualidades perceptivas (visión de detalle, correcta apreciación del color, destaque de la obra) y un mínimo nivel de daño. En el presente trabajo se detalla el estudio de la iluminación artificial a la que se encuentra sometido un ícono bizantino, “Virgen de la Rosa” originario de Constantinopla y datado en el siglo XV, que se expone en la Iglesia de San Francisco (calle 12 entre 68 y 69 - La Plata). El sistema de iluminación actual está formado por una combinación de lámparas incandescentes reflectoras y lámparas fluorescentes. Tomando como referencia las recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional de Alumbrado CIE, se realizaron mediciones de niveles de iluminancia, luminancia y color en el área de exposición. Se detectaron niveles de iluminancias mayores a los permitidos, junto con presencia de radiación UV potencialmente dañina para los barnices de la obra. El trabajo concluye con recomendaciones para un nuevo sistema de iluminación basado en fuentes LEDs, que disminuirían notablemente el nivel de agresión, mejorando las características estéticas del conjunto.Tópico 2: Conservación y restauración de pinturas, cueros, textiles, papel y metales. Técnicas de limpieza y restauración.Facultad de Ingenierí